I am going to look for Cobalt red. It sounds like an interesting book.
When I speak of nations, like referencing the west, Russia and China, I am referring to those in power in the country mainly. So governments, corporations, cultural attitudes. So I am speaking in a general political sense...
Yes, because of colonisation, colonised countries of the allied forces fought german colonies on African soil.
Regarding China, it has business relationships with many African countries and pays for development. I imagine that they would want a variety of resources such as cobalt, gold and...
Yeah divide and conquer has been the go to tactic for the rich to maintain power. We see this now in America on the political stage. But the opposite is true as well, when a single government tries to govern multiple peoples with oppossing views, and the those who want freedom get oppressed. I...
So I think that intervention by Western nations in general isn't based on altruism. Their is almost always something political and economic to be gained. It explains why there are inconsistencies in where intervention gets executed.
So the resolution gives a reason for why they intervened but...
Yes it is the man that pays the piper calls the tune. Russia and China don't help Africa out of altruism. It could be to destroy western domination. But then they will become enemies.
That is why I say, Africa should be isolationist.
So because the op addresses the issue with Africa, when we talk about Russia in this thread, i am approaching the discussion from an African perspective. For many of us Russia and China are the lesser of two evils (the other being the west) because of the specific situation we are in at the...
The resolutions mention a whole lot of valid reasons, many ironic ones actually, such as interference in international affairs and violation of human rights which the us supports or does, international terrorism which is subjective and expulsion of minorities. But considering that they dont...
Yeah, so that speech from Cyril was very big in the african community and potentially internationally. Because usually African leaders are meek and always in "their place". The fact that he made such a bold speech to a european leader was a sign that europe is losing control over africa and...
Speaking of the west not treating Africans as equals, see the vid below. Even our African leaders feel that when it comes to serious situations, the west treats us as if our lives dont matter. And the president of South Africa told this directly to Macron.
A pattern that I have seen with the...
Its not that all westerners are bad, but that Africans need to run Africa themselves. As Steve Biko says, Africans suffer from a self esteem issue, and need to achieve success on their own, otherwise they just become infantilised and westerners become the parents.
There is also the issue of...
Regarding the global socialist government you propose, how susceptible do you think it could be to corruption? What would prevent it from getting out of control? I know there are many different versions of socialism which is why i ask. I would think that the problem this type of government would...
Seignorage is something I will look into. A new word for the day....
Yes I do think that the best way is revolution. The problem is that that brings its own problems as Africa doesnt have a great track record when it comes to what happens after revolutions. In most cases the lead revolutionary...
Yes, Gaddafi wanted to save other Afrucan countries. He is the one who wanted a United States of Africa which many Africans still want today. He supported many liberation movements. He was also a tyrant though. So the guy is a mixed bag at best.
Yeah, he was a brutal dictator, but also the west didn't get rid of him because they were against what he did. If you look at who they have supoorted in thrid world countries we see that they dont have a problem with supporting groups that love perpetrating crimes against humanity.
As a coloured South African, yes, neo-colonialism is a big thing. The former colonizers still exert power over Africa and America is along with them playing a big role in destabilizing African countries.
Its not just the democrats but also the republicans who are pro exploitation. They are two...
The term is used by right wing pundits and media to create a false enemy group, which they lump all their enemies under over the past couple of years.
Its similar to the satanic panic.
They use this to cause panic, using a few extreme leftists here and there to paint all leftists...