Dude, who gave the pope the authority to deny something Jesus established for all believers? According to what you have said, communion is now Catholic not Christian, and what other Christians practice is communion to a lesser extent. I fail to see the connection because there is no connection...
As someone who has to love statistics, i love the argument. :)
If this is the case though, why were they not added at the same time? Why the need for another book after the Holy Spirit had been sent to reveal the truth Himself?
I fail to see the connection. If i love God and you love God, and Jesus gave us both communion...we believe a little different, but how does belief cheapen something? And no it is not a matter of the heart in the sense that i do not pay enough tribute to it. If belief in...
If they are equal then what need is there for the Book of Mormon and what gives the Book of Mormon the same status as the Bible?
The New Testament abolishes the old covenant in the Old Testament because it was incomplete. The only reason i see for the Book of Mormon coming into existence would...
If we are not free to do what we want, then why did Christ die? I think Paul stresses it so much because he knows what people are going to do when you tell them the law no longer applies. However, the catch is that true faith evokes the actions. Faith in part means "to be set on something." It...
i am assuming that this debate has gone more into whether or not LDS is Christian. If i am wrong then pay no attention to me and i apologize for butting in.
Anyway, i just had a question requarding the whole thing. Does the Bible trump the Book of Mormon or does the Book of Mormon trump the...
Dude if God was an evil nun with a ruler, then why in the world do Christians consider David to be a man after God's own heart even though he was a murderer and an adulterer? The point of Christianity is not a perfection of self, it is relationship. Think about someone who is a good and wise...
I do not know if this argument has been brought to the table, so if it has discard it.
In respect to God and hating homosexuals, i do not see the connection, and feel that it is really off-base from Christian doctrine. Biblically speaking, homosexuality like many other things is held as a...
I would say that at least from my interpretation of the Bible that the leaders should not want to be controling of fellow followers of Jesus. If anything, I think they are more for encouraging us to live as Jesus lived.
The thing that I am trying to say though is that how can two people who are seeking God get two different answers from the Bible. For instance, how is it that some people think that baptism is required for salvation while others think that baptism is not required.
After thinking about what you...
I guess i should limit what i am trying to get at. I would agree that there is some kind of boundary that is formed by a lack of knowledge of the original oral tradition. However, i think that as long as their is an adequate translation that the oral tradition should only play a small part. Even...
That is what I am saying is the problem. We claim to be Christian, we claim to follow God, we claim that we read the same Bible, but we also claim different thoughts where we should be on the same page. We are like a disunified unified faith that is just supposed to be unified. And if our...
right but from the Christian point of view we are only able to know the truth because the Holy Spirit reveals it to us much like Peter knew that Jesus was the Christ because Jesus made it known to Him. Technically Peter did not really do any interpreting it was programmed into him so to speak.
Well of course it works for people, from a Christian point who else would know the best way for us to live other than our Creator? He knows us better than we know ourselves...