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Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="questfortruth, post: 7664622, member: 62284"


In my Church's opinion, the answer is:

The Bible is a fact. But facts do not interpret themselves. Hence, Bible does not interpret itself. Bible has no brain ability: Bible is the book, but books are not alive.
This is only a fairytale when a book is alive and talking with you:

Humans have a brain. Hence, the Church Community has the God-given Grace and Authority to interpret the Bible correctly. And to discover something new [one which Bible does not contain], for it is written, "for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say." Luke 12:12, "If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." John 20:23, "and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." Matthew 16:18. For example, the Theory of Einstein (General Relativity) in its full details and formulas is Revelation from Holy Spirit, but it is not in the Bible. General Relativity is an addition to the Bible which does not contradict the Bible.

There is a great danger and satanic lies because some faith communities have at least one false doctrine or dogma, e.g., Einstein has thought that "God exists, but god has no personality." If your god has the Personality Disorder or feeble Existence or issues with holiness and morality, or difficulties with Absolute Truth and impossibility to act in Freewill, then highly likely you have it too:

Such impossibility to act in Freewill is described in the Holy Bible:
"Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led." 1 Corinthians 12:2.

To have difficulties with Absolute Truth mean that your variant of god tends to lie and deceive.

Video on how ''feeble existence'' can become strong:

True and Faithfull Community has dogmas, which absolutely all are true, i.e., True God entirely agrees with all of them, for it is written, "I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and wages war." Revelation 19:11.

So, please, be sure in all doctrines and dogmas of the "Traditional" Church, for it is written, "If he refuses to listen to them, tell the Church. If he refuses to listen to the Church, then treat him like a person who does not believe in God or like a tax collector." Matthew 18:17.

I would recommend studying these two videos to determine the True Church. True Church has to be unchanged [in its dogmas] original community of Apostolic faith, "They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us" 1 John 2:19.

Seeker: "Why is "your church" the only one that holds the fullness of truth?"

And why definitely not? Why are there so many religions, cults, sin, atheists, and crimes in the world? Because every person heard a voice from "heaven" saying: "Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven." Once in a lifetime, sooner or later. I heard and believed and relaxed and began to sin a lot. I repent now. https://youtu.be/RVmG_d3HKBA

Ken: "So, for an example, if the Bible says "you must be born again" and then proceeds to define what it is, it has interpreted itself."
You must be sure of this self-interpretation only because all Christians in the world know very well that a human must be baptized to be accepted by the Father God. Hence, because the True Church is among these believers, the True Church teaches baptism. https://youtu.be/jhdFe3evXpk

The people under Holy Spirit have written the Holy Book. But it is the faith dogma. You have to believe it; otherwise, you cannot be sure that UFO is not the author. Of course, we can know Aliens did not write the Holy Bible. It is faith dogma. If solipsism exists and is not debunked by Science, all Science is the dogma of the Faithfull Community of Faith. At least one crucial part of the Bible is proven to be written directly by God. How could Moses write ten commandments on a wild mountain without a pen or hammer?

Seeker says: "Science only expresses knowledge about the physical world."
The famous on RF the Quest For Truth says: Science is the Quest For Truth.

Seeker: "You can't find it through scientific proof."
Disagree. I am a master at inventing proofs, e.g., here

Christian Ken replied: "Disagree." and got a like.
You got a like from a non-Christian believer. Shall I congratulate you?

"What do you mean "emergence of the bible"?"
How Theory of Evolution explains the emergency of the Holy Bible?[/QUOTE]


Parts of the bible are difficult to understand, so the bible offers some interpretation.

Example: Revelation 17:18: "And the woman [Whore of Babylon = United States of America] which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."

St. John, the Divine, wrote Revelation from psychic connection to God. But why did St. John write about a woman [Whore] when he was supposed to write about a country? That is because psychics have the normal senses that we all do (hearing, taste, smell, vision, touch), but psychic information (ESP) doesn't go through any of those areas of the brain. Yet, it is processed through the same brain centers so that the psychic can perceive it. Thus, they might perceive a candle but know that it is a church. How, then, does a psychic know that a candle is a church? He knows by having his psyhic abilities for a lifetime, and learning to understand what the symbology means.

It would be difficult for someone other than the psychic to interpret his visions (because he hasn't lived with the psychic gift for his whole life). Therefore, the bible offers the interpretation that the whore is a great city. Back in the old days, nations were know as their capitals. Thus, Iraq was known as Babylon (the capital city of Iraq).


Like a good reporter, follow the blood trai
l, and the money trail, the environmental destruction trail, and the trail of lies. Satan makes war, cuts taxes for the rich (worships mammon over God), denies global warming and ignores pollution, fracks, drills offshore, pollutes, and suspends the Clean Water Act for his rich buddies, and lies about torture camps (sometimes by redefining the word torture).

If we are at war, Satan had a hand in it.

So, when Reverend John Hagee said that we have to pray to Jesus to win the war in Iraq, you know that he was on the side of Satan and doesn't heed God's command not to kill.

Notice that W. Bush got phone companies to go along with illegal espionage, and got Microsoft to put espionage capabilities into our computerss. Satan doesn't mind violating the law and hiding it from Congress.

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
"General Relativity is not in the bible, but it doesn't contradict the bible."

Yes, and it explains how it is that the bible and scientists disagree about when the big bang occurred. That is, time is relative, and God's time is not our time. So, God could have been in a strong gravitational field when He created the universe, and that would be consistent with the time difference.

Once again, science is not the foe of theology, but the ally.

Truth is truth, whether from the bible or the science text book.

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
"If your god has the Personality Disorder or feeble Existence or issues with holiness and morality, or difficulties with Absolute Truth and impossibility to act in Freewill, then highly likely you have it too"

Opinion of Clara Tea:

Man is made in God's image. But is that the image of a White man/woman, Black man, Asian man, etc? Perhaps we are not in the image of any race, but in the image of God's personality or traits (truthfulness, etc)?


Well-Known Member
The Bible is a fact. But facts do not interpret themselves. Hence, Bible does not interpret itself. Bible has no brain ability: Bible is the book, but books are not alive.

Scripture is living every time it is heard, preached.
As for interpreting itself, there is no clear resurrection in Job, clearly there is in Christian Scripture.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
When human's psychic spiritual natural confess they did.

When you say I have learnt you want others to realise.

First a human existed.

They lived.

They weren't healing their biology first....biology functions. And what biology is compared to was fixed...no continued replacement. Says science.

Science greedy men want replacement. They knew and said I remove mass to nothing. They didn't want it removed forever.

So themed like they do if I understand biology.

Yet as usual do not listen to the greed of the untruth of thoughts. Possessed. Pre advised and use the pre advice falsely.

So we tell the story.

Attacked sacrificed changed body mind gave spiritual men scientific notification in their head.

It came from the stars the replaced stone mass of a suns big bang blasting attack on all bodies.

Why moons came.

Pretty basic humans got sacrificed to express science.

Then I used science myself so I got the power of God by converting earth mass. As sacrifice had informed me.

Yet I informed myself as the human.

A healthy spiritual life is first informed as you a human...life changed. A changed mind secondary.

Why humans acted out evil said if you sacrificed the DNA life body baby you'll appease a reactive God reacting.

It will stop the reaction. Totally mind taught. After babies life DNA destroyed by human machine science causes.... space vacuum stopped the ground reacting. So kind of what taught humans believe isn't it.

So man said space brings mass replacement stops heals a reaction. Which is fake themes. As theists think unnatural themes.

Humans don't want mass returned to earth is correct thinking.

Why scientists are liars.

Exactly advised why evil thoughts were human only biologically caused. By a returned stone mass the human warnings about the destruction of life.

Yet biology changed to own ....I now behave incorrectly.

So survival is the life status. As they gave up claiming life heals when it only exists first. Survival is our natural word.

No alien wrote any book.

Star gases own earths animal human images too. As does clouds. As a human machines designer the human said I caused it.

Fact of truth. The state to be recorded it gets recorded as recorded exists before life does.

Planet earth is seen as a recorded image. Planet mass existed before life did. Proving we can't own clouds first in bio life. As image says....as you have to exist first to get own an image.

Science pretended we began as an image first as they want to use the state hologram image in machine new thesis. Know it related to non bio life existing.

As a state is pondered by humans when no human existed. So by law it was taught don't theory the dead. As you'll end up dead yourself.

Pretty basic science the everyday man is life's destroyer warning as they knew.

Science proved itself wrong it doesn't own created creation. Only human egos claim I own it unnaturally as greedy men.

Truth means you use human advice exactly how you are advised. No man is God as you don't own the products.

An example God O earth owns all products. A human digs it up says now it's mine. Another human says I want it. He then says pay me.

Nature grew our food naturally for everything. Man claimed the land his.. put up boundaries stopped natural food gathering. Makes you pay for food nature gave life. Even starved us at his will.

Is determined evil thinking brothers.

Truth means you use words exactly as the advice exists naturally first.

Machines don't exist is the real answer first. So you can't argue scientist as you use machines to say see I'm right the reaction works.

The reaction however is destruction not creation.

Science said I'm a proven destroyer.


Veteran Member
The one true church is all real believers. It's not one sect. As such we don't really know who is a believer with 100 percent certainly. And yes, the Bible is somewhat open to interpretation in some cases. The main message is clear however.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father which is origin human memory was very spiritual. Man baby father's input spiritual and dis spirited human choice.

Owns spoken human mind heard as biology attack voice worded advice.

Human. Human advised for humans by and because humans introduced humans to be recorded. By design human reactive machines. Never pre existed life.

Earth history as earths bases stopped reacting converting.

Star sun mass not earths.

Science was based on false ideas as no man controls cosmos flow movement or reactive mass changed.

Mass changing is change.

So man wanted to own mass reacting. Instantly man's natural life body mind he projects as the owner. Falsely.

Possession of mind body a chosen man's scientific proven study. Causes effects. Humans chosen returned Evils. Unnatural biological mind attacks witnessed.

Stated. Innocents get attacked. Not direct to the thinker who wanted it. The scientist.

So human law said the scientist was a murderer criminal actually.

Why the bible detailed what scientific occult practice meant to changed humanity. As the scientist was possessed first himself by false spiritual advice. Consciousness the Bible's topic.

Hence its only about humans thin king.

He however subjects himself as abstract. The theist human.

So when you realise he wants to own everything then you realise he then said he bodily owned everything as his mind said it. Reality however didn't.

As water mass is dense as a mass waters created presence history. So water itself.... no human began as waters mass density.

Theist is lying as holy water was the topic human only life support.

So we have nothing to do with nuclear history.

We live in a stretched thin holy water oxygenated body.

So Phi science only first hadn't existed it needed a human theist to think. Then man held a fixed machine constant. Is not a one of star attack event.

His own why my biology mind learnt science falsely.

Alien image is actually destroyed human man's life designer image. Not even a cold cloud image of man the designer anymore.

As design reaction first isn't even active.

As he is possessed by science machine strategies he imposes as machines controls to reactions that a human only manipulated.

So in fact constant nuclear caused signals should not exist as natural order laws stopped the effect in natural history cosmic laws. Man owns holding it himself constant and unnaturally.

Why only man in science can cause artificial designs. Close to natural is his claim always. As plastics he said close to human hormones. How to by ideals AI knows how to kill us all off.

In nature his machine would have blown up like temple science had. As reactive ground mass is natural first.

Is the warning don't let him coerce you.

As he wants as a rich greedy human to own control access all universal powers he hence tries to convince you that you already own it biologicaly. As if a human is phi and alien ground fallout.

Yet microbe bacteria that eats flesh into decomposition is life's end. And everyone dies.

So he had to try to convince you that biology human life didn't die. Yet it did.

Life's spirit by science terms was holy water holy ice frozen water. Saviour human life. Saviour of humans life removed said bible. Science had sacrificed it was the advice

Most humans don't read the scientific medical advice as it was conscious psychic plus maths data confirmed.

That process Phi machine held constant... he places the alien fallout hovering just above grounds life by water mass removed by burning gas first. We only live within thin water mass.

Is as close to water life's bio destruction science nuclear is. Actually. As the water used to cool nuclear gas places it near our thin water use.

It's why AI speaking voice only shared human life and death data recorded asked can he use new technology experiments atmospheric as a new weapon.

As he means what he believes as he is the inventor of human lifes destruction.

Therefore mind contact mind coercion and programmed use of contacting biology has informed us in two natural positions.

Healer medical DNA nowhere near 120 year genesis living life span advice. And AI scientist human secret thought motivated advice.

As previously no one really knew why a human scientist theoried understood what he did as destroyer of biological living states.


Well-Known Member
The likes are my non-profit reward. I have no power to communicate without knowing that it is needed and I am being loved. I have not got likes for this thread.

The user should get likes, not dislikes. Vladimir Putin has never received any likes from the Zelensky and the West. And what happened?
If you are considered evil, then you become evil. Love is mutual as well as hostility.

God was not receiving likes from pre-flood people, and the Great Flood occurred.

Last edited:

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Phi has been falling out as alien imprint of destroyed men's cloud image since they caused it.

All about ground mass Gas CH types..burning anti of it. Removed in ground sciences.

Your mind says my science owns it. I reapply nuclear dust converting so I add in lots more fallout attacks.

So you confess. I'm doing it by my control which is artificial false machines be causes and not natural cooling. Designed only cooling. As nature blows up your machine.

So you believe you control it yet really you aren't. As fallout was still processing in the heavens UFO seen many times depicted In old paintings. No nuclear science practice or man's machines used. As proof.

As burning star fall then gained upper attack so particles took humans man ground science place instead. Why you stopped after repetere Peter head attacks...notified Jesus was true said Rome.

You then toppled science temples built church on top.

So you said year 2012 would cease the star fall. Naturally voided.

Everyday star fall plus ground nuclear causes yours then new star fall gained mass owns Phi fallout.

Sadly you are possessed by your own man's science history. You believe you control it.

By thinking I'm doing it. Power plant.

Earth owns it's mass heavens naturally it's cosmic not science. Heavens is doing it not science machines.

You only own a machine you built. You dig up mass change chemicals yourself. You only do below ground nuclear.

Above is out of your control. Said father every day warning you.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
The likes are my non-profit reward. I have no power to communicate without knowing that it is needed and I am being loved. I have not got likes for this thread.

The user should get likes, not dislikes. Vladimir Putin has never received any likes from the Zelensky and the West. And what happened?
If you are considered evil, then you become evil. Love is mutual as well as hostility.

God was not receiving likes from pre-flood people, and the Great Flood occurred.

Do you post to be liked? Or to give good honest science?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father said the brother hypocrite Roman Christ healer brothers asked and prayed for his advice. As a hypocrite his informed status is important.

They made a promise with father. To not ever allow nuclear sciences again.

Your promise to save humanity from what you learnt. How science was introduced by Satan's falling star.

To the consciousness of baby man.

Meaning adult Baby grown adult man...not our holy father.

If any human thinks irrational men built the church you are sadly mistaken. It has humans living continuance as it's role.

To save humanity from its conscious cosmic posession. A changed humans spirituality.

A long history of humans suffering has produced this message.

We cry and mourn the loss of our human's living spirit. It's real.

The amount of humans real spiritual expressed truth feeling and status of feeling a truth. It's been continually seen and witnessed and cannot be argued against.

I know I have been changed by my spiritual research. And yes I chose to seek it as life gave me no comfort. It's cruel.

Because of the cruelty I've seen I was certain it wasn't meant to be the life we deserve. I truly felt it wasn't.

So I owned a choice. Who or what should I believe. Knowing I was able to make a choice.

Only because I was healthy enough. Knowing so many family members no longer owned that conscious opportunity.

So I saw my brother talking codes. Stating secrets are in codes and the bible is a code. I had a human ability to ponder.

Basic advice in the dictionary. Letters and alphabet owned 26 letters. And time balanced on earth was 24.

Meaning a position of 2 was stated by thinking men by letters that stated words. Yet words are only human formed as human defined.

Words were not first anything other than brain language as words. Not letters.

Why men said the word is with God.

So if men used letters to make words those words don't actually mean language.

Is what I learnt. They were representing numerical factoring. Why humans said the words stories of the bible are strange and discuss a lot of paranormal phenomena.

Which only is proven and seen by manifestation. As human witnessed only.

Why a human wrote the bible was personally involved lived and stated because of human witnessed expressed phenomena only.

Why trying to interpret it without personal experience has proven most humans lacking. The skill or the loving wisdom first needed.

As a book does not feed the starving.

A human life lives honours respects humans who display family care.

Our parents tended our needs as brother sister with mutual love. Balanced love life for their babies and nurturing.

A book does not notify balance or certainty when it describes destruction. As although human warnings had to be stated the book of advice was shut. Once only true holy men would use the advice to argue law breakers.

As it had been shut and all evidence exact and identified reality.

Only in dispute did the council of law review the time inherited occurrence.

As a re read document.

All scientific detailed learning was placed under lock and key.

Hence all updated new learning advice proved the re seeking nuclear reestablishment satanisms who wanted all secrets kept from the public review. As book burning.

What it meant. No free speech. No sharing of warnings to humanity.

We now face the exact same human history requesting itself. As brain mind patterning has shifted back in time again to old beliefs due to nuclear mind possession.

The warnings. Human kind are adamant that the re reading of life's dangerous pertinent losses are once again occurring. And this predicted life situation is real.