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Recent content by DeepShadow

  1. DeepShadow

    Will time bring about a fall of Theocracy?

    Why Religion Is Not Going Away And Science Will Not Destroy It | The Iranian
  2. DeepShadow

    Is it possible to cherry pick and follow what you like?

    Well, yes. Religion isn't shoes. While I wholeheartedly support your right--even responsibility--to test beliefs as you learn them, part of the purpose of religion is to push us to achieve greater potential, rather than just approve of us as we are.
  3. DeepShadow

    Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 'Christian'.

    And if they aren't part of the standard works...? Go on, I said it was a circular argument. Feel free to complete the other half of the circle any time. Because my point was that they were NEVER part of the standard works. To refute that, all you need to do is cite ONE (1) source other than...
  4. DeepShadow

    Katzpur and DeepShadow on Recent LDS Policies

    I agree that we don't express that love and concern the right way, but I'm not sure that's the best yardstick to measure it by. I've heard folks talk as if they will not stop feeling marginalized until the LDS are performing same-sex temple marriages. I think THAT is an excellent yardstick to...
  5. DeepShadow

    Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 'Christian'.

    This is a circular argument. If the JOD's are part of the standard words, they have authority to say what's part of the standard works. If they are not, they have no authority to make such a declaration. The modern church has stated unequivocally that they are not part of the standard works...
  6. DeepShadow

    For LDS only...some tricky questions

    He established one church in two places. He established His church in the Old World, then He established His church in the New World. As Scott pointed out, the twelve who were ordained in the Americas were referred to as "twelve disciples," not Apostles. These twelve disciples in America...
  7. DeepShadow

    For LDS only...some tricky questions

    Actually, that's generally required of all children of polygamists who seek baptism. They need to be legal adults (18+), they need to not be living with their parents, and they need to renounce/denounce/disavow their parents' lifestyle. To be clear, I don't think they need to say more than...
  8. DeepShadow

    Mormon Transhumanist Association

    Orontes, as I say above, I'm no raving fan of the New God Argument, but I'm not sure where the problem lies in many of these objections: The mind is identical to states or functions of mere matter...therefore there's no free will or moral obligation. How does that follow? Didn't Joseph Smith...
  9. DeepShadow

    Mormon Transhumanist Association

    Singularitarian, as I understand them, are focused (too much , IMHO) on devoting time and resources to crossing the next threshold of technological singularity, which they believe will grant them immortality in their lifetime. I don't think that expectation is quite as stupid as it sounds, and...
  10. DeepShadow

    Mormon Transhumanist Association

    I'm not a member of the MTA, but I'm a Mormon with strong transhumanist leanings. I don't hang my testimony on a transhumanist interpretation of the Gospel, but apart from that, I guess I'd call myself a Mormon Transhumanist. I've considered joining the MTA. Well, there are diverse positions...
  11. DeepShadow

    Katzpur and DeepShadow on Recent LDS Policies

    Okay, I'm trying to make one answer to both posts again, so if you think I'm ignoring something important, let me know. What expression of compassion or caring would you accept as genuine, besides changing the policy? Because there's been many conference talks where it seems they are...
  12. DeepShadow

    Book Of Mormon Trivia!

    Just FYI, I think you are trying to say "definitely," and the word error creates a very different perception. You did the same thing in the thread on the Book of Mormon. Oh, and welcome to RF, brother! :)
  13. DeepShadow

    Chat with Mormons

    First, I think you held your own alright, it was just not the kind of discussion you were looking for. That was a missionary trying to move you down a spiritual road, not an intellectual trying to explore thorny problems. Katz and others here are more suited to that kind of discussion...
  14. DeepShadow

    For LDS only...some tricky questions

    This is part of how doctrine adds to and enriches itself over time. One can imagine how easy it was for early saints to oversimplify and just say "The HS is everywhere," but as more is revealed, we get a tweak: the influence is everywhere, even though the HS has a localized presence somewhere...
  15. DeepShadow

    For LDS only...some tricky questions

    Okay, I'll take a few, but I reserve the right to lose steam if/when we see serious shenanigans: From the top, skipping Emma, we have the infamous Fanny Alger. Strangely, the site skips the few references to their actual marriage in favor of the much more flimsy evidence of a sexual...