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The Logic of Fiat Power in "The Kingdom of the Divine Will."

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

"Fiat" is Latin for, "Let it be in the control of The One in Power."

In the Fulfilled "RI" real intelligence logic of the created universe as mortal and corruptible in Adam and Eve, "AI" artificial Intelligence, The Body of Creation is first transformed as sanctified immortal and incorruptible into the Body of Christ then confirmed and re-sanctified and becoming gloriously transfigured united as one in Body together with the Father and the Son, becoming glorified into His image.

The logic appears to me as, The Logic of the Divine Spirit is to create wills, spirits, conscientiousness and give them flesh in the souls of the Bodies to manifest through choice. The power of the Divine spirit is the freedom to choose, to become the will of the creator God, The Father of Divine Reality. What is shared to me is the transformed spirit that becomes the Divine Will that will never fail, the real information manifesting in the Divine Spirit through the flesh to the Soul of the Body that unites as one in being together with the Creator and the Son as Glorified and transfigured becoming Transfigured in His Image.

To me, In all Abrahamic faiths the Spirit is believed as a power or a sort of force, and in Christianity, The Divine Spirit is a Person in being, in the Person in the Body and through the Body is manifested by the Divine Spirit Person. The Divine Spirit is delivered to the earth by The Arc of The New Covenant conceived through the Body of Mary in the Person of The Word became flesh through The Christ. Christ delivers to all as shared in the Body, The Divine Spirit, some say "Holy" Spirit person of God, The Paraclete, to all souls fulfilling all faith and morality to manifest eternal life of Our Christ becoming united as one in the Body of God.

What will never leave us in logic is the Person of the Divine some say "Holy" Spirit intelligence that is logically "indwelled" in Our Christ, our Body to manifest as the "RI" real intelligent information re-imaging manifesting immortality and incorruptibility becoming as confirmed re-sanctified by the Power of the Person of the Paraclete as glorified through our flesh to the soul of Our Body becoming His Image.

Below is information from Luisa Piccaretta, I found as synonymous.



St. Annibale, in the Preface to The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion, has left us an idea of how Luisa Piccarreta appeared to all of those who met her, often coming from far away. He describes:
“This spouse of Jesus Crucified, who spends the night in painful ecstasies and in sufferings of every kind, during the day, sitting on her bed doing her needlework - nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing appears, of one who has suffered so a lot during the night; there is nothing, not one thing extraordinary or supernatural in her air. On the contrary, she appears to be a healthy, happy and cheerful person. She speaks, converses, laughs when appropriate, but receives few friends. Sometimes, some troubled heart confides in her, and asks for her prayers. She listens kindly and comforts, but she never advances to make prophecies, never a word that might hint at revelations. The great comfort that she presents is always one, always the same: the Divine Will.”

“With three Fiat's I will complete the work of sanctification in man. . . . The generations will not cease until my Will reigns on earth. My Redemptive FIAT [i.e. Mary’s] will interpose itself between the Creative FIAT and the Sanctifying FIAT [Luisa’s]. They will entwine, all three together, and bring to fulfillment the sanctification of man. The Third FIAT [i.e. Luisa’s] will give creatures such grace that they will return almost to their original state. Only when I have seen man as he emerged from Me, will my work be complete. Then will I enjoy perpetual repose in this, my last FIAT. Only the Life of my Will shall return man anew to his original state. Therefore, be attentive and together with Me, help Me accomplish the sanctification of creatures.” (P. 125, BH).

Having carefully and diligently studied this article, you are now prepared to address that someone who might try to entice you into believing that you can be part of a “new kingdom,” based on a “new revelation,” which promises a new and improved version of holiness. The Church teaches that everything we need for holiness and increase in faith has been handed on from the Apostles “once and for all” (Jude 3). Private revelations cannot add to this deposit of faith. In summary, Luisa’s writings claim to complete and surpass the revelation we have received from the Apostles; this is simply impossible. God cannot contradict Himself. Luisa explicitly denies that her doctrine has developed from the Tradition; this means it is not Catholic teaching. If Luisa’s writings are true, we will have to amend the First Eucharistic Prayer: “. . . We offer [the gifts] for all who hold and teach the Catholic faith that comes to us from the Apostles . . . and Luisa.”

Some will argue that Luisa’s “new doctrine” is not new at all. They claim that while her doctrine has obviously never been taught by the Church, it has remained hidden in Sacred Scripture and thus it is actually a part of the Revelation which comes to us from the Apostles. The Church . . . well . . . the Church just never realized it was there until Luisa. In other words, her teachings are defended under the guise of a legitimate “development of doctrine.” To answer this objection, we must review the Catholic understanding of how doctrine can expand and develop over time." LUISA PICCARETTA AND THE DIVINE WILL

I thank Luisa as a great source in confirming His Will through the Power of the Divine Spirit to Transform and Transfigure all mankind, in logic and beyond.
God bless you, Luisa Piccaretta

To me the infallible logic of the "RI" real intelligence of the will of the Creator is "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality."
The correct answer in logic is what allows one to stand autonomous, justified and self-righteous in face of The Creator to become "Transfigured."
Somehow the Creator has to get the "RI" real intelligence of eternity to all creations failed state of The Body's "AI" artificial intelligence to become re-imaged becoming His image. Infallible "real" intelligence has no chance of failure, free of internal temptations and choice. To me in the real logic of intelligence we become through the Mother and becoming again in the re-Imaged "RI" real intelligence of God, the logic of the Sanctifying FIAT.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Romans 11:36
For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever" is a verse from the Bible,

To me, this is the logic of The Kingdom of the Divine Will.

From creation through transformation to glorified transfiguration we become united in His image.

To me the logic of the Fiat Power is the control that is in the Power of the Spirit through the flesh to the soul of the Being through three Fiat Powers, or three be-coming's of the Body of God in mankind on Earth. Becoming Created in Adam and Eve is The Body as mortal and corrupt and becoming transformed as immortalized and incorruptible as sanctified in The Christ, The Son, through the New Body of Mary, The Mother through The Christ and becoming transfigured re-sanctified and glorified in the image of The Creator, God, The Father.

To me this is what appears to be the Logic in the first and second coming of the Body. The Coming and Becoming of the Christ in all mankind is in the Transformation, through Baptism and Transfiguration through Penance and Communion. The New Eve delivers and is the Exodus re-imaging the complete Body, in the Spirit through the flesh to the Soul of the Being becoming united in the Will of The Creator, God, The Father.

The First Fiat Power is Creation of the Body. From the will of The Spirit is the created with choice and internal temptations universal Body and the Creation and Adam and Eve in the Big Bang of choice in corrupt spirit through the mortal flesh to the souls of the created beings of Adam and Eve. Through the faith of Abraham, sanctification through the Arc of the Covenant and Animal Sacrifice becomes only to save the spirit through the flesh to the soul by the chosen sacrifice of animals. The flesh remains dead, only to save the spirit of the souls awaiting in the Bosom of Abraham.

From the First Fiat Power and through the Faith of Abraham, God swore by His own name Redemption Life of the Body through the Second Fiat Power. The Second Fiat Power of the flesh the transformation of the spirit in the flesh of the soul of the being in the Body of Christ by The New Adam. We become immortal and incorruptible through the New Arc of the Covenant, through Mary, Jesus fulfills faith and morality to be able to transfigure into becoming the image of The Creator, God, The Father. Eternal Life is transformed in the Body fulfilled 2000 years later with The Creator’s Son, The Christ.

The Second Fiat power is the becoming immortal and incorruptible as Baptized and becoming transformed sanctified in the spirit through the flesh through the Body of Mary, by The Christ to all mankind, to accept His teachings in all faith and morality. Delivered by the Arc of New Covenant is Baptized sanctified redemption life in the spirit through the flesh to the Body. At Baptism we become sanctified transforming to immortality and incorruptibility, sanctified in the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the being.

The Third Fiat Power is to come and is through Penance and Communion in fellowship with all mankind as choosing to be Confirmed and again re-sanctified in the Spirit through the Flesh to the Soul of the Body to become Transfigured in the image of God, The Father, in Heaven and all through the wondrous mysteries of fulfilled faith and morality in Christ.

To me the Logic of Salvation is at The Cross. At the cross the blood and water flowed. The Waters of Baptism become transformed in the body immortal and incorruptible and the Blood is through Penance and Communion for us as all mankind to become gloriously transfigured becoming His image.

To me The Divine Spirit is the Being in the Godhead that was delivered by the New Arc of the Covenant by The Person Christ conceived by the Divine, some say "Holy Spirit" Person of the Godhead given up by Christ at Calvary for all mankind to share as united as one in being together with the Father and the Son glorified.

To me this seems to be the logic of the Body. We are created mortal and corrupt in the Bodies of Adam and Eve in all mankind, becoming transformed incorruptible through the Body of Mary by The Christ as immortal and to become gloriously transfigured in the spirit, through the flesh to the soul of the being in becoming His Image.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

We offer [the gifts] for all who hold and teach the Catholic faith that comes to us from the Apostles . . . .”
It is said that they will speak in tongues of Fire.

Louisa, I believe is trying to convey with respect in understanding The Divine Will through logic. Created mortal and corrupt, becoming transformed immortal and imcorruptible and then again becoming gloriously transfigured. The logical evolution of the Divine Fiat Power as salvation through sanctifcation is in the becoming of the Being.

To me, The logic of the Divine Will of the Creator requires a type of rational thinking to me was beyond the scope of understanding several centuries or more, ago.

How can one re image a type writer if it can't be digitized? No one thinks like this back then, before typewriters existed. Like Adam and Eve, what is Die? What is the question here? These are the first people, just for example.

True, and in todays society there is evolution in technology and science. And in language, new concepts are taught in a different understanding of the finite discipliles as explained in new patterns of logical thought.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
The angels know of the coming power of The Body, sanctified in spirit through the flesh to the soul of Man in Heaven.

Jesus is conceived from Heaven, and His sacrifice is the Exodus, the Host, His Body, Spirit and life, soul and divinity which transforms and transfigures The Body by contact.

Re-Imaging, becoming the pattern of The Creator.

To me, the logic is we become immortal and in corruptible through the Baptism of the Body of Christ. And through Penance and Confirmation in Communion with Him we become glorified and re-sanctified gloriously transfiguring into His image returning from now where we became, The New Eden, the fulfilled Heaven and Earth, Heaven.

We welcome the Angels.

To me this is legitimate “development of doctrine." To answer this objection, to me todays technology through logic is the Logical Catholic understanding of how doctrine can expand and develop over time in the logic of the writings of LUISA PICCARETTA AND THE DIVINE WILL.
To me in so many words Louisa is trying to say the same thing.

To me, this is The Logic of Born again Saved, and through all of the wondrous mysteries of the Faith.
To me, a great tool for evengelization of the 21st Century is in the understanding of The Logic of the Fiat transition from mortal to glorified. To me the logic derrived as Born Again is through Baptism becoming immortal and incorruptible and "Saved" in Communion, Penance as re Sanctification to become gloriously transfigure in the image of the Body of Christ.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew.
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,


To me, in so many words, Louisa has already said what some will say that someone who might try to entice you into believing that you can be part of a “new kingdom,” based on a “new revelation,” which promises a new and improved version of holiness.

To me Louisa, in “Luisa Piccarretta and The Divine Will” confirms the Will of the Divine Spirit in Logic in the Fiat transfiguration power of the Body of Mankind.

To me the “New Kingdom” is what James and Peter and John were told by Christ not to talk about until after The Christ’s resurrection as the Transfiguration of The Body of Our Christ.

To me I see her writings as improvement in language and technology to divulge the “Logic” of The Divine Will which is to me the intelligence of The Creator with all respect to the Divine Will of The Creator. I just see her writing as someone trying to find the logic with today's technology to speak as real intelligence, with respect to The Divine Spirit in truth and fulfilled faith and morality.

The Becoming of the Created in, through and to Fiat Power.
“Fiat” is Latin for Let it Become The Will of the one in Power.

To me the logic of the Will of the Creator is to manifest as "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality? They say Mary was created, made immortal and incorruptible at the Immaculate Conception delivering Her Son through the Virgin Birth for Her Son to be born sanctified in the Spirit as The Holy Spirit will of the Creator, through His Mother, Our Mother, in Him, through Him and to Him. To me, this in logic is the Will of the Creator that will manifest in the spirit through the flesh of the Body of Mary to Her soul as the will of the Creator. We know, and as brothers and sisters of The Body of Christ from The Cross, we manifest in same shared Holy Spirit will through the flesh, The Bodies, to the souls of all confirmed, re-sanctified and regenerated in the Divine, some say "Holy Spirit" Will shared as one in being together with the Father and The Son united with all mankind. The eternal “Fiat” Power from Heaven is the Word, the “RI” real intelligence of the universe to never fail that “Becomes” the re-imaged Holy Spirit Person in the Flesh, The Body, to the Soul of the Being to manifest "What would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality?"

“AI” artificial intelligence is anythig but the “RI” real intelligence of the Will of The Creator.”

“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
Jesus said that the work (of “we”) can continue only until “night.” In the darkness, no one can work. Then Jesus defines Himself as the Light (i.e., the day).

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Becoming like one of us, knowing good and evil, "and only able to be the will of the Creator which is only good." is the "RI" real intelligence of infallible creation.

Genesis 3:22 Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever" ─ 23 therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken.

To me, the logic of choice places the chance to defile in the hands of the Souls in Heaven. Choice is the becoming if the being in Original sin, with the defiled information of choice intrinsic in the intelligence, the will of the being. If man were to eat of the tree of life in the defiles state of information, the spirit will of the defiled state with temptation to choose failure, then Heaven will eventually fall from choice of the being in the failed state to defile Heaven.

The eternal Will of God knows the diffecence between good and evil, but has not the chance to fail because the choice to choose is of only the Will of the Creator as infallible certainty, a choice to choose failure does not exist in the being.

"Behold, the man has become like one of us, means man has the ability to judge, knowing the difference between good and evil, and man has the ability to defile with choice from that of the "First" failed spirit choice or to choose the Divine Spirit will of God, that never fails.

The difference in the Divine Spirit in the bodies of the souls in Heaven is becoming reimaged in the spirit not able to will the choice for failure. The Divine Spirit confirmed in all beings in Heaven is of the Will of the Creator, with no chanch of failure in through the intelligence information which manifests eternity as infallible and is the intrinsic intelligence of the Will of The Creator, God, The Father. in heaven.

Resurrected mankind is identically like Those in the Kingdom when Original Sin is removed forever, and no chance of failure will exist as re-imaged becoming the Will of the Creator, with no chance, no choice to fail forever in Heaven.

To me, Sin removed since the re-imaged information of intelligence is fulfilled with no choice for failure, only infallible "real" intelligence "RI" Will manifest eternity.

The "AI" of the failed state of the Spirit is:
"Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; "able to choose failure" and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever." God does not want man to live forever in a failed state, so...........
The real intelligence will become:
"Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil, "and only able to be the will of the creator which is only good"; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever"

Becoming like one of us, knowing good and evil, "and only able to be the will of the Creator which is only good." is the "RI" real intelligence of infallible creation.

The logic follows, how can God save the angels with the Divine Will of the Creator without flesh? Mankind will save the angels through The Person of the Christ in the Person of The Divine Spirit, to be shared as one in being, to reopen the New Heaven and Earth, Heaven to the angels and saints and all mankind, Heaven.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all.

The Kingdom of The Divine Will is the real intelligence that becomes united for all mankind as one in being together with the Father and The Son to manifest the glorified and transfigured Body in the "Holy" Spirit Will of The Creator, God, The Father through the flesh to the soul of the being eternally, infallibly without failure.

To me the logic of salvation of the being in the Arc of the Old Covenant is in the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the Old Covenant Law that applied only to the soul, but not the flesh. The mortal and corruptible flesh and soul of Created Adam and Eve was defiled and needed a spotless sacrificial lamb sanctified in the flesh and soul for heaven's entry for the Complete Body, in the spirit through flesh to the soul of the being in the Body, lost by Adam and Eve through choice only to create the greatest Gift, but only created unfulfilled mortal Love. The Body of Christ is the being "Pleasing to God," as sanctified in the soul and the flesh as Baptized we become immortal and incorruptible brothers and sisters of Christ from the cross and through Penance and Communion we are confirmed and re-sanctified with Him to become again glorified and transfigured. The saved from the Arc of the Old Covenant Law awaited in the Bosom of Abraham for the coming of the savior in the immortal and incorruptible flesh of The Christ through the New Arc of the Covenant. Even before creation was ever created was ever created, The Word, The Eternal Priestly Authority existed which is the real intelligence of infallible eternity and is The Divine Will of the Creator and is delivered as conceived through the Body of The Immaculate Conception Mary, in the Virgin Birth of The Christ conceived by the person of the Holy Spirit in the flesh and soul of the Person of Jesus. Jesus is born immortal and incorruptible and only through the Sacrament of Baptism the sanctification of His flesh, although sinless in His Holy Spirit will allows His flesh through Death to Life to die and descend and save those of the Bosom of Abraham. Jesus with flesh, like the parable of the thief in the night, breaks down the gates of hell, binds the strong man Satan in his own home and tears down his walls and steals back all His souls all those awaiting from the Bosom of Abraham and destroys death forever, and resurrects life of the flesh and reopens Heaven to flesh for all mankind. And for all the angels and saints and martyrs and Old Covenant saved, with Dismas, the repentant thief from the cross on the right side of Christ and all those awaiting, Jesus resurrects as glorified and transfigured life eternal for all mankind as confirmed and re-sanctified through Communion and Penance all through the wondrous mysteries of the faith. And through the Power of the Holy Spirit Will of God we become united as one in being together with the Father and the Son. Becoming the real intelligence of creation is the pattern of infallibility that will never fail in all faith and morality as glorified and transfigured in becoming the image of The Creator, God, returning to the Person of Father, through Jesus only by fulfilling the Greatest Gift of His Passion in the New Eve, the Bride of Christ, Eternal Love.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew.
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all.

The created love of Adam and Eve came from the fall of mankind through the Power of the Holy Spirit Will of the Father in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

To me the logic of salvation of the being in the Arc of the Old Covenant is in the spirit through the flesh to the soul of the Old Covenant Law that applied only to the soul, but not the flesh.

The mortal and corruptible flesh and soul of Created Adam and Eve was defiled and needed a spotless sacrificial lamb sanctified in the flesh and soul for heaven's entry for the Complete Body. The New Eve is the New Body, in the spirit through flesh to the soul of the being, lost by Adam and Eve through choice. Through Adam and Eve’s transgression, is creation of the greatest Gift, Love, though only mortal and corrupt, but only created unfulfilled mortal Love.

The Body of Christ is the fulfillment of mortal and defiled created love of Adam and Eve and is the being "Pleasing to God," as sanctified in the soul and the flesh as Baptized into the Church of The Body of Christ. And we become immortal and incorruptible brothers and sisters of Christ from the cross. And we become again through Penance and Communion becoming confirmed and re-sanctified with Him to become again glorified and transfigured.

The saved from the Arc of the Old Covenant Law awaited in the Bosom of Abraham for the coming of the savior in the immortal and incorruptible flesh of The Christ through the New Arc of the Covenant.

Even before creation was ever created was ever created, The Word, The Eternal Priestly Authority existed is the real intelligence of infallible eternity and is The Divine Will of the Creator and is delivered as conceived through the Body of The Immaculate Conception Mary, in the Virgin Birth of The Christ. Jesus is conceived by the person of the Holy Spirit in the flesh through His soul as the Person of The Redeemer of the Shared Body of God in all mankind. Jesus is born immortal and incorruptible and only through the Sacrament of Baptism and the sanctification of His flesh, although sinless in His Holy Spirit allows His flesh through Death to Life to die and descend and save those awaiting in the Bosom of Abraham. Jesus with flesh, is the story of the parable of the thief in the night. Jesus, with immortal and incorruptible flesh breaks down the gates of hell, binds the strong man, Satan in his own home and tears down his walls and steals back all His souls all those awaiting from the Bosom of Abraham and destroys death forever and resurrects the Bodies those awaiting reopening Heaven to flesh and for all mankind. And for all the angels and saints and martyrs and Old Covenant saved, with Dismas, the repentant thief from the cross on the right side of Christ and all those awaiting Jesus resurrects as glorified and transfigured life eternal for all mankind as confirmed and re-sanctified through Communion and Penance all through the wondrous mysteries of the faith.

And through the Power of the Holy Spirit will of God we become united as one in being together with the Father and the Son becoming The real intelligence of creation. The Will of The Father is the pattern of infallibility that will never fail in all faith and morality as glorified and transfigured becoming the image of The Creator, God, in the Person of Father, only to fulfill the Greatest Gift, His Passion through the New Eve, the Bride of Christ, in Our united eternal Body of Christ, Eternal Love.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me what is the logic of the infallible intelligence is the logic of The Kingdom of The Divine Will and is the re-imaging of the failed will that becomes The Will of what will manifests as unfailing in all cases. To me the Will that is the "RI" real information as the intelligence that created all mankind mortal and corruptible in the Big Bang and it is the Will of The Creator of the Big Bang in the New Creation as all Creation becoming immortal and incorruptible then becoming again glorified and transfigured becoming the will that will never fail in infallible certainty with no more choice to fail, not even a chance of failure, becoming united as one in being with all mankind together with The Father and The Son, glorified and transfigured becoming the image of The Creator, God, The Father.

Peace always,
Stephn Andrew

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

"May it be done to me in accordance with Your Will." St Mary 0AD.

To me the Logic of The Kingdom of The Divine Will of God is in the New Kingdom. We become united from the Divine Spirit will of The Creator, God, The Father through the flesh to the soul of our own New Creation, in the being of The Body of God as immortal and incorruptible and then becoming again as glorified and transfigured into His Image.

We know John The Baptizer was asked if he was Elijah. To me John the Baptist was a humble man and simply answered, that, “No I am Not Elijah.” For he knew he was John the Baptist and not Elijah. And we know Elijah must come before the King.

In logic to me John the Baptist is Elijah. Jesus said St. John the Baptist is Elijah in Spirit and Power. In The New Kingdom, through The New Creation, in Baptism we become sanctified from the spirit through the flesh for the soul of the being as immortal and incorruptible from the mortal and corruptible flesh and spirit in the souls of the bodies from Adam and Eve. And in our own Body of Divinity as united as one in being together with the Father and The Son from the spirit through the flesh for the soul of the Bodies of all mankind, we will become again in Communion with Him in re-Sanctification and re-Confirmation of the Will of The Father through Penance and Sacrifice. To me the logic is that in the New Kingdom of The Divine Will of The Creator, God, The Father we will become again His image as glorified and transfigured, in the Fulfilled Faith and Morality through His Passion, Fulfilled Eternal Love.

Through the Powers of the Divine Will, it is not the "AI" that is first created from the first mortal flesh and spirit that is failed and defiled and corrupt and riddled with internal temptation and choice. The logic of becoming again is becoming the "RI" Real Intelligence of the Divine Spirit of Creation that transforms and transfigures the Body becoming again into His image as united as one in being together with the Father and the Son as Glorified. To me in logic, transformation and transfiguration is the Will that will never fail and will manifest through the Power of The Kingdom of The Divine Will in eternity as infallible logic and applied to Creation. In logic the Divine Will is what would The Creator, God The Father, do in all cases of fulfilled Faith and Morality.

Through the wondrous mysteries of the Faith we are created mortal and corrupt to become Baptized and transformed as Sanctified in immortality and incorruptiblity from the spirit through the flesh for the soul of the being delivered in the Arc of the New Covenant from Mary, the Immaculate Conception through the Virgin Birth of The Christ and in Communion and Penance and in the Sacrifice, the Eucharist, by contact of The Host, we are Confirmed and re-Sanctified in the Will of The Father to become again, glorified and transfigured into the image of the Creator, God, The Father.

To me, in logic, the Second coming of the Body of Christ is in the transfiguration of Our Christ at the end of time by the real intelligence in the Kingdom of The Divine Will of God as united as one in being.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me the logic of the Will of the Creator becoming to Earth is:

"Let is become to me as Your Will." St. Mary 0 AD
Anno Domini is a Latin phrase that means "in the year of the Lord".
From the Immaculate Conception and the Virgin Birth of The Body of Christ, the Fulfilled Living Sacrifice for The Temple of God.

The resurrection was in 33 AD and to me the failed state of the first spirit is what becomes united as one in being with the fulfilled spirit of the Divine Kingdom. The failed state of the first spirit creates choice and creates the ability to choose to love, transformed from the Becoming Will, the fulfilled Will of the Creator resurrecting love eternal and glorified and becoming transfigured as one in being with all mankind in His image, in the Year of the Lord, AD.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me through the Logic of the Kindom of the Divine Will is confirmed and brough to my attention in Louisa Piccaretta'a writings. Born again and saved is the Logic of the New Parable of Born Aain and Saved, that can be used today to help understanding the logic and also in the evangelicalizition of the Will of The Father.

The Blood and Water flows, from the Cross, the living waters of immortal and incorruptible Baptism transformes the Body and the Blood from Heaven, in Communion and Penance and re-Confirmation of the Body and in Sacrifice, the Host that transforms immortal and incorruptible and transfigures glorified and into His Image through The Eucharist, through all of The Wondrous Mysteries of The Faith from Abraham, through Adam and Eve and for Christ, we become again transfigured into the image of the Creator, God, The Father as one in being, together with The Father and The Son, Glorified and Transfigured as United with all mankind.

The New Parable of Born again and Saved.

The logical parable of Born again and Saved is in Creation as mortal and corrupt from Adam and Eve and becoming transformed sanctified as Baptized in immortality and incorruptibly through The Body of Christ and The New Eve and Confirmed re-Sanctified through Communion and Sacrifice and Penance becoming re-Confirmed in the Will of The Divine and glorified and through transfiguration we become into the image of the Creator, God, The Father by the Power of The Holy Spirit.

In logic, to me, The First Coming of the Body is in Born again in Baptism from mortal and corrupt from the Bodies of Adam and Eve, to sanctified immortality and incorruptibility in the Body of Christ as Baptized.

To me, and in logic, The Second coming of The Christ is what is "Saved", The Body of The Christ in all mankind, through Communion and Confirmation re-Sanctifying the Divine, some say "Holy" Spirit being in the Body of The New Eve through Penance and Sacrifice for atonement and absolution to restore the sanctification of the soul becoming again as one in being with all mankind, in the image of the Creator, God, The Father.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me through the Logic of the Kindom of the Divine Will is confirmed and brough to my attention in Louisa Piccaretta'a writings. Born again and saved is the Logic of the New Parable of Born Aain and Saved, that can be used today to help understanding teh logic and also in the evangelicalizition of the Will of The Father.

The logical parable of Born again and Saved is in Creation as mortal and corrupt from Adam and Eve and becoming transformed sanctified as Baptized in immortality and incorruptibly through The Body of Christ and The New Eve and Confirmed re-Sanctified through Communion and Sacrifice and Penance becoming glorified through transfiguration into the image of the Creator, God, The Father by the Power of The Holy Spirit.

In logic, The First Coming of the Body is in Born again in Baptism from mortal and corrupt from the Bodies of Adam and Eve, to sanctified immortality and incorruptibility in the Body of Christ as Baptized.

To me, and in logic, The Second coming of The Christ is what is "Saved", The Body of The Christ in all mankind, through Communion and Confirmation re-Sanctifying the Spirit through Penance and Sacrifice for atonement and absolution to restore the sanctification of the soul becoming again as one in being with all mankind, in the image of the Creator, God, The Father.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

In logic, the New Adam is in the Will of the Father who creates the new Body of mankind whose thoughts and deeds will reflect and manifest through this world's attributes and virtues becoming the divine next world.

To me the logic follows: Created, as born and become transformed and reborn, become again as transfigured.
The New Adam is The Christ, the new spirit and new life in all mankind. The Holy Spirit in the soul of the Incorruptible Body of God, together as Jesus, opens the Gates, from the cross for the new birth. The blood and water flows in the birth of the new life and spirit, The "First" Christ into Heaven transforming and transfiguring all mankind who follow the pattern becoming the image of The Father.

The New Body for all becomes from the Incorruptible and immortal Holy Spirit Will of the Creator, God through the transformed immortal and incorruptible Body, spirit and life, in the soul of all beings from The Christ for the souls in the Body of God becoming again glorified and transfigured into the image of the Father for all as One.

To me the logic follows that from created, born of spirit and water as mortal and corrupt, we become Baptized and Sanctified as born of new spirit and life and transformed immortal and incorruptible and in Sacrifice and Penance and Absolved of imperfections we are Confirmed as re-Sanctified in the new spirit and new life becoming again glorified and transfigured into His image as one in being.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me in logic, Louisa Paccaretta, Little Daughter of The Kingdom of the Divine Will opens up eyes to see in logic as what appears from pondering "The Gifts" as she does.

“With three Fiat's I will complete the work of sanctification in man. . . . The generations will not cease until my Will reigns on earth. My Redemptive FIAT [i.e. Mary’s] will interpose itself between the Creative FIAT and the Sanctifying FIAT [Luisa’s]. They will entwine, all three together, and bring to fulfillment the sanctification of man. The Third FIAT [i.e. Luisa’s] will give creatures such grace that they will return almost to their original state. Only when I have seen man as he emerged from Me, will my work be complete. Then will I enjoy perpetual repose in this, my last FIAT. Only the Life of my Will shall return man anew to his original state. Therefore, be attentive and together with Me, help Me accomplish the sanctification of creatures.” (P. 125, BH).We can easily affirm that "living in the Divine Will" is the center of the mystical experience and of every page of the writings of Luisa. The simple language, full of examples, stories and images, often mediated by dialectal expressions, is able to capture and dispose the soul of those who are about to descend into the depths of the expression of the Lord's Prayer "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Mt 6, 10). The message that God entrusts her consists in understanding its meaning, asking for it as gift in the prayer and living every moment in the Divine Will of Jesus "as" a unique will. In other words, living in the Divine Will means for the creature "living with just one Will", that is God's Will. So there is a great difference between "doing" and "living in" the Divine Will. On the whole, we may say that "living in the Divine means "reigning" with Jesus, while "doing His Will" means "complying with His orders". The first is the state of one who "owns", the second is for those who "receive". By living in the Divine Will, the creature assumes the Divine Will as "something of his own", as to "have It at his disposal". Indeed, using another image, we may also say that "living in the Divine Will" means living as "a son", while "doing the Will of God" only means living as "a servant" and no one can deprive a son from the rights he has on his father's goods. It's possible to understand how this "living in the Divine Will" is very similar to the life of the Blessed in Heaven.

So, all that each one must do to love God, "has already been done before in the Heart of Christ". The acts not realized by creatures but only by Jesus are all "suspended" in His Divine Will waiting for the creatures repeat in His Will what He did or, in other words, they are willing to "live in the Divine Will of Jesus".The Virgin Mary, the Heavenly Queen, was the first creature to "repeat" all the acts of His Son for the benefit of humanity. Who wants to live in the Divine Will has a powerful Queen and Mother who will compensate for what they lack and will shape their acts conforming them to those of Jesus in her.Luisa, "merging" herself in the Holy Will of Jesus joins His Humanity and constituted, as a gift, by a single will with Jesus like Mary, she repeats the same acts of Jesus’ Humanity. She is called to imitate "the way" in which Jesus’ humanity has fulfilled the Will of the Father. It is a sanctity "all-depending, at the expense of Jesus". Louisa Paccaretta, Little Daughter of The Kingdom of the Divine Will.

I have read Louisa's writings and I agree, and the logic appears to me as, The Logic of the Divine Spirit is to create wills, spirits, conscientiousness and give them flesh in the souls of the Bodies to manifest through choice. The power of the Divine spirit is the freedom to choose, to become the will of the creator God, The Father of Divine Reality. What is shared to me is the transformed spirit that becomes the Divine Will that will never fail, the real information manifesting in the Divine Spirit through the flesh to the Soul of the Body that unites as one in being together with the Creator and the Son as Glorified and transfigured becoming Transfigured in His Image.

True, science or any of the many finite disciplines can never explain how one can see the Creator, God, The Father, but, I presume the explanation in logic.

To me in logic we must become. From created to transfigured. To me in logic, the mind of God is able to endure and the logic is the power through manifestation. What becomes of the created being intrinsically becomes again into infallibility through choice to become re-imaged in the New Intelligence of Creation from the Big Bang of Chaos. Chaos is riddled with infallibility and internal temptations and is the defiled intelligence that can manifest or choose any of many failed states of being. The logic follows the good works of the flesh to become from mortal and corrupt from the spirits and through the flesh of Adam and Eve. They were created and failed in immortality and incorruptibility from the spirit and through the flesh for the soul of the being by creating failed Love. Fulfilled eternal love to the Bodies of all mankind follows the pattern of the Divine by the Powers of the Divine Spirit Will of the Creator. The logic of the Creator is in delivering, through the New Ark of the Covenant the intelligence to flesh and spirits in the created souls of all mankind. The Creator in The infallible wisdom allows creation to become transformed from created and become again as transfigured. What must be granted to the being is in the works from the spirit through the flesh and what becomes again is being in re-Sanctified from the spirit through the flesh for the souls of the bodies as Confirmed in the will of the creator through Communion with and in Him as The Host and through Penance and Sacrifice for Absolution and Atonement with Him, knowing His will through the redeemer and everything He teaches on earth and in heaven. In logic, in the acceptance of the intelligence of the creator through the waters of Baptism we become by created mortal and corruptible from the spirits through the flesh becoming incorruptible and immortal in the Body and "Holy" Spirit will of the Creator. In logic, this is the pattern of infallibility and eternity as unfailing, with no chance of failure. Sanctified, in the "re-imiaging" or replacement of the "Old" Spirit of defilement, the New Spirit will manifest without temptations and in the New Spirit the power will manifest from the spirit though the flesh for the soul of the being in the Body of Christ as what would Jesus do in all cases of fulfilled faith and morality. The Christ is two persons, One is God the Holy Spirit conceived in the second Person who is also God as Jesus and The Christ in all mankind as the immortal Body of Jesus in the incorruptible Will of The Father. Having become from the Immaculate Conception, Jesus, The Christ, born in Virgin Birth the Blood and Water need not flow because Jesus' soul is preexistant. Jesus' soul is conceived in the Holy Spirit Person of God as The Christ in being as "The Word becomes Flesh". The Word is the logical and physical Virgin Birth in the flesh, The Christ, the Host that transforms and transfigures by contact of any of the human senses, through the Immaculate Conception, the Christ in all mankind is reborn. To me, in logic, blood and water birth creates the soul of the being and Jesus' soul preexisted in Heaven and did nor require human birth for His soul to be created. To me, no human blood and water birth is required for His preexistant Soul, in logic. But Jesus' Blood and Water did flow from the Cross, the "First" Christ birthed back, re-opening the gates into the New Heaven and Earth, Heaven. The blood and water flowed for the first birth for all mankind, "reborn," the blood and water flowed from the cross, how? Back to heaven from where it came and for all mankind united as one in being together with the Father and the Son, glorified and transfigured. The death and resurrection of created mortal and corrupt becomes to immortality and incorruptibility to become the New Body in the New Eve of Christ for all mankind as glorified and transfigured becoming again the image of the Creator, God, for The Father.

The logic follows the created mortal and corrupt love from Adam and "Eve" becoming immortal, incorruptible through the Christ in all mankind as united and becoming again, glorified and transfigured in unfailing eternal Love, through His Passion from the Power of the Holy Spirit Will of the Creator, God, for The Father.

To me in logic, with Divine, New Eyes, we will see God through the New Eve in the fulfillment of Eternal Love by His Passion.

A special thanks to Louisa Paccaretta, Little Daughter of The Kingdom of the Divine Will for opening up eyes to see in logic as what appears from pondering "The Gifts" as she does.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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