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Should Christianity Be Easy?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.

First off, may I suggest that you learn how to use the quote button? It's much easier to read your comments. I can't say that it would make reading your comments any more EDIFYING but it would make them clearer. Sort of.

See - like this:

1) You implied it which could be said to be worse, as you are being "sneaky" about it. At least have the courage to say what you mean and not play word games.

I don't have to resort to subversive word games. I'm very plain spoken. No need to resort to twisting my very clear statements.

2) Bud? Spoken with appropiate christian attitude: get miffed, get an attitude.

I'm a follower of Christ. The Christ I follow was loving and gentle when it was called for, but He also openly denounced people, and could be pretty sarcastic, when the situation called for it. He wasn't one to mince words and neither am I.

3) 50 years of fooling yourself IMO. By all means, continue

My, you're judgmental about me, and you know next to nothing about me personally. I have a very fulfilling and satisfying life, and am able to better, not only my own life, but the lives of others. If this is fooling myself, I certainly will continue - it's GREAT! And sustaining, as my fifty years of exuberant health - both mentally and physically - evidence. I can't wait to see what eternity holds!

4) See #2 above


5) No doubt. As chrsitianity has for many, including you

Tsk Tsk, there you go again. You're more judgmental than most religious people I know.

6) Proving your god...totally different story than proving faith.

I'm not running down that rabbit trail. It's not up to me to prove God exists to you, or to anyone else. I know that I can't prove His existence to you, and I know I don't need to, regardless of your petulant demands. All I can do, and should do, is live my faith - Love God and love my neighbor as myself. The rest is out of my hands.

7) Exactly. You're dead set to beleive in a magic man in the sky because a book told you to.

Judgmentalism again - and dead wrong to boot. You don't have any idea why I believe in God or try to follow Christ's teachings. You haven' asked, and I doubt you really care. You're just out to defame Christianity in general -you're quite obvious in your agenda. Tell the truth - are you waitasec's twin brother? ;)

Thank you for making my point. You served me well. You're dismissed ;)

You and your fantasy - cute but in a sort of pathetic way.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Snarky....seems someone has a "word of the day" calendar ;)
Didn't you see the chef that grilled the romain? Can't say I'd want it, but obviously someone did.
For you, the kitchen is closed.
Snarky is as snarky does. It's a perfectly descriptive word, it's honest, and it describes the attitude you're putting forth here. Where I "got it" is immaterial.

BTW, the kitchen also does not include vomit. Perhaps you'd better excuse yourself to the little boy's room...


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You're dead set to beleive in a magic man in the sky because a book told you to.
An unfounded accusation, designed as a desperate ploy to make you appear in the stronger position of the argument.

It's not working.
Thank you for making my point.
What point? That you're taking potshots indiscriminately in the dark, consequently hitting everything but your target?
You're dismissed
So far, you haven't been able to adequately dismiss a bad idea. What makes you think you can dismiss a good one?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
What point? That you're taking potshots indiscriminately in the dark, consequently hitting everything but your target?

So far, you haven't been able to adequately dismiss a bad idea. What makes you think you can dismiss a good one?

He has managed, however, to shoot himself in the foot repeatedly.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Many people serving the same god with many different ideas of the same god...?
Sounds like everyone's wrong. Or your god's a farce. I choose option #2. You chose option #...whatever you want I suppose.
Sure. Why not? God cannot be completely understood. Everyone has a unique piece of the "God puzzle." We need all the pieces to gain a bigger picture.

You've made your choice. It's irresponsibly dismissive, but that's your business.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Is your opinion. I'm glad you have it. Too bad is based on lies. But to each their own
Oh? Perhaps you'd be so kind as to identify and reveal the lies upon which the opinion is based.

Or are you just spitting in the wind to feel your own mucous?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't god have made it easy for its creation to learn, study and follow christianity?

In talking with some christians, some are well versed in the culture of the biblical times, original text, archeological discoveries, etc. While others will be lucky to spell the work archeology.
Many times, these (as I will call them) educated christians claim to be correct in their interpretation of god-ish concepts, ideals and principles because they've studied and know the "proper" meaning, terminology, original text meaning, etc. This doesn't seem to bode well for those poor (as I will call them) uneducated christians that are trying to follow the same deity.

Should christianity be this in-depth that, in order to understand the "proper" meaning, you must study archeological finds, biblical culture, know word etymology, etc? Or are these educated christians puff themselves up in order to feel superior?



That anyone seeking education in Christianity, but still comes away believing it to be truth, failed to become educated.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.

That anyone seeking education in Christianity, but still comes away believing it to be truth, failed to become educated.

I think that anyone who educates themselves on Christianity will at least come away with a more profound understanding of history in general, and spirituality in particular, whether they agree with all they study or not.

But - of course that depends a lot on the person who is claiming the education.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
It should be easy but by nature it is hard. Hard for me to understand why a creator would make rules that the creation would naturally have trouble with. It's like asking for trouble.

Maybe because it is man who made the rules, not the creator. ;)


Well-Known Member
I think that anyone who educates themselves on Christianity will at least come away with a more profound understanding of history in general, and spirituality in particular, whether they agree with all they study or not.

But - of course that depends a lot on the person who is claiming the education.

"profound understanding of history in general,"

I think anyone who studies actual history will fare better.

"spirituality in particular"

Depends on if you buy into it or not. As long as a person clings to untruths they can never have a clear understanding.


Well-Known Member
First off, may I suggest that you learn how to use the quote button? It's much easier to read your comments. I can't say that it would make reading your comments any more EDIFYING but it would make them clearer. Sort of.

See - like this:

I don't have to resort to subversive word games. I'm very plain spoken. No need to resort to twisting my very clear statements.

I'm a follower of Christ. The Christ I follow was loving and gentle when it was called for, but He also openly denounced people, and could be pretty sarcastic, when the situation called for it. He wasn't one to mince words and neither am I.

My, you're judgmental about me, and you know next to nothing about me personally. I have a very fulfilling and satisfying life, and am able to better, not only my own life, but the lives of others. If this is fooling myself, I certainly will continue - it's GREAT! And sustaining, as my fifty years of exuberant health - both mentally and physically - evidence. I can't wait to see what eternity holds!


Tsk Tsk, there you go again. You're more judgmental than most religious people I know.

I'm not running down that rabbit trail. It's not up to me to prove God exists to you, or to anyone else. I know that I can't prove His existence to you, and I know I don't need to, regardless of your petulant demands. All I can do, and should do, is live my faith - Love God and love my neighbor as myself. The rest is out of my hands.

Judgmentalism again - and dead wrong to boot. You don't have any idea why I believe in God or try to follow Christ's teachings. You haven' asked, and I doubt you really care. You're just out to defame Christianity in general -you're quite obvious in your agenda. Tell the truth - are you waitasec's twin brother? ;)

You and your fantasy - cute but in a sort of pathetic way.

I said you're dismissed. You are free to go now as you, yet again, proved my points, one of which is the negativity christianity produces.
Thank you


Well-Known Member
Snarky is as snarky does. It's a perfectly descriptive word, it's honest, and it describes the attitude you're putting forth here. Where I "got it" is immaterial.

BTW, the kitchen also does not include vomit. Perhaps you'd better excuse yourself to the little boy's room...

I hope you feel better for representing your god so well.


Well-Known Member
An unfounded accusation, designed as a desperate ploy to make you appear in the stronger position of the argument.

It's not working.

What point? That you're taking potshots indiscriminately in the dark, consequently hitting everything but your target?

So far, you haven't been able to adequately dismiss a bad idea. What makes you think you can dismiss a good one?

If you're talking about being a light of christianity, you're right - it's not working.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
I said you're dismissed. You are free to go now as you, yet again, proved my points, one of which is the negativity christianity produces.
Thank you

We don't really allow dismissals around here, except for recess of course. Maybe you need a break before your nappy time?


Well-Known Member
Sure. Why not? God cannot be completely understood. Everyone has a unique piece of the "God puzzle." We need all the pieces to gain a bigger picture.

You've made your choice. It's irresponsibly dismissive, but that's your business.

See, that's why so many people dislike chrsitianity. An (assumed) christian judging someone else's stance on their own personal life choice.

Christianity should be easy, but it's not, because people like you twist it to mean what they want it to mean and condemn others who disagree.
You have also proven my point. Thank you for that:thud:


Well-Known Member
And what about the Christians who believe in universal salvation? How do they fit into your rather narrow view of Christianity?

It doesn't matter.
They will believe in what they want, regardless of common sense, logic, facts, the absence of facts....that's what belief is.