:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
I'm sorry, are you just deluded? Or are you just an idiot? At the very least I can say you're an illogical hypocrite.
Anyway, I like how you continuously try to shirk your way out of answering any my arguments.
But to address this anyway. You claim...
Interesting criteria for determining "functionality." Though any system necessarily engenders itself. Otherwise that system would no longer exist anymore.
Will you accept Cogito Ergo Sum? Lol.
Out of curiosity, what do you precisely mean by "reproductive success?"
1. Mere success rates...
But I'm right until you prove me wrong. This is what you said yourself. "Right until proven wrong." Whats with the double standard? The shifting advocacy? Why do I necessarily have to prove you wrong? According to you, its your job to prove me wrong.
You kinda got yourself trapped in a...
You still haven't addressed any of my arguments, and you apparently have a very deluded conception of the way the world works. And apparently you're still missing my point with my absurd "christian" example.
Right until proven wrong only works if you're accepted as "right" in the first place...
It isn't really that I have a beef with you persay, it was more of the fact that the author thought he could use your post as a way of addressing my arguments. Hence, I had to spell out how nothing you said addressed any of my arguments at all. Rereading my post, though, perhaps there was...
Apparently you seem to be lacking basic reading comprehension skills. As I've stated before, I've not offered up a thesis of my own. Or rather, you could say my essential stance is: "If you want others to believe your claim, prove it." I don't have to offer up a position of my own to say that...
How does me providing a definition address any of my points. I'm not the one asserting a particular thesis. If you want to impose your values onto others, then its up to you to show that you are indeed correct. That we ought to accept your values as true. It's what Issac Newton did, when he...
What you are essentially arguing is that "in the context of the author, the author's definitions are right." You were really going for the hat trick (or Holy Trinity if you prefer a religious metaphor) with this one weren't you? Cute, meaningless, and wrong. The thing here is though like the...
Actually very little aggravation. Haha. I'm back on this board mostly to brush up on my argumentation in order to prepare more thoroughly for the analytical writing section of the GRE and to increase my typing speed as well. =D
In the context of this thread, I'm not really sure what the purpose of this block of text is. It doesn't really address the main point I brought up, namely that there are other legitimate and supportable alternatives that explain the observed data just as well (or so one could at the very least...
Doesn't this mean that knowledge that we receive from a "higher being" is also subject to the same four defects. And hence can't know truth from any method? If our senses are limited and imperfect how can you say that we are perceiving God's wisdom correctly? Even If we assume God's wisdom is...
Haha, But I don't exactly have the time to read through an entire 400 page book and contribute to continuous meaningful debate now do I?
I did however, skim through some of his articles that seemed pertinent. And his central thesis seems to me that, correct me if I am wrong, that religion...
Except that unlike you, Newton PROVIDED EVIDENCE AND REASON AS TO WHY HE WAS RIGHT. HE DIDN'T ASK FOR EVIDENCE AS TO WHY HE WAS WRONG. As of yet you've provided absolutely no evidence as to why this equivalency is true, you're just definitively asserting it. All you do is ask for others to prove...
The thing is we can come up with alternative explanations that don't suggest a "predilection toward religion" that are also legitimate with the data at hand. Hence it may not be a big leap to get to predilection to religion, but its not a big leap to get to another conclusion as well. In this...
As I mentioned before, it's your thesis, hence its your job to show that this equivalency is true, not for me to show it is false. And just because you can prove it for one case doesn't mean you can prove it for all, which is what you need to do for us to accept your currently absurd claims...
Yes, but I'm mostly here again (as in RF) to test and brush up on my critical reasoning skills. Just because someone is being satirical doesn't necessarily mean they're not erroneous.
Note that my main thesis isn't that "gods are invented to allay uncertainty" but rather "humans have a predilection toward avoiding unpleasantness." Which is supported by a good deal of both psychological research and empirical evidence. Also note that "predilection toward avoiding...
I would argue that rather than a predisposition toward religion, humans have a predisposition to avoiding unpleasantness.
Uncertainty caused by lack of knowledge is certainly an unpleasant state. Hence in order to rectify the unease and fear caused by the unknowable, humans created religion and...
Again, you are WAY OFF base again.
1. I'm not disputing the dictionary, I'm asking you why do we have to use the dictionary definition YOU SAY WE SHOULD over other possible, equally legitimate, or as I contend more legitimate dictionary definitions. What makes your particular dictionary...