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Hello everyone, I am a Full practicing Solitary Eclectic Witch. If you have any questions, concerns or just curious what a witch thinks feel free to ask away! Although I can't represent all witches views, I can share my personal experiences and views on what witchcraft means to me. Thanks in advance! :)
Can you describe some of your rituals and practices if you feel comfy doing so?
Hi Artist, I have many spells and rituals I perform. Most of my work involves circle casting. I will cast a sacred circle to create a temporary church for me to enter and hold my Sabbaths, Esbat celebrations invocations, healings and sometimes just to get away from the hectic world to give me a chance to rest and recharge my batteries.

I cast my circle differently than traditional witches. Usually they will cast a circle around them before commencing their celebrations, or magical workings, but I cast my circle first, and walk outside my circle three times around before entering my church. I do this because I want to have perfect love and perfect trust in my heart before entering my Sacred Realm. If I feel something is off. I won't enter my sacred space until I spiritually cleanse myself.

Although I worship the Divine, I try to keep all my rituals in a secular setting. I do not invoke deities to open my circle but I do call upon the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and the Spirit within me before I conduct my rituals and the best part of my church is that laughter is required when I make mistakes! How cool is that! ;)

I have very precise rituals and when I mess up, it's so much fun to laugh and understand I don't have to be perfect to be a witch. I just have to be human.

The best part of being a witch for me is being able to laugh and forgive the mistakes I make so I can have the ability to forgive others when they make mistakes too.

I never take life too seriously because I am having so much fun being in awe and wonder of all the amazing things surrounding me even when I understand that when you're a witch, weird things happen.

Since you asked me to share a ritual if I feel comfortable sharing, I'd love to share my favorite spell with you to give you an ideal of my magick and hope this spell changes your life for the better.

It's a mirror spell and the best part is that you don't need any special magick to make it work. All you have to do is get a mirror and close your eyes. Make sure you don't look at the mirror before you close your eyes.

Just concentrate on my smooth sounding voice to guide you to make contact with that sacred bring that's been following you your entire life! As you close your eyes, think what you are going to see when you open your eyes as you stare at your reflection. What will you see? Is there going to be a serious look on your face? Is there going to be a look of joy and utter amazement when you see that sacred creature that can't wait to meet you? I can hardly wait to find out! Now slowly open your eyes and look at yourself for the first time in your life, WOW!

Do you see what I see? I see a beautiful Sacred You, and You are perfect in every way, flaws included. You are the beautiful creation I wanted You to meet and everytime you look in a mirror say, "Hello Beautiful!"

This is my mirror spell and now it is yours. From this day forward I do declare you are worth looking in the mirror to see that incredible beauty that defines you as a person!

It will work in every mirror You will see from now on and when You say "Hello Beautiful" in private or public, you can have as much fun as I do explaining to people why we are so beautiful. Society conditions us to self loathe ourselves and make us feel ugly, but with a little Magick and lot's of love we can show the world the beauty that is in all our souls.

This is just a glimpse of my craft I practice, and hope it helps show your beauty too, thanks for your question and nice meeting you!
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How would you define "magic" or "magick"? Is there a difference between the two in your worldview?
Hi Debate Slayer thanks for you question, this is my favorite topic to discuss! In my personal beliefs I agree with the traditional terms of Magic and Magick. For those of you that may not be familiar of the term, Magick was spelled this way to differentiate it from magicians magic that involved illusions, sleight of hand and can be explained by physics.

Magick was the agreed spelling by many to describe the Supernatural phenomenon, and things outside the Laws of Physics from practitioners of Magickal workings.

I am an a practitioner of Magick, but I wouldn't be offended if someone spelled it Magic. Hope this answer helps and Blessed Be!

The Hammer

Premium Member
Hello everyone, I am a Full practicing Solitary Eclectic Witch. If you have any questions, concerns or just curious what a witch thinks feel free to ask away! Although I can't represent all witches views, I can share my personal experiences and views on what witchcraft means to me. Thanks in advance! :)

What type of Witch are you? I know you said Eclectic, but does your practice pull more from one wiccan theology over others?

Gardnerian, Dianic, Traditional, Alexandrian, etc?
Why is there more focus on the moon than the sun in Wicca?
Hello Sundance that is a very good question to ask! From what I understand of Wiccan religion, it is Feminine in Nature.

Most people see the Sun as a Masculine Deity while the Moon is Feminine in Nature. Generally Wicca does honor Masculine and Feminine deities equally, but most connect to the Feminine Nature of Earth and Moon.

That is why most Wicca Witches will concentrate on the Moon. It has about the same menstrual cycle as a female and the phases of the moon represent the menstrual cycle women have to go through during their life. It really is a cool concept, but there is no problem in honoring the Masculine deities such as the Sun as well.

Also it should be noted that the 8 agreed Sabbaths in a calendar year focuses on our Sun's position over our Earth, while the Esbats concentrate on the phases of our sister moon in the sky. The need for Masculine and Feminine deities to create life is what makes both genders equally Revered in Wicca culture.

I guess I should also note that in my opinion, Witchcraft by itself is not a religion but many Witches are Pagan or Wicca in general and that is where the high ceremonial Magick and celebrations take place in a Wicca or Pagan Witches life.
What type of Witch are you? I know you said Eclectic, but does your practice pull more from one wiccan theology over others?

Gardnerian, Dianic, Traditional, Alexandrian, etc?
Hi Hammer nice to hear from you, wow that is a tough question to answer, lol! I'm very Wicca friendly so I seen many good things from all the paths you mentioned. As a witch I try to separate my Witchcraft from my religion because I view Witchcraft more as an extension of myself rather than a religion. I like Gardnerian, New Age, Traditional, Alexandrian, Dianic, Thelema, Shamanistic and Christian paths but I don't really want to label myself, but I seen some good in all the religions I was blessed to see. I think the important thing about religion is to be myself and be kind to the people that have a different religious path than me. To be Blessed and Harm None is my religious goals in life!

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Hello Sundance that is a very good question to ask! From what I understand of Wiccan religion, it is Feminine in Nature.

Most people see the Sun as a Masculine Deity while the Moon is Feminine in Nature. Generally Wicca does honor Masculine and Feminine deities equally, but most connect to the Feminine Nature of Earth and Moon.

That is why most Wicca Witches will concentrate on the Moon. It has about the same menstrual cycle as a female and the phases of the moon represent the menstrual cycle women have to go through during their life. It really is a cool concept, but there is no problem in honoring the Masculine deities such as the Sun as well.

Also it should be noted that the 8 agreed Sabbaths in a calendar year focuses on our Sun's position over our Earth, while the Esbats concentrate on the phases of our sister moon in the sky. The need for Masculine and Feminine deities to create life is what makes both genders equally Revered in Wicca culture.

I guess I should also note that in my opinion, Witchcraft by itself is not a religion but many Witches are Pagan or Wicca in general and that is where the high ceremonial Magick and celebrations take place in a Wicca or Pagan Witches life.
I figured that. Thanks!
Hello everyone, I am a Full practicing Solitary Eclectic Witch. If you have any questions, concerns or just curious what a witch thinks feel free to ask away! Although I can't represent all witches views, I can share my personal experiences and views on what witchcraft means to me. Thanks in advance! :)
Hi,Witches_element, I am very grateful for some advice on this. A group of people are harming my family and me in devious ways. They don’t know that we already knew they are the ones harming us. Even they deserve to die because one of my family members almost died because of their plots; However, we just want to stop them harming us and let them go away from our life forever.

A psychic advised me to do a PectiWitan (Scottish Witchcraft) black bottle spell, which is similar to a banishing spell. The method is as below: to get a black bottle,fill it halfway with sharp rusty pins/nails/razor blades, mediate and say prayers to God, burn the images of these bad people, place the ashes in bottle, draw a pentagram on ground, Fill up bottle with our urine, seal bottle cap with black candle wax, dig a hole on ground where close to river/creek, place the bottle inside down in the hole and cover it with dirt.

My questions are:

  • If these bad people will provide our photos and names to a psychic for a reading, can that psychic find out we do this spell?
  • Is this “black bottle spell” only a self-defence for us, but not an attack to them, which means bad things(karmas) would happen to them only if they would be thinking or doing harm to us?
  • Besides rusty pins and nails, can I put in new sharp razor blades too? Or the razor blades are overdone which could cause my family danger?
  • Can I do 3 bottles, in case 1 bottle will be dug out by someone?
  • If someone dug out a bottle and open it, will that cause us danger?
Thank you very much!