I don't have any religious beliefs that bear on the subject of vaccination. I'm a orthodox if liberalish Christian, who is also a pro-choice libertarian.
Why yes, as a Christian I think I probably do disbelieve the same God that many atheists do. The angry old man in the white robe, up in the sky shaking his fist at us? That guy's not real, and atheists do well to disbelieve in him.
"Should gays forgive Abrahamics?"
I kinda have to, being both, a pansexual Anglican. Some Abrahamics do need educating and reforming on the subject of course..
True that the Bible was written by humans. Of course, we weren't there and can't know for sure what may or may not have influenced what they wrote. I say that was God letting His kids tell the story of their history and relationship with God themselves, in their own words, with their own...
Since I'm a libertarian, and basically conservative on fiscal matters and liberal to libertine on social issues, if Republicans did as suggested in the OP, I'd like them much better and be more likely to vote for them. OTOH, I don't necessarily think I'm a typical American voter..
Why, yes, I do think being in God;s favor is the most important thing. I believe I have that by trusting in His Son, Jesus Christ, and that I don't lose it by being gay. But whether I'm right about that or not, my spiritual state isn't really any of Uncle Sam's business, is it?
Yes, it's a lie. I have never believed the biblical creation story literally, and I have remained a devout, if very un-fundamentalist, Christian for some 40 years now.
Feminism is supposed to prevent this exactly how?
By operating a commando force that rescues and avenges situations like this?
That actually isn't a bad thought, and I might support it.
But I'm crazy like that, being a shooter, martial artist, and libertarian feminist.
Being mastered by (becoming addicted to) any substance is the sin.
Moderate, responsible use of alcohol is perfectly fine, and approved in Scripture.
And I believe that occasionally being drunk, recreationally or as a stress relief, is not a sin.
But becoming a drunk (alcoholic) is.
It follows...
I'm also not happy with Pandora. It picks artists that IMO aren't at all similar to the artist I give it as an example, and the very limited skips don't allow me to go around that. I uninstalled it and have no interest in ever using it again. I haven't tried Spotify, but I just read the wiki on...
I voted "bad". I think everyone is entitled to their own views, and while we may disagree with them, we should respect their right to choose, even when they make what we think is a very bad choice.
As expected. That's the usual Clinton MO: to never deal with the substance of the allegations, but to attack the source. It's what they've always done through their many scandals, so why would they change now? But it's wearing thin. So many people see through it now.
As an old country lawyer...