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Search results

  1. Benst

    Fatwas concerning Halal and Hiram

    I hope this doesn't come across as a silly question, but I've often wondered about this. I'm not a Muslim, but living in Toronto I had many Muslim friends from all over the place...and we would often go out to meals, and some would choose to follow halal and some would scarf down their bacon...
  2. Benst

    Online Aarti - Thoughts?

    I saw this in Hinduism Today years ago about the phenomenon of 'online Mandirs' with flash pujas you could perform. I only casually glanced at it and then swiftly forgot it. I came across one this week and I wondered what people's thought were? Obviously the experiance of Darshan is something...
  3. Benst

    Treatment of God/Goddess Statues

    So, in Hinduism and other Indian based religions it's very common to treat a statue of a God (called a Murti) with the same respect as if it were the God it's self. The idea isn't that the statue IS a God, but instead carries a certain essence of that deity. In Paganism there's a similar kind...
  4. Benst

    Vipassana Mditation camps - Your Experiances?

    I've known for a bit now of Mahasi Sayadaw's movement and his regimen for intensive Vipassana meditation. We have a centre in Toronto here, and I've known a few people who went and did the ten day silent meditations. I'm curious, has anyone ever done this or a similar silent meditation camp...
  5. Benst

    Burmese Nat Worship

    I wasn't sure where to place this, but since Burma is officially a Theravada country perhaps here? I've become quite interested recently in the Nats and the veneration of them as national spirits. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm talking about a pantheon of thirty-seven...
  6. Benst

    Paganism and Community Organizing

    We know there has been a strong link between Paganism and the environmental movement since the 60s, especially with such prolific figures such as Starhawk writing about Paganism and political identity. I'm curious, how has Paganism come into your own political identities or activism, if it has...
  7. Benst

    Parse Legends and Traditions

    Hello! I know that the Parsis only make up a percentage of Zoroastrians around the world, but I'm curious about how influential their traditions and customs have become. I was very lucky to have as friends some Parsis in University, and as they described it... a lot of their customs right now...
  8. Benst

    Digambaras in Northern Climates?

    This might sound like a silly question, so do excuse me if it is. I studied Jainism briefly in Uni, and was lucky to have quite a few Jain friends. What struck me was that they were all of them Shwetambara, I've never met a Digambara in Canada here. I always found this interesting, but then...
  9. Benst

    Desam Granth - Important?

    Hello! I've been curious about this for a long time since having taken a Uni course on the history of Sikhism. I did ask the professor, and she basically said it really depended on the individual and group. My question is: how important is the Desam Granth to Khalsa Sikhs? Obviously it won't...
  10. Benst

    Lost legends and myths

    I was recently listening to a TTC lecture series on the Norse, and I've been studying them off and on over the past year. I'm kind of curious, the lecturer said that there were many references in the Eddas and some of the Sagas of events that don't appear anywhere else in surviving literature...
  11. Benst


    Hello all, I'm new, just registered and looking forward to some good discussions :). I've studied religion and mythology for the better part of 15 years, both as a hobby and academically in University, and I'd say my interest is pretty eclectic! I'm not sure what religion I'd put myself...