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Search results

  1. W

    Just How Bad Did W And The Republicans Screw Up?

    Commitment to Israel......LOL. That land grabbing bunch of Jews have been on their own ever since they occupied hundreds of miles of territory and ignored International objections to their actions. Some of these days Iran and Israel will start a world war and then....we'll support them. The...
  2. W

    There's Something Religion Cannot Tolerate

    That would be the bible college where she attended for five years. Like I said.....each one of the 41,000 sects, cults, sub cults, denominations, conventions etc. picks about 30% and ignores the rest. There's so much direct contradiction in the bible that it just won't work if the entire...
  3. W

    Just How Bad Did W And The Republicans Screw Up?

    It was none of our business. Like I said.....the only reason we've ever been in the middle east was oil
  4. W

    Just How Bad Did W And The Republicans Screw Up?

    Saddam had the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds under control. It was none of our business. Oil is the only reason we've ever had an interest in the middle east. We've been over there since the 1930's. No wonder they don't like us. How is it that no WMD's were ever found in Iraq? Here's that *******...
  5. W

    There's Something Religion Cannot Tolerate

    Two of my three kids have masters degrees and the other one knocks down a cool $125,000 a year working as a project manager for the DOE. They attended public schools in east Tennessee every day till they got their HS diplomas.
  6. W

    There's Something Religion Cannot Tolerate

    PLUS....when I joined the military in 1957 the forms all recruits were required to complete included religious preference choices and guess what? There were none for not believing. A green recruit was required to select from Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. It appeared that folks...
  7. W

    Just How Bad Did W And The Republicans Screw Up?

    After Saddam Hussein tried to assassinate G.H.W. Bush in Qatar in 1993 all the Republican party could do was think about removing him from office. We never had any business in Iraq....they had done nothing to harm us and Saddam Hussein was no worse than any other dictator about running things...
  8. W

    There's Something Religion Cannot Tolerate

    What they're against is the reinforcement by authority figures that used to be given in public schools which is no longer there. When someone has to believe that the earth is 6000 years old, that there is no such thing as big bang, quantum mechanics or evolution....the word gets around. There's...
  9. W

    There's Something Religion Cannot Tolerate

    Try Liberty Baptist which was initiated by Jerry Falwell or for that matter try any of them which talk about evolution being a "theory." Evolution happened and smart people know that it happened. After they dug up the 500th dinosaur skelton it became pretty obvious. Then after they found an...
  10. W

    There's Something Religion Cannot Tolerate

    ..........It's education: http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/10/09/survey-one-in-five-americans-is-religiously-unaffiliated/ By Dan Merica Washington – The fastest growing "religious" group in America is made up of people with no religion at all, according to a Pew survey showing...
  11. W

    'Man was created in the image of G-d'

    "The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do...
  12. W

    if i masturbate will i go to hell?

    Haven't you folks ever heard of screwing? You know....sexual intercourse.
  13. W

    For Jesus believers: What is Jesus coming to fix?

    "I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts...
  14. W

    For Jesus believers: What is Jesus coming to fix?

    He'll come out of the east at a blast of god's trumpet. He'll be riding a bank of clouds and the dead will rise first and float up to join him. About that time a whole flock of bird dogs will fly over.
  15. W

    Do we care about the poor and needy?

    Have you considered a career in politics as a Republican? You'd fit right in. Especially the part about trying to become poor as an adult...you know, a Fox News bare faced lie.
  16. W

    Do we care about the poor and needy?

    So that's all anyone can do. And I could say I'm blessed if I believed in 2000 year old fairy tales. I'd rather think the 12-15 years of rotating shift work before getting a day job and our totals of 41 years service for me and 43 years for her was the important part.
  17. W

    Do we care about the poor and needy?

    You're not keeping up. I've already posted this in this thread but I'll do it once again just for you: "I'm 80 years old and I raised and educated three children....two of them have masters degrees. I have eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The last time I checked we had...
  18. W

    Do we care about the poor and needy?

    He forgot that many can't pull themselves up by their bootstraps because they have no boots. Many others can't do it because they have no feet...or worse, no legs. I've always wondered why folks who have never experienced doing without or worse are allowed to have an opinion which affects the...
  19. W

    Do we care about the poor and needy?

    And there are many who don't believe a word of it but show up once a week to keep up an appearance. Most politicians fall into that category. The ******** about this being a Christian nation couldn't be more wrong. The forebears believed in a "god of nature" more like native Americans than...
  20. W

    Do we care about the poor and needy?

    I didn't say I believed the fairy tale but I've read their book.....that's one helluva lot more than most of them do. I'm 80 years old and I raised and educated three children....two of them have masters degrees. I have eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The last time I checked we...