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The Source of Worth and Dignity


aspiring biblical scholar
It's been a while since I was last here. I want to ask my fellow UUs a question. One of our Principles is "The inherent worth and inherent dignity of all human beings". However what is the source of this worth and dignity? Where do we derive our worth and dignity? I have been thinking, for months, that the source of our worth and our dignity is from some source beyond human thinking and that it has a divine source like a divine mind. I have been considering myself and calling myself a panendeist because I like the idea of a divine being existing whose "body" is the universe. I was thinking that panendeism provided the source of inherent worth and inherent dignity because the only way we could have these qualities is by being an extension of divine substance. Panendeists believe that the universe is like the body of God in the same way that cells make up the bodies of living organisms.

I was initially satisfied with my thinking because I convinced myself that I had solved part of the problem of worth and dignity. Now, I am not so sure. The reason being is that I was thinking about Euthyphro's Dilemma and it seems to me that this dilemma is supposed to prove that objective morality is impossible: is morality good because a divine being or more wills it or does a divine being or more will it because it is good? If the latter, then what is the standard by which morality is judged to be good? It would have to be another type of morality but that, too, is subject to the dilemma and it seems, to me, that an infinite regress will form unless one admits that morality is ultimately subjective.

I was wondering if worth and dignity resulted in a similar dilemma? If we have inherent worth and inherent dignity, where do we get our worth and dignity from? It can't be from each other because what we deem of worth is entirely subjective. If we deem, say, bars of gold and diamonds to have worth, then bars of gold and diamonds have worth that has been subjectively imputed to them. But if human beings were erased from existence and there existed no other conscious and intelligent beings, then bars of gold and diamonds would cease to have any worth.

So, I reasoned, that worth must come from a divine being but if a divine being has inherent worth and inherent dignity, and we have it by virtue of being an extension of divine substance (because we are part of the universe) then where does a divine being's worth and dignity come from? If a divine being imputes worth and dignity to itself, is this worth and dignity not subjective? If a divine being assigns or attributes worth and dignity to Itself, is it not as subjective as a human being imputing worth and dignity to him/herself or worth that a human being would impute to bars of gold and diamonds?


Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I think any creature deserves to be treated this way, just due to being created. We can't do it ourselves, IMO, so we ascribe it to a divine being. We are separate from the creator, but have something in us that is worthy. That's my two cents.


Active Member
Inherent, to me, means that it comes from itself. It's not bestowed by a divine being who can withhold it, or by a church or society that can do the same. The whole point is it comes from US! This is a collective faith statement that we believe as a principle, not an objective philosophical fact that we can prove. The whole humanist strain of Unitarianism is a rebellion against the idea that goodness must be bestowed by something else: by being baptized, confirmed, blessed, taking communion.

Your last paragraph states the whole conundrum well. At a certain point we're chasing our tail looking for the Source.

We are affirming and promoting this as a purpose of the organization, not making a cosmic claim per se. We could decide to remove it at the next General Assembly.


I think that each and every being that exists has worth and deserves respect and honor just for being alive but for me that does not mean that they will continue to receive that from me should their actions be harmful to me or someone I love.

A rapist, someone who steals from me, a child molester, a murderer etc may have inherent worth but to me personally and to society as a whole, I would say their value has been minimized!

As for worth coming from a divine being.... Well, Technically The Universe is a divine being because it exists and we come from The Universe and Nature...like I said somewhere else I have a background in Pagan belief systems so a lot of my thoughts are clouded by past and possibly present religious beliefs, I am unsure...

I don't know if I believe in a divine being, I don't know if I TRULY believe that Nature is Sacred or if it's just what has been hammered into my brain from my family all of these years but I don't think worth would or should be dependent on divine beings, we exist therefore we have some value and worth because we are here.

Just my thoughts though. I am here to explore, experience, learn and teach so... :D