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  1. Apostle John

    The Coronation of Christian King Charles III

    I thought the Coronation was a veritable Christian spectacle. I quite liked it from a Christian point of view.
  2. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    If that were true which it is not, you have just, in your own words, disproved the Theory of Evolution..
  3. Apostle John

    How does the story of Adam and Eve compatible with science?

    The definition I use for the Goldilocks Zone is where the temperature of a planet is just right for water in liquid form to be present making it habitable all over it, not your definition. The rest of your post is pure conjecture.
  4. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    So geologists age the earth to 4.5 billion years using the aforementioned radiometric dating. Who then is in a position to argue with them? How do you know the other fields don’t all work to this figure, which they all do, what’s miraculous about it?
  5. Apostle John

    How does the story of Adam and Eve compatible with science?

    The science of today has excluded any possibility of there being any life on Mars because only Earth is in the Goldilocks zone.
  6. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    Genesis 7:11. The meteorology of today began from that moment in history.
  7. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    I’ve answered the problems with these methods in this thread.
  8. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    Wrong. A chemical treatment was mentioned prior to heating which wasn’t explained. This only shows you cannot weigh evidence up. Regards the non-radiometric methods stated in your link:- Dendrology- Tree rings can be multiple annually. Ice cores- same here as in dendrology with observed data and...
  9. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    You can’t date rocks by stars and stars by rocks, that’s tautology and is the same for any dating procedure you come up with, it will all be circular reasoning.
  10. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    You weren’t able to offer anything to prove radiometric dating was nothing but flawed in conversations yesterday. Yesterday, with the ‘evidence’ you provided, it was noticeable scientists thought rocks behaved like closed systems in the natural environment but when the scientists chip/knock...
  11. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    And you invent a fairytale story based on erroneous dating techniques.
  12. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    Leaching much of your radioactive dating isotopes away, also ruining conditions for uniform decay rates thereby giving you spurious results.
  13. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    It’s actually very logical when viewed with a balanced mind, with all reliable documented history and no theoretical nonsense going back millions of years.
  14. Apostle John

    Is religion biologically ingrained?

    Radiometric dating is inherently inaccurate, full of discrepancies and unreliable. Anything dated beyond 6000 years can readily be thrown out because of the flood of Noah making all dating methods corrupt. My mind is quite balanced. You have said homo sapiens are 250,000 years old, the boom in...
  15. Apostle John

    How does the story of Adam and Eve compatible with science?

    “Some of the members debating” me here is an interesting term. I find the scientific evidence they purportedly have is flimsy. FYI, I have a PhD in organic synthetic chemistry.
  16. Apostle John

    How does the story of Adam and Eve compatible with science?

    Well if you want me to enforce it, Darwin could see there were species around when he lived, that was the basis of his idea of tree of life. I prefer to believe in the Creator and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  17. Apostle John

    How does the story of Adam and Eve compatible with science?

    I don’t believe in ToE. An essentially random process cannot make thousands of positive changes as projected in the evolutionary concept of the tree of life. Don’t forget, species already existed when Darwin came up with that idea (fanciful in my perspective).
  18. Apostle John

    How does the story of Adam and Eve compatible with science?

    Just before you wrote that you claimed others had ideas of where DNA came from, that’s an apt analogy. Small molecules, like Lego, don’t float on water and orientate themselves for reaction, they chemically decompose because of their environment and they cannot think. They are no different to Lego.
  19. Apostle John

    How does the story of Adam and Eve compatible with science?

    Because when DNA and genes don’t have the capacity to think for themselves and mutations (known otherwise as copying errors) are only negative and take information on a downward trend. ToE is simply not true.
  20. Apostle John

    How does the story of Adam and Eve compatible with science?

    If you read the source properly it was only a model anyway with fantasy figures. In reality there is no such thing as beneficial mutations. Along with ‘survival’, ‘fittest’, ‘selection’ ‘speciation’ these are all manmade terminology that are the only things that have evolved in the fairytale of ToE.