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Science Proves Nature Was Created

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Sigh... and creationism is a science...

"The second law of thermodynamics (the law of increase of entropy) is sometimes used as an argument against evolution. Evolution, the argument goes, is a decrease of entropy, because it involves things getting more organized over time, while the second law says that things get more disordered over time. So evolution violates the second law.

There are many things wrong with this argument, and it has been discussed ad infinitum. A summary of the arguments on both sides can be found on the links at www.talkorigins.org/faqs/thermo.html. These discussions never seem to involve any numerical calculations. This is unfortunate, since a very simple calculation shows that it is physically impossible for evolution to violate the second law of thermodynamics.

It is important to note that the earth is not an isolated system: it receives energy from the sun, and radiates energy back into space. The second law doesn't claim that the entropy of any part of a system increases: if it did, ice would never form and vapor would never condense, since both of those processes involve a decrease of entropy. Rather, the second law says that the total entropy of the whole system must increase. Any decrease of entropy (like the water freezing into ice cubes in your freezer) must be compensated by an increase in entropy elsewhere (the heat released into your kitchen by the refrigerator).

A slightly more sophisticated form of the anti-evolution argument recognizes that the earth is not an isolated system; it receives energy from the sun. But, the argument goes on, the sun's energy only increases disorder. It speeds the processes of breakdown and decay. Therefore, even with an energy source, evolution still violates the second law.

For the earth, though, we have to take into account the change of entropy involved with both the absorption of energy from the sun and the radiation of energy into space. Think of the sun as a heat reservoir that maintains a constant temperature T1 = 6000 K. (I am using the absolute, or Kelvin, temperature scale.) That's the temperature of the radiating surface of the sun, and so it's the effective temperature of the energy we receive from the sun. When the earth absorbs some amount of heat, Q, from this reservoir, the reservoir loses entropy:


On average, the earth's temperature is neither increasing nor decreasing. Therefore, in the same time that it absorbs heat energy Q from the sun's radiation, it must radiate the same amount of heat into space. This energy is radiated at a much lower temperature that is approximately equal to the average surface temperature of the earth, T2 = 280 K. We can think of space as a second heat reservoir that absorbs the heat Q and consequently undergoes an entropy increase


Since T1 is much larger than T2, it is clear that the net entropy of the two reservoirs increases:


Even if it is true that the processes of life on earth result in an entropy decrease of the earth, the second law of thermodynamics will not be violated unless that decrease is larger than the entropy increase of the two heat reservoirs. Any astronomy textbook will tell you that the earth absorbs 1.1 x 1017 Joules per second of power from the sun, so in one year we get (1.1 x 1017 J/sec)x(365 days/year)x(24 hours/day)x(60 min/hr)x(60 sec/min) = 3.5 x 1024 Joules of energy from the sun. This corresponds to an entropy increase in the heat reservoirs of


Just how big is this increase? For comparison, let's calculate the entropy change needed to freeze the earth's oceans solid. The heat energy involved is

Q = (latent heat of fusion)x(mass of ocean water) =


Water freezes at 273 K on the absolute scale, so the corresponding entropy change is


Comparing with the entropy increase of the two heat reservoirs, we see that this is a factor of (1.6x1024 J/K)/(1.2x1022 J/K) = 140 larger. Remember, though, that the number for the heat reservoirs was for one year. Each year, more entropy is generated. The second law will only be violated if all the oceans freeze over in about 140 years or less.

Now, the mass of all the living organisms on earth, known as the biomass, is considerably less than the mass of the oceans (by a very generous estimate, about 1016 kilograms. If we perform a similar calculation using the earth's biomass, instead of the mass of the oceans, we find that the second law of thermodynamics will only be violated if the entire biomass is somehow converted from a highly disorganized state (say, a gas at 10,000 K) to a highly organized state (say, absolute zero) in about a month or less.

Evolutionary processes take place over millions of years; clearly they cannot cause a violation of the second law."


Right, the whole system/ universe would theoretically contain the same 'stuff' a billion trillion years from now. But it will be less complex, less functional, not more.
And the thermodynamic mathematical quality does not contradict this, we agree I think

2. Entropy .
lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.

synonyms: deterioration, degeneration, crumbling, decline, degradation, decomposition, breaking down, collapse

There are endless fruitless semantic arguments here- because some definitions are somewhat contradictory- you might characterize a planet like Earth as a far more chaotic & unpredictable system than a cold dead one right?

The unambiguous phenomenon creationism refers to is the inevitable deterioration, degeneration, crumbling, decline, degradation, decomposition, breaking down, collapse of a system governed by random chance alone. Without information, instructions, blueprints specific to a more functional outcome, entropy rules.


Right, the whole system/ universe would theoretically contain the same 'stuff' a billion trillion years from now. But it will be less complex, less functional, not more.
And the thermodynamic mathematical quality does not contradict this, we agree I think.

Yes, 10^34 years from now... You know, as in, life won't be possible anywhere in the universe far in the future.

None of this contradicts the notion that life can evolve on a planet far, far before the energy and matter content has diluted to the point where there is infinite space between any two given subatomic particles. Until then, the universe isn't in a state of maximum entropy.

There are endless fruitless semantic arguments here- because some definitions are somewhat contradictory- you might characterize a planet like Earth as a far more chaotic & unpredictable system than a cold dead one right?

The unambiguous phenomenon creationism refers to is the inevitable deterioration, degeneration, crumbling, decline, degradation, decomposition, breaking down, collapse of a system governed by random chance alone. Without information, instructions, blueprints specific to a more functional outcome, entropy rules.

So when creationists speak of entropy, they aren't actually referring second law of thermodynamics or any mathematical concept, but just a vague nothing of what decline and deterioration is?

Either way, still no demonstration as to why the argument that because entropy exists, natural selection can't exist.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
Yes, 10^34 years from now... You know, as in, life won't be possible anywhere in the universe far in the future.

None of this contradicts the notion that life can evolve on a planet far, far before the energy and matter content has diluted to the point where there is infinite space between any two given subatomic particles. Until then, the universe isn't in a state of maximum entropy.

So when creationists speak of entropy, they aren't actually referring second law of thermodynamics or any mathematical concept, but just a vague nothing of what decline and deterioration is?

Either way, still no demonstration as to why the argument that because entropy exists, natural selection can't exist.

Entropy is a logical argument yes, the same logical argument the ignorant masses used to question the mathematical/academic argument that classical physics accounted for all physical reality and thus made God redundant, that more, deeper, unpredictable, mysterious forces must be at work for the universe to function.

And they were right and for the right reason: entropy. Under classical physics alone the entire universe would simply collapse, disintegrate into its simplest form- it requires a very specific set of instructions, blueprints, to form galaxies- great fusion reactors in stars, in turn creating elements specific to life etc etc,

So too with life I, and most of us 'ignorant masses' believe. 'Classical evolution' is intuitive, elegant, simple, satisfying just as classical physics was, but far less directly observable and demonstrable.


Entropy is a logical argument yes,
the same logical argument the ignorant masses used to question the mathematical/academic argument that classical physics accounted for all physical reality and thus made God redundant, that more, deeper, unpredictable, mysterious forces must be at work for the universe to function.

And they were right and for the right reason: entropy. Under classical physics alone the entire universe would simply collapse, disintegrate into its simplest form-.

...Sorry, this is obviously getting more hopeless. "Entropy is a logical argument" isn't even like... a statement. Things aren't in themselves logical arguments. "In logic and philosophy, an argument is a series of statements typically used to persuade someone of something or to present reasons for accepting a conclusion.[1][2]"

As I've already pointed out, nothing about entropy demonstrates that common descent and biological evolution can't happen because "natural selection" couldn't make living beings because the chaos is too strong for it.

The fact that you think the matter comes down to not making God redundant is telling. I never brought God up, I've just being asking for proof for a single claim made.

it requires a very specific set of instructions, blueprints, to form galaxies- great fusion reactors in stars, in turn creating elements specific to life etc etc.

Please point to a specific set of instructions, blueprints, necessary to form galaxies or for nucleosynthesis to occur...

So too with life I, and most of us 'ignorant masses' believe. 'Classical evolution' is intuitive, elegant, simple, satisfying just as classical physics was, but far less directly observable and demonstrable.

Much like theism is intuitive, elegant, simple, satisfying, but far less directly observable and demonstrable than evolution.

By the way, some evidence:


Notice how nothing about creationism explains this.


Figure 1.4.4. Fossil hominid skulls. (Images © 2000 Smithsonian Institution.) (larger 76K JPG version)

What's up with all those half-monkey, half-man things that existed for hundreds of thousands of years at a time and stopped existing.

Probably some sort of special specific set of instructions.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
...Sorry, this is obviously getting more hopeless. "Entropy is a logical argument" isn't even like... a statement. Things aren't in themselves logical arguments. "In logic and philosophy, an argument is a series of statements typically used to persuade someone of something or to present reasons for accepting a conclusion.[1][2]"

come on dustin, regarding problems with the theory evolution, entropy is a logical argument.

As I've already pointed out, nothing about entropy demonstrates that common descent and biological evolution can't happen because "natural selection" couldn't make living beings because the chaos is too strong for it.

technically we agree, natural selection and common descent applies regardless.. to life and automobiles alike, the theory that significant design improvements occur spontaneously is another matter

Please point to a specific set of instructions, blueprints, necessary to form galaxies or for nucleosynthesis to occur...

look up universal constants, tweek em infinitesimally and you get nada, hardly a controversial observation these days.

By the way, some evidence:


Notice how nothing about creationism explains this.


Figure 1.4.4. Fossil hominid skulls. (Images © 2000 Smithsonian Institution.) (larger 76K JPG version)

What's up with all those half-monkey, half-man things that existed for hundreds of thousands of years at a time and stopped existing.

Probably some sort of special specific set of instructions.


A very similar chart can be made of automobiles dug up from a junk yard, complete with gaps, dead ends, and a general trend towards increased size and sophistication.

By this rationale each improvement can be assumed to be accidental? Trees of life say nothing whatsoever about the nature/origins of the design changes
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Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
By this rationale each improvement can be assumed to be accidental? Trees of life say nothing whatsoever about the nature/origins of the design changes

It says something. It says that 99% of those designs failed. Badly. Which raises obvious questions about the competence of the designer.

Would you hire someone, who has unlimited means, but still needs several billions years to complete his initial project and 99% failures (if you are not in the Software industry)?


- viole


come on dustin, regarding problems with the theory evolution, entropy is a logical argument.

As, I've already demonstrated, no it isn't.

technically we agree, natural selection and common descent applies regardless.. to life and automobiles alike, the theory that significant design improvements occur spontaneously is another matter.

We, then we don't agree, because natural selection and common descent don't apply to automobiles, unless we are speaking metaphorically. Your determination of what design improvements are "significant" and which ones aren't are undoubtedly also not based on any empirical observations about biology. The theory that significant design improvements "occur spontaneously" is also not a "theory" having anything to do with evolutionary biology.

look up universal constants, tweek em infinitesimally and you get nada, hardly a controversial observation these days.

Universal constants aren't instructions or blueprints for anything. Unless you think the universe is fine-tuned for Tay-Sachs disease, malaria, rape, incest, war and death.

If the fine-tuning of the universe were any different, there would exist no disease, malaria, rape, incest, war or death. But since the universe is fine-tuned for those specific things to exist, than obviously there needs to a blue-print of set instructions for AIDs. Otherwise, how could it exist?

A very similar chart can be made of automobiles, complete with gaps, dead ends, and a general trend towards increased size and sophistications.

Except cars don't reproduce, which is pretty much essential to evolution.

By this rationale each improvement can be assumed to be accidental? Trees of life say nothing whatsoever about the nature/origins of the design changes

The "nature/origins" of the design changes is mediated by genetic mutations and natural selection. A tree of life is just a model to illustrate the chronological order of this, which is subject to change as more data is collected.

By the way, each improvement can be assumed to be accidental. If I had a baby, and it looks different than me and my mate, you can go ahead and throw that in the "accident" pile. No one chose for the different looks. More so, genetic mutation is known to happen in every single individual in every reproduction, empirically. These would also be "accidents."

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
As, I've already demonstrated, no it isn't.

We, then we don't agree, because natural selection and common descent don't apply to automobiles, unless we are speaking metaphorically. Your determination of what design improvements are "significant" and which ones aren't are undoubtedly also not based on any empirical observations about biology. The theory that significant design improvements "occur spontaneously" is also not a "theory" having anything to do with evolutionary biology.

Universal constants aren't instructions or blueprints for anything. Unless you think the universe is fine-tuned for Tay-Sachs disease, malaria, rape, incest, war and death.

If the fine-tuning of the universe were any different, there would exist no disease, malaria, rape, incest, war or death. But since the universe is fine-tuned for those specific things to exist, than obviously there needs to a blue-print of set instructions for AIDs. Otherwise, how could it exist?

Except cars don't reproduce, which is pretty much essential to evolution.

The "nature/origins" of the design changes is mediated by genetic mutations and natural selection. A tree of life is just a model to illustrate the chronological order of this, which is subject to change as more data is collected.

By the way, each improvement can be assumed to be accidental. If I had a baby, and it looks different than me and my mate, you can go ahead and throw that in the "accident" pile. No one chose for the different looks. More so, genetic mutation is known to happen in every single individual in every reproduction, empirically. These would also be "accidents."

Yes it's fine tuned for life, and challenges, death are part of that, again, we would not even have space/time without very specific tuning, far less life- whether or not you like all of it.

how are the improvements made? either they occur by design or they occur spontaneously- i,e. unintentionally, without design.

We agree again - two offspring from the same parents will have small incidental variations, as will any two cars on a production line...

This again suggests nothing about the car's engine or the baby's mind being the result of accidental imperfections!

exactly - cars don't reproduce, are not subject to random mutation in design, are the result of intelligent design- yet leave practically identical 'trees of life' as are so often presented to somehow suggest lack of design!
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Yes it's fine tuned for life, and challenges, death are part of that, again, we would not even have space/time with very specific tuning, far less life- whether or not you like all of it.


how are the improvements made? either they occur by design or they occur spontaneously- i,e. unintentionally, without design.

Unintentionally, unless God is magically because every change in DNA in every species every known to exist at all times. Which God is sitting around designing and tweaking designs millions of times for every individual living thing all without us being able to see him do it, see how he does, or confirm this any manner. It's possible. But I generally don't see a reason why I would believe something like that.

We agree again - two offspring from the same parents will have small incidental variations, as will any two cars on a production line...

I'm not actually sure there's a point to the bringing up of cars? Like, does this go somewhere? Two cars don't have DNA and do it, and have a kid car. Unless there is some encoded information implicit in some molecule that duplicates and changes with variety over time due to its reproduction, any comparison to "car evolution" is going to be incredibly limited as a metaphor.

This again suggests nothing about the car's engine or the baby's mind being the result of accidental imperfections!


exactly - cars don't reproduce, are not subject to random mutation in design, are the result of intelligent design- yet leave practically identical 'trees of life' as are so often presented to somehow suggest lack of design!

Um, but all living things do reproduce (or will have or have had the ability to), are subject to random mutation without any design necessary. Like I said, not sure where you are going with car analogies, none are going to leave much of an impression on me.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate

Unintentionally, unless God is magically because every change in DNA in every species every known to exist at all times. Which God is sitting around designing and tweaking designs millions of times for every individual living thing all without us being able to see him do it, see how he does, or confirm this any manner. It's possible. But I generally don't see a reason why I would believe something like that.

I'm not actually sure there's a point to the bringing up of cars? Like, does this go somewhere? Two cars don't have DNA and do it, and have a kid car. Unless there is some encoded information implicit in some molecule that duplicates and changes with variety over time due to its reproduction, any comparison to "car evolution" is going to be incredibly limited as a metaphor.


Um, but all living things do reproduce (or will have or have had the ability to), are subject to random mutation without any design necessary. Like I said, not sure where you are going with car analogies, none are going to leave much of an impression on me.

Yes Dustin, the point IS that cars ARE entirely different from life, they are unambiguously a product of ID - yet leave an identical 'fossil record' as often used to suggest accidental design improvements. You see? This does not in itself prove that life didn't accidentally make it's own design improvements, it just means charts like the one you posted do not suggest this either.

'millions of tweaks' is also a very effective tool for computer aided design of anything from physical products to software applications. With superior iterations selected according to various fitness functions. It's an efficient tool for finding the SIMPLEST way of fulfilling the fitness function. e.g. maximize the efficiency of an antenna. The product never acquires it's own sentience to ponder it's own existence with along the way, even if this might arguably make it a better product.

the trick is describing that fitness function to be produced, in the case of sentience, that's something far beyond our capability - it's the holy grail of software engineers.
But even for something far simpler- what may take a programmer 6 days to create, may play out in billions of iterations as he rests on the 7th.. i.e. it is not logical to apply the laws and timescales of a created reality to the perspective of its creator.

Were we able to create AI this way, our creations might similarly reconstruct their own creation as being apparently random chance


Yes Dustin, the point IS that cars ARE entirely different from life, they are unambiguously a product of ID - yet leave an identical 'fossil record' as often used to suggest accidental design improvements. You see? This does not in itself prove that life didn't accidentally make it's own design improvements, it just means charts like the one you posted do not suggest this either.

Thanks for clarifying. I do and have already agreed to this. Like I said a couple posts ago, the charts are just models that best represent the extensive genealogical evidence that support them. The charts don't prove anything. They are graphics cards. The extensive genealogical evidence does support them. Genetics has proven a far more effective means for taxonomy than matching up things that look alike. But, the fact that things look like in any way reflects their common descent, and/or different populations acquiring a trait on their own due to similar environmental conditions. For intensive purposes, the picture is really all that important as the species and the listed date for each fossil, is accurate and be corroborated with what rare genetic evidence is available. Exp: http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/38521/title/Oldest-Hominin-DNA-Ever-Sequenced/

'millions of tweaks' is also a very effective tool for computer aided design of anything from physical products to software applications. With superior iterations selected according to various fitness functions. It's an efficient tool for finding the SIMPLEST way of fulfilling the fitness function. e.g. maximize the efficiency of an antenna. The product never acquires it's own sentience to ponder it's own existence with along the way, even if this might arguably make it a better product.

the trick is describing that fitness function to be produced, in the case of sentience, that's something far beyond our capability - it's the holy grail of software engineers.
But even for something far simpler- what may take a programmer 6 days to create, may play out in billions of iterations as he rests on the 7th.. i.e. it is not logical to apply the laws and timescales of a created reality to the perspective of its creator.

This implies the God the universe is subject to the experiences of an IT professional. A great indication that God is created in the image of his followers. We aren't talking about dudes who are writing Excel updates. We are talking about a supposedly all powerful being. Why would this guy need any time or any conditions to create any reality he so chose. Was God like, I'm lonely, let's create Adam and Eve, and dang, looks like I got to spend the next 70 eons coding a universe into existence. Ah, shoot a bug, look at these horrible things. Need to erase 90% of the species on this planet and start over.

Were we able to create AI this way, our creations might similarly reconstruct their own creation as being apparently random chance

To problem being that it's not really analogous to the universe. By the way, I don't know that existence of the universe itself came to be. I have no idea how that happened. A different issue than living things and evolution.


pro scapegoat
Okay man. I see your point. I am like a guy who walks into a conversation and says what he thinks. I actually thought random mutation was the process of natural selection.
No you didn't. You know that it is those mutations being acted upon by natural selection. You are pretending to be unaware of what you yourself wrote down as the process of evolution just one post ago.
If my arguments are old school then help me out. Please don't accuse my motives. We are in a discussion forum and what better place to start than where I am at.
Really? Please don't accuse your motives? You don't know how evolution works in one post, but do in the next. But your motives are to discuss this honestly?

Tell you what a member called God Lover (you) wrote in post #205 the answer to your question. Post 205 in your own hand explains how random mutation is not selection.


pro scapegoat
What is feedback? Please just tell me! Honestly I ask with no trickery.
The feedback is exactly what you wrote down yourself - the minor variations caused by genetic changes are acted upon by selection. Natural selection (as you clearly know because you gave a pretty good explanation in your post.t #205). Why not read God Lovers post #205?


Rogue Theologian
But, this is a real world example of how time is not constant, is it not? It is a 4th dimension of our reality.
How you measure is on thing.
WHAT you measure is something else.

Time is a quotient.
Distance ( a measure) is divided by time( another measure).

Distance is something we made up to better know the geometry of our surroundings.
Time is an interval of motion.(orbits, revolutions, dripping water)

measure is all in your head and makes appearance in our 'reality' as a quotient on a chalkboard.


Veteran Member
Well it is difficult to answer ethereal vagueness.

Obviously we do not know all things about God -and to acknowledge that is to not reduce anything, but to allow ourselves to gain more knowledge.

If our separate minds are the things that make us separate, then it is so.
Otherwise, we would not be on this forum disagreeing about the universal truth we do not yet fully understand.

Everything is connected, everything is made up of the same stuff, there is essentially only one reality of which we are all a part -but to personify it is not a mistake.
There is a personality expressed through all things -and it is God's.

A name does not reduce, but is a title for that which is is not yet fully understood.

When we are introduced to individuals (who are all a part of a whole), we first learn their name -and then we learn what it means -who they are -over time.

That which exists can be known to a greater extent over time.

Individuals are essentially subdivisions of a whole -and the intended purpose thereof is to allow independent creativity and infinite newness in which all individuals may delight.
The personality is our persona, or mask, its no who we truly are, to reducing the Source to a personality is just silly, a personality is made through conditioning, the Source is not conditioned by anyone, even though many religions try to do so. .

God lover

No you didn't. You know that it is those mutations being acted upon by natural selection. You are pretending to be unaware of what you yourself wrote down as the process of evolution just one post ago.Really? Please don't accuse your motives? You don't know how evolution works in one post, but do in the next. But your motives are to discuss this honestly?

Tell you what a member called God Lover (you) wrote in post #205 the answer to your question. Post 205 in your own hand explains how random mutation is not selection.
I'm so confused.

I don't know what feedback is. What does this mean? I am so sorry. I don't understand.

Natural selection is the process of random mutations of DNA. Then if it is advantages, it out reproduces the former. It is a series of random accidents. But then you mentioned feedback. And I don't understand what feedback is.


pro scapegoat
I'm so confused.

I don't know what feedback is. What does this mean? I am so sorry. I don't understand.

Natural selection is the process of random mutations of DNA. Then if it is advantages, it out reproduces the former. It is a series of random accidents. But then you mentioned feedback. And I don't understand what feedback is.
LOL The random mutations are not natural selection, the natural selection is the increase in survivability some of those variations result in. That is the feedback - that the most well adapted are more likely to survive.

Are you honestly not aware of how all farm animals vegetable and grain species came to be? Seriously? You are claiming not to understand how selection works? So the farmer chooses the brussel sprout plant that is the best and breeds from it? You really don't understand this? I'm sorry, but I find that hard to believe.

By the way, a few thousand years of selective breeding has turned the original brassica into a variety of species from cabbage to brocolli, mustard and cauliflower - all from the original wild species by selection alone.

You really never thought how all those different varieties of dogs came to be? You did not realise that humans selected for certain traits and then bred for them?

How can we even discuss evolution if you don't know what selection is? How can you live in 2015 and not know how we bred all those different dogs, flowers, vegies, chickens etc?
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Rogue Theologian
I mentioned earlier ...your signature seems contray to this post
That is all the same rehash as we were just discussing, your just trying to make your personified God less personified to make him seem more probable, but no there is no personal God, and in truth we are not separate, its just our mind that makes it so. To reduce the cosmos to a mere god is blaspheming the cosmos, and yourself as well, why call it anything, whatever we call it isn't that which is.
You quoted someone who speaks of a man whose spirit cannot be 'killed'.

If the spirit of a man cannot be destroyed, then He....that Man....is a person eternal.

God would be a spirit....eternal.

I believe the cosmos is creation by God.
That God has gained a sense of Person in so doing (I AM!)....doesn't surprise me.

but then your post above dismisses God a s a person.....and...
promotes the perspective the creation ( cosmos) is the greater portion.

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Rogue Theologian
Random selection.....
Events (at random) that destroy and then promote....

Genetics would have little to do with that.
Natural events kill many things in their path.
survival is then....by chance.
good luck to you.

But then comes the argument of will.
and it appears, by choice of the individual, his traits increase or decrease for choices made.
I am then, my father's son.
We then effect our chemistry.

Studies of the brain indicate more connections in people that use their heads for their living.
People who flex and sweat have stronger build.

The traits get passed on.

I suppose you could argue.....all is random.
your birth is coincidence and where you come up.....likewise.