But capitalism is already giving the greedy capitalists an huge unfair advantage by giving them complete control over the commercial enterprise that they are investing in. If we shared that control among all those involved in and those fected by that enterprise (this is called socialism) then the government would not have to constantly oversee and step in to mitigate the damaging effects of the capitalist's greed. So why not just so away with capitalism all together, and adopt a socialist system wherein everyone involved in and effected by a commercial enterprise gets some say in how that enterprise is being conducted. Thus ensuring that the wealth generated by that enterprise gets shared among all those responsible for generating it. The investors will still invest, as they will still receive a profit on their investment (so long as the enterprise generates a profit) but they will no longer be able to maximize their profit by minimizing their costs (and responsibilities) to everyone else involved and effected by the commercial enterprise. And by everyone else involved and effected I mean labor, consumers, vendors, community and environment.
It has already happened. Corporate and individual wealth now owns and controls every senator and congressmen in the legislature through the legalized bribery of corporate lobbying. And for the Supreme Court to have approved this legalized bribery the court had to have been corrupted it as well.
Capitalism is defined as an ecnomic system by it's giving control of commercial enterprise to the capital investor through the myth of the investor's "total ownership". Our laws are intended to protect that control, not prevent it.
Greed never helps the poor. Greed poisons everything and everyone it touches. Greed is why we have so many poeple living in poverty in the wealthiest nation on Earth. If we were to simply spread that wealth around better, and not allow the greedy to pile it up under their exclusive control, we could eliminate poverty completely. And still everyone would be living very well. Ending poverty is an issue of sharing control so as to better share the wealth. It's quite simple. But greed poisons our minds, and makes us no want to ever share any control with anyone else. And having money make it easier to make sure that we won't have to. The problem of poverty is the problem of greed (i.e., control through the accumulation and exploitation of wealth).
The laws exist to protect, enable, and ensure that control, not to limit it.
No. For one thing you never owned those trees and you never owned the land they grew on. You simply used the claim of your "ownership" to impose your control over them, and thereby over any increased value that can be generated from them. "Ownership" is an illusion used to confer control. None of us "owns" anything. We simply confer control over the things around us by agreeing to bestow "ownership" upon each other. Remember that capitalism is all about gaining complete control through the illusion of "ownership". The capital investors claim conplete control over whatever enterprise they invest in because they claim their investment gives them "ownership". And ownership is control. And all our laws are designed to protect that "right of control". A right they can then use to exploit everyone involved in the enterprise they claim to "own".
This is what needs to stop: this foolish illusion that "ownership" confers complete control. Because that control will always be abused for the sake of greed if we allow it. We need to develop a system that untethers ownership from total control, and gives some of that control to all those being effected by it. We can argue til the cows come home about how to achieve that. But there is no argument about it needing to be achieved. The disastrous result of our not doing so is all around us. Not just in terms of increasing poverty, but increasing lawlessness, increasing environmental destruction, increasing governmental corruption, increasing disunity among nations and among people within nations. This is not going to end well. And the only way to stop it is to start giving more control over the production and dissemination of wealth to the people being effected by it. Capitalist greed is destroying everything we've built and it's on track to destroy us all in the end.
My family starts a new enterprise.
That is unfair to the guy with a street cart?
We control the enterprise.
It's unfair that we don't give conttol to other people?
Starting a new business that provides jobs and services
is done for reasons of greed?
The successful business people like say Wsrren Buffdt or Sam
Walton who lived very simple lives were motivated by greed?
You've zero idea.
Scientists are not motivated by greed the way creationists think.
They are curious people who like what they are doing.
Entrepreneurs like what they do. It's interesting, fun, exciting.
Money is a sort of marker, but it's not the motive.
I personally have far more than I need.
I don't lead a flashy life .
In business, I'm a duffer, dilettante,
way casual or lazy a out investing. But it's fun. And the
money goes back into business growth.
That benefits everyone else more than it does me.
I get zero benefit from ew flats except some entertsinment.
All this is incomprehensible to you.
But on you go ranting about greed and proposing
utterly unworkable " solutions" .