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Is Judgement Day really here and now?


What if Judgement Day really is here and God is Truth and the truth comes out on the world scene and exposes the world lie and everyone finds out where they stand? Truth coming out on Sat about Bush and 9-11 lies on national TV. This could be it. Spread this far and wide.

An email from 911truth.org:

Good news, good news at last!

- Griffin´s historic 90-min Madison 9/11 speech to go national on
CSPAN2 this Sat, 10:30 AM - Pass the word, pirate the show, and love up
- Big NY 9/11 Truth events this weekend

Tense Truth-Hungry Tribe,

Nothing spoils the suspense of a joke or alert like leading with your
punch line, but this is truly something to shout about. On April 18th
David Ray Griffin blew the roof off a Madison, WI meeting of the "Muslim,
Jew & Christian Network for 9/11 Truth" and CSPAN2 was there to cover

To give you a sense of the drama of the night, don´t just depend on the
reliably progressive Madison Capitol Times, which was positive plus
(http://www.911truth.org/article check out
the Bush-endorsing statewide Wisconsin State Journal which was also
obviously awed beyond standard "conspiracy theorist" caricatures and

Both were apparently wowed by the fact that Griffin not only told this
crowded faith-based audience that the Bush team was nakedly complicit
in 9/11, they greeted his charges not with jeers or doubts, but a
lengthy standing ovation.

In other words when this speech goes nationwide on CSPAN2 this weekend
(Saturday, 10:30 AM on their Book TV), you should have everyone in your
network of friends prepared with their VCRs warmed and loaded.

Just when many in the 9/11 world were falling into despair and chronic
shoe-staring, David Ray breaks loose in CSPAN and Hustler (June 1st
release), the Oklahoma City bombing truth squad embraces 9/11 skepticism
(see http://tinyurl.com/cz3mp for the eerie similiarities), and this
year´s Oklahoma State Republican (!) Party platform calls for a new 9/11

In other words, we´re suddenly humming Amazing Grace and realizing that
despite all the brainy bicoastal 9/11 organizing and activity, it may
very well be the old-fashioned patriotoc heartland that finally saves
our ***.

In the meantime, please do tape the show and spread it far and wide,
and afterwards contact CSPAN and tell them you love their style. Main
number: 202-737-3220 Fax number: 202-737-6226 Viewer services:


For any of you who live or have friends in the NY area, please be
advised of the following two powerful events this weekend. The second gig
especially has an incredible speaker list.


Judson Memorial Church
239 Thompson St. (near Washington Sq. Park)
Friday April 29th, 2005 - 7 pm

Learn talking points, organizational skills, and effective actions we
can all take to awaken our communities to the many lies in the official
9/11 story and the subsequent cover-up. We must call for truth and an
honest investigation or kiss our democracy goodbye. Join us to discuss
how to make that case so clear and loud it can no longer be ignored.


West Park Presbyterian Church
86th St. & Amsterdam Ave.
Saturday April 30th
Doors open 6:30 PM, event begins at 7 pm

Understanding what really happened on 9/11 and why requires us to widen
our political awareness. We must see those crimes in a larger
geo-political context to grasp the motives that inspired them and their expertly
exploited effects. Come learn about these crimes´ ramifications and how
they are shaping our present and determining our future. The urgency of
this recognition and our need for truth only get stronger as new
evidence of the 9/11 atrocities and the despotic agenda they have empowered
continue to surface.

Speakers will include Phil Berg (RICO lawsuit against Bush
administration); William Rodriguez, decorated 9/11 hero and lead plaintiff in the
RICO suit; Ray McGovern (retired CIA analyst); Bob McIlvaine (9/11
family member), John Buchanan (9/11 Truth Candidate), Nick Levis (anthrax
research, <http://www.911truth.org/>), Craig Hill (Vermont Green
senatorial candidate and 9/11 truth crusader) and Kyle Hence (9/11
CitizensWatch <http://www.911citizenswatch.org>).

The evening will begin with a specially pre-recorded video statement
from Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney warmly endorsing the event and the

See full details and directions for both events at www.ny911truth.org

Sponsored by NY 911 Truth


jewscout said:
and i've got some ocean front property in arizona:sarcastic
We can go there together - you bring the beer, I will bring the steaks and waterskis.


I am not sure if the judgment day is come, but I sure hope so. The Warmonger's are really starting to **** me off.