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what is my belief closest to?


I believe that:

the world began in the way science text books describe

A force drives every process, natural and supernatural. This force is present in atoms.

The force mentioned above is the divine. This force can be accessed and/or manipulated by magic, witchcraft, divination, and other esoteric ways.

This force can be experienced by altered states such as mediative trances, glossolalia, runners high, scrying, sleep deprivation, fasting, and psychedelic drugs.

Psychedelic drugs are the best way to experience the god force. The insight that the god force gives to the open minded user of psychedelics would be capable of solving most of the worlds problems.

Morality is mostly in the eye of the beholder; there for, "Do what thou Will shall be whole of the Law"

Governments were not appointed by the god force, they have no authority over people, and have no right to exist.

Money and capitolism is the second closest thing to Satan.

Control is the closest thing to Satan.

Money and Control are the root of all oppression in the world. Including sexism (some popular religions controlled and still controls the sexuality of women in order to gain more followers (tithe payers) by birth,) Racism (slave drivers used control of black people on plantations to gain money, slave drivers treating them as animals instilled the belief that they are less than human into whites and that belief is still widespread today,) xenophobia (immigrants are all seen as threats to the economy by conservative capitolists,) homo/transphobia (see sexism, those nameless religions {no, its not just the two you're thinking of} forcing gay people to be straight resulted in more tithe payers,) and ableism/ageism (the disabled, sick, and elderly are not as able to contribute as much to capitalism thus they are veiwed as lesser)

Elimination of money and transitioning to anarcho-communism will eliminate all forms of prejudice after a few generations.

Violence should be a last resort.

You should seek to maintain balance.

Everyone is entitled to there beliefs, just because John doesn't believe Ken when he says God speaks to him doesn't mean that it isn't true to Ken.

Reincarnation is most likely because matter and energy are never destroyed nor created, only changed.

What belief system is closest to what I believe? Is there anyone here who believes similar?


Well-Known Member
Well, New Age would apply to most of that, except for the fact that it tends to be very commercial. There are of course new age followers, especially in the younger generation, that object to the commercial aspects. It's more of an umbrella term than a set belief system, though.

I believe there are also small churches that focuses solely on psychedelic drugs, so some of those might fit you. The discussion of such substances is probably not allowed on the forums (but I might be wrong), so those would be better researched on google or whatever.

Some forms of left hand path might also fit you, so you could look in to those. Most of the sub-forums in that section of the forum are blue which, if I recall correctly, allows for respectful questions, so you could probably ask them :)


I believe that:

the world began in the way science text books describe

A force drives every process, natural and supernatural. This force is present in atoms.

The force mentioned above is the divine. This force can be accessed and/or manipulated by magic, witchcraft, divination, and other esoteric ways.

This force can be experienced by altered states such as mediative trances, glossolalia, runners high, scrying, sleep deprivation, fasting, and psychedelic drugs.

Psychedelic drugs are the best way to experience the god force. The insight that the god force gives to the open minded user of psychedelics would be capable of solving most of the worlds problems.

Morality is mostly in the eye of the beholder; there for, "Do what thou Will shall be whole of the Law"

Governments were not appointed by the god force, they have no authority over people, and have no right to exist.

Money and capitolism is the second closest thing to Satan.

Control is the closest thing to Satan.

Money and Control are the root of all oppression in the world. Including sexism (some popular religions controlled and still controls the sexuality of women in order to gain more followers (tithe payers) by birth,) Racism (slave drivers used control of black people on plantations to gain money, slave drivers treating them as animals instilled the belief that they are less than human into whites and that belief is still widespread today,) xenophobia (immigrants are all seen as threats to the economy by conservative capitolists,) homo/transphobia (see sexism, those nameless religions {no, its not just the two you're thinking of} forcing gay people to be straight resulted in more tithe payers,) and ableism/ageism (the disabled, sick, and elderly are not as able to contribute as much to capitalism thus they are veiwed as lesser)

Elimination of money and transitioning to anarcho-communism will eliminate all forms of prejudice after a few generations.

Violence should be a last resort.

You should seek to maintain balance.

Everyone is entitled to there beliefs, just because John doesn't believe Ken when he says God speaks to him doesn't mean that it isn't true to Ken.

Reincarnation is most likely because matter and energy are never destroyed nor created, only changed.

What belief system is closest to what I believe? Is there anyone here who believes similar?

Not sure what belief system yours is closest to, but find your statement about 'morality being in the eye of the beholder' interesting. Do you mean that morals are subjective? That an individual can act however they like? Underlying some of your statements is a sense of morality, of doing what is right and resisting wrong, e.g.

'Money and control are the root of all oppression...'
'violence should be a last resort'
'...eliminate all forms of prejudice' etc.

I steer away from drugs. Weakens the mind's authority over the body.


By "morality being in the eye of the beholder" I mean exactly that, some people may see fit to dress modestly while others don't. The Law of Thelema (which I accept) states "Do what thou will shall be whole of the law" which is clarified in a later working by the OTO (Liber OZ) that you do not have the right to interfere with others Will. But you do have the right to stop people from interfering with yours. E.g. assault is not OK but self defense is.


By "morality being in the eye of the beholder" I mean exactly that, some people may see fit to dress modestly while others don't. The Law of Thelema (which I accept) states "Do what thou will shall be whole of the law" which is clarified in a later working by the OTO (Liber OZ) that you do not have the right to interfere with others Will. But you do have the right to stop people from interfering with yours. E.g. assault is not OK but self defense is.

I should clarify what I mean about morals or acting in a moral way. What I mean by acting morally is acting virtuously (e.g. love compassion, courage etc.) and avoiding vice (e.g. greed, sloth, arrogance, cowardice etc.). I believe by acting virtuously we strengthen ourselves and when we are greedy, lazy, arrogant and fearful we weaken ourselves, both physically and mentally. What is your view?