The answer is no to the first question and yes to the second. The main difference today is modern information technology, the social media rodeo, and blatant fake news is all relatively new and coordinated. The revisionist history lessons of the political Left is the most obvious example or trying to redefine history to hide the atrocities of the Democrat Party; slavery, to game the system for rip off scams like DEI. The blame all whites ever if the Democrats white owned 90% of the slaves. Tactic to spread their sin to others.
Immediately minted history of the current affairs is often confused to protect the criminals. A good example was the COVID virus was used as a pretense to take away liberties, but got to hide that in plain sight. Older history is scrutinized by generations to scholars who seek the truth and not an agenda; get it right. Even now the COVID dogma is being challenged with evidence of misuse and abuse of power and plenty of tax payers ripoffs. The revisionists history, about the USA, that is taught by the left takes a left turn in in terms of older history that had been studied for centuries, all in their favor. This is a tell.
The Russian Collusion Coup run by the Swamp was an insurrection and treason. But since the Left controls academia and could censor social media, they could spin the truth and misuse of government resources while deeming themselves freedom fighters against the orange scourge. But that will not survive the test of time, since patterns of similar and worsening behavior occurred afterwards. But for now the lie may appear to hold due to censorship and undemocratic attacking of political opponents in court. This may require the Department of Education and misinformation, be abolished and reborn .