Humans are to the universe as microscopic mites are to human faces. We're tiny and insignificant, but faces can't survive without the mites who eat them!
In addition to repeating the questions raised by Revoltingest here, I would also say that constitutionally, the decision lies with congress. The president claims authority to do what he wants alone, and he has that authority through the interpretation of post-constitutional legislation...
You say there's no reason for the government to lie. I say there's no reason to assume anything but that the government is lying. And just because you can't think of a reason for them to lie, doesn't mean there isn't one.
Wait...this isn't satire, is it? I sure hope it is; otherwise, please stop being obtuse. And by stop being obtuse, I mean educate yourself about the history of our government.
I read a little of it. Seemed clear from the start he was just looking to pick a fight. People are big butt-faces. It is a shame, though that there is only one strong LDS person active on this site.
They've got surveillance. They've got the military strength. They've got our Healthcare. They've got our money. They've got our education. They've got our dependence. All they need now is our guns and our internet.
I don't think anyone in the white house is dumb enough to not realize that what they regularly do provokes war. I think that's the plan. I don't think they're dumb enough to think that what they do generally is bad policy. I think that's the plan. I think we just think they're nice because...
I think it sucks to work for free, even if you have no skills. At the same time, though, I can't help but think...if you don't want an unpaid internship, then don't take one. No one is forced to take unpaid jobs.
40. If you have eternal life in the afterlife, with all your family and friends, don’t you feel it would be like an eternal visit to your in-laws house? Don’t you think you’d get bored after 10,000 years?
Well I don't think it will be exactly like that, because the in-laws...
39. Why does religion appeal more to poor, weak, vulnerable, young, ill, depressed, and ostracized people? Could religious promises be more of a temptation to these people?
These people are more humble, and willing to accept that there is someone more powerful than they, who knows better than...
38. If someone promised to give you a billion dollars after ten years, but only if you worshiped them until that time, would you believe them? If someone promised to give you eternal life upon death, but only if you spent your life worshiping a god, would you believe them?
Again, it comes down...
37. If someone promised you eternal life, the protection of a loving super being, a feeling of moral righteousness, a purpose for living, answers to all the big questions, and a rule book for achieving the pinnacle of human potential… and all in exchange for having faith in something that...
36. If aliens exist on several worlds that have never heard of your god, will they all be going to hell when they die?
No one will be judged unjustly. I already told you that! Gosh!
35. How can we know what is right when we don’t know for sure who makes it into heaven and hell?
Because the same person who judges who goes to heaven and hell has also given us scripture through prophets to teach us what is right. Also, everyone has an inate ability to discern right...