This company... They never stop trying to portray candy as breakfast and as health food. I think when we buy anything they sell, anything at all, we support efforts to corrupt public health institutes. Candy should be labeled as such. It is surprising but simply by buying junk food we support imps trying to get government to mislabel it.
Does anybody think they can live on Pringles, RxBars, Kashi and Frosted Flakes? For how long? They are candies, but if the government tries to let people know about this it gets influenced through bribes and lawsuits and cotton candy studies. Its candy, not breakfast. Chips are not food. They are great tasting constipation in a can.
Sugary Cereals
Kellogg’s is desperate to save Tony the Tiger and Toucan Sam from Mexico’s healthy food rules — rules the U.S. may soon copy.