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Does the Bible Have to be "True"?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Stop complaining and read 2 Timothy 3:16.
I'm not complaining... I'm showing you the inconsistencies in what you write and what is written.

I don't have to read that passage as I can easily quote it. Again, it does not state that the scriptures are the word of God nor does it state that they are inerrant. Why put words into God's mouth??? You're so bold to add to the scriptures and you don't even realize you're doing it.
There is no such parable in the Holy Bible.
Of course there isn't. Don't be so myopic! I'm trying to show you why you feel you have so much in common with people from other religions.
This is what Christ taught us.
Then please, cite your source. If you're so into the Bible that you believe every dot and tiddle, then you should know it better than I do. So far, you're not showing yourself to be much of a Bible scholar.
If you have a problem with that your problem
My problem is with people who are convinced that something is in the Bible when they can't produce it. If I claim that the scriptures say something, you can trust that I'm going to be citing the source. Not that you will believe it and I certainly find that ironic.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
I'm not complaining... I'm showing you the inconsistencies in what you write and what is written.

I don't have to read that passage as I can easily quote it. Again, it does not state that the scriptures are the word of God nor does it state that they are inerrant. Why put words into God's mouth??? You're so bold to add to the scriptures and you don't even realize you're doing it.

Of course there isn't. Don't be so myopic! I'm trying to show you why you feel you have so much in common with people from other religions.

Then please, cite your source. If you're so into the Bible that you believe every dot and tiddle, then you should know it better than I do. So far, you're not showing yourself to be much of a Bible scholar.

My problem is with people who are convinced that something is in the Bible when they can't produce it. If I claim that the scriptures say something, you can trust that I'm going to be citing the source. Not that you will believe it and I certainly find that ironic.

Further discussion of this subject with you is pointless. I won't argue semantics with you.

Have a good day, sir.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
Someone might think he or she must believe every word so then every word must be true. Why?
Knowledge puffs up. That one is true.
So how can you tell which words are scripture and which words can be dropped?
Dedication, prayer, trust in God, meditation, time, practice, humility, honesty......what else?

Acts of the Apostles 17:11

Are you so unfamiliar with the teachings of Christ that will force me to do your research for you? You should already know what Jesus said about truth.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
So how can you tell which words are scripture and which words can be dropped?
Why 'drop' any of them? One doesn't need to go through the Bible with a pair of scissors. In order to understand the scriptures, in toto, you have to be led by the Spirit. I quoted this in context before, so perhaps I'll just pop out this amazing verse:

II Corinthians 3:6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. NIV

The whole chapter is relevant to our discussion here, but the final verses are probably some of the most encouraging ones in the NT.

II Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. NIV


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Are you so unfamiliar with the teachings of Christ that will force me to do your research for you? You should already know what Jesus said about truth.
Yes, I do! He said HE WAS THE TRUTH. But you say that the written word is the truth. I know you are too smart to believe that Jesus is the written word.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Why 'drop' any of them? One doesn't need to go through the Bible with a pair of scissors. In order to understand the scriptures, in toto, you have to be led by the Spirit. I quoted this in context before, so perhaps I'll just pop out this amazing verse:

II Corinthians 3:6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. NIV

The whole chapter is relevant to our discussion here, but the final verses are probably some of the most encouraging ones in the NT.

II Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. NIV
I drop some from my repertoire. I need not believe that God orders children to be killed. I dropped that one. I did not say I drop them for good. If God will tell me to pick up one I dropped I will.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
You should already know what Jesus said about truth.
You should know the scriptures well enough to cite them on demand like I'm doing here:

I Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, NIV

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
I'm not trying to force my way of thinking on you... or anyone. I get as much from these discussions as I put into them. They cause me to re-evaluate my beliefs and what they are based on. You don't have to justify a thing to me. Not your beliefs or how you came to believe them. I have learned a lot from scripture and they have value to me. No, I won't deify them any longer. I used to, but the scriptures have shown me that's in error.

In my humble opinion, we seem to be arriving at the same conclusions albeit on a slightly different path. I believe that God is love much as you seem to do. We both see a glaring inconsistency with God being love and murdering children. Some see that as a reason to be an atheist, but I find that to be an easy way out. Why? I'm just so intrigued with God being love, that I search for another way to approach the inconsistency.

I'm an honest seeker. I sincerely want to understand God, his Spirit and even the scriptures. IOW, I want to understand the tao of God. My first step is to identify and toss every human generated bias that I have. Then I read the scriptures with an open mind. When I first realized that the scriptures were not inerrant or the Word of God, it was a tremendous breakthrough. I'm still trying to shatter my preconceptions and biases. It's been a fun, fun path.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
You should know the scriptures well enough to cite them on demand like I'm doing here:

I Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, NIV

Opinion noted.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
Yes, I do! He said HE WAS THE TRUTH. But you say that the written word is the truth. I know you are too smart to believe that Jesus is the written word.

What you are not understanding from scripture is that the word of God isn't some words written on paper. The word of God is alive, powerful enough to create the entire universe. The word of God is the person of Jesus Christ. The word of God is spirit, it isn't flesh. It isn't a "something." It is a real, actual living being personified in the person of Jesus Christ.

The written word is an instrument used to communicate the word of God to us. The word is, however, alive and thrives in Christ.

First Baseman

Retired athlete
No, man justified his sin by suggesting that God ordered it all. Man always has and man is still doing this.

Opinion noted.

Then I do not need that scripture because I already know well enough about "man". OK?

Good retort.

I'm not trying to force my way of thinking on you... or anyone. I get as much from these discussions as I put into them. They cause me to re-evaluate my beliefs and what they are based on. You don't have to justify a thing to me. Not your beliefs or how you came to believe them. I have learned a lot from scripture and they have value to me. No, I won't deify them any longer. I used to, but the scriptures have shown me that's in error.

In my humble opinion, we seem to be arriving at the same conclusions albeit on a slightly different path. I believe that God is love much as you seem to do. We both see a glaring inconsistency with God being love and murdering children. Some see that as a reason to be an atheist, but I find that to be an easy way out. Why? I'm just so intrigued with God being love, that I search for another way to approach the inconsistency.

I'm an honest seeker. I sincerely want to understand God, his Spirit and even the scriptures. IOW, I want to understand the tao of God. My first step is to identify and toss every human generated bias that I have. Then I read the scriptures with an open mind. When I first realized that the scriptures were not inerrant or the Word of God, it was a tremendous breakthrough. I'm still trying to shatter my preconceptions and biases. It's been a fun, fun path.

Opinions noted.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What you are not understanding from scripture is that the word of God isn't some words written on paper. The word of God is alive, powerful enough to create the entire universe. The word of God is the person of Jesus Christ. The word of God is spirit, it isn't flesh. It isn't a "something." It is a real, actual living being personified in the person of Jesus Christ.

The written word is an instrument used to communicate the word of God to us. The word is, however, alive and thrives in Christ.
No! That is what I said. Might I suggest you put off, "everyone is wrong" and just listen to people?
The thread is about the Bible, the written word. What say you about IT?
According to you is the instrument is PERFECT working order? Are you SURE? How are you sure?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
@First Baseman Please read the thread title again. It does not say, "Does the Word have to be true". I agree with you please listen, The Word has to be true! It is true. It will always be true and has always been true. OK?

First Baseman

Retired athlete
No! That is what I said. Might I suggest you put off, "everyone is wrong" and just listen to people?
The thread is about the Bible, the written word. What say you about IT?
According to you is the instrument is PERFECT working order? Are you SURE? How are you sure?

I believe all of the books that were considered to be what we know as the Bible were reviewed and scrutinized by men filled with the Holy Spirit. These same men also researched what should and should not be contained in each book. I totally accept the NIV as the written word of God, no more, no less.