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Peace on Earth!


New Member
At the beginning of Pacem in terris, the Pope says "Peace on Earth—which man throughout the ages has so longed for and sought after—can never be established, never guaranteed, except by the diligent observance of the divinely established order."

I'm interested to hear everyones interpretation of this.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Wars will never stop on this earth because of sins.

Wars will stop by either mutual cooperation (the way of Yehoshua) or by police prevention. Oh! I wonder which is better?

It is soon to be realized that Man is ruining the Earth for real. War is the worse culprit I think so...it has to go one way or another.


Istha gosthi
At the beginning of Pacem in terris, the Pope says "Peace on Earth—which man throughout the ages has so longed for and sought after—can never be established, never guaranteed, except by the diligent observance of the divinely established order."

I'm interested to hear everyones interpretation of this.

each individual religion provides a code of conduct which if humbly adhered to by its adherents would bring about peacefull ness in mankind , it is up to each religion to agree that each has its own equaly divine origin and to accept oneanother as childrn of the same god .


New Member
Sounds like the expression of someone who fears others and who wishes to gain power over others by restricting them, as opposed to the expression of someone who has faith and wishes to empower others and share in the growth.

The effects of such "observation" can be seen from the quantum physics "double slit experiment" where the judgmental observer perceptibly restricts the electrons/energy to a single limited possibility, instead of witnessing the unlimited potential that it is able to wield otherwise.

youtube.com/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc (url)
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New Member
Wars will stop by either mutual cooperation (the way of Yehoshua) or by police prevention. Oh! I wonder which is better?

It is soon to be realized that Man is ruining the Earth for real. War is the worse culprit I think so...it has to go one way or another.

Which I believe is the point of the quote.
We can not have peace because sin exists, and the only way to counter this is to follow a "divinely established order" and its rules (Much like the ten commandments).


Dominus Deus tuus ignis consumens est
Staff member
Premium Member
A good write-up on this encyclical:

“Pacem in Terris”, the last encyclical Angelo Roncalli wrote before he lost his battle with stomach cancer, was a heartfelt cry from the “Good Pope”. It was probably Benedict XVI – a year ago - who gave the most accurate interpretation of the document’s meaning: “At the peak of the Cold War, when the world was still coming to terms with the threat of the existence and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Pope John XXIII wrote what would be his last “open letter to the world”. The letter was a heartfelt appeal from a great Shepherd who was nearing the end of his life, calling for the peace and justice cause to be promoted vigorously across all sections of society, on a national and international level.”

“Pacem in Terris” was published on 11 April 1963. Just a few months prior to this, the world had held its breath as the U.S. and the USSR engaged in an “arm wrestle” which resulted in Soviet ships, carrying missiles, being sent to Cuba. Kennedy was never going to allow American coasts to come under attack by Russian warheads, so he threatened to intercept the convoys. An atomic war seemed imminent and John XXIII helped deactivate the horrific mechanism of the crisis.

However, without this premise, it is difficult to assess the importance of the repercussions and the psychological effect the “Pacem in Terris” had on the world. The Pope’s message was aimed at “all men of good will”, believers and non-believers, because the world the Church looks at has no borders and no “blocs”. It does not belong to the West or to the East. “Any disputes which may arise between nations must be resolved by negotiation and agreement, and not by recourse to arms,” Roncalli wrote. He stressed the need to look for what unites people and leave divisions aside. Pietro Pavan, a professor and later rector of the Pontifical Lateran University, played an important role in composing the text.

Encyclicals are a literary genre that is generally destined to be forgotten. Partly because they are written in response to temporary needs or situation. “Pacem in Terris”, however, does not seem to have met this fate and is just as pertinent now as it was half a century ago.

The document sets out four main guidelines for following the path of peace. The importance of the inviolability of a person’s rights; the universal nature of the common good; the moral foundations of politics; the strength of reason and the beacon of faith. The whole document echoes the resolved crisis and the dramatic situation across the planet, “minor” conflicts which resulted from clashes between the blocs. John XXIII’s encyclical was not intended solely for Catholics, believers and faithful but for “all men of good will.” He does, however, go on to underline the fact that “peace on Earth—which man throughout the ages has so longed for and sought after—can never be established, never guaranteed, except by the diligent observance of the divinely established order.”

Reactions to the encyclical were immensely positive. UN Secretary U-Thant said: “I felt a deep sense of satisfaction when reading it […] It undoubtedly addresses not just members of the Catholic Church, but all men […] The encyclical is certainly in line with all ideas and objectives espoused by the United Nations.” The UN Secretary went on to promote a period of study of the document. Soviet agency Tass widely distributed the text, stressing above all the part about disarmament.

The U.S. Department of State (Kennedy was the U.S.’s forst Catholic president), stated that it warmly welcomed Pope Hohn XXIII’s moving message and that the “Pacem in Terris” was a historc encyclical of global importance. No other country could have been more receptive of the Pope’s profound message than the United States, the statement went on to say. The Washington Post wrote that John XXIII had the support of the people, so the "Pacem in Terris” “is not just the voice of an old priest, nor just that of an ancient Church; it is the voice of the conscience of the world."

“Pacem in Terris” was an open letter to the world - Vatican Insider
At the beginning of Pacem in terris, the Pope says "Peace on Earth—which man throughout the ages has so longed for and sought after—can never be established, never guaranteed, except by the diligent observance of the divinely established order."

I'm interested to hear everyones interpretation of this.
It has been the the participation in a world system which promises on one side "peace and safety", while with the other hand, it works to decrease peace by way of seizing what does not belong to it. There is really no difference between today and Caesar's invasions of Britain.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

The Essenes consider air and the water and the animal and plant kingdoms as brethren, too.

Let nature teach that how they are treated is returned back to men, women and children.

Whatever is done is returned; whatever is sown is gathered: the laws of sowing and reaping.

The thief comes to kill and destroy
'This' the world system does employ
Chaos, disease, anarchy is now "joy"
And what G~d has created are toys?

The American Founding Fathers regarded government as a 'necessary' evil emphasizing that it could only work as long as they were a self--governing, moral and vigilent people. In these things, the Republic had at least a chance to last.

But then, as it is, the very government that was formed to regulate as a 'necessary' evil upon evil has filled the earth with the influence of its corruption.

Man and woman are now so much acquainted with sin, of which they seem to find enjoyable on one hand and miserable on the other.

Drug abuse, alcoholism, broken homes, depression and suicide are some of its net results.

Just one generation ago, there were things, of which if a person participated in, they would find themselves shunned.

Not that the more recent generations lived correct in every way, because if that had been the case, the sins of the fathers would not have been passed down to the present generation, nor would the world be in the present state of corruption it is in.

Some say the WWII generation fought fascism only to find it back on their doorstep by way of red communism disguised as being a Republic guarded by the U.S. Constitution.

Khrushchev said to Western diplomats, "We wil bury you." Well, surely a cesspool of filth and corruption has invaded it. But as long as this fills someone's coffer$.

And the candidates elected to the highest offices of the United States have brought no prosperity or peace; the world is in a state of anarchy.

The "bought and paid for" politicians don't pay attention to the U.S. Constitution; essentially the Bill of Rights is dead.

The earth is turned on its head
As man is only brought dread
What's desired is what he gets

In my view, this is at least a partial meaning of what is meant in Genesis 2:16-17 where by taking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...

Just the mere touching of it brought about a carnal mind at emnity with G~d's promises. Doubt entered in of which has become the "inheritance."

One little bit of doubt brought in leaven which leavened the whole lump.

It only takes one (1) . ion to leaven the whole of it.

Now multiply that by the participants engaged in just one ion (1), and the net result is a bowl of vials poured out on all, as it rains on the just and unjust.

One war ion
Creates pions
Of more sins
A lion's den

Love the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all of thy might
Love also thy neighbor as thyself so that thou will be treated likewise

The political system calls good evil and evil good
So what of the Most High God, what is his mood
When allowances to evil are done instead of good

Man is given what he allows to be done in his name
When evil is considered good, it is given a free reign
G~d says in essence, "I withhold good for no reason"

Jesus the Christ: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
THE ESSENE GOSPEL OF PEACE: One's brethren is the wind, too
And so be sure to realize that what bread is cast is returned; now who
Thinks they can escape one judgment upon anything they will to do

One by one the participation inside of the things rendered to Caesar must become lessened to the point of no more.

Where the kingdom(s) of this world become the Kingdom of G~d where no good thing is withheld from a civilized people who follow the law written on their hearts.

The present world system impedes the Gospel of Peace. Because of filthy lucre. The love of money is the root of every evil. And that is what motivates the world system: the love of money to be gotten and gained at the cost of everything else.

Inside G~d's kingdom there is no need for money
The City of the Sun is the land of milk and honey