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You MAY Be Ridiculed If You....

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
There has been an uprising of sentiment against atheists and their ridiculing of theists.

Now i personally believe that these sentiments are correct, as atheists we can be quite nasty.

However the following is a list of behaviours that i believe will RIGHTLY engender ridicule if done in the open debate forums.

1. Talking with authority on a matter of science when your information is patently incorrect. If you want to discuss science than actually do research on the topic. There is no excuse for not having the correct information, if you have access to this forum you also have access to the rest of the information on the net.

2. Continuing to talk with authority once the errors in your information. See above.

3. Quoting religious sites that discuss science eg. answers in genesis. These sites have an agenda. If you want to quote some scientific sources find a secular site.

4. Logical Fallacies. This is what a logical fallacy is

Fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. Continuing with a logical fallacy once it has been pointed out. This is ignorance.

6. Preaching the "truth". Preaching is against the forum rules and truth is subjective.

7. Saying the theory of evolution (ToE) states that humans evolved from monkeys. See point 1.

8. Fundy Font Sans Serif. Seriously people this makes your posts very hard to read.

9. Quoting a "professional" who is discussing something outside of there individual area of expertise. Examples of this is a geologist talking about chemistry. This also applies to famous people, they aren't experts. This also applies to quoting a piece of research that is more than 5-10 years old. Science is moving so fast that data gets outdated very quickly.

10. Stating that the ToE discusses the origins of life. The ToE is not concerned with the origins of life. This is abiogenesis, here is some info on it:

Abiogenesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again see point 1.

11. Gay bashing. We have a wide range of people who of different gender identities on this forum. This is outright hate speech, keep your opinions to yourself.

12. Threatening the wrath of your god. pffffff.

13. Generalising. Now i know both atheists and theists alike are guilty of this.

14. Single line posts eg that's ridiculous. If you would do not believe what is being said is correct than give your reasons.

Now i know that atheists and theists alike are guilty of these.

So please people think before you open your mouths, don't reject something outright because it doesn't fit with your world view.

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Well-Known Member
what about quoting someone who thinks they know they are right when, in fact, you know they know they are wrong


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
what about quoting someone who thinks they know they are right when, in fact, you know they know they are wrong
As long as everyone's approaching the matter in good faith, that sounds like it might be the seed of a good debate.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
Truth is necessarily objective. Truth creates objectivity.

OK let's talk truth.

There are two people one is inside a mountain cabin and one is outside in the snow.

There is a bucket of water in the cabin, the person in the cabin will put his hand in the water and say it is room temperature. The person from outside will put his hand in the water and say it is warm/hot.

Both perspectives are true to the each individual. Subjectively the water feels different to both people. Once the temperature has been taken it can be objectively said that the water is that temperature.


The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
I went into this thread expecting to receive ridicule for it.

However i'm not going to whine about it when it happens.



Just me
Premium Member
OK let's talk truth.

There are two people one is inside a mountain cabin and one is outside in the snow.

There is a bucket of water in the cabin, the person in the cabin will put his hand in the water and say it is room temperature. The person from outside will put his hand in the water and say it is warm/hot.

Both perspectives are true to the each individual. Subjectively the water feels different to both people. Once the temperature has been taken it can be objectively said that the water is that temperature.

Yes, truth is relative. But it's necessarily objective. The temperatures relative to each individual are true and actual.

Relative not equal subjective.