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Why Choose satanism?


Satanism for a long time now has been percieved as a teen gothic cult supporting dark music. However, thats a stupid stereotype the media slammed on us all.

However, we all follow satanism for one reason or another. Since my path is not exactly clear, i was curious as to why you all chose the LHP and how you came across it?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I think most join satanism because they believe it offers self-empowerment. Of course, the core philosophies are alright but by its name alone it's naturally going to attact angry, maladjusted teenage goth kids which doesn't help their image.


Satan's little helper
I choose Satanism because it just seemed right. I was a christian from childhood, with no real answers or help from god or the bible. I because curious about Satanism, and now I am a Satanist, and damn well proud of it. Because instead of hoping that someday god will grant power, I do it myself and Satan leads the way.


I choose Satanism because it just seemed right. I was a christian from childhood, with no real answers or help from god or the bible. I because curious about Satanism, and now I am a Satanist, and damn well proud of it. Because instead of hoping that someday god will grant power, I do it myself and Satan leads the way.

I like to hear things like this, doing things yourself is much more satasfying than praying for someone to do it for you, realistically miracles don't happen and prayers are never answered. Frubals.

I to believe that you are the power, not the book, not the sky. You make things happen, and the more self belief you have the less reliance you have on others and other things.


Active Member
if you're a satanist, aren't you acknowledging the existence of God? and if you are, then wouldn't you be sorta screwed since acknowledging satan therefore God would mean...hell?


Essentially yes, but also recognising the hypocrisy of god and the restricted lifestyle as negative things. Therefore choosing to embrace satan instead of the God of lies and misconception. One of the greatest misconceptions is hell, does it have to be a bad place? No, its just so the Godly folk can scare their sheep.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
I was going to say the same thing. Satanism is very empowering. It would be a good choice for anyone who feels thier "self" is lacking and needs a confidence or self-esteem boost. I do think it is interesting though how it seems that most satanists are turning to satanism directly away from christianity. I haven't heard anything about a hindu, muslim, or whatever else converting to satanism. Is it only christianity that seems to give people a feeling of no personal empowerment? I'm sure there are converts from other faiths, but it seems slim.
So most seem to choose satanism for a similar reason they choose luciferianism. It seems that God is shafting the "Godly Ones" and that Lucifer and/or Satan were misrepresented in the christian faith along with Hell, as something they are not for the sole purpose of instilling fear.
Satanism seems to be more for headstrong and very independant people, while luciferianism is more for the philosophical type, but that's just IMO.

fallen angel zar'roc

Servant of Lucifer
if you're a satanist, aren't you acknowledging the existence of God? and if you are, then wouldn't you be sorta screwed since acknowledging satan therefore God would mean...hell?

As a Luciferian, I acknowledge God and see him as the evil one. Hell is a place were I hope to go.

fallen angel zar'roc

Servant of Lucifer
What do you expect Hell to be like?

I don't mean to change the subject. I'm just curious about which aspects you think it's description has been misconstrued.
I can't say for sure since I've never been, but to me some of it is a firey pit where sulfur is burns all around, but the deeper you get the colder it gets, but it isn't the fire that burns you any more it is the ice. Ice so cold that is peels skin away from bone. The one who suffer their are those who truely desever it.


Saint Tigeress said:
I do think it is interesting though how it seems that most satanists are turning to satanism directly away from christianity. I haven't heard anything about a hindu, muslim, or whatever else converting to satanism. Is it only christianity that seems to give people a feeling of no personal empowerment? I'm sure there are converts from other faiths, but it seems slim.

That is because the symbolism Satanism uses is taken primarily from Christianity. There are a group of people in the Middle-East who actually worship Shaitan (the Islamic Devil).

Saint Tigeress said:
Satanism seems to be more for headstrong and very independant people, while luciferianism is more for the philosophical type, but that's just IMO.

You are close, lil' girl. Both Satanism and Luciferianism are for headstrong, independent people or at least for those who aspire to be those things. Satanism is more interested in the here and now pleasure and is more "*uck you!" Luciferianism is more philosophical and interested in fighting for what is right.


I chose the Left-hand Path because I came to the realization that we are the decider of right and wrong. We are gods... we are a unique, subjective point of view in the Universe. I became, specifically, a Luciferian because I believe in fighting for what you believe to be right, even when you know you will loose. It inspires wisdom and the mastery of the self.


I chose the Left-hand Path because I came to the realization that we are the decider of right and wrong. We are gods... we are a unique, subjective point of view in the Universe. I became, specifically, a Luciferian because I believe in fighting for what you believe to be right, even when you know you will loose. It inspires wisdom and the mastery of the self.

If definitions were sexy this would be elle macpherson ;)

We ourselves determine how we live our lives. We must have to courage and self belief to make our own decisions, rather than relying on other things/people to make them for us. Satanism builds self belief and empowerment.

Generally common satanism is the inversion of christianity, maybe thats why people choose it?


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Isn't that called maltheism?
  • Maltheism is an ad-hoc coining appearing on Usenet in 1985,[7] referring to the belief in God's malevolence inspired by the thesis of Tim Maroney that "even if a God as described in the Bible does exist, he is not fit for worship due to his low moral standards."[8] The same term has also seen use among designers and players of role-playing games to describe a world with a malevolent deity.[9]
- Wiki


Under Reconstruction
I personally identify with and occasionally take up the banner of Satanism because of reasons very similar to those put forth by Darkness. I believe that we are all possessed of an inherent spark of divinity. It is only by solidifying faith and belief in one's self that we can truly unlock our potential.

As far as identifying specifically with Satanism, I do because I agree with most of the philosophies put forth by Anton LaVey. Not that he was necessarily the originator, but because he made it nice and concise.

IOW, its a lot faster to say "Satanist" than it is to say "Militant Agnostic Pantheistic Deist who has an interest in the occult and dabbles at ritual Magik."


Guardian of Asgaard
We are who we are, not what a God or a priest tells us to be. We are our own god's as to survive in life we must have self-belief and determination that is given by satanism.
Anton-LaVey puts through some concepts i think are important in life, and they have seen me to where i be today.
I also think Christianity has to much of a grip on the sheep, people who follow because they are told to, not because they want to. I find it invigorating (not sure if this is a right word) not to be restricted under a banner like the hypocrisy of major religions.
Although i don't think satan has horns and a fork, i follow satanism. I don't believe in new God's, we here in Norway have a saying: the fat can always lose weight, but the ugly will always be ugly.


Saint Tigeress said:
Lil' girl?! LIL' GIRL??!!

Assume the position and prepare to be whipped with my pitchfork!!!
You'll have to pin me down first. ;)

EtuMalku said:
Do you really see God as the evil one?
You know that I too follow a Luciferian path, but I am interested in why you would say that? Not starting anything

I will answer for my brother.

Zar'roc, is almost like a reverse Christian. He believes God to a non-omnipotent being formed out of cosmic evolution and that God is a tyrant like in the Old Testament. Lucifer rebelled against this tyrant with the rest of the Fallen Angels. God seeks to control us and force everyone to sing His praises.

Saint Tigeress said:
Isn't that called maltheism?

If they believe in God, most Left-hand Pathists, believe that God is evil; ergo us on the Left are usually maltheists.

wednesday said:
If definitions were sexy this would be elle macpherson ;)

What you don't realize, is that I am Elle MacPherson. ;)

darkendless said:
I also think Christianity has to much of a grip on the sheep, people who follow because they are told to, not because they want to.

However, there are many, many Christians who are sincere and who benefit from following the religion.

Note: Why is it always me that has to defend the faithful from the pack of hyenas?