דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
This game is called: The Iron Chef of RF. We played this game at the office and had a really good time. I think it will translate very well to the internet. It is a cuisine categorization and debate game. I think it has a lot of potential for this crowd.
The objective of the game is to group all cuisine, ALL, into as few categories as possible. Similar to the 4 food groups? But this is for cuisine. It's as if you have been tasked to write the compendium of all cuisine. Every different sort of entree, soup, beverage, anything that goes on a plate, anything one would order at a restaurant, all of it needs to be put into categories. The goal is to create the fewest number of categories.
The game was invented, I was told, by restaurant workers, food-service employees. So, it might help to adopt that mindset. Anything that can be put on any menu anywhere, needs to be included. The employee who introduced the office to the game was a pastry chef prior to changing careers. Try to imagine, again, this compendium of all cuisine. And this compendium is being broken out into separate volumes. What are the fewest, reasonable, logical, divisions, categories, for this all inclusive compendium?
That is the game.
The individual who taught me the game, claims to be the winner, because she can put everything, absolutely everything into 1 category. I, naturally, argued. I say, there are 3 general categories not 1.
What do you say? Who will be the Iron Chef of RF? What are the least number of categories which include ALL cuisine?
This game is called: The Iron Chef of RF. We played this game at the office and had a really good time. I think it will translate very well to the internet. It is a cuisine categorization and debate game. I think it has a lot of potential for this crowd.
The objective of the game is to group all cuisine, ALL, into as few categories as possible. Similar to the 4 food groups? But this is for cuisine. It's as if you have been tasked to write the compendium of all cuisine. Every different sort of entree, soup, beverage, anything that goes on a plate, anything one would order at a restaurant, all of it needs to be put into categories. The goal is to create the fewest number of categories.
The game was invented, I was told, by restaurant workers, food-service employees. So, it might help to adopt that mindset. Anything that can be put on any menu anywhere, needs to be included. The employee who introduced the office to the game was a pastry chef prior to changing careers. Try to imagine, again, this compendium of all cuisine. And this compendium is being broken out into separate volumes. What are the fewest, reasonable, logical, divisions, categories, for this all inclusive compendium?
That is the game.
The individual who taught me the game, claims to be the winner, because she can put everything, absolutely everything into 1 category. I, naturally, argued. I say, there are 3 general categories not 1.
What do you say? Who will be the Iron Chef of RF? What are the least number of categories which include ALL cuisine?