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Do you have a favorite song?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Yes, but because my three favorites are so close, I'm going to list them all in descending order. :D

1. Imagine by John Lennon

2. The Times They Are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan

3. Anthem by Leonard Cohen.

If I had to pick one, it would be Imagine.

The Kilted Heathen

Crow FreyjasmaðR
So many. I'll post only my top three.

Велика Мать-Земля, Русь великая! (Great Mother Earth, Great Rus!)
Ой, широки просторы твои. (Oh, your wide open spaces.)
Как через золотые поля бескрайние, (How through the boundless golden fields,)
Дети Даждьбога пришли. (The Children of Dazhdbog came.)

Через дебри вековые, (Through the maze of misty ages,)
Сквозь далекие края, (Through the native sacred lands,)
Вышли братья родные ‒ (Brothers came home--)
То Даждьбога сыновья. (The sons of Dazhdbog.)
Стяги грозные вздымая, (The awesome banners are rising,)
Возродим былую Русь! (Let us revive the old Russia!)
Сохраним заветы Прави ‒ (Keep the Oaths--)
Пред Богами я клянусь! (Before the Gods, I swear!)

Ой-да, матушка, (Oh, dear,)
Ночка-Свароговна, (Night of Svarog,)
Скрой седые заветы отцов (Hide the grey precepts of the fathers)
От глаза чёрного люта ворога (From the eyes of black fury)
В гуще священных лесов. (In the midst of sacred forests.)

Снова, сердцем замирая, (Again, still my heart,)
Слово молвила, чуть дыша: (The word said, breathed softly: )
Славься, Матушка родная! (Glory to you, Mother dear!)
Славься, Русская душа! (Glory to you, the Russia spirit!)

Через дебри вековые, (Through the maze of misty ages,)
Сквозь далекие края, (Through the native sacred lands,)
Молвим, братия родные: (Dear brothers, let's sing praises: )
Славься, Русь, Земля моя! (Long live Rus', my Motherland!)

Me er eit gamalt tre (We are an old tree)
Med nysprungene knoppar (with freshly sprung buds)
Mot sola me strekk oss (towards the sun we reach)
Fram for å vekse (to forward grow)

Høyr! (Listen!)

Langt need i rot (Far below in the roots)
og i ringar av år (and in the growth-rings)
kved dei gamle (The old ones are chanting)

Høyr! (Listen!)

Langt need i rot (Far below in the roots)
og i ringar av år (and in growth-rings)
I barken sit sår (In the bark there are wounds)
Dei vitnar om ære (Which bear witness of honor)
Die vitnar om nið (Which bear witness of shame)

Somme svir meir enn andre (Some sting more than others)

Sjå meg djupt i augene blå (Look into my eyes)
du må forstå (and do understand)
Hugs at alle eingong forlét (Remember that all shall pass)
Natta den kjem (and night shall come)

Eg gjev deg din odel (Your birth-right I offer)
Om du vil ha (It's there if you want it)
Den fer ikkje fra (And nowhere will go)
Tungt den veger (Heavy to carry)
Hugs, ta ikkje meir enn du orkar å bere (Remember, don't take too much to bear)

Djupt i jord (Deep in the earth)
Gjev rot deg retning (direction from roots)
Når stormar fer (When the storms are raging)
Dei knakande kved (They creakingly sing)

For kvar einaste spire (For each and every sprout)
Vert me høgare og djupare (we are taller and deeper)


Fé vældr fræ'nda rógi; fóðesk ulfr í skógi; (Wealth cause dispute among friends; the wolf lives in the forest)

Rúnar munt þú finna (Runes will you discover)
ok ráðna stafi, (And meaningful staves,)
mjök stóra stafi, (Very powerful staves,)
mjök stinna stafi, (Very strong staves,)
er fáði fimbulþulr (That the wise high-storyteller gained)
ok gerðu ginnregin (That the higher creative-powers crafted)
ok reist hroftr rögna. (That the Hroptr of Gods carved.)
(Hávamál 142)

Úr er af illu jarni; oft leypr ræinn á hjarni; (Slag comes from bad iron; the reindeer often races over the frozen snow.)
Þurs vældr kvenna kvillu; kátr værðr fár af illu; (Giant causes women’s sorrow; few are cheerful from misfortune)
Óss er flestra færða; för, en skalpr er sværða; (River mouth is way of most journeys; but the sheath is the one of swords)

Nam ek upp rúnar, æpandi nam... (I took up the runes, crying aloud I took them...)
(Hávamál 139)

Ræið kvæða rossom væsta; Reginn sló sværðet bæzta; (Riding, one says, is for horses the worst; Regin forged the best sword)
Kaun er barna bolvan; bol gorver mann folvan; (Ulcer is fatal for children; death makes man pale)
Hagal er kaldastr korna; Herjan skóp hæimin forna; (Hail is the coldest of grain; Herjan shaped the world in olden times)
Nauð gerer nappa kosti; naktan kælr í frosti; (Need leaves you little choice; the naked freeze in the frost)
Is köllum brú bræiða; blindan þarf at læiða; (Ice we call the broad bridge; the blind man must be led)
Ár er gumna góði; get ek at örr var Fróði; (Good year is a blessing for men; I say that Frodi was generous)
Sól er landa ljómi; lúti ek að helgum dómi; (Sun is light of the land; I bow before the holy)
Týr er einhendr ása; oft værðr smiðr at blása; (Tyr is one-handed among the Æsir; often the smith must blow)

Bjarkan er laufgrænstr líma; Loki bar flæ’rðar tima; (Birch is the limb greenest with leaves; Loki brought success of deceit)
Maðr er moldur auki; mikill er græip á hauki; (Man is increase of soil; mighty is the hawk’s claw)
Mikill er græip á hauki... (Mighty is the hawk’s claw...)

Nam ek upp rúnar, æpandi nam... (I took up the runes, crying aloud I took them...)

Laukr er, er fællr ór fjalle; foss en gull ero nosser; (Water is what falls from the mountain; but of gold are the jewels)
Ýr er vetrgrænstr víða; vant er, er brennr, at svíða. (Yew is the greenest tree in winter; it often singes when it burns)


Let us dance with the wind and sing with the birds
Oh, this is such a tough question, there are so many! Here are some that I listen to on a frequent basis:


Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member

I plan to get this verse of Dance in the Dark tattooed:

Work your blond (Jean) Benet Ramsey
We'll haunt like Liberace
Find your freedom in the music
Find your Jesus, find your Kubrick
You will never fall apart
Diana, you're still in our hearts
Never let you fall apart
Together we'll dance in the dark