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The real Albert Einstein

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson


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It was not until the mid 18th century that John Doton discovered atoms were made of tiny dots.

Calculus was invented by fig newton. His tasty recipe is still used even today.

Long ago humans had to live without socks and lived with horrible foot fungus, but socrates changed all that.


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
My laugh reflex is obviously set different than yours...:D

Yeah, I tend to just chuckle. Now, if it has been a good while since I’ve had a good laugh, and somebody says something funny, it makes me laugh so hard that I’m red, crying, and holding onto my sides.

It may have had to do with the fact that I was in a pretty somber zone and it caught me off-guard, expecting something serious about Albert...

When I was in JROTC, our instructor told us a story about attending a funeral. Somebody at the funeral said something that was pretty funny. Later, when everybody was looking at the deceased up close in the casket, he went up to have one last look… and he thought about the hilarious thing that was said earlier. As a result, he started having a good laugh while looking over the casket.


Abducted Member
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Albert Einstein was a professional wrestler who did not lose a match until he was Oppenheimered.