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Search results

  1. L

    What does it mean to be Human?

    Human , means to me, just something we call our particular species on this earth....Desmond Morris calls us the "Naked Ape..." Yes, we do have the ability to land on the moon, but we can also destroy more than any other species around......it seems.....but then we have viruses and things also...
  2. L

    On Proselyting

    It annoys me , no matter who is doing it...I find some atheists can be pretty opinionated and do this, as well, sometimes......and I am one of that crew of non-believers..... I really don't care how educated someone becomes in any topic......and has all of that backing for making their argument...
  3. L

    count to infinity

    65...we're still alive.....
  4. L

    Hey, Atheists, Agnostics and Free-thinkers...DID.....

    LOL! Just inserting in a bit of humor for the day...One of my simple paintings....I sold this one to a teacher to decorate her walls in an elementary school classroom.:sheep: No, holy cow..LOL!.....hey where did the moo cow go here in emoticoms...? Anyway...I am sorry you got me on some angry...
  5. L

    Have You Ever 'Converted' Anyone?

    Who knows? I doubt it, but I could have. If I have, they did not admit it to me....Anyway, I am not trying to change anyone's belief systems about anything.....not my goal in life....I live and let live, basically.....and don't like it when someone tries to change me, so I don't do it to...
  6. L

    Atheists & Agnostics: Sense of the Sacred

    Sure....sacred to me means the worthy of respect definition...I respect all forms of life.....and mother nature........a tree to me is sacred......
  7. L

    Atheists: Is that your final answer?

    Also, I choose to believe in myself and in my own convictions.....Why must I believe in something outside of that? I do not need religion in order to be a good, kind, caring individual.....I have to live with myself....my actions, my deeds, my words, etc.... No one else does.........
  8. L

    A question for atheists who don't believe in God

    A supreme being that has decided everything there was to be decided, decides everything there is to decide and someone that I am supposed to worship.....like a worker ant in an ant colony all for the Queen ant, and nothing else....In most illustrations, this supreme being has white hair, a white...
  9. L

    I don't care

    I don't believe in god, but don''t like to use the term atheist for myself...It kind of limits who I am ....so free thinker is better for me...I do not wear it like a badge....."free thinker"....I only do it here because we are all wearing badges of some kind here....but usually I am pretty...
  10. L

    Atheists: Is that your final answer?

    Yes, my final answer....no god to ever believe in here.......Have been this way, since I can remember...and will never change.....
  11. L

    Has anything shaken your choice of atheism?

    No.......:no:...but I do not exactly call myself an atheist. I prefer free thinker.....
  12. L

    Awesome Link......IMO.....

    OH, ok, I did not know that......Thank you for explaining it to me....Now, I know.....!:yes:
  13. L

    What does humanism mean to you?

    Secular humanism means to me if something is wrong....it is up to us to fix it....period......Leave morality out of it for a second.....If you don't like the mess you are sitting in, then do something about it here and now......or sit in your mess.....This is it, folks!...This is not a dress...
  14. L

    Awesome Link......IMO.....

    You know, I expect belittings from members, but never staff members on forums...Maybe I am on the wrong planet......I don't think your pirate thing is all that special, either.
  15. L

    Awesome Link......IMO.....

    Originally Posted by Willamena Yeah, about that... it takes the quote about "fools" of out context and puts it in a different context, an act that makes it mean something other than what was intended in the psalm. The psalm is not about atheists. In Psalm 14 the character of "God" looks down...
  16. L

    Awesome Link......IMO.....

    You don't have to like it....I don't care. I love it and chose to share it ......and there may be someone here that does like it...If not...C'est la vie!
  17. L

    Awesome Link......IMO.....

    Well, I love it, and found it ironic that Edison was here.....he who invented the light bulb and gave modern man convenient light in the dark....LOL!:candle::tribal2:
  18. L

    Awesome Link......IMO.....

    YouTube - Atheist and this made me cry, at first viewing....Love the music, too....
  19. L

    When Did You Become a Non-Believer?

  20. L

    Do atheist's believe in psychic abilities?

    I don't know. I would like to....The romantic in me really wants to! I think there is much we don't understand....maybe the so called ghosts are shadows or something from parallel universes.......I do know......I can think of something and someone will say it........same wave lengths and...