the Darkness of Death is the Real-Reality
that makes its light APPEAR real.
the only word the English language has
for this Real-Reality is "insanity."
the Hindus of old
-- who compared notes
after "experiencing" this Real-Reality
( that English calls "insanity") --
called it Shakti, Kundalini,
that unpolluted with its "light"
is Samadhi.
this Real-Reality that is the Darkness of Death
-- that the Hindus of old called Samadhi --
NO god has eyes to see
nor body to "experience."
-- Really Wreally
that makes its light APPEAR real.
the only word the English language has
for this Real-Reality is "insanity."
the Hindus of old
-- who compared notes
after "experiencing" this Real-Reality
( that English calls "insanity") --
called it Shakti, Kundalini,
that unpolluted with its "light"
is Samadhi.
this Real-Reality that is the Darkness of Death
-- that the Hindus of old called Samadhi --
NO god has eyes to see
nor body to "experience."
-- Really Wreally