Assalamu alakum wb, subhanAllah, i dont see the how you compare this verse with 9v40.
There are two ways Allah Taala is with people.
1 He is with them through His Infinite Knowledge, even non Muslims know this..
2 He Taala is WITH them PROTECTING and SUPPORTING them, and this is exactly what the...
Assalamu Alakum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu
How does it condemn the sahabi? The text of the Qur'an which is Allah Taala's Word, SAYS, '' Surely Allah is with US'' note, He didnt say Allah is with ME. Also, ''He Taala Says, ''he Muhammad(saas) said to his companion'' meaning his friend.
Is Allah...
Assalamu alakum, this is not true, there are authentic narrations according to the Sunni sources, that hadith was recorded in the time of the Prophet saas.
It is True that initially the recording of hadith was prohibited, and latter this was abrogated, and the recording of hadith was instructed...
Assalamu alakum, thank you, you posted more than i expected.
Quick questions.
1. In Surah 9 verse 40 who is the word ''Sahibi'' companion referring to?
2. According to Shia, does the word Ahlil Bayt, also encompass the Prophet saas, wives? or is it just blood relations?
Assalamu alakum everybody,i follow the sunna of the Prophet, and i love his family and companions, Alhamdulliah.
Want to learn what are the Shia most reliable sources after the Qur'an??????
May Allah expand our knowledge of his Deen.
This is very strange, i would like anybody to show me, in ANY religious text, where we are called ''creationists'' or ''Intelligent design''? i personally reject this, you should refer to us as what we are referred to in scripture. Wonder who is doing the deceiving?
Every other thing is limited by boundaries, you may refer to this as time and space,
but their movement within this boundary may differ, example, an angel may be in multiple places in one time, but within time and space. God is Unique and doesn't resemble His creation, example, we are living...
When i said its fine, i was refering to your approach even though you disagree with me, that this is fine.
Your right, either you or i, are on guidance or clear error.
All that exists.
I did NOT post this to prove any position, except to show the extent of human thought, this was only something to be thought of by those who say '' existence only seems organised and balanced'', but that its only our mind that makes it appear so.
"Cogito ergo sum" I think therefore, I am. This is Rene Descartes statement, when he was thinking if existence is real or not, he denied his own body, then he tried to deny the existence of his mind,
but then thought, the moment i try to deny my mind, i am actually using my mind, and so he made...
Wouldn't say outside of time and space, but rather not bound by time and space.
It is also conceivable to say outside of time and space, from a spiritual context if understood correctly. And i really don't think the world supernatural describes this the best way, although it is close.
This is definitely not acceptable from our position, because there is no limit to this kind of thought, there are people in certain areas that have gone to the extent of saying,
''we really don't exist, even what we SEE is not really there, that all this is only our impression of what we see...