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Active Member
hello evry one.
hope that you are happy, prosperous and recieve divine infinite mercies and blessings.
may Allah bestow upon us to be one of the companions of imam mahdi (may Allah expedite his reappearance.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله الذي لا إله إلا هو، وله الحمد رب العالمين وصلى الله على محمد نبيه وآله وسلم تسليما. اللهم لك الحمد على ما جرى به قضاؤك في أوليائك، الذين استخلصتهم لنفسك ودينك، إذ اخترت لهم جزيل ما عندك من النعيم المقيم، الذي لا زوال له ولا اضمحلال، بعد أن شرطت عليهم الزهد في درجات هذه الدنيا الدنية وزخرفها وزبرجها، فشرطوا لك ذلك، وعلمت منهم الوفاء به،
فقبلتهم وقربتهم، وقدمت لهم الذكر العلي، والثناء الجلي، وأهبطت عليهم ملائكتك، وأكرمتهم بوحيك، ورفدتهم بعلمك، وجعلتهم الذرائع إليك، والوسيلة إلى رضوانك. فبعض أسكنته جنتك إلى أن أخرجته منها وبعض حملته في فلكك ونجيته ومن آمن معه من الهلكة برحمتك، وبعض اتخذته خليلا، وسألك لسان صدق في الآخرين فأجبته. وجعلت ذلك عليا، وبعض كلمته من شجرة تكليما، وجعلت له من اخيه ردءا ووزيرا، وبعض اولدته من غير أب، وآتيته البينات، وايدته بروح القدس. وكلا شرعت له شريعة،
ونهجت له منهاجا، وتخيرت له أوصياء مستحفظا بعد مستحفظ، من مدة إلى مدة، اقامة لدينك، وحجة على عبادك، ولئلا يزول الحق عن مقره، ويغلب الباطل على أهله، ولا يقول أحد: لولا ارسلت إلينا رسولا منذرا وأقمت لنا علما هاديا فنتبع آياتك من قبل ان نذل ونخزى إلى ان انتهيت بالأمر إلى حبيبك ونجيبك محمد (صلى الله عليه وآله) فكان كما انتجبته سيد من خلقته وصفوة من اصطفيته، وأفضل من اجتبيته، وأكرم من اعتمدته، قدمته على أنبيائك وبعثته إلى الثقلين من عبادك وأوطأته مشارقك ومغاربك. وسخرت له البراق وعرجت به إلى سمائك وأودعته علم ما كان وما يكون إلى انقضاء خلقك ثم نصرته بالرعب، وحففته بجبرئيل وميكائيل، والمسومين من ملائكتك، ووعدته ان تظهر دينه على الدين كله ولو كره المشركون، وذلك بعد ان بوأته مبوأ صدق من أهله، وجعلت له ولهم *(أول بيت وضع للناس للذي ببكة مباركا وهدى للعالمين فيه آيات بينات مقام إبراهيم ومن دخله كان آمنا)* وقلت *(إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا)* وجعلت أجر محمد صلواتك عليه وآله مودتهم في كتابك فقلت: *(قل لا أسألكم عليه أجرا إلا المودة في القربى)* وقلت *(ما سألتكم من أجر فهو لكم)* وقلت *(ما أسألكم عليه من أجر إلا من شاء ان يتخذ إلى ربه سبيلا)* فكانوا هم السبيل إليك، والمسلك إلى رضوانك.
فلما انقضت ايامه، اقام وليه علي بن أبي طالب صلواتك عليهما وآلهما هاديا، إذ كان هو المنذر ولكل قوم هاد. فقال والملأ أمامه: من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه اللهم وال من والاه وعاد من عاداه وانصر من نصره، واخذل من خذله، وقال: من كنت انا نبيه، فعلي أميره وقال: أنا وعلي من شجرة واحدة، وسائر الناس من شجر شتى. وأحله محل هارون من موسى فقال: أنت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى إلا انه لا نبي بعدي وزوجه ابنته سيدة نساء العالمين، واحل له من مسجده ما حل له، وسد الأبواب إلا بابه. ثم أودعه علمه وحكمته، فقال: أنا مدينة العلم وعلي بابها، فمن أراد الحكمة فليأتها من بابها.
ثم قال له: أنت اخي ووصيي ووارثي، لحمك من لحمي، ودمك من دمي وسلمك سلمي، وحربك حربي، والإيمان مخالط لحمك ودمك، كما خالط لحمي ودمي وأنت غدا على الحوض(17) خليفتي وأنت تقضي ديني، وتنجز عداتي، وشيعتك على منابر من نور مبيضة وجوههم حولي في الجنة وهم جيراني. ولولا أنت يا علي لم يعرف المؤمنون بعدي، وكان بعده هدى من الضلال، ونورا من العمى، وحبل الله المتين وصراطه المستقيم. لا يسبق بقرابة في رحم ولا بسابقة في دين ولا يلحق في منقبة من مناقبه، يحذو حذو الرسول - صلى الله عليهما وآلهما ، ويقاتل على التأويل، ولا تأخذه في الله لومة لائم. قد وتر فيه صناديد العرب،
وقتل ابطالهم، وناوش ذؤبانهم، فأودع قلوبهم احقادا بدرية وخيبرية وحنينية وغيرهن، فأضبت على عداوته واكبت على مبارزته حتى قتل الناكثين والقاسطين، والمارقين، ولما قضى نحبه وقتله اشقى الأشقياء من الأولين والآخرين، يتبع اشقى الأولين، لم يمتثل أمر رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) في الهادين بعد الهادين، والأمة مصرة على مقته مجتمعة على قطيعة رحمه وإقصاء ولده إلا القليل ممن وفى لرعاية الحق فيهم فقتل من قتل، وسبي من سبي، وأقصي من أقصي وجرى القضاء لهم بما يرجى له حسن المثوبة إذ كانت الأرض لله يورثها من يشاء من عباده والعاقبة للمتقين. *(وسبحان ربنا إن كان وعد ربنا لمفعولا)* ولن يخلف الله وعده وهو العزيز الحكيم. فعلى الأطايب من أهل بيت محمد وعلي صلى الله عليهما وآلهما فليبك الباكون واياهم فليندب النادبون، ولمثلهم فلتذرف الدموع وليصرخ الصارخون،
ويضج الضاجون ويعج العاجون. أين الحسن أين الحسين أين أبناء الحسين صالح بعد صالح، وصادق بعد صادق، أين السبيل بعد السبيل، أين الخيرة بعد الخيرة، أين الشموس الطالعة، أين الأقمار المنيرة، أين الأنجم الزاهرة، أين اعلام الدين، وقواعد العلم.
أين بقية الله التي لا تخلو من العترة الطاهرة، أين المعد لقطع دابر الظلمة، أين المنتظر لاقامة الأمت والعوج، أين المرتجى لازالة الجور والعدوان، أين المدخر لتجديد الفرائض والسنن، أين المتخير لاعادة الملة والشريعة، أين المؤمل لاحياء الكتاب وحدوده، أين محيي معالم الدين وأهله أين قاصم شوكة المعتدين، أين هادم ابنية الشرك والنفاق، أين مبيد أهل الفسوق والعصيان، أين حاصد فروع الغي والشقاق، أين طامس آثار الزيغ والأهواء، أين قاطع حبائل الكذب والافتراء، أين مبيد العتاة والمردة، أين مستأصل أهل العناد والتضليل والإلحاد. اين معز الأولياء ومذل الأعداء، أين جامع الكلم على التقوى أين باب الله الذي منه يؤتى، أين وجه الله الذي إليه يتوجه الأولياء أين السبب المتصل بين أهل الأرض والسماء اين صاحب يوم الفتح، وناشر رايات الهدى، أين مؤلف شمل الصلاح والرضا أين الطالب بذحول الأنبياء وأبناء الأنبياء أين الطالب بدم المقتول بكربلاء. اين المنصور على من اعتدى عليه وافترى أين المضطر الذي يجاب إذا دعا. أين صدر الخلائق ذو البر والتقوى. اين ابن النبي المصطفى (صلى الله عليه وآله) وابن علي المرتضى وابن خديجة الغراء وابن فاطمة الزهراء الكبرى، بأبي أنت وأمي ونفسي لك الوقاء والحمى يابن السادة المقربين يابن النجباء الأكرمين،
يابن الهداة المهتدين يابن الخيرة المهذبين يابن الغطارفة الأنجبين يابن الخضارمة المنتجبين. يابن القماقمة الأكرمين، يابن الأطايب المعظمين المطهرين يابن البدور المنيرة، يابن السرج المضيئة يابن الشهب الثاقبة يابن الأنجم الزاهرة، يابن السبل الواضحة يابن الأعلام اللائحة يابن العلوم الكاملة يابن السنن المشهورة، يابن المعالم المأثورة يابن المعجزات الموجودة، يابن الدلائل المشهودة، يابن الصراط المستقيم يابن النبأ العظيم يابن من هو في أم الكتاب لدى الله علي حكيم. يابن الآيات البينات، يابن الدلائل الظاهرات يابن البراهين الواضحات الباهرات، يابن الحجج البالغات، يابن النعم السابغات يابن طه والمحكمات يابن يس والذاريات، يابن الطور والعاديات، يابن من دنى فتدلى فكان قاب قوسين أو ادنى دنوا واقترابا من العلي الأعلى، ليت شعري أين استقرت بك النوى، بل أي أرض تقلك أو الثرى أبرضوى أم غيرها أم ذي طوى؟. عزيز علي أن أرى الخلق ولا ترى، ولا اسمع لك حسيسا ولا نجوى عزيز علي أن لا تحيط بي دونك البلوى ولا ينالك مني ضجيج ولا شكوى بنفسي أنت من مغيب لم يخل منا بنفسي أنت من نازح ما نزح عنا،
بنفسي أنت امنية شائق تمنى، من مؤمن ومؤمنة ذكرا فحنا، بنفسي أنت من عقيد عز لا يسامى، بنفسي أنت من أثيل مجد لا يحاذى، بنفسي أنت من تلاد نعم لا تضاهى، بنفسي أنت من نصيف شرف لا يساوى. إلى متى أجأر(18) فيك يا مولاي، وإلى متى، وأي خطاب أصف فيك واي نجوى، عزيز علي ان أجاب دونك وأناغى، عزيز علي ان ابكيك ويخذلك الورى، عزيز علي ان يجري عليك دونهم ما جرى هل من معين فأطيل معه العويل والبكاء، هل من جزوع فاساعد جزعه إذا خلا،
هل قذيت عين فتسعدها عيني على القذى. هل إليك يابن أحمد سبيل فتلقى هل يتصل يومنا منك بغده فنحظى، متى نرد مناهلك الروية فنروى متى ننتقع من عذب مائك فقد طال الصدى، متى نغاديك ونراوحك فتقر عيوننا، متى ترانا ونراك، وقد نشرت لواء النصر ترى أترانا نحف بك وأنت تؤم الملأ، وقد ملأت الأرض عدلا، وأذقت أعداءك هوانا وعقابا، وأبرت العتاة وجحدة الحق وقطعت دابر المتكبرين، واجتثثت أصول الظالمين، ونحن نقول الحمد لله رب العالمين. اللهم أنت كشاف الكرب والبلوى، واليك أستعدي فعندك العدوى، وأنت رب الآخرة والأولى، فأغث يا غياث المستغيثين، عبيدك المبتلى،
وأره سيده يا شديد القوى، وأزل عنه به الأسى والجوى، وبرد غليله يا من على العرش استوى، ومن إليه الرجعى والمنتهى. اللهم ونحن عبيدك التائقون إلى وليك المذكر بك وبنبيك، الذي خلقته لنا عصمة وملاذا واقمته لنا قواما ومعاذا، وجعلته للمؤمنين منا اماما، فبلغه منا تحية وسلاما، وزدنا بذلك يا رب اكراما واجعل مستقره لنا مستقرا ومقاما. وأتمم نعمتك بتقديمك إياه أمامنا حتى توردنا جنانك ومرافقة الشهداء من خلصائك. اللهم صل على حجتك وولي أمرك، وصل على جده محمد رسولك السيد الأكبر، وصل على أبيه السيد القسور، وحامل اللواء في المحشر، وساقي أوليائه من نهر الكوثر،
والأمير على سائر البشر، الذي من آمن به فقد ظفر، ومن لم يؤمن به فقد خطر وكفر، صلى الله عليه وعلى اخيه، وعلى أنجالهما الميامين الغرر، ما طلعت شمس وما أضاء قمر، وعلى جدته الصديقة الكبرى فاطمة الزهراء بنت محمد المصطفى (صلى الله عليه وآله) وعلى من اصطفيت من آبائه البررة، وعليه أفضل واكمل واتم وادوم وأكثر واوفر ما صليت على أحد من اصفيائك وخيرتك من خلقك وصل عليه صلاة لا غاية لعددها، ولا نهاية لمددها، ولا نفاد لأمدها. اللهم وأقم به الحق وادحض به الباطل وأدل به أولياءك، وأذلل به أعداءك وصل اللهم بيننا وبينه، وصلة تؤدي إلى مرافقة سلفه، واجعلنا ممن يأخذ بحجزتهم ويمكث في ظلهم وأعنا على تأدية حقوقه إليه والاجتهاد في طاعته والاجتناب عن معصيته،
وامنن علينا برضاه، وهب لنا رأفته ورحمته، ودعاءه وخير ما ننال به سعة من رحمتك، وفوزا عندك، واجعل صلاتنا به مقبولة وذنوبنا به مغفورة، ودعاءنا به مستجابا، واجعل ارزاقنا به مبسوطة، وهمومنا به مكفية، وحوائجنا به مقضية وأقبل إلينا بوجهك الكريم، واقبل تقربنا إليك وانظر إلينا نظرة رحيمة، نستكمل بها الكرامة عندك، ثم لا تصرفها عنا بجودك، واسقنا من حوض جده صلى الله عليه وآله، بكأسه وبيده ريا رويا هنيئا سائغا، لا ظمأ بعده يا ارحم الراحمين.


Active Member
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. And Blessings of Allah be upon our master, Muhammad (S), His Prophet and on his progeny be greetings of Salutation. O Allah (All) Praise if for You: for all the matters concerning which Your Decree was issued regarding Your friends.
Those whom You have chosen for Yourself and for Your religion. Since You have decided to bestow on them the choicest of Your everlasting favor, which neither declines nor decreases. After You took promise from them to renounce all the stages of this despicable world and its superficial attractions and allurements. Then they accepted the promise and You did know their fulfillment towards it (promise).
So, You accepted them and brought them near to Yourself and accorded for them the exalted remembrance and a glowing praise. And You sent down Your angels on them: and honored them by Your inspirations. And helped them with Your knowledge. And appointed them as the means of approach to You, and the means towards Your satisfaction. Then You made some of them dwell in Your Garden, until You sent them out therefrom. And You carried one of them in Your Ark. And rescued him and one who believed with him, by Your Mercy, from destruction. And You selected for Yourself one of them as Your friend. And he requested You to grant him a tongue of truth in the last epoch of the time.
Then You granted his wish and You appointed that elevated one. And to one of them, You spoke from a tree a speaking and appointed his brother his supporter and Vizier. And You did cause one of them to be born without a father and You gave him the clear signs and supported him with the Holy Spirit. And for each one You did enact a religious law and You assigned a path for him. And You selected successors for him a protector after a protector for a definite period. For establishing Your religion.
And a proof upon Your servants, lest the truth wanes from its place and falsehood overpowers his progeny. And none can say: Why had You not sent unto us a warning messenger and appointed for us a flag of guidance. Then we should have followed Your signs before suffering failure and disgrace. Till You ended the affair towards Your beloved and Your noble Muhammad, May the peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny.
Then, he was as You had selected him, the leader of whom You have created him and the excellent one of Your selected one; and the best one whom You have selected him and the most honored whom You have relied on him. You gave him precedence upon Your prophets and have sent him to the thaqalain (Jinns and men) from (among) Your servants. And made Your Easts and Wests come under his feet; and harnessed for him the Buraq. And made him ascend (with his soul) towards Your heavens.
And You entrusted in him the knowledge of the past and future till the end of Your creation. Then You helped him with awe and You surrounded him with Jibraeel and Mikaeel and the distinguished angels. And You promised him the You would make his religion triumphant over all the religions though the polytheists may be averse (to it). And this is after You appointed some of his kindred as his Successor. And You appointed for him and them a first house which has been established for the mankind. The one which is at Mecca, a blessing and a guidance for the worlds. In it (are) clear signs; place of Ibrahim; and whoever entered in it was safe. And You said: Verily Allah intends to keep off from You every kind of uncleanness.
And to purify you people of the house with a thorough purification. Then You assigned rewards of Muhammad, Your peace be upon him and his progeny (with) their love (the love of progeny) in Your Book. Then You said: “Say I demand not, of you any reward for it” (the toils of preaching) except the love of my relations. And You said: “Whatever reward I have asked you it is for yourself”.
And You said: “I ask you not any reward for it except that one who wishes, may adopt the path of His Lord.” Then, they (Ahlul Bait (as)) are the path towards You and the way towards Your satisfaction. When his (Holy Prophet) days passed. He appointed his successor Ali, son of Abu Talib as a guide. Your peace be upon them and their progeny. As he was a warner - and a guide for every nation. Then he (Holy Prophet) said before a huge gathering. “Whomsoever I am his Master, then Ali, is his Master. O Allah Be a friend of one who is his friend and be the enemy of one who is his enemy; and help one who helps him and disgrace one who disgraces him”.
And he said: “Of whomsoever I am his Prophet, then Ali is his Chief”. And he said, “I and Ali are one and from the same tree and the other people are from different trees.” And he placed him (Ali (as)) in a position, as Haroon had with Musa. Then he said to him, “Your position to me is as Haroon had with Musa except that there will be no Prophet after me.” And he got him married with his daughter, chief of the ladies of the Worlds.
And he made for him lawful (Ali (as)) whatever was lawful for himself in his mosque. And he closed all the doors (leading to the mosque) except the door of his house. Then he (Holy Prophet) entrusted to him his knowledge and his wisdom. Then he said, “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate. Then one who wishes (to enter) the city (of knowledge) and wisdom, then he should enter from its gate.” Then, he said, “You are my brother and successor and inheritor.” Your flesh is from my flesh. And your blood from my blood. And peace with you is peace with me. And fight with you is fight with me. And the faith is mixed with your flesh and your blood as it is mixed with my flesh and my blood.
And tomorrow, you will be my successor at the Cistern Kauthar Pond (Hauz of Kauthar). And you will repay my debt and you will fulfill my promises. And your Shias (followers) will be (sitting) on the pulpits of light; with bright faces surrounding me in the Heaven and they will be my neighbors. And (he said), “O Ali, had you not been there, the believers would not have been recognized after me.” And he was a guidance (to prevent people) from deviation after him (the Holy Prophet) and a light from the blindness. And the strong rope of Allah and His Right Path. Neither his proximity in the ties of relationship (with the Holy Prophet) can be preceded (by anyone).
Nor his preceding in religion. And (no one) can overtake any virtues from amongst his (Prophet) virtues. He (Ali) follows the path of the Messenger. May the blessings of Allah be upon both of them and their progeny. And he fights on (the basis of) interpretation. And he cares not for any blame of any rebuker in the way of Allah. Indeed, he has spilled the blood of the heroes of Arabia, and killed their valiant fighters and attacked their wolves. Then he filled the hearts of them (fighters) of Badr, Khyber, Hunain and of others with a hatred and malice. Then, (they) rose in enmity, against him, and (they) attacked to fight against him. Till (such time) that he killed the oath breakers of allegiance, the unjust, and the (Maareqeen) Renegades.
And when his term of life expired, a wretched person among those of the last epoch, following the path of those of the earlier period killed him. (the) order of the Messenger of Allah (S), peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny, was not obeyed about the leaders (Imams) one after the other. And the Ummah was insistent on bearing enmity against him. They joined together to cut off his ties of relations (Holy Prophet) and throwing away his children (from successorship). Except a few from them (believers) who remained faithful in observing their (Ahle Bayt’s) rights. Then some of them were killed. And some were taken into captivity. And some were exiled. And the decree was to pass from them, with this hope that the best reward is in it.
Since the earth belongs to Allah. He gives to whomsoever He wishes from amongst His servants. And the end is (only) for those who guard against evil. And glorious is our Lord, verily the promise of our Lord is certainly to be fulfilled. And Allah never goes against His promise; and He is the Almighty, All-Wise.


Active Member
Then upon the purified ones of the purified one of the progeny of Muhammad and Ali may the peace of Allah be upon both of them and their progeny. The believers should cry. And the wailers should wail upon them. And for such people like them, then the tears should flow.
And the clamorers should clamor and the mourners should mourn in a heart rending manner: Where is Hasan? Where is Husain? Where are the children of Husain? The righteous after righteous and truthful after truthful. Where is the path after the path (of righteous)? Where are the virtuous people after the virtuous ones? Where are the rising suns? Where are the luminous moons? Where are the brilliant stars? Where are the Emblems of the faith and the basis of knowledge? Where is the Baqiatullaah? Which (the world) cannot be devoid from (the presence of) guided progeny? Where is the one ready to annihilate the oppressors?
Where is the Awaited one for straightening the crookedness and dishonesty? Where is the Expected (Imam Mahdi) for abolishing the oppression and transgression? Where is the one stored for reviving the obligatory command and the Sunnah (of the Holy Prophet)? Where is the selected one for resuscitating (the reality) of the nation and the religion? Where is the expected one for enlivening the Book and its limits? Where is the Enlivener of the precepts of religion and its adherents? Where is the breaker of the might of the transgressors? Where is the demolisher of the edifices of polytheism and hypocrisy?
Where is the destroyer of the followers of transgression, disobedience and rebellion? Where is the Eradicator of branches of errors and disputes? Where is the destroyer of the signs of (evil) disease and egoistic tendencies. Where is the severer of the cords of falsehood and calumniation? Where is the destroyer of the vicious and disobedient people? Where is the eradicator of the followers of obstinacy and misguidance and the renegade? Where is the one who honors the friends and debases the enemy? Where is the accumulator of the words of piety?
Where is the Gate of Allah through which all should enter? Where is the Countenance of Allah through which the friends attend towards him? Where is the Means which is stretching from the Earth to the sky? Where is the Master of the Day of Victory and the one who will spread the flag of guidance? Where is the uniter of the companions of virtue and divine pleasure? Where is the avenger of the blood of prophets and the children of the prophets? Where is the seeker of revenge for the blood of the Martyred ones of Kerbala? Where is the Triumphant one (who will overcome) over one who transgressed against him and maligned him?
Where is the distressed one who will be answered when he supplicates? Where is the President of all creatures, who is both the beneficent and God-fearing? Where is the son of the chosen (Al-Mustafa) Prophet? And the son of Ali Al-Murtuza? And the son of Khadijatul Gharra (The Luminous)? And the son of Fatimatul Kubra (The great)? May my father and my mother and my self be sacrificed for your safety and protection. O son of the masters, the favorite ones.
O son of the noble one, the honored ones. O son of the guides and the divinely guided ones. O son of the preferred refined ones. O son of the Magnanimous ones of the purest descent. O son of the most righteous. O son of the benevolent selected ones. O son of the generous honored ones. O son of the luminous moons. O son of the shining lights. O son of the piercing meteors. O son of the bright stars. O son of the clear paths. O son of the clear signs. O son of the perfect knowledge. O son of the well known example of conduct.
O son of the recorded knowledges. O son of the living miracles. O son of the obvious proofs. O son of the straight path. O son of the mighty tidings. O son of the one who is pronounced the most exalted, the most wise in Ummul Kitab by Allah. O son of the signs and the clear proofs. O son of the apparent proofs. O son of the brilliant and clear proofs. O son of the conclusive evidences. O son of the abundant bounties. O son of Ta-ha and the clear verses. O son of Ya-sin (Holy Prophet and his infallible progeny) and Zariyat (The scatterers).
O son of the Tur (mount) and Aadiyat (the charger). O son of the one who drew near, then he suspended, so he was the measure of two bows or closer still. This is the nearest position of the All-High. Would that I know where your state of being far is settled. Or which, earth of soil has embraced you; Is it in the mountain of Razwa or the other (mountain) or in Zee-Towo? It is intolerable for me that I see the people but do not see you. And, neither do I hear a sigh of breath nor (any) whispering from you. It is intolerable for me that you are surrounded by calamities and that, neither my plaintive cry nor my complaint reaches you. May (I) myself be sacrificed fro you who seems to be concealed (physically), but not away from us.
May (I) myself be sacrificed for you who seems to be emigrant (but) not far from us. May (I) myself be sacrificed for you who is the goal or aspirations of every faithful man and woman who desires you, remembers you and moans for you. May (I) myself be sacrificed for you who is bound to lofty honor which can never be reached (by anyone). May (I) myself be sacrificed for you whose original eminence cannot be equaled. May (I) myself be sacrificed for you who is the ancestral bounty which cannot be resembled.
May (I) myself be sacrificed for you, the partaker of nobility, the like of which is not possible. How long am I to bewail for you, O my Master! And how long and with which word should I praise you, and what secret talk (should I adopt with you). It is intolerable for me to talk and receive a reply from persons other than you. It is intolerable for me that I cry for you while all others forsake you. It is intolerable for me that this (isolation) befalls you instead of befalling others. Is there any helper with whom I may prolong my lamentation and weeping?
Is there any mourner with whom I may join when he mourns alone? Is there any eye weeping of a thorn, that my eye may sympathize with it? O son to Ahmad! Is there a way through which you may be met? May our day (of separation) join the day of reappearance by which we enjoy? When shall we arrive at your streams for drink, with which to quench our thirst for you? When shall we get benefit of your sweet water, for already the thirst has lasted too long? When shall we spend morning and evening with you to delight our eyes with a glance (at you)? When shall you see us and we shall see you; then you shall be seen unfurling the flag of victory?
Will you see us gathered around you and you are leading all the people. Then already you have filled the earth with justice and have made your enemies taste the disgrace (of defeat) and retribution. And you have destroyed rebels and deniers of the truth. And you have annihilated the last remains of the arrogants and uprooted the foundation of the unjust people. Then we say: Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. O Allah You are the Remover of agonies and calamities. And You are the one from whom I seek help; then with You is the sanctuary.
And you are Lord of the Hereafter and this World; So help O helper of those who seek help, Your poor afflicted servant. And show him his Master; O Severer of strength. And through him (Imam (as)) remove his (Your servant’s) grief and sorrow. And cool the burning of his hurt, O You who is firm in the Heavenly throne of power and towards Whom is the return and ultimate end. O Allah! We are Your enamored servants of Your appointed regent who reminds us of You and Your Prophet (S). He whom You created for us as our savior and defender, and set him for us as a protector and refuge.
And appoint him a leader (Imam) for the believers amongst us. So convey to him our greetings and salutations. And increase honor because of this (greeting) O Lord. And make his abode (in paradise) also a home and lasting place true for us. And complete Your favors by appointing him as our guide. Till you make us enter Your Paradise; and (bestow on us) the companionship of the martyrs from amongst those of Your adorers.
O Allah! Bestow Your blessing upon Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad. And bless his grandfather Muhammad and Your Messenger the elder Master. And upon his father (Ali) the younger Master. And his grandmother, the great truthful daughter of Muhammad (S) and upon whom you have selected from among his virtuous ancestors. And on him (Imam (as)) (bestow) the best, the plentiful, the most perfect, the everlasting, the most and the numerous (blessings). (as) whatever you bestowed on any of Your virtuous and chosen ones from among Your creatures. And favor him with endless count of blessings, which never gets end or limitation. O Allah! And through him set up the truth and make the falsehood vanished through him. And prepare the victory of Your friends, And disgrace Your enemies through him.
O Allah, set a relationship between us and him that grants us the honor of the company of his ancestors. And let us be of those who seek their company and reside in their shelter. And help us in fulfilling our dues to him and in striving hard to his obedience and to avoid disobeying him. And grant us his pleasure and bestow on us his affection and his compassion and his supplication and his goodness. Whereby through him we may receive the vastness of Your Mercy and success with You. And for his sake let our prayers be accepted.
And for his sake let our sins be forgiven. And for his sake let our requests be granted. And for his sake let our sustenance be abundant. And for his sake let our sadness be relieved. And for his sake let our wants be granted. And you turn to us through Your Honored face. And accept our proximity with you. Then never deprive us of it by Your generosity. And quench our thirst from the cistern of his (Imam (as)) grandfather, may Allah bless him and his progeny, in his own cup and from his own hand. A sweet, cool, clear, agreeable drink after which no thirst is felt. O Most Merciful of all.