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My bad children!!!


Harvey Wallbanger
So I met my family today for breakfast since they were in town. When we were done I went to good ole' Walmart. They had some plants on sale. I looked around and found two beautiful Santa Fe Green Chile plants!! I also found a 99 cent catnip plant I thought I'd bring home for my children.

I get home and am taking everything out the trunk. My neighbor is outside and knows my knee is still STUPID!!!!!!!!! He helps me take a load of stuff inside. The only thing left was the cat litter. I went back out to get it and talked to my neighbor. LITERALLY, I was gone for 2 minutes!!

What did my bad children do when I was gone for that 2 minutes???? The catnip plant... well, lets just say it is in the condition I bought it in... the chile plants you ask? They went from 7 inches high to about 2 inches!!!!!!!! They went from good healthy plants with a ton of leaves to a few shredded leaves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daddy isn't sure the babies are getting any catnip from THEIR plant at this point! I was thinking about returning it since they were so bad, but then I thought I should at least have one healthy plant to add to my garden...

Can you believe my cats?!?!?!? Two green chile plants and one catnip plant + three cats + two minutes = One healthy catnip plant and an angry me hoping the chile plants survive! Can you believe that?!?!?!?


I got roses this past Valentine's Day. I left them on the counter for 30 seconds so that I could get the scissors to trim their stems. In that 30 seconds, my cats swooped in like a plague of locusts. The horror.... The horror...

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Zephyr has taken to stalking the kids on the block. It's too funny! She skulks and waits, does her little kitten wiggle and ATTACKS them. When she gets there she bats at their ankles (claws in) and runs off. They were playing Indian Ball in the street yesterday when Zephyr attacked the guy at bat. Her timing was perfect and she startled the boy so badly that he got hit in the head by the ball he threw up to hit. The entire field was laughing at him and he got a little peeved. I went out to make sure that he was alright and he told me that she stalks them all the time while they play. They think it's cool and she doesn't get the same one every time.

Last week she clawed the nose of a Show Poodle. The owner thinks I should pay for plastic surgery. I told her I like my cat's nose just the way it is. :D


Depends Upon My Mood..
Hmm...my cats leave our plants alone..All my bad kitties do is stick thier butts in my face and walk all over my keyboard ...And at night???..For some reason my water glass becomes the watering hole and I have had nights where my sleep is interupted with a splash...

Im sorry your kitties are so bad.. :sorry1:




Premium Member
My kitties can be pretty bad, too. They once hacked up a library book and we had to pay for it. They also knocked down my son's (human) mother's day present and shattered it (It was fixable, it was a wood easel with a picture).
So I know how you feel. But you know you will keep loving your kitty cats just the same. :)


Kal-El's Mama
Kids. Can't live with them. Can't live without them.
My baby (Siemis name is Baby) gets to me sometimes. I am sure some of you have read that she tries to kill me in my sleep. Yup. If I am laying on my back asleep, she sits on my chest and I end up not being able to breath. cardero comes to the rescue as he informs me. That's why I sleep on my sides so that she can just lay on my head instead :eek:.
Today, as I was sleeping, she decided to just walk all over me. Then she will lick my face and lay by my head so that I cannot turn as she is laying on my hair. Kids. Can't sleep with them. Can't sleep without them.

Scuba Pete said:
Last week she clawed the nose of a Show Poodle. The owner thinks I should pay for plastic surgery. I told her I like my cat's nose just the way it is. :D

I laughed so hard in the inside that I gave myself heart burn. I didn't want to wake cardero up.

ChristineES said:
They also knocked down my son's (human) mother's day present and shattered it (It was fixable, it was a wood easel with a picture).

It's funny how in this thread we have to clarify if we are talking about animal children or human children?

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
My friend has two cats, Tido and Bud and since they were just little squeekers he would lightly pinch their noses. When I was his roommate, Tido would wake me up by lying down besides me and would lightly pinch/grab my nose with his paw. I wonder if they learned that from my friend or maybe it was just something the cat did on his own.


The Devil's Advocate
My condolences on the plants. When I was in Santa Fe I forked up a lot of money for a beautiful kachina doll, hand-carved by a Hopi artisan out of cottonwood. I mean A LOT of money for a signed work of art. At home I put it on the highest shelf in the apartment, about 7 feet up. I come home after work one evening and there is the kachina, lying in three pieces on the ground. Luckily, when I glued the pieces back together you couldn't even see where it had broken. But I was certainly tempted to toss my cats into the street when I saw the carnage.

Zephyr has taken to stalking the kids on the block. It's too funny! She skulks and waits, does her little kitten wiggle and ATTACKS them. When she gets there she bats at their ankles (claws in) and runs off.
Tiger, my cat when I was a kid, used to hide in the bushes and wait for me to come home from school. After I had passed him, he'd run up from behind and wrap both paws around my leg, and pull my knee-sock down. The first time he did it I thought it was a neat accident. But then he did it again, and again...

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Major update. Today, I saw Zephyr stalk the lady and her poodle. AAAAAAAAAAACK!

I quickly got out the fly rod with the Cat Fly and distracted her before the lady saw her. I think she is part Bengal Tiger now.


Harvey Wallbanger
My condolences on the plants. When I was in Santa Fe I forked up a lot of money for a beautiful kachina doll, hand-carved by a Hopi artisan out of cottonwood. I mean A LOT of money for a signed work of art. At home I put it on the highest shelf in the apartment, about 7 feet up. I come home after work one evening and there is the kachina, lying in three pieces on the ground. Luckily, when I glued the pieces back together you couldn't even see where it had broken. But I was certainly tempted to toss my cats into the street when I saw the carnage.
If you'd ever like a new Kachina, let me know. I go back to visit my family in Albuquerque every year. There are a few places I can pick them up fairly cheaply, signed by the artist as well. Plus my mom has connections with an Acoma Indian lady she used to teach with.... she even has stuff in the Smithsonian!!!

They won't be the big huge two foot tall ones, but I can get you what ever kind you want at 6-8 inches for $20 or so.... Happy to do it, I own 3 myself now...


The Devil's Advocate
If you'd ever like a new Kachina, let me know. I go back to visit my family in Albuquerque every year. There are a few places I can pick them up fairly cheaply, signed by the artist as well. Plus my mom has connections with an Acoma Indian lady she used to teach with.... she even has stuff in the Smithsonian!!!

They won't be the big huge two foot tall ones, but I can get you what ever kind you want at 6-8 inches for $20 or so.... Happy to do it, I own 3 myself now...
You're so sweet! :hug: I have a couple of Navajo carved kachinas - Bear and Sunface - and they were pretty inexpensive. But my Crow Mother is Hopi carved, from (what used to be) a single continuous piece of cottonwood. Plus she is like no other Crow Mother I've ever seen. Crow Mother is usually depicted as plump and matronly, whereas mine is svelte and graceful. I guess you could call her a "modern interpretation" of the archetype.

Which ones do you have? :)

Maybe I've seen the stuff your mom's friend has in the Smithsonian. The American Indian museum is one of my favorites.


Harvey Wallbanger
I have Crow, Woodpecker, and Mud (mud people) ones. They are on my fireplace mantel, WHERE MY CHILDREN KNOW THEY DO NOT GO OR DADDY GETS OUT THE EVIL SQUIRT BOTTLE!!!!!!!! So far, they have left them alone... despite the feathers, etc... on them!

All mine are Hopi made.


The Devil's Advocate
I have Crow, Woodpecker, and Mud (mud people) ones.
Kewl. What drew you to those three?

They are on my fireplace mantel, WHERE MY CHILDREN KNOW THEY DO NOT GO OR DADDY GETS OUT THE EVIL SQUIRT BOTTLE!!!!!!!! So far, they have left them alone... despite the feathers, etc... on them!
Yeah, that reminds me. When I was last in New Orleans I bought a beautiful Mardi Gras mask. Most of the masks for sale are quite colorful, which is a little much for my tastes, but this one was all black and shaped like a cat. I shoulda known what would happen when I brought a "foreign cat" made of feathers into the house. :(


Wonder Woman

So cute! Reminds me of my cat Spaz.

We have three furry children. All have very distinct personalities and quarks about them. We can usually tell what cat did what by the damage. The exposed corner of the couch where the fabric has been stripped away to bare wood...Spaz. If we hear claws on fabric in the middle of the night...Spaz. Puking...Spaz. Missy is relatively the good one. Haven't really caught her doing anything bad except for her dang missy prissy pickiness about the litter box, and she will use the mat in front of the box sometimes (we even have one of those automatic "LitterMaids" :rolleyes:). Now, Bast, her thing is freaking out several times a day and ripping through the house like the Flash is chasing her with a squirt bottle. She also frequents the top of the fridge and, for some strange reason (most likely jealousy), occasionally takes to peeing in my son's highchair (always a treat to wake up to in the morning).

Luckily, we have no plants in the house now. If we get some, which I'd like to, they will be hanging plants up away from furniture they could possibly climb on. ;)


Depends Upon My Mood..
Yeah well has your dryer ever set on fier from a couple of Persions thinking that the edge of the dryer (the crack on top)was where they are suppossed to empty therr bladders??...I have....




Harvey Wallbanger
Where to begin? I was off for a few days there:

Yeah well has your dryer ever set on fier from a couple of Persions thinking that the edge of the dryer (the crack on top)was where they are suppossed to empty therr bladders??...I have....

No, but my one cat sat on a candle once and lit her backside on fire! I was lucky the whole place didn't burn down as she ran down the hall!

My Kachina is the Wolf Dancer. Someday I may have to get more.

If you'd ever like more, PM me.... happy to help.

Kewl. What drew you to those three?

I love the crow kachina, always have for some reason. It just draws you in somehow. I love woodpeckers, so I got one. The Mud People ones are so bizarre and interesting with their story and all.... plus, it reminds me of my SW childhood since it is a thing that is from there.

PS- you should know better than to bring other cats or feathers into your house! :D