1. If you talking about them trying to control the global markets and their commercial interests, then yes, they are imperialistic. If you are talking about territorial expansions, then sorta yes, but mostly no.
2. As someone already said, morality are different to different culture and different people. Freedom does and doesn't promote immorality, depending on what your standard, and how far short people fall in meeting such standard.
3. Again, yes and no. Morality are not the same, even among different religions. If religion to sacrifice a person, it some case it may be right, but today, most would see it to be wrong. Some people use promote violence, depending on the circumstance. Is it right to stone or whip a woman for adultery? In certain circumstances, the religion (Judaism, Islam) would promote such penalty.
4. No. Depending on where, some western countries promote tolerance in religion, whereas others may not be so. The same with the east or Middle east. Atheism and agnostic are small in the west, and the majority of people have religions.
5. There is no such thing as "perfect" culture in religious or secular world. Anyone who think there can be such perfection, would those people try to force other people to accept them? The idea of promoting perfect society, often breeds intolerance for people or their needs are different.
6. Violence should always be the last resort. Too bad George Bush doesn't understand that.
7. Or you could say "Religion is an enemy of secularism". I'd prefer separation of state and religion, separation of law and religion, of secular education and religious education, of science and religion, etc. Why must religion encompassed every aspect of society? We have seen what religion did to the west in the past and present, and have been far more repressive than their Islamic counterpart. Look what Islam doing now. Religion don't always promote freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom to choose, etc, because religion in government would like to control how we think, and that's no better Nazism or Communism.
8. It is the sort of nonsense that Christians sprouted in the past about their religions. I don't think much of Christians or Muslims who are militant and radical in thoughts and actions.