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In the Eucharist rest the very Heart of Christ Jesus

Mark Dohle

Well-Known Member

In the Eucharist rest the very Heart of Christ Jesus

It is in the Eucharist that I wait for them as physician and as remedy. If they are sick in their body or in their soul, let them seek Me out, and I will heal them of the evil that afflicts them. Many priests do not have a real and practical faith in My Eucharistic presence. Do they not know that the Eucharist encloses within itself all the merits of My Passion? Let them recover the faith of their childhood. Let them come to find Me there where I am waiting for them and I, for My part, shall work miracles of grace and holiness in them.

Monk, A Benedictine. In Sinu Jesu: When Heart Speaks to Heart--The Journal of a Priest at Prayer (p. 34). Angelico Press. Kindle Edition.


Religion in and of itself, without a deep Spiritual life can be a tomb for the soul. The path of faith is not about absolute surety about the faith, but a desire to live it as fully as possible. It is then that through personal experience that the reality of God can be felt, and experienced. Even when in a vast inner desert, our trust in God allows us to continue in faith.

Beginners are often the ones who think that they have the ‘whole truth’ and can be difficult to live with. Most outgrow that, but some, unfortunately, do not. We must learn that it is by unknowing that we grow in our faith. Faith is a mystery that can never be fully understood because it is dealing with our relationship with the Infinite. The death to self that Jesus talks about can only be known by having the trust to go through with it.

Yet, faith is not exempt from doubt. On our journey into a deeper relationship with God, we slowly learn how much ‘grace’ is involved in our responses. If we are searchers, it is grace that makes us restless for the truth. If we are on a particular path that is leading us to become more loving and compassionate people, that is also a grace. If we long for justice and find ourselves growing deeper in love with all that we meet, especially the poor and those on the margins, that is a great inpouring of God’s love and grace.

As our hearts slowly grow in love of God, we find ourselves more inclined to pray and to just be in the divine presence. And we start to see God, or Jesus, in all that we see and have the honor of meeting.

The Eucharist for many Catholics is a central focus of their faith. In the Eucharist, the whole notion of “God with Us” becomes a reality, and attending the Eucharist celebration becomes an avenue to unite ourselves to Jesus Christ for the salvation of all men and women.

For some, the biggest obstacle of faith comes from those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ. Perhaps all Christians are at some point because we are growing in our trust in God but are still too fearful to allow ourselves to show others the deep love that God has for all. When we understand the love of God for us, we begin to understand that the same love is for everyone. When we judge the ‘soul’ of another it blocks us from growing in love of God, others, and ourselves as well.

In the Eucharist rest the very Heart of Christ Jesus. To believe this, and to live it can bring us to a point of absolute trust in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. It is mercy, often undeserved that brings us to our knees in the knowledge of the love that God has for us.

If we live our faith only on the surface, we are missing out on a great deal of joy in our lives. So in Advent, let us begin to wait on the Lord, and to ponder the wonder of the Incarnation: “God with us”.-Br.MD
