Veteran Member
Exactly. They seem to think that if they show that Darwin or Dawkins is wrong about something, then the whole of evolutionary science will crumble.
But, science doesn't have prophets in that way. It has people who have insights and make advances. But *never* is the word of one scientist the final say on *anything*. The insights they have are discussed, criticized, extended, modified, and generally investigated by others to see just how far they go. Never are the insights taken as true without doubt.
It isn't the word of the scientist that determines what is correct: it is the repeatable, testable observations.
Darwin had a great insight into a *mechanism* for evolution. But evolution was already 'in the air' because it had already been noted that species change over time. They question was why and how. And Darwin wasn't the only one who had that insight: Wallace did as well. Furthermore, that insight gave testable predictions that held up to observation.
Until creationists realize evolution isn't some grand conspiracy to negate the Bible, but is instead an honest attempt to understand how things work in the real world, they will never understand its reason for existence and why it is so important for biology.
But will any of our fundys read this with comprehension? Nothing of their religious faith is compromised by understanding the above listed bssics.