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Answering Questions on my Posts and Complements

God is love

Active Member
I haven't had time to answer questions on Posts but I descided to use the time I normally post to answer questions on previous posts and give complements to some posters.
Afterwards I will address how I will answer questions in the future.

First I will thank then address a question.

Thanks to Michael {I nick named him "Postman" because he has made the most posts}
Regarding "Health and Nutrition principle......."
I agree with you Michael that adding fish is good because it had omega 3 and protein for those who don't eat other meat. Salmon is very good. Fish is mentioned so often in the New Testement. It is what Jesus eats. Whatever He eats is good enough for Him so it is good enough for me. You are right about garlic too. I thought of mentioning it in the Post because of it's importance. Whenever a person sneezes or coughs on you during cold season, it's good to have garlic because of it's anti oxidant qualities.
I am impressed with your knowledge of health as it relates to nutrition.

I wouldn't recommend giving up dairy, milk, chees, etc. It is the best source of calcium {that I know of} although I heard kelp is good but I wouldn't want to eat it. Another positive for me is the cow doesn't have to give up it's life to provide milk, butter and chreese for me.

By the way, apologies to scottman 719
I didn't know that not eating meat or dairy was a recommendation, not a requirement. I watched some of their programs on a channel for awhile and thought it was part of their lifestyle.

Regarding "The Shroud of Turin..."

Thanks to C N of toronto Canada
{i'm not able to decipher what is between the C and N}
Thank you for supplying the sites that validate the shroud. Thank you very much.

Regarding "Who is the Holy Spirit ?......."

Thanks again to Master Vigil, your comparison of the Holy Spirit to the Fire Spirit,
{that you have witnessed/experienced} the similarity, was educational.

Thanks to "From the Heart"
Your comment gave insight into some effects of experiencing the Holy Spirit, the peace it brings to the mind and the confidence, that {knowing that you know} feeling.

Thanks to "Dawny 0826"
appreciated your example of how the Holy spirit guides and directs.

Thank you "Adlemi" for your comment

Answering a question or reponding to a comment

Regarding "Health and Nutrition Principle......."

It is not a sin to eat meat. It is unhealthy to eat much meat. The Word of Wisdom that I mentioned in the Post says "to eat meat sparingly". It adds in times of winter {In the 1800's, when the revelation was given, people did not have much vegatables or fruit in winter time other than what was stored. Another reason is because the fat in meat insulates in the cold} It also mentions in time of famine {I guess when crops aren't good}.
I prefer not eating meat other than seafood. One reason is because meat is the least nutritious, mostly protein, and it is unhealthy if consumed very often, in major amounts. Another reason that's a personal reason and not a religious dictate is that I don't want harmless animals harmed to eat. There are many delicious, delectable foods such as pasta {yum} and vegetables and fruits in various combinations to eat that I don't need meat to eat. I don't think it is very tastey.

regarding "Who is the Holy Spirit ? ......."
Wman's question
I used "cleaning house" as an illustration of cleaning the spirit, the heart and mind, to make the Holy Spirit feel right at home.

Romans 8:5 {in bible}
"For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit."

My interpreatation is that if you are thinking sensually you would be distracted and not able to discern the Holy Spirit.

I heard that the Spirit doesn't dwell in contention. So if there is contention around you at home or in the work place, place yourself where there isn't contention so you can feel the peace that the Spirit brings.

I compared cleaning the spirit to cleaning the house {for want of a better analogy}, it's like removing the dirt or dust of the mind or heart, the bad thoughts
{ carnal or sensual} or desires to do wrong. You invite the Holy Spirit in to help you feel good, think well and do good.

Psalms 51:10 {in bible} king David said
"Create in me a clean heart, God, and renew a right spirit within me."

I will address questions or reasonable comments in the most recent Post
"Why God placed us on earth away from Him......."
and I will address questions or reasonable comments on posts in other discussion areas
After I address how I will answer questions in the future. That will be part 2, following

God is love

Active Member
Usually, I only have one day during the week to post, therefore I only have one day a week to answer questions. I don't have time to engage in conversation because of the time factor, the time involved. It's not that I don't want to converse to answer questions, it's the time factor. My posts are mostly for educational purposes.

However I devised a system. After posting a Post, I will answer questions on that Post the following week. If I have time after that I will post another subject of interest if not I will post when I have time the following week. I won't answer questions on that Post until I have time the next week and so on.

When I think of questions I think of the Journalism questions:

1. who

2. What

3. When

4. where

5. how

6. why

Sometimes a question may be answered within the post but some may not read the entire post because they may think it's too much to read. if i rewrite what I have written to answer the question it would be too much to write. so if the question isn't answered within the post I will answer the next time I have time.

Recently I read a reply to my most recent post
"why did God place us on earth away from Him......."
The comment was "this is nonsense" and "defend it"
That is not a question. It is a comment, an opionion. It does not state why the person had that opinion. Therefore I was not able to address it. My response to that comment now is that it isn't nonsense there wasn't a reason to think so. Therefore I didn't think I had a reason to defend it. Whatever evidence I provide it wouldn't satisfy a person who has prejudged a matter and formed a biased opinion. He has already decided to reject.
If I were to comment and say "it isn't nonsense", the person would repeat and say "yes, it is!" or the conversation would be "I believe" response "I don't believe" on and on. Then we would be on the unhappy instead of "merry go round" of debate.

Comparitive Religeon is not a debate Forum. Therefore to those who have posted negative comments, I will not respond other than to say my opinion has not been altered, it remains the same, therefore "we agree we disagree". Let's leave it at that.

Comparative religeon is to share beliefs, doctrines, principles with others that have other beliefs, doctrines and principles. It is a place to compare and when there are beliefs, doctrines and principles that are agreed upon or are similar or in some way compatible, to comment upon them. In individual religeon rooms, I have been courteous, only sharing what is either agreeable, similar or somehow compatible with that religeon. Ocassionally I share what I believe to be relevant to that religeon {only postive}. I treat others the way I want to be treated. However some have made disrespectful comments {as the example given above} on some posts so I haven't wanted to read comments and therefore I wasn't able to answer questions. If there is respect, I will read comments again and respond to questions.

I've heard the motto "if you don't have anything nice to say say nothing" that would apply to Comparitive Religeon but not debate. I have posted topics in debate rooms for others to debate. I choose not to debate.

Part 3 forth comming

God is love

Active Member
First Thanks to:

1. Becky Soup 61
Thank you for defending me

2. Maize
Thank you too

Painted Wolf
I agree with you that God put us here to learn to live good lives and to ENJOY! Enjoy the GOOD life, {good brings joy} and to enjoy His creations {nature}. They are beautiful, the waves on the beaches, the dolphins, the forests of trees, the meadows, the flowers, butterflies and birds, deer, sunsets, etc, etc, etc,. Most enjoyable of all LOVE!!!

Part 4 "Responding to Deut"
to follow

God is love

Active Member
I want to preface this by saying that I will be answering your questions in my Post "Interpreting Prophecy, Has A Prophesy Been Fulfilled or Yet To Be?",
following this response to comments made in my Post
"Why Did God Place Us On Earth Away From Him?..."

Response to your comment that the Post was, in your words, "garbage". The definition of garbage is something worthless. If it has educational value it is not worthless. If it has spiritual value it is priceless.

There are people who have benefitted from some of my posts and have complemented me and given frubals. Obviously my posts have benefitted them and thereby, by definition, are not worthless. if you think ther are worthless you obviously didn't read through the Post.

I quoted scriptures that the jewish People accept:
Numbers 16:22 "The God of the spirits of all flesh"
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee"

Prayer is not garbage. Prayer is the only way to know truth, what doctrines or principles are true, by asking God, Himself. That is why I choose an example of prayer as my avatar. Prayer is at the heart of most religeons, a commune with a supreme Being, God.

I quote Daniel 6:10 that shows prayer.
"I kneeled upon my knees three times a day and prayed."
Daniel, a Jewish prophet doesn't think prayer is garbage.
Saying the Post is garbage is saying, my comment in the Post, "God wants us to succeed" is, in your estimation, garbage.

I quote proverbs 3:6
Psalms 23:3 and Psalms 25:4
Saying the Post is garbage is saying what King david said is garbage.

I just quote them. I don't interpret {in this post} them. I give people the opportunity to look at them and judge for themselves. They are with New Testement, Another Testement of Jesus Christ and Doctrines and Covenants' scriptures that agree with them. They agree with each other. or are compatible.

If you think it is garbage, i'll let you in on something. I've watched the "Antique Roadshow" and saw things people had bought from others who had sold them for less than a hundred dollars. They were appraised and were valued to be worth thousands of dollars at auction. One man's throw away is another man's treasure.

Be carefull when you throw something away. It may be worth more than you think.

God is love

Active Member
You think it is nonsense because you either don't understand or don't accept {it's not to your liking}. Perhapps because of a personal feeling you have. Perhapps you think that if you understood you would have to accept and then you think you would have to give up something. Isaiah spoke of this in Isaiah 6:9 "Go tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not, see ye indeed but perceive not." Verse 10 "Make the heart of this people fat and make their ears heavy and shut their eyes, lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and convert and be healed."

Justs because it doesn't make sense to you, you don't understand it or it's not to your liking, doesn't make it rubbish or noneducational to others. It doesn't make it useless or of liitle importance. There is a use for Prayer and knowing Truth. Gaining wisdom is of great importance. The avatar on every post is advocating Prayer. Therefore, according to the definition of garbage, I have never posted garbage. You made a blanket statement.

If I don't have a reason to think what I wrote is garbage, I wouldn't have a reason to defend it. I think what I wrote is good. Why defend it if you already judged it to be nonsense, anyway. You wouldn't believe me.

You say to let you know when I plan on debating the billions of threads I have created. Billions is an exaggeration. I don't plan to debate. I have said on posts I have made in debate that I am not a debater so I leave the topic to others to debate. They don't need me to debate them. It's silly to debate when neither would have enough evidence to satisfy the other. Posts that are not in debate are in discussion forums and are not up for debate. That is this website's rule and I will honor this rule.

I would not be able to answer questions on all posts I've made all at the same time so I will do so one at a time. I would not be able to answer questions all the time so i will answer when I have time.

Two things are odd, you posed this challenge in a nondebate forum and I wonder why you looked at this Post when you thought others were garbage. I never look at {what i think}, doesn't have value to me. It seems like you may see SOME truth to what I am saying after all.

I will, however, comment on your questions on other posts I've made in the past that are not in debate but in the future I will not comment on a comment if it is disrespectful or unreasonable.

If you remeber, I did respond right away to a question in Judaism about the priest clothes. I had time then but after answering the question the computer stopped functioning so i couldn't answer anymore.

Part 5 "Response to Questions on the Post, Interpreting Prophecy......."
To Follow

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Just as normal procedure, when one is replying to something, please do so in the thread in question, so that the person being discussed will be able to respond. (Although the compliments portion is always welcome, in whatever thread!) Also, if you see that someone has posted something that you percieve as a negative comment in the comparative religion forum, please report them so that it can be checked up upon.

Thanks in advance!

God is love

Active Member
First Thanks to

For your statement "Very Good, Nice Job"
I want to know I represent our Savior well.

I like your comment "Passing the Love of God to Others"

On to Comments on Comments


Responding to your comment that I am using Christian criteria to define the Messiah. and the comment that Judaism and Christians define the role of the Messiah differntly. I recognize that Jews and Christians interpret scriptures differently and thereby would be defining the role of the Messiah differently as mentioned within my Post. It is not my criteria. It is God's criteria as revealed through the prophets such as Isaiah.

The interpretation of scripture that depicts the Messiah may traditionally be that He would just be their king but Isaiah 53:5 defines the Messiah as being "wounded for our transgressions". A person who has sinned cannot be wounded for another's transgressions. A person may be innoscent and condemned to death {capital punishement} not having {for example, committed murder} but he wouldn't be innocent as never having sinned. Only a person who hasn't sinned can atone for another's sins. That is a description of a Savior. When lambs were offered to atone they had to be physically perfect, unblemished. That is symbolic of spiritual purity. I will elaborate more afterwards.

More to Come, I did not want to lose post again

God is love

Active Member
To JewScout

There hasn't been animal sacrifices since the last Temple. There hasn't been a Jewish prophet {a person recognized as a prophet by Jews}, who has said that the Lord doesn't require it anymore. In other words God hasn't revealed through any prophet recognized by Jews that atonement isn't necessary anymore. Therefore, there hasn't been reconciliation between the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the children of Israel since animal sacrifices were performed. Since the time of Abraham, God has required it. Actually since the time of Adam's sin there has been a reason for reconciliation.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has offered Jesus Christ as an atonement. Since the atonement, Instead of sacrificing animals, offering them up to makeup, God requires people to sacrifice their sins {give the up} and offer up repentance, the desire to not repeat sin. Since people aren't perfect they repeat sins, repeatedly falter. That is why repentance is not enough to reconcile, to compensate for the sins made and to makeup for the good that is lacking.

I've made an analogy. It's like when you work to earn money { doing good earns credit with God} and someday you want to buy a house with the money {have a place in His Kingdom} but you don't have enough money so you have to use the credit that you have {credit with God} to get the loan that will give you what you lack {salvation}. That makes up the difference. If you lack much credit, It's like you're borrowing Christ's goodness or good credit {His credit with Heavenly Father}. It's like Jesus Christ cosigned your loan of Salvation. If you falter in paying the loan, you are in debt, you are not able to pay the crediters, Jesus Christ pays the loan with the atonement He made for you. You are able to reconcile with God and have a place with Him in His kingdom.

More to come...

God is love

Active Member
Jesus of Nazareth accomplished the atonement and He will at the appointed time, return to be their King. I promise you. You say, "How Can You Promise Me?" As I write this I feel God's Spirit with me. I don't know how to describe it other than to say that you feel a movement within and warmth, you feel confident, sure. It's like you know that you know.

Jeremiah 31.31-33
"Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Not accroding to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of egypt which my covenant, they brake..." Verse 33 " but this shall be the covenant that i will make with the house of israel, after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts {their hearts} and will be their God and they shall be my people."

Accepting Jesus the Christ as the Messiah or Moshiach as Messiannic Jews have, merges {as you have said}, Chritianity and Judaism. Already, though, the ten commenments and other principles and the prophecies of the Tanakh have been merged with Christianity. In other words Christianity embraces them. Some laws that are not a part of Christian doctrine are the animal sacrifices and other laws that are not in use by Jews today. Penalties for not doing what you should such as the death penalty for not honoring the Sabbath are not enforced today. However there are some laws that have been kept by Jews such as eating what was called clean {kosher food} and celebrating the feasts. These are not part of Christian doctrine. However The Jews were commanded to celebrate those feats so they are very important. They also have a spirtual significance that I was sharing In Judaism. I think they have a spiritual significance to me as well.

I think I know why you write God "G d". It's to show respect to God. I will try to remember to write that way to show respect too, at least when I am posting in Judaism. Mostly I type Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ. I want to show respect to those name/title but some people wouldn't know who I am mentioning if I wrote J.C or H.F

More to Come

God is love

Active Member
I have to do this in smaller parts because I lost some posts. They didn't transfer through.

Accepting Jesus Christ as the Moshiach does not "take away" Jewishness. If you are born a Jew, you will always be a Jew. It is your bloodline. If you are not born a Jew, you convert to Judaism then that it your adopted religeon. If a person is French and descides to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah, she would continue to speak french and eat french food,etc.
She wouldn't cease to be French. Accepting Jesus Christ as the Moshiach does not deprive any Jew of their rich culture, heritage. The Tanakh will always be their history {journal}. Proof of this are the Messianic people. They hold unto their culture {for example}with the feasts, which {because it was a perpertual commandment} is holding unto a portion of the Judaism religeon.

By the way, I like the symbolism of phylacteries. I wonder if they are worn by any form of judaism.

So Accepting Jesus Christ as the Moshiach {in my opion} doesn't take away Jewishness, just animal sacrifices. It provides a Savior which fulfills the prophecies that descibe a Savior. I've heard it said that accepting the Messiah completes your Jewish heritage.

You are right. The identity of the Messiah/Moshiach will be revealed eventually in God's time. Also God can reveal His identity in our time through prayer, to those who care to know.

Response to Deut's questions following

God is love

Active Member
I agree with you, Man was not created to be sinful. We all have potential to be righteous.


I have read the prophesies I've posted. I am telling the truth and I'm sharing truth. I have read the Tanakh, {Old Testement} twice but I don't have a photographic memory. I research and study the scriptures, Old and New Testement weekly.

As mentioned in the Post, a prophecy, sometimes, is thought to be relevant to the time it was revealed or written. It is not recognized as a prophesy about the future until it comes to pass. Sometimes a prophecy is relevant to the time it was said as well as a sign of the future. You, however, think it is just a happening at the moment. Isaiah records history as it unfolds in his time as well as future events. As mentioned in my post, the prophesies in Isaiah do not appear to be in chronological order. There are gatherings before scatterings. A chapter mentions the Moshiach being a ruler. In a subsequent chapter further on The Moshiach is being born. History also repeats itself. There may be a scattering then and future scatterings. There was a scattering at the time of Nebuchadnezzar when he brought them into captivity and there was a scattering of Jews when they had to flee countries during the halocaust of the 1930's. so a prophesy can occur and surprisingly reoccur. Sometimes a way to know if a prophecy is occuring in our time if there is more than one sign to identify that time is to see if all the signs are happening at that time. For example, if the signs were great earth quakes and wars and only wars were happening then perhapps it isn't the time but if both were than it's more likely that it is the time. The more signs the more you know it is the time. It's like puting the pieces of a puzzle together, each sign is a piece and when they come together you get the complete picture of what is happening.

More to come, I have to post in portions so I don't have to rewrite so much when they don't pass through.

God is love

Active Member
when you study the Tanakh {I may not know proper name but let's get beyond that because I have more issues to address} you look at a scripture that you don't understand, you might look at all scriptures, if you have a topical guide, that relate to that subject to discover more about it, to understand it better. How else can a scipture reveal itself to you. if you don't have any other verses to use to interpret than you are at best guessing. You are left to winder or to rely on the interprtation of others such as Rabbis or scholars. How do you know that they know? So either you study and ponder or you accept the interpretation of another. Who can you trust more? Yourself? or another, who has done the same studying you have done? If you have been taught an interpretation as a child , to think of it a certain way, you trust what is familiar but seekers of the truth seek to know for themselves. They look at all peices of truth and put them together. truth does not contradict itself so it will fit together, if it's truth. God has a way to reveal truth to us beyond studying His words through prayer. Prayer validates whether we interpreted correctly. It reveals the mind of God.

God is love

Active Member
Unlike Isaiah, I've descided to do this chronologically. I love order.
We're starting with the birth...

Isaiah 7:14

The dead sea scrolls, enshrined in a building that's shaped like the jars, where the scrolls were found, has the word Ha-almah "virgin" written on it's parchment within this scripture. I have seen it online. "Virgin is the first word on the line after the lacuna."

To address another matter within the text.
"an shall call His name Immanuel {G-D with us}
This right away should tell you this is not an ordinary child. This is G-D made man.
never has a prophet been given that title "G-D with us"
{I choose to capitalize H, it's a personal choice}
{as you choose to reverance God with G- D.}

You believe in a prophecy of a promised Moshiach otherwise you wouldn't believe there will be a Moshiach.

Wise men from the East knew of the prophecy "There shall come a star out of Jacob"
I'll be getting to that.

If you do believe in at least one prophecy of the promised Moshiach and you believe that time has not as yet arrived, then you would recognize some prophecies are way beyond the time they were written, way ahead of their time.

You think that sign was for that time but "G-D with us", the Moshiach wasn't born then and by the way, nobody else would be as G-D among us other than the Moshiach, G-D incarnate. There has never been a prophecy there would be any as great as He.

If this extroadinary baby was to be a sign, Ahaz would have to wait at least nine months for the baby to born to be the sign, before He would know whether he should defend himself or not. That would be an anxiety attack.

Since Ahaz did not want to have a sign, which as you say, he wouldn't believe, and I agree with you on that, it's possible that G-D used the opportunity to give a sign for a future time to those who would want a sign and believe. Instead of giving a sign for his benefit, G-D gave a sign for the benefit of future generations. Those that are as unbelieving as Ahaz would not recognize the sign.

Prophets don't just speak of the present they prophecy of the future. That's what most prophets are called to do. Isaiah spoke of the present in a historical sense and of the future.

More to come


Following Christ
FeathersinHair said:
Just as normal procedure, when one is replying to something, please do so in the thread in question, so that the person being discussed will be able to respond...
I just wanted to reiterate this wonderful point:). Pulling comments out of context of their original thread greatly diminishes their usefulness.

God is love

Active Member
Isaiah did not have a son that was G-D. Isaiah's son didn't rule the government.
"Peace there shall be no end" There hasn't been endless peace since Isaiah's time. The Jews haven't had peace, quite the contrary. Wow!

You contradicted yourself saying that "He {Isaiah's son} is called prince of peace because peace and truth will be in his day. Not so because the peace spoken of is, and I quote Isaiah Verse 7 that is the very next verse "...Peace there shall be no end..."
As said before, there certainly has been an end to peace.
Read chapter 36. I am not writing all that and you probably have a copy of the bible because you are able to follow the numbers. The Bible and the Tanakh have different numbers to find scriptures.

On to the next issue, Isaiah 8:18 is saying

The names of Isaiah's sons;
Verse 7:3 "Shear-jashub"
and Verse 8:3 "Maher-shalal-hash-baz"
{I bet he had a nick name, I wanted to lighten the mood}
Verse 8:18 is saying that Isaiah and the children whom the Lord hath given him will be a sign. The name of Isaiah means, respectfully, "Jehovah Saves" and his son's name,
Shear-jashub, means, "a remnant shall return" and his other son's name,
Maher-shalal-hash-baz, means, "He hastens the prey or to speed the spoil"
Their names were a message or sign to their time to look to the future.

To answer your question, "Who is the woman {virgin} spoken of in Isaiah 7:14?"
The one and only, Virgin Mary.
That's my final answer

Looking at the chapter heading of Isaiah chapter 8 {Messiah rejected}, that has been fulfilled in the meridian of time with Jesus the Christ's mission to atone. Looking at the chapter heading of chapter 9 {Messiah birth}, that has also happened in the meridian of time.
{I've been up all night so I'm not reading these chapters too tired.}