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As for Imam Ali Al-Hadi (a), it's due to the emphasis of Ahlulbayt being Exalted ones (all Ali), and Ahlulbayt being the highest chiefs, and pre-chosen in the chapter Saad. This also goes with why Imam Ali Al-Hadi (a) can be a child while leader of the community, and also it goes with him being the last of the ones with the name Ali.

As for Imam Zainal Abideen (a) and Taseen, it's due the chapter emphasizing on the favor of God through the rulership of David (a) and Solomon (a), which if they didn't kill Imam Hussain (a), they would've had, but at the same time, it emphasizes what these chosen ones have with God is far greater. Peace be upon those who God has chosen.

As for Hameem and Imam Hussain (a), it's due to reminding the roots of disbelief and rebellion community had against Mohammad (s), and this shows the reason he would be killed if killed. Also chapters after Hameem to the next mysterious letters show if he would've been helped, the reasons as well.

As for Ain-seen-qaaf and Imam Hassan (a), the reason here being this Surah has the love towards the family of Mohammad (s) verse but at the same time, emphasizes he gives daughters and sons to who he pleases, and makes barren who he pleases near the end. Mohammad (s) legacy is through Fatima (a), while Imam Hassan (a) although had children, the leaders of guidance - God chose it to be from Hussain (a) for a reason, just as he chosen Imam Ali (a) to have Hassan (a) and Hussain (a) through Fatima (a) for a reason. This is not due to Imam Hassan (a) lesser in rank. Also this chapter shows fighting is advised but also shows sometimes you got to be patient and not fight against oppressors for certain reasons. This is also why Imam Hassan (a) is more justified in this chapter. It also relates to Hussain (a) for same reasons and hence Hameem was how it started as well.

Aliflammeemsaad and Imam Jaffar (a) is due to the emphasis on river and branches and ways is meaning, and his name, as well, he is the primary one of the twelve branches and ways of the successors by which God guided to the truth.

As for AlifLamMeem and Imam Hassan Al-Askari (a), it's because of the sectarian nature of the disputes that would have come about if people didn't heed the warnings of Quran and they would've walked into every trap of Iblis that bani-Israel walked into, and he is the one responsible to preparing people for the period of whence a leader is no longer in the open. Thus these chapters deal more with this inter-period of having a legacy of leaders of guidance but awaiting the return of a leader of guidance in the open. It also emphasis on the roles of the Imams (a) all together in the open and sectarian disputes are solved more easily by these Surahs.

As for AliflamMeemRaa- it's the emphasis on every people having a guide and the hiding of the sign being for God to do or not to do, and thus we await when God will manifest his proofs through the Guide again while there is emphasis there is a guide for every people. This is thus geared towards Imam Mahdi (a) and his Ghayba.

As for Qaaf - the strangeness of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (a) and the way he acted is best suited for this Surah. He was jailed, tortured, but showed so much compassion forbearance that his torturers would convert to the guidance through him. This was similar how people of Mohammad (s) would torture believers, but would end up coming to Islam when they find out the truth during that period where they found it strange.

As for Noon- these chapters show the favor of God emphasis more and also emphasize on the pleasure of the Prophet (s) more and God's pleasure with him, thus, it's suited for Imam Reda (a) and the favor of God being most known through him and as well as his nickname.

As for Yaseen, it's due to the origins, and also the family of Yaseen blessed, and we refer to Ahlulbayt (a) as the family of Mohammad (s), and it shows God helped Mohammad (s) with more Mursaleen, as he did in the past. Also, from believer point of view, Mohammad (s) doesn't seek a reward, but from the viewpoint of disbelievers, he is greedy for power, fame, moral landscaping, etc, and the reward believers don't see him seeking but disbelievers due, is emphasized to be upon God to establish and is a way towards God and is nothing but love and recognition of Ahlulbayt (a) for who they are. The connection of Family of Mohammad (s) to Mohammad (s) is emphasized in Suratal Saffaat with respect to Suratal Yaseen, and hence, this is why we bless them in Salah after we testify to Mohammad (s).

Now after assigning the letters to each Imam through the contents of the chapters, the next thing to decipher is what the letters actual meaning are and what word(s) do they represent.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think you are thinking (although we will disagree on interpretation) of this hadith:

ومن الحديث ما رواه العياشي عن أبي لبيد المخزومي قال: قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام: يا أبا لبيد إنه يملك من ولد العباس إثنا عشر يقتل بعد الثامن منهم اربعة تصيب أحدهم الذبحة فتذبحه فئة قصيرة أعمارهم خبيثة سيرتهم منهم الفويسق الملقب بالهادي والناطق والغاوي يا أبا لبيد إن لي في حروف القرآن المقطعة لعلماً جمّاً إن الله تبارك وتعالى أنزل { الم } ذلك الكتاب فقام محمد حتى ظهر نوره وثبتت كلمته وولد يوم ولد وقد مضى من الألف السابع مأة سنة وثلاث سنين ثم قال: وتبيانه في كتاب الله في الحروف المقطعة إذا عددتها من غير تكرار وليس من حروف مقطعة حرف تنقضي أيامه إلا وقام من بني هاشم عند انقضائه ثم قال: الألف واحد واللام ثلاثون والميم أربعون والصاد تسعون فذلك مائة وواحد وستون ثم كان بدور خروج الحسين بن علي عليهما السلام الم الله فلما بلغت مدته قام قائم من ولد العباس عند المص ويقوم قائمنا عند انقضائها بالمر فافهم ذلك وعد واكتمه.

This hadith I just read it today, and is exactly what I'm trying to prove. I will translate it later, and will build first on clear foundations and then reason through all that, and try to provide clear proofs.

Will also trying to be prove the following hadith: { (1) ألَم }: في المعاني عن الصادق عليه السلام ألم هو حرف من حروف اسم الله الأعظم المقطّع في القرآن الذي يؤلفه النبيّ صلّى الله عليه وآله أو الامام فإذا دعا به أُجيب.

In my promise to translate it later:

I asked Abu Jafar (a) (5th Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir) about it (alif lam meem) he said "Oh Abu Labeed there will rule from the sons of Abbas twelve eight of them will be killed four of them the other of them death will come to them in short term of age they are dirty you will see of them of transgression by which guidance will turn around and oppression and deviance oh Abu Labeed in there is for me letters in Quran split knowledge brought together verily God the blessed and exalted revealed "Alif Lam Meem" that book, so Mohammad rose until the light of it manifested and established his words and his parents the day he was born and before that passed from seventy hundred years and three years thenhe said "and it's explanation in the book in (regards to) the letters split if you count them without repetition and there is no letters from the split letters that it's days come except that their rises one from the bani-Hashim for it's fulfillment then he said "Alif is one, the lam is 30 and meem is 40 and Saad is 90 for that is 100 and 1 and 90 then was the coming out of Hussain son of Ali (a) aliflammeem God when he brought it's time some one rose from the sons of Abbas upon AlifLamMeemSad and our Qaim will rise till it's by AlifLamMeemRaa and so understand this and count them it's time.

from The Saddiq (a) (Imam Jaffar 6th Imam)
AlifLamMeem it is a letters from the letters of God's Greatest Name that are split in the Quran that which unites the Prophet (s) and the Leader and so if he is called by it will be responded to.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Now moving on to the harder part, deciphering the actual meanings of the letters. Before that, some themes in Quran have to be seen.