"Perhaps one day every phenomena will have an answered why."
Oh, I'm sure we'll kill ourselves out before that happens, we're a volatile bunch.
Hopefully whatever new info we get, we follow it to wherever it leads! Always good to learn more about the universe.
Again, why do you need a why?
What if there was no why?
*EDIT* also, there's multitudes of events/things/events you walk past on a daily basis that get no "whys" from people, they're commonplace.
Shouldn't everything get a why? If you look deep enough, pretty much every aspect of every part...
I don't see how you get from line 2 to line 3.
I've never been shown that reason is required.
Do you think any given pile of leaves on a windy day was piled in it's very own particular formation intentionally by the wind, or something controlling the wind?
Depends on your definition of the universe, I would think.
If you call it "the total sum of all things" or use wiki's definition of "all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy."
I would say yes, pretty much by definition.
I meeeean....
Ray's better than Dale Garland, "Mr Prophetic," at least...
thought fortunately, Dale doesn't have a following to speak of, so that's, nice.
If pretty decent entertainment is important.
I'm a fan of his, and I think he expresses his opinions well, whether you agree with him or not.
He does get a bit mean on stereotyping, but aside from that, I'd recommend.
And what is "possible" worth?
It's possible, that any building I go into, the first electrical outlet I see will actually dispense raspberry jam, if I stick a knife in it, because it's "possible" someone put a fake outlet there, with a jam reservoir behind it.
The fact that this is possible...
Yapha, if you don't mind, I'm curious where you've gotten... ANY of your information on evolution from?
School? Internet? Friends/family? I'd just like to know where your basis is coming from.
I'm pretty sure most atheists will call their morals as given by their worldview, be it secular humanism, egalitarianism, Buddhism, or what have you.
I've never seen an atheist say he got his morals from "atheism," which is what I'm checking if pro4life is saying.