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Stories to inspire


Well-Known Member
The Story of the Bamboo

Like any plant, growth of the Chinese Bamboo tree requires nurturing – water, fertile soil, sunshine. In its first year, we see no visible signs of activity. In the second year, again, no growth above the soil. The third, the fourth, still nothing.

Our patience is tested and we begin to wonder if our efforts (caring, watering, etc.) will ever be rewarded.

Finally in the fifth year – behold, a miracle! We experience growth – and what growth it is – 80 feet in just six weeks!

The bamboo is an analogy to our own experience with personal growth and change. Never easy, slow to show any progress, frustrating and unrewarding at times, but worth it, if we can be patient and persistent.

This is the critical variable in attaining new skills – in developing ourselves. It is our ability to stay persistent even when we are unable to see any growth on the surface.

Can we stay focused and continue to believe in what we are doing even when we don’t see immediate results?

In a culture driven by instant gratification – this is our biggest challenge. The change may be slow – even invisible at times – but suddenly, as in the case of the bamboo, a glorious surprise.

Keep your faith in this important work. And as Calvin Coolidge has said, “Press on: nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; un-rewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.


Well-Known Member
Three Feet From Gold

During the gold rush, a man who had been mining in Colorado for several months quit his job, as he hadn’t struck gold yet and the work was becoming tiresome.

He sold his equipment to another man who resumed mining where it had been left off. The new miner was advised by his engineer that there was gold only three feet away from where the first miner stopped digging.

The engineer was right, which means the first miner was a mere three feet away from striking gold before he quit.

The Moral:

When things start to get hard, try to persevere through the adversity. Many people give up on following their dreams because the work becomes too difficult, tedious, or tiresome–but often, you’re closer to the finish line than you may think, and if you push just a little harder, you will succeed.


Well-Known Member

As I ate breakfast one morning, I overheard two oncologists conversing. One complained bitterly, “You know, Bob, I just don’t understand it. We used the same drugs, the same dosage, the same schedule and the same entry criteria. Yet I got a 22 percent response rate and you got a 74 percent. That’s unheard of for metastatic cancer. How do you do it?”

His colleague replied, “We’re both using Etoposide, Platinum, Oncovin and Hydroxyurea. You call yours EPOH. I tell my patients I’m giving them HOPE. As dismal as the statistics are, I emphasize that we have a chance.” -William M. Buchholz, M.D.


Well-Known Member
Some time ago, an old mule fell into an abandoned well which was no longer in use.

The farmer who owned him tried and tried to pull the mule up out of the well -- however, after many attempts, he realized he was not going to be able to rescue his mule.

So the farmer decided to solve two problems simultaneously--- by burying the mule in the well. Tragic as it was, he would bury the mule alive, and in the process, prevent future accidents of this kind by filling up the well hole.

Taking a shovel, the man began to toss shovel fulls of dirt on the animal to bury him. However, following every toss of soil, the stubborn mule simply shook the dirt clean off his back. This caused the floor beneath him to steadily rise.

The relentless farmer continued to shovel, while the stubborn mule persisted in shaking off the annoying dirt. This mutual perseverance eventually raised the mule up to ground level, where he could happily walk out of his impossible predicament...free at last.

We all have, somehow or other, fallen into a hole a time or two. Some of us give up after a few attempts to escape, resigning to a state of imprisonment in our predicament -- but this is not God's intent for our lives. His will is for us to persevere -- become stubborn like a mule -- fight, kick, and continually toss the dirt off our backs -- until we get out of the hole!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength.

A 10-year-old boy decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident.

The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo master. The boy was doing well, so he couldn’t understand why, after three months of training the master had taught him only one move.

“Sensei,” the boy finally said, “Shouldn’t I be learning more moves?”

“This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you’ll ever need to know,” the sensei replied.

Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy kept training.

Several months later, the sensei took the boy to his first tournament. Surprising himself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent became impatient and charged; the boy deftly used his one move to win the match. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the finals.

This time, his opponent was bigger, stronger, and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be overmatched. Concerned that the boy might get hurt, the referee called a time-out. He was about to stop the match when the sensei intervened.

“No,” the sensei insisted, “Let him continue.”

Soon after the match resumed, his opponent made a critical mistake: he dropped his guard. Instantly, the boy used his move to pin him. The boy had won the match and the tournament. He was the champion.

On the way home, the boy and sensei reviewed every move in each and every match. Then the boy summoned the courage to ask what was really on his mind.

“Sensei, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”

“You won for two reasons,” the sensei answered. “First, you’ve almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo. And second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm.”

The boy’s biggest weakness had become his biggest strength.


Well-Known Member
Real estate developers

They buy a piece of property that is terribly run down, seemingly useless, without much value to the naked eye and reform it completely, from the inside out.

With great skill and vision, they know what to keep, what to get rid of, what part of the property needs renovation, refurbishing, or complete rebuilding.

So it is with God and us. He knows everything that comprises our life from the moment of conception; our gifts, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, wounds, and all the characteristics of our personalities.

He wants to completely renovate us according to the vision He has for our lives, which is much greater than we can imagine. He has purchased the "property" of our lives and is powerfully and skillfully at work developing the Lord's "real estate".


Well-Known Member
Hitting Unseen Target

The yogi Raman was a true master of the art of archery. One morning, he invited his favorite disciple to watch a display of his skill. The disciple had seen this more than a hundred times before, but he nevertheless obeyed his teacher.

They went into the wood beside the monastery and when they reached a magnificent oak tree, Raman took a flower which he had tucked in his collar and placed it on one of the branches.

He then opened his bag and took out three objects: his splendid bow made of precious wood, an arrow and a white handkerchief embroidered with lilacs.

The yogi positioned himself one hundred paces from the spot where he had placed the flower. Facing his target, he asked his disciple to blindfold him with the embroidered handkerchief.

The disciple did as his teacher requested.

‘How often have you seen me practice the noble and ancient sport of archery?’ Raman asked him.

‘Every day,’ replied his disciple. ‘And you have always managed to hit the rose from three hundred paces away.’

With his eyes covered by the handkerchief, the yogi Raman placed his feet firmly on the ground, drew back the bowstring with all his might – aiming at the rose placed on one of the branches of the oak tree – and then released the arrow.

The arrow whistled through the air, but it did not even hit the tree, missing the target by an embarrassingly wide margin.

‘Did I hit it?’ said Raman, removing the handkerchief from his eyes.

‘No, you missed completely,’ replied the disciple. ‘I thought you were going to demonstrate to me the power of thought and your ability to perform magic.’

‘I have just taught you the most important lesson about the power of thought,’ replied Raman. ‘When you want something, concentrate only on that: no one will ever hit a target they cannot see.’

(Excerpted from: Paulo Cuelho, “Stories for Children, Parents, and Grandparents (Vol I)


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George Washington

During the French and Indian War in 1755, a valiant young officer by the name of George Washington rode onto the battlefield at Monogahela with the Virginia militia, along with 85 other officers.

Of those who were on horseback, he was THE ONLY ONE to survive. It was only after he returned to Fort Cumberland and reported to Gen. Braddock that he realized that there were 4 bulletholes in his coat, one in his hat, and bullet fragments in his hair!

Later, he wrote to his brother John, saying,

"But, by the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!"

Some years later, a well-respected Indian Chief came to meet with Washington. While in his company, these are the words that he was reported to have said.

"I am a chief and ruler over my tribes. My influence extends to the waters of the great lakes and to the far blue mountains. I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle. It was on the day when the white man's blood mixed with the streams of our forest that I first beheld this chief [Washington]. I called to my young men and said, mark yon tall and daring warrior? He is not of the red-coat tribe--he hath an Indian's wisdom, and his warriors fight as we do--himself is alone exposed.

Quick, let your aim be certain, and he dies. Our rifles were leveled, rifles which, but for you, knew not how to miss--'twas all in vain, a power mightier far than we, shielded you. Seeing you were under the special guardship of the Great Spirit, we immediately ceased to fire at you. I am old and soon shall be gathered to the great council fire of my fathers in the land of shades, but ere I go, there is something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy.

Listen! The Great Spirit protects that man [pointing at Washington], and guides his destinies--he will become the chief of nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the founder of a mighty empire. I am come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of Heaven, and who can never die in battle."


Well-Known Member
Today I thought of the words of Vincent van Gogh: “It is true there is an ebb and flow, but the sea remains the sea.”

You are the sea. Although I experience many ups and downs in my emotions and often feel great shifts and changes in my inner life, you remain the same.

Your sameness is not the sameness of a rock, but the sameness of a faithful lover.

Out of your love I came to life, by your love I am sustained, and to your love I am always called back.

There are days of sadness and days of joy; there are feelings of guilt and feelings of gratitude; there are moments of failure and moments of success; but all of them are embraced by your unwavering love. . . .

O Lord, sea of love and goodness, let me not fear too much the storms and winds of my daily life, and let me know there is ebb and flow but the sea remains the sea. Amen. -Henry Nouwen


Well-Known Member
Casen Broussard

Just 6 months after his second birthday, little Casen Broussard's parents got the worst news they could ever imagine. Casen was diagnosed with a type of children's cancer called neuroblastoma. It was heartbreaking to think that at such a young age, Casen's life may be nearly over. But then the little boy talked to Jesus. And what the family didn't yet realize was that God was about to do something amazing!

Because of his illness, Casen would require surgery. As the day of the scheduled operation grew closer, Casen began having seemingly one sided conversations. But when his parents asked him who he was talking to, the little boy's answer shocked his parents!

"We would ask him, ‘Case, who you taking to?'" says Linzy, Casen's mom. "[He'd say] ‘Jesus. Talking to Jesus, Mom. Talking to Jesus Dad,' like [he was saying] ‘really? Don't you already know this? Can't you see him?’"

Casen's conversations with Jesus continued.

But it's what Casen shared with his family after the surgery that had them convinced God was at work.

His mom says, "He said ‘I went up in the sky.' I said ‘OK, who was there?' He said, ‘Jesus, Father, and you know, the other one.' He described it in detail, what it looked like and what Jesus looked like and what God looked like."

Casen, who is now 4 years old, says that while he was in Heaven, he was given a set of wings. But Jesus told the boy it was not yet his time, so Casen says Jesus pushed him and he flew back home. After returning to him to his body, Casen says the wings flew back to Heaven, where they were "put up" until it was his time to wear them again.

Casen's grandmother says, "I truly felt like he had been there and that he had experienced it, with no doubt. The things he said couldn't have been anything that he would have heard from anybody."

Following the surgery, Casen underwent a bone marrow transplant and extensive treatments. But Casen had the best friend you could ever have seeing him through it all — Jesus. And the last scan Casen had was all clear. He'll be heading to St. Jude's Hospital soon for further evaluation, and we'll be praying his miraculous progress will continue.

In the meantime, the small but mighty Casen has been living out Jesus' Great Commission, making disciples of his family. They are happily sharing Casen's story, giving all of the glory to God. His mom says,

"It's made our whole family closer to God. It's made us all believe a million times more than we ever would have."

It's amazing to see God's power, as he took this family's greatest struggle and used it to further His kingdom!

"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18


Well-Known Member
On Monday, a celestial event took place visible to most of the world as the 'Great Conjunction' between Jupiter and Saturn took place.

It was the first time since 1226 that such a convergence had taken place. The convergence of the two planets had the appearance of an exceptionally bright star, hence nicknamed the 'Bethlehem' Star.
A few years ago, National Geographic published an article describing a real celestial event that took place at the time of the birth of Jesus.

Risto Santala reports that in 1603, Johannes Kepler observed a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces; he observed a "new, particularly brilliant and strangely colored star between Jupiter and Saturn, which soon faded."

Kepler suggested that the Star of Bethlehem could have been such an event. Later, Alfred Edersheim wrote, "There can be no doubt that the most remarkable conjunction of planets -- that of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces, which occurs only once in 800 years -- did take place no less than three times in the year 747 A.U.C., or two years before the birth of Christ (in May, October, and December). This conjunction is admitted by all astronomers."

Santala writes, "The constellations of the zodiac were generally identified with different nations, Pisces, for example, is considered the patron constellation of Syria and Palestine, and the revealer of the End Times. Saturn was associated with Palestine in Babylonian astrology, whereas Jupiter was the royal planet, foreshadowing a political Golden Age.

Thus, when Jupiter conjoined with Saturn in Pisces it was obvious that the Ruler of the End Times had been born in Palestine."

Whether or not this was the "star" the wise men saw is debatable, but it strongly suggests that a real and significant celestial event did take place roughly at the time of the birth of Jesus. As millions around the world are celebrating His birth this week, we ought to remember that one purpose for which God created the stars was, "for signs." -Genesis 1:14


Well-Known Member
Christmas is the time of year when it seems anything is possible.

We all get a little more brave and more willing to take risks.

Lily Rice knows all about that. Earlier this year a video of Lily doing a backflip in her wheelchair went viral.

13-year-old Lily is in a wheelchair due to a hereditary condition which causes the muscles in her lower body to tighten up making her unable to walk. But Lily has refused to let her chair slow her down.

One day Lily saw a video of Wheelchair Motocross athletes doing back-flips in their chairs and she figured if they could do it she could do it!

So she decided to give it a try. When she finally stuck that landing Lily became the first female in Europe to backflip a wheelchair!

When musician Tom Fletcher saw the video he knew couldn’t help but think of a song he wrote, for his musical Christmas children’s book The Christmasaurus, called ‘Afraid of Heights.’

When Lily agreed to tell her story and star in Tom’s music video it was like the partnership was written in the stars!



Well-Known Member
During the 1990's in an NCAA Division II national championship cross-country race in California, a bizarre twist of events took place.

Mike Delcavo and 127 of the best runners in the country were battling for glory over the 10,000-meter course. About three miles into the race, Delvaco was somewhere in the middle of the pack, when he realized that the runners had made a wrong turn. So he yelled out, "You're going the wrong way," but they didn't listen. Only 4 others followed Mike when he turned in the right direction...and suddenly, he found himself in the lead.

However that lasted only about a mile.

Mike and the runners who followed him soon reunited with the larger pack who, having gone the wrong way, actually shaved about a half a mile off the course, and were now in the lead again.

The final blow came when, because so many of the runners had gone the wrong way, the officials changed the official course route to accommodate their error. So when Mike Delcavo finally crossed the finish line, he was number 103 overall.

At the end of the race, some of Delcavo's competitors "thought it was funny that he went the right way."

In our mixed up world, when everybody is wrong, then wrong becomes right. However, in the world to come there is only one Judge and He will not change the correct course regardless of how many or how few actually run it. His rewards will be based on our having stayed the true course.


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Monty Williams

An estimated 900 people were gathered at a church in Oklahoma City when Monty Williams took the stage to give his wife’s eulogy. In a time of such loss, you might expect to see weakness. But the NBA assistant coach was the picture of strength. And the incredibly powerful message he delivered revealed an unshakable faith that is truly inspiring.

Monty is known to the general public as the Assistant Coach for the NBA basketball team, the Oklahoma City Thunder. But to those who know him better, Monty is known as a deeply devoted Christian, as was his wife of 20 years, Ingrid Williams.

Ingrid tragically died because of injuries she sustained in a car accident. The collision occurred after a speeding SUV lost control, crossed over the yellow line and hit Ingrid’s car head-on. Both Ingrid and the woman driving the SUV lost their lives.

The unexpected tragedy suddenly left Monty a widower and single father to the couple’s five children. It’s just the kind of heartbreaking blow that leaves many questioning their faith. But for Monty, there was no question that God always makes good on His promises, and he found comfort in the assurances God gives to all of those who trust in Him.

"God will work this out,” Monty said.

“My wife is in heaven. God loves us. God is love. And when we walk away from this place today, let's celebrate. Because my wife is where we all need to be. And I'm envious of that. But I got five crumb-snatchers I've got to deal with. I love you guys for taking time out of your day to celebrate my wife. We didn't lose her. When you lose something you can't find it. I know exactly where my wife is. I'll miss holding her hand. I'll miss talking with my wife.”

One of the most powerful moments came when Monty addressed the woman responsible for the accident:

“Everybody is praying for me and my family, and that is right, but let us not forget that there were two people in this situation, and that family needs prayer as well. And we have no ill will toward that family. In my house, we have a sign that says ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.' We cannot serve the Lord if we don't have a heart of forgiveness.

That family didn't wake up wanting to hurt my wife. Life is hard. Life is very hard. And that was tough. But we hold no ill will towards the Donaldson family. And we, as a group, brothers united in unity, should be praying for that family, because they grieve as well.”

It was a stunning display of grace and forgiveness. It was a testament to just how strong Monty’s faith is, which had an impact on all who were there.

“If you know Monty, you’re a better person for knowing him,” said David West, a player for the San Antonio Spurs. “It’s a really tough situation for his family. He’s a courageous man. I envy his strength and his courage. That was probably one of the most powerful moments of my life, sitting there listening to him have the strength to stand in front of his children and ask everybody to pray for the other lady that lost her life. It showed strength and courage I’ve never experienced in my life. So our hearts are with him.”

But of course, that strength comes from the Lord:

“This is hard for my family, but this will work out. And my wife would punch me if I were to sit up here and whine about what is going on. That doesn’t take away the pain, but it will work out because God causes all things to work out. You just can’t quit; you can’t give in.”


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The Frogs and the Tower

There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.

A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants.

The race began...

Honestly, no-one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as:

"Oh, way too difficult!"

"They will never make it to the top".

"Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!"

The tiny frogs began collapsing. One by one.

Except for those who in a fresh tempo were climbing higher and higher.

The crowd continued to yell

"It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!"

More tiny frogs got tired and gave up.

One little frog continued higher and higher and would not give up!

At the end, everyone else had given up climbing the tower. Except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!

Then, all of the other tiny frogs naturally were wondering how this one frog managed to do it.

A contestant asked the tiny frog: How did you find the strength to reach the goal?

It turned out...

The winner was deaf.


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Nine days that changed the world.

Pope John Paul II's nine-day pilgrimage to Poland in June of 1979 created a revolution of conscience that transformed Poland and fundamentally reshaped the spiritual and political landscape of the 20th Century.

Newt and Callista Gingrich, along with a Polish, American, and Italian cast, explore what transpired during these nine days that moved the Polish people to renew their hearts, reclaim their courage, and free themselves from the shackles of Communism.

Millions of Poles, almost one third of the nation, turned out to see the Holy Father in person, while the rest of the country followed his pilgrimage on television and radio.

Within sixteen months, Solidarity became the first officially recognized free trade union in the Communist bloc, with over 10 million members.

The momentum of this dramatic nine-day visit would eventually lead to the fall of the Berlin Wall in November of 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.


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Lord You have 30 seconds.

I recently heard a man’s story who had been on the 12 step programme; he had come through a lifetime of addiction with drink, drugs and violence.

His life was in such a mess; that one night he ended up sitting on a high bridge, with his legs over the edge. He said, God you have thirty seconds to reveal yourself, or I am jumping.

Seconds later his phone rang; the lady on the other end said, I have just woken up it’s 2 in the morning; and I had this strong feeling that I should phone you, but I don’t know why.

We haven’t spoken for years. The man said, I know why you have phoned.

The man gave up his addictions, turned his life round from that moment, and he now knows why he was born.