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Mr. God and Mr. Jesus

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Why are both God and Jesus male? If God created us in his own likeness why are there females? Also does this mean that males are superior to females since both God and Jesus are male?


I think if you would ask some regular christian woman they will say they are equal, but they follow a religion that is rank with sexism, it doesn't make no sense to me at all. Its like a buffet table is it not?
"Oh but gee whiz, if nobody is choking those moldy, nasty scriptures down my throat then I don't give a damn."

It may sound harsh, and I'm not sexist or nothin', but its oh so true.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I can’t quite bring myself to believe that a supreme deity has gender – and then, only one gender: male.

Maybe the Biblical God was abandoned by his mother, the Goddess, in the wilderness. Maybe the Bible doesn’t mention this intriguing fact because the Biblical God was too embarrassed to talk about it to Abraham and Moses. I think that’s almost understandable. Wouldn’t you too be embarrassed if your mother had abandoned you? Embarrassed, and maybe just a little bit angry with her – and perhaps with all women. So, when it comes time to send one of your family members to earth to redeem humanity, you send a son – and not a daughter – or not both a son and a daughter.

The point is: What is the psychology of God? If God can have gender, then surely God can have a psychology. And if God can have a psychology, then surely there are psychologists who can analyze it for us.
I cant bring myself to think God has a gender either. However, who really knows? Whatever you think that He is, He is probably not. And I think that using 'he' does not mean that God is a male, its just our usage of language.

Bryan X

To me, it's not important that God has a gender. Besides, sometimes the Bible mentions the word "He" when it refers to God. So I'll stick to that.

As for God creating females...

Well, we all know that God created Adam before Eve. Then He saw that man was alone and that he needed a companion, thus God created Eve to be with Adam.
Please Please Please read 'The Da Vinci Code' by Dan Brown. It answers your question quite well. And if you don't want to read the whole book, look up the Sacred Feminine online. The sacred feminine discusses evidence that before Jesus' time, women were reguarded very highly in society; perhaps even more so than men. This was because they possessed the ability to birth children. When Roman Catholicism was thought up, a whole bunch of powerful men, including the pope, were upset that they didn't have a womb of their own, and became jealous of women.

So they founded their religion on the male, and started female oppression. Repercussions still being felt today?: women not gaining suffrage until the 20th centry. Women still not having total control over their bodies. The forced establishment of affermative action. Salary differences. This list also goes on. All because a bunch of rich, powerful, white, men wanted some more riches and power.

If you need some more proof, it's right there in their instruction manual: Corinthians I, 14:33b-36 NIV - and look, it's even in the new testiment!


Active Member
Why are both God and Jesus male? If God created us in his own likeness why are there females? Also does this mean that males are superior to females since both God and Jesus are male?

Much has been said over this and most of the time the true meaning of male and female is lost when looked at from our earthly view. Most people assume that Adam had sexual organs but, what if he had none?
in that case he may have been the express image of the father, now I don't know what exactly Adam did have, I just thought I might throw that out there as a possibility.
In any event the truth of what it means to be male and female is in this manner; most everything from the O.T. were shadows of the reality of the heavenly and the story of Adam needing a mate fit for him;

"It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him"

is without doubt a reflection of GOD's intention to have a creation more close to himself hence the idea of

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him"

so we will in the end be the the lesser halves to GOD, just as the woman was created as the lesser to the man so are we all existing to be the lesser to GOD which is also the reasoning for marriage, as a shadow of things to come marriage looks forward to that time when the lamb is married to his wife the church or faithfull in a manner of speaking.

When looking at "man' and "woman" the words think about this, man existed first then GOD made woman by taking a part of Adam himself which is what the word "woman" means taken from man and when you look carefully at the relationships, GOD was before man and took a part of himself and used it to create us as shown below

Ge 2:7
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

GOD is the essense of life itself and he gave of himself to form us so that he would have as rewarding of a relationship with us as we may have with the human love we have for our own mate. This is also an understanding of why we have "free will" since love gained by any other method than freely given is undesirable

So are men superior to women? let us see how GOD see's things;

1Co 11:3
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

1Co 11:7
For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.
1Co 11:8
For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man.
1Co 11:9
Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
1Co 11:10
For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.
1Co 11:11
Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.
1Co 11:12
For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.

1Ti 2:11
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
1Ti 2:12
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
1Ti 2:13
For Adam was first formed, then Eve
1Ti 2:14
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
1Ti 2:15
Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

it appears men are only superior when it comes to rank or the order that GOD wishes things to work in so just as there are captains and generals etc... so are we ranked according to GOD way but we are not to treat women in anyway inferior since together we become one flesh or the whole that GOD originally created before he took the woman out of man;
Mt 19:6
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Xaq Mi'er

New Member
My view on this is that God has no gender, but is called "He" because of the time the Bible was written. This, in my opinion, is the same reason that Jesus Christ was a man and not a woman. I do not mean to be sexist when I say this, but who, in the time of Christ, when man was the dominant gender, would listen to a woman?

Think about the story of the woman who was to be stoned, who was brought before Jesus. Where was the man? It takes two to commit adultery. The times were sexist, not the Bible itself, and definitely not Christianity.

Likewise, the Father used the word "man" to express both the male and female genders. He did not constantly refer to both seperately as we are taught to do today. "Man" basically means "Human" in the Bible, for the most part.


I'm back!
why man? why didnt they just say human?

the creation story clearly points out that women are inferior. just look, God said to women that they shall bear childbirth pain and shall want their husbands.
wonderful. and a man just gets to work.

what is with that anyway? thank gawd there are still other cultures existing today that are matriarichal. i think they are facinating.


Well-Known Member

I got some very mixed signals from all of those bible verses you posted. You've got the 'woman is the glory of man' followed by the 'woman should keep silent'. I don't see how anyone could discern a definate idea of what god thinks of women from those. How about you? Do you think women are inferior to men?


Well-Known Member
Women are by no means inferior to men, but the one we call God is a male. He has all the aspects and features of any man that walks the earth. Women and men, however, do occupy different roles; we have different jobs to do, but none is more important than another. I used to have to deal a lot with women that were angry about not having the priesthood, but their anger was always quelled with a simple statement: the day I can give birth to a child any woman is welcome to my priesthood authority. Men and women have different jobs to do, and our own imperfections and hate make it seem unfair.

Don't try to reconcile what society today thinks about gender with the Bible. Social relativism is not of God, and the assumptions you draw from your Bible are tainted by relativistic inferences and assumptions. Try to think outside the box MTV has you trapped inside.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
To a Taoist it would be illogical for a perfect essence to have gender or any human characteristics. Therefore the Tao is not male, nor female, not loving, not hateful, but all of them. It is the perfect balance between all opposites. However, the way we perceive the Tao can differ. As the creator of all things it can be seen as the mother of all things (metaphorically). And as the ancestor of all things, it can be seen as the father of all things (again metaphorically). This may be the way the bible views god. Only metaphorically.


Well-Known Member

Yes, I had thought that most Christians accepted the genderless god idea.

Also, I think that women should be able to become preists. I mean, why not? The purpose of a preist is to be a spiritual leader and guide to those in their parish or whatever. Women can do that job just as well as men and sometimes even better. As far as the childbirth analogy goes, the right of preisthood does not cancel out the right of childbirth. I say the right of having a child without the nine months of morning sickness with a final kick of painful contractions is what you are alloted for not actually being able to birth the child, heh heh.


I'm back!
dan said:
Women are by no means inferior to men, but the one we call God is a male. He has all the aspects and features of any man that walks the earth. Women and men, however, do occupy different roles; we have different jobs to do, but none is more important than another. I used to have to deal a lot with women that were angry about not having the priesthood, but their anger was always quelled with a simple statement: the day I can give birth to a child any woman is welcome to my priesthood authority. Men and women have different jobs to do, and our own imperfections and hate make it seem unfair.

Don't try to reconcile what society today thinks about gender with the Bible. Social relativism is not of God, and the assumptions you draw from your Bible are tainted by relativistic inferences and assumptions. Try to think outside the box MTV has you trapped inside.

why cant women be priests? do men have more spiritualiness? i dont get that.... i mean, men actually lack organs to have babies, but women have minds just as men do. they have equal capability to be priests...


I'm back!
women dont have same spiritual capability as men?

why did the church kick out mary magdalene? she was jesus' *companion*.

one word: SEXIST.


Well-Known Member
Yes, and who is to say which interpretation is correct over another anyway? I assume that you think your interpretaion is correct, but how is it any more valid than any other besides what you personally think?

As far as women not having the same spiritual capabilities or the same abilities to be a spiritual leader as a man, thats absolutely ridiculous. I would go as far as to call it Christian propaganda.
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