I have 2 continent's covered Europe
I am an avid, amateur genetic genealogist, bordering on being a GG addict.
Now that you have your AncestryDNA results, consider increasing your pool of matches by downloading your unzipped raw AncestryDNA to your computer, going to
www.familytreeDNA.com, registering, and uploading your raw file into familytreeDNA's "Family Finder" database (for free). A day or two later, you'll have another batch of matches to explore. (FTDNA offers free uploads, although they also offer a DNA test (for a charge) that performs the same kind of analysis that AncestryDNA offers. (For a charge of about $20, they'll also give you their version of ethnic background estimates, which will vary a bit from AncestryDNA's estimates.)
If and when you're ready to swim in the deep end of the genetic genealogy pool, go to
www.gedmatch.com and upload your AncestryDNA raw data file there and potentially increase your pool of matches significantly.
Your view of DNA will never be the same. And who knows, you may even pick up some kids you left behind somewhere.