Veteran Member
So in 2015 Christianity was the largest religion in the world at 31% of the world's population with Islam 24%, Hinduism 15% and Buddhism 7%
2050...The projected percentages of adherents sre: Christainity 31%, Islam 30%, Hinduism 15% and Buddhism 5%.
I think that Pew might be totally wrong here. Seems to me impossible to make such kind of predictions (about whether or not people choose which religion or not). Why I think that? Because Koran clearly states that the choice people make is up to Allah. And that makes sense to me. Insha'Allah, God willing, Deo volente; not Pew volente. Pew can never correctly predict Divine trends IMO (coincidentally, Deo volente, it might be right though)Does this analysis concur with your own perception of the changing demographics of the affiliation with the major religions?
Sai Baba always warned us about this human pitfall to think human knows about the future. He laughingly told us "you know how you can make God laugh?....tell Him your plan". Now imagine how much God will laugh IF you tell God His Plan?. Just in this context I remember all the Christians who have been predicting and claiming to know when Jesus/Christ will return. God must have had a blast, I guess.
But, by all means, don't stop making predictions of course. I think one of the best karmas you can create is by "making God laugh". Because Sai Baba also told us that "Be happy" is all God wants of us (happy within, serenity).