Heheh. Looks like I am not the only skeptic anymore.
A lot of the brainiacs i admire most would agree with you.
Including the guy who wrote Jurassic Park (Michael Crichton) - I'd highly recommend his book State of Fear. It's really entertaining but the back is filled with page after page of temperature charts and raw data that will blow your mind.
Check out his senate testimony:
The Case for Skepticism on Global Warming
This is just a short excerpt:
"...the 1970s. Gerald Ford is president, Saigon falls, Hoffa disappears, and in climate science, evidence points to catastrophic cooling and a new ice age.
In the first Earth Day in 1970, UC Davis’s Kenneth Watt said, “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder in 1990, but eleven degrees colder by the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.” International Wildlife warned “a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war” as a threat to mankind. Science Digest said “we must prepare for the next ice age.” The Christian Science Monitor noted that armadillos had moved out of Nebraska because it was too cold, glaciers had begun to advance, and growing seasons had shortened around the world. Newsweek reported “ominous signs” of a “fundamental change in the world’s weather.”
But in fact, every one of these statements was wrong. Fears of an ice age had vanished within five years, to be replaced by fears of global warming. These fears were heightened because population was exploding. By 1995, it was 5.7 billion, up 10% in the last five years.
Back in the 90s, if someone said to you, “This population explosion is overstated. In the next hundred years, population will actually decline.” That would contradict what all the environmental groups were saying, what the UN was saying. You would regard such a statement as outrageous.
More or less as you would regard a statement by someone now that global warming has been overstated.
But in fact, we now know that the hypothetical person in 1995 was right. And we know that there was strong evidence that this was the case going back for twenty years.
We just weren’t told about that contradictory evidence, because the conventional wisdom, awesome in its power, kept it from us."
MichaelCrichton.com | The Case for Skepticism on Global Warming