Denizens of the forums,
A while back an update to the forum software introduced a "likes" system as an alternative to our once beloved frubals. You may have noticed that negative ratings are not an option, which was an intentional decision by the site owner to support the forum mission:
On occasion, we've noticed members abusing the "likes" system by using "funny" in a pejorative, mocking, or trollish fashion. When someone posts a sincerely held belief and a bunch of people start rating it "funny," that isn't exactly respectful and welcoming. We wanted to let you know that we consider behavior like that to be in violation of the rules, specifically Rule 3 or Rule 9 (see the full text of the rules here). If we see a pattern of abusing the "funny" rating, a member may be infracted as per any other piece of rule violating content. It felt prudent to give you all a more direct heads up about this, as it seems to be becoming more of an issue.
Feel free to ask questions for clarification within this thread, but do keep in mind that discussion of specific cases of moderation need to stay in Site Feedback as per Rule 2.
A while back an update to the forum software introduced a "likes" system as an alternative to our once beloved frubals. You may have noticed that negative ratings are not an option, which was an intentional decision by the site owner to support the forum mission:
As a community of diverse cultural and religious backgrounds, our aim is to provide a civil environment, informative, respectful and welcoming where people of diverse beliefs can discuss, compare and debate religion while engaging in fellowship with one another.
On occasion, we've noticed members abusing the "likes" system by using "funny" in a pejorative, mocking, or trollish fashion. When someone posts a sincerely held belief and a bunch of people start rating it "funny," that isn't exactly respectful and welcoming. We wanted to let you know that we consider behavior like that to be in violation of the rules, specifically Rule 3 or Rule 9 (see the full text of the rules here). If we see a pattern of abusing the "funny" rating, a member may be infracted as per any other piece of rule violating content. It felt prudent to give you all a more direct heads up about this, as it seems to be becoming more of an issue.
Feel free to ask questions for clarification within this thread, but do keep in mind that discussion of specific cases of moderation need to stay in Site Feedback as per Rule 2.