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One small point for even god to consider

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
s2a said:
According to many credible estimates, 5 people are born every second worldwide. This implies (assuming even minimal rates of successful conception) that at least 5 lives are created every second worldwide. Creating life is probably the easiest thing (who knows, it may even be the primary function) that our species manages to effect of it's own volition.
To confuse reproduction with creation is sloppy, ignorant, or dishonest.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
Jayhawker Soule said:
To confuse reproduction with creation is sloppy, ignorant, or dishonest.

...or a purposed faux-naif comportment. ;-)


Active Member
Netdoc said:
I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.

Nice statement, too bad you have no arguments or even logic to back it up.

The very same can be said about scientific principles.

Again, nice statement, yet it is wrong, and I doubt you can even give me one example of a principle that was once explained by science, but now has a spiritual explanation for it that falsified the scientific one. Statements, but no arguments, that's what you are about. You spout a lot of nonsense but have nothing to back it up.

God need not jump through gaps like some circus poodle for your amusement.

That could be kind of fun actually.

Science merely describes processes that God created.
Is there any evidence that god created them? No, and please feel free to give some arguments if you don't agree with this. Science accurately describes processes that it observes, and it has no need for some god or "the supernatural" to do this. Gods were invented by humans to explain things they were not yet capable of, but it's kind of funny that some people, like you, still regard your imaginary god higher, for the explanation of phenomena which science can perfectly explain, in this day and age.

Because you can describe how an engine is made does not follow that it was NOT created.

Just because you make up something untestable that could've made the engine, doesn't mean this untestable illusion is real.

Please... use science to disprove God. I Triple Dog Dare you!

That's impossible, and a foolish question to ask. I Infinite Dog Dare you to disprove the Flying Spaghetti Monster inside the core of Pluto and the invisible dwarf on the moon.

Yet the more we understand, the more we realize that we don't understand a whole lot.

When we realize there are still a lot of questions remaining, there are 2 options to choose from:

1) Make up an untestable fictionary illusion that magically explains it, but that gives us no further insight whatsoever and does nothing real to solve the problem.
2) Do an effort and research an actual testable explanation, which can give us more insight, and allow us to use this knowledge to our advantage (new technology for example).

Denial: Not just another river in Egypt. What was it then? Religion? Please.

As I recall, science uses the scientific method...
It was ancient speculation/philosophy, nothing more, nothing less, and like I said, closer to religion than science.

Moses went to Pharaoh U. He was taught to smear a cut with horse manure. There was NO rationality behind the cleanliness laws, but if such were followed it has been argued that the Black Plague would not have occurred.


Whats the matter? Don't want to be pigeon holed? Welcome to reality. Atheism is the religion of denying the existence of God.

To be able to deny the existance of something, there has to be irrefutable proof it exists, and in this case, there is not even one single piece of evidence for its existence, let alone irrefutable proof. So please, stop talking out of your behind and bring some decent arguments to the table.

Again the condescension. Because I believe in God I am not a logical person. Thanks for the biased opinion.

A tactic a lot of people use when they are losing a debate is quoting small parts of someone else's post, drawing them out of context, and using that to their advantage. Congratulations, you have mastered evasion tactic #87...

This is what I originally said (you only quoted the first 7 words and then pretended like I said people that believe in god are illogical), and I urge you to read and comment on my entire post next time we have a debate (if it can be called that...)

Me said:
Any logical person should be able to see that the evidence is much in favor for science eventually explaining almost everything (everything in the limit of time to infinity), if given enough time to develop.

I test my beliefs each and every day.

Hah! I'm not talking about that kind of testing.

Why deny reality? Many people worship the "Science of the Gaps" and are quite cult like in following it. Are you so anti-religion that you find this insulting? That actually explains a lot, now that I think of it. For you, religion IS a four letter word.

Again, evasion from my argument. What you call cultlike following is called devotion to gaining more insight in testable reality. Science has produced many results, without which we would still be cavemen at the moment. What has religion done for us? It has attacked and slowed down science, it divides people and causes them to have conflicts and even wars, it is judgemental, and it is vain. I am not anti-religion however. I am against people abusing religion (which is sadly the vast majority) and trying to meddle with science.

I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.

I tell you the truth, I have never seen anyone make so much statements without any decent argument at all to support them. I hope in the future you don't start debates or rants which you can't bring to a good end, or even support at all.