i think the point is being missed in what i'm saying...
but Paw you bring up an interesting point w/ Iran...just as with Darfur...the UN passes all kinds of resolutions and many nations, not just Israel, ignore them. Why? because what's the UN going to do? nothing, that's what.
when was the last time the UN actually
forced someone to do something? Their troops only do "peacekeeping" stuff which equates to standing around and doing nothing.
and Iran has ignored and vocally opposed UN resolutions against them.
so basically the theme seems to be...the UN can pass resolutions against anyone on anything..from Israel to Darfur to Iran...and they can do it until they are blue in the face and it won't make a whole lot of difference to the nations in question cause there isn't a whole lot the UN can do about it.
i can only think of one time that the UN actively
forced something, and that was Desert Storm.
The rest is sound and fury signifying nothing...