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Dismay at Vatican's 'one church' doctrine


Many of my protestant Breathern have reacted with dismay at a document released by Pope Benedict XVI that proclaims the "one Church of Christ... subsists in the Catholic Church.
The document also said that Reformed Protestant churches were not churches "in the proper sense", but were "ecclesial communities".

I would like to know the opnion of The Roman Catholic Members of this forum regarding this issue!


Well-Known Member
Many of my protestant Breathern have reacted with dismay at a document released by Pope Benedict XVI that proclaims the "one Church of Christ... subsists in the Catholic Church.
The document also said that Reformed Protestant churches were not churches "in the proper sense", but were "ecclesial communities".

I would like to know the opnion of The Roman Catholic Members of this forum regarding this issue!

I agree 110% wholeheartedly with this non-changing ancient Catholic doctrine about Church. I agree with all doctrine of the Church. In order to have a true Church you must have valid bishops/via apostolic succession and a valid Eucharist. The roots of this are found in apostolic teaching of the Church fathers who knew and were taught by the apostles themselves. Any Catholics that do not agree with this has to ask themselves why they are Catholic and not episcopalian. This is not a new doctrine, it goes all the way back to apostolic teaching, and can be found in the wriitngs of St Ignatius of Antiochin the year 110 A.D. Ignatius was taught by the apostle John himself, so this is most likely a apostolic doctrine. A Catholic does not have a right to freely disbelieve the apostolic teachings of the church, if he does so he ceases to be acting or being truly Catholic in practice and mindset.


Active Member
I find the recent statement of the Pope to be quite bigoted. Yes, I know it is the ancient doctrine of the Church but still. He could have said it in a less confrontational manner.


Well-Known Member
I find the recent statement of the Pope to be quite bigoted. Yes, I know it is the ancient doctrine of the Church but still. He could have said it in a less confrontational manner.

He didn't say it at all!! The CDF said it. He just signed off on it. m You really should study what actually happened instead of taking someones elses story about it. Especially the liberal anti-catholic media. This coming from a Supposed Catholic is especially sad. Liberals have no substance I suppose in understanding doctrine or Jesus truth and church. I guess if truth to them is bigotry then Jesus and his church were bigots. Heck I'll gladly take any name you can call me or the Christ one appointed Shepherd. Jesus said that would happen. Hey thats ok they called Jesus names too for preaching the truth! At least I know I'm on the right path. Spiritual martyrdom is abound in Catholicism especially when truth is taught. LOL! How dare Jesus! LOL!:)


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Well-Known Member
I would like to know the opnion of The Roman Catholic Members of this forum regarding this issue!
The only people I've chatted with or talked to that seemed to take offense did not actually take the time to read the statement issued by the Church.... I don't have much sympathy for people who get "upset" but don't even take the time to do some simple reading....

Peace be with you all,