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Search results

  1. Jaymes

    Walkin a new road...

    I'm really disappointed for it to have come to this, but I can't stay on RF any longer. There is a main reason that has nothing to do with RF: I have classes 4 days a week, and work 2 other days a week. I only have one free day, and it's probably going to be spent sleeping and studying. ;)...
  2. Jaymes

    Nullify the busybody moral crusade!

    For every meal someone else is eating that you get into an incoherent rage and are utterly offended by, I'll be not offended twice as hard! :D
  3. Jaymes


    Rice is one of my favorite foods. It's so versatile and can do so many things... and taste good with so many combinations. However, I am at a loss as to what to cook my rice with. I generally just do plain brown rice and mix in some beans or peas. I don't have a finicky palate, so that...
  4. Jaymes

    Farewell, Alex

    According to The Alex Foundation, Alex the African grey died this morning of unknown causes. :( He was studied extensively in avian intelligence research, along with two other African greys named Griffin and Wart. RIP buddy. :(
  5. Jaymes

    Tips for dealing with cramps?

    I've had absolutely godawful cramps all my life, and they've never gotten any easier to deal with. When I first started getting them in middle school my parents and sometimes teachers told me to get over it and that it was something I'd just have to learn to deal with, and that it couldn't hurt...
  6. Jaymes

    What's the nastiest thing you've ate lately?

    Earlier today I was eating some chips, didn't look at them, and bit into what had to be the most burnt chip I've ever had the misfortune of coming across in my life. It was like biting an ash tray. :cover: (We need a pukey smiley...) Have you had something like that happen recently?
  7. Jaymes

    I have realized something...

    ... and I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned it. As chicken and fox, Booko and I must be mortal enemies! It pains me to say this, but I'm afraid I'll have to take the exact opposite position on debates as Booko from now on, even if I actually agree with her! It is my duty to my species. By...
  8. Jaymes

    One Piece

    I figured this fit here better than in "The Arts", since One Piece is both an anime and a manga. :) Any other people here like One Piece? When I first saw pictures of it I avoided it like the plague; the style looked totally unlikeable, and it looked like a typical shonen series with nothing...
  9. Jaymes

    Criss Angel

    Anyone else out there that loves Criss Angel? :D Out of all the magician/illusionist types on TV, I enjoy watching him the most. Are there any tricks of his that particularly freaked you out? There was one he did that involved him getting in a casket, getting handcuffed, and put on a conveyor...
  10. Jaymes

    Are some stereotypes more equal than others?

    Is there really a difference between saying Christians are Bible-bashing loonies who do nothing but pray 24/7, gays and lesbians are limp-wristed drama-whore sluts, and black people are lazy and just want to live off welfare? If so, what's the difference? Other than the subject of the...
  11. Jaymes

    Transgender FAQ part 2!

    The last thread I made ended up with the original post being too long, so rather than just tack extra information on to the end of the post I thought it'd be a better idea to make a new thread. :) Again, if you guys have any questions feel free to ask! What's hormone replacement therapy...
  12. Jaymes

    Favorite books you read as a kid?

    I recently started rereading Watership Down (which I first read in 5th grade), and it made me pretty nostalgic and I started thinking about some other books I read and reread as a kid. Animorphs and Goosebumps were my big ones, and I also loved the Redwall books. What about you guys? Do you...
  13. Jaymes

    So why are you smarter than scientists?

    Personally I'm smarter than those silly scientists because I know how to plug my ears and go lalalala! :ignore: But wait... I'm also a biotech student. Does that mean in the future I won't listen to myself?! :run:
  14. Jaymes

    What web browser do you use?

    What browser do you use and why do you use it? Are you aware of any potential security holes in your browser? If so, what do you do to make sure you don't get viruses? A Firefox user here, myself. :D
  15. Jaymes

    Gonna be gone for a while

    Lately I've been insanely stressed for a variety of reasons, and the smallest things are setting me off lately. Until that's cleared up (should be within a week or two), I won't be on RF again... or at least, I won't be posting. I might give in to the temptation to peek in. However this Monday...
  16. Jaymes

    A gender exercise

    Alright, everyone! Hop up! Time to do your gender exercises! One, two, three! One, two, three!... Well, not really, but the phrase does make me want to say that. :D This is an exercise I found over at T-Vox and thought some of you guys might be interested in it. The instructions say to take a...
  17. Jaymes

    Baby animals thread!

    We need more cute threads. :D So I'll start us off with a couple of big cat babies. Awwwe, who can resist a little baby jaguar? Or an ocelot! It just looks so happy. Aaand some baby white tigers. Awwe, they're so fluffy! So let's see some pictures of some of your favorite baby animals!
  18. Jaymes

    Being born in a country = citizenship?

    Is it right that being born in a country automatically (with some exceptions) confers citizenship? I'm not just speaking of the children of illegal immigrants, but anyone who is born in a country. I'm not sure about other countries, but I know that the US requires immigrants to pass a...
  19. Jaymes

    I return!

    No, I didn't die. :D My computer did, however, and it took from Monday of the week before last until yesterday to get the insurance paperwork done and get a new computer (which I absolutely love). My old one was two years old, so this one's not only cheaper, but better. :D Anyway, did I miss...
  20. Jaymes

    Misconceptions about Transsexuality

    What are some of the most common misconceptions about transsexuals or transgender people that you've encountered? The one that seems to be most prevalent in my experience is the "they're still really a man/woman", which irks me to no end. I'm no more a woman than I am a garden gnome.