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Spiritual Health and Purification of the Soul


Well-Known Member
Be Certain That Allah Loves

Feeling the love of your Creator will fill your heart with peace.

Does Allah love us?

The clear answer is yes. He loves all of His creation, and wants what is best for them.

He showed them His Straight Path to live a happy life here and in the Hereafter, and conveyed to mankind His Guidance.

All what we need to do is to follow His Guidance to find His love and find peace. He says in the Qur'an:

"Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah , then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.""

Follow God's Guidance and your heart will find peace.

"Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah . Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.""

Love is the Path of Peace


Well-Known Member
Give Your Soul What It Needs

The peace of the human soul is only achieved when it is connected to its Creator.

It is the spiritual secret God put in all human beings, and to Him it returns when the body dies.

So in this life, nourish your soul with the remembrance of God, and be consistent in doing that each day, not only in the five daily prayers but also in the morning and evening supplications.

Try also to be close to nature and open spaces with beautiful scenery, as there also the soul finds peace.

Whether it is a lovely mountain, lake or beach, treat yourself to these outings on a regular basis and you will feel peace, then continue with this trigger when back home through prayer and reading the Qur'an.

If you are really searching for peace, remember God as much as you can.


Well-Known Member
Give Your Soul What It Needs -2

The materials aspects of life don't have an impact on the soul.

We see many rich people who have all what they need, and much more than what they need, but they are not happy.


Because their soul is not happy, even though the body has all the pleasures of life.

So what does the human soul need?

It needs to be close to its Creator, and the first path to get close is to listen to His words.

When you love someone who is far away, you want at least to listen to them speak, and it's a similar case here.

Reading the Qur'an or listening to it is therefore the first step for an unhappy soul to be transformed, and for a believing soul to find more peace.

If you are searching for peace, read God's words in the Qur'an.


Well-Known Member
Patience is Half of Faith

It's not easy to be patient, as impatience is part of human nature

But God loves the patient, and He rewards the patient without limits.

When faced with hardship, many people find difficulty in coping with the situation at hand, but for a believer who puts his or her trust in God this is not the case.

When one trusts God and asks Him for help, he comes closer to God, and what looks like a physical hardships turns out to be a spiritual blessing in disguise.

So be patient, seek His help and you will find peace In-Shaa-Allah


Well-Known Member
Every New Day Brings Hope

Hope is very important in the life of all human beings.

It is hope in a better tomorrow which keeps us all going.

When a person loses hope, this is a very dangerous attitude to take, because even a patient who is ill and told by the doctors that he will only live a few weeks (i.e. there is no hope in his recovery), must have hope if he is a believer.

The hope of a happy life in the Hereafter after life on earth ends, sooner or later.

And each sunrise fills the heart of believers with hope in a better day.
It's a new start of a new day, so be positive, do your best and ask God for His guidance and help.

If you are searching for inner peace, always have hope.


Well-Known Member
Make Sure of the Purity of Your Intentions

In order to come closer to God, a believer does his/her best to perform good deeds.

But the ones which really count are the deeds which are purely for the sake of God, no show-off and no worldly gains: only to please Allah (SWT).

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, reminds us that deeds are judged by their intentions, and God only accepts deeds which are for His sake.

So before doing something good, always make sure of the purity of your intentions if you are really searching to please your Creator.


Well-Known Member
The Path of Good Manners is the Path to Paradise

Searching for inner peace?

Then follow the example of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in his refined manners and kind dealings with others.

Allah (SWT) tells us in the Qur'an that if we love Allah, then follow the example of Prophet Muhammad, whom God praised in the Qur'an for his excellent manners.

"And indeed, you are of a great moral character." (68:4)

Bad manners sets you away from God, and good manners is what He loves to see.

So always remember good manners, whatever the conditions you face.


Well-Known Member
Deflate Your Ego

If you want to come closer to God, deflate your ego. He does not like the arrogant, and deluded people with big egos.

Be humble and don't be fooled by your wealth, strength or status

One day all these fade away, and you return to be weak and dependent in old age, like when you were weak and dependent as a child

Deflate your ego now, before it's too late

You are not better than other people, as only God knows who has a high ranking with Him

Be humble, and consider yourself just another ordinary human being, and do your best to improve in humanity and in piety.

That is the path of peace.


Well-Known Member
Always Remember That God is Most-Forgiving

One of the reasons some believers deviate from God's Straight Path is that if they commit a sin they lose hope in God's Mercy and Forgiveness.

Don't be that person.

Remember that He is the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving, and that He forgives all sins when a believer repents.

When a toddler is learning to walk, he takes a few steps, then falls on the ground, then gets up and takes a few more steps then falls again. Even if he falls on his face and cries he does not give up, he stands up and tries again.

So never give up and always try again.

God's doors are wide open, and all what you need to do is to go back to Him, knock on His door and He will accept your repentance In-Shaa-Allah.

If you are really searching for peace, never give up.

He is the Most Kind, the Most Merciful.


Well-Known Member
Always Remember That You Are Dependent on God

When a believer is going through a good stage in life, of good health and wealth ... etc., he or she can sometimes think they don't need God as much as before.

Don't be that person.

Always remember that you are in need of God, and that you are poor, even if you have wealth, and that He is the source of all good things you have in life.

When you come closer to God from the door of need for Him, He will open for you many doors to grow in faith, spirituality and inner peace.

Always remember Him, especially in the good times, thank Him and ask Him to be pleased with you.


Well-Known Member
Never Commit Injustice Towards Others

God hates injustice.

A believer who prays and gives to charity and does many good deeds but is unjust towards people will not find peace.


Because the injustice he or she commits towards other people is a serious sin, and major sins can be forgiven when one repents. However, in the case of injustice committed towards others, it is not only God who forgives but also the person who has been wronged.

This major sin of injustice acts like a barrier between the believer and God, and fixing the injustice and repenting is what will remove this barrier.

Be very careful, and treat people the way you would like them to treat you, and never be unjust, if you want to be close to God.
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Well-Known Member
Worship God

The acts of worship in Islam are very important means for believers to come closer to God.

When we pray, we praise Him, thank Him, ask Him for help and ask Him for forgiveness.

All these inner feelings and supplications remind us of how weak we are and how great He is, and this puts our relation with God on the right path, and keeps our channels of communications with Him strong.

If you are really searching for peace, worship God regularly and don't cut the lines of your communication with Him.


Well-Known Member
Trust God and Don't Worry Too Much

Excessive worry takes away the peace of mind of believers.

But we have a remedy to counter worry which is (Tawakkul), or reliance upon Allah (SWT).

Worrying about what will happen in the future is part of human nature, but a strong faith in measured destiny (Qadar - one of the six articles of faith) helps us overcome such worries.

So do your best and don't worry: God is in control and we trust He wants what is best for us.

If you are really searching for peace, trust God and don't worry about the future.


Well-Known Member
Let God Choose for You What is Best & Relax

We are often faced with two or more options in important decisions, and we don't know which option is best.

Such a situation makes a believer worry, as confusion is not a nice feeling.

The important key in such cases is to pray the special prayer of "istikhara" (seeking God's Guidance), doing one's best in thinking and preparing for the decision by getting expert advice, then after that to relax.

When you do your best and you trust that God will guide you the the best decision, why worry?

Be pleased with whatever outcome God chooses for you, if you are really searching for peace.


Well-Known Member
Be Courageous and Don't Be Scared

Courage is one of the features of a believer


Because believers believe in destiny and that nothing can happen except if it destined by Allah.

This does not mean that we should not do our best to safeguard our selves and our families, quite the opposite.

When Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, migrated from Makkah to Madinah, he took all measures and precautions to make his trip successful.

After doing his best effort, he prayed and asked God for help.

When the people of Makkah arrived near the cave outside Makkah where he and his companion (Abu Bakr) were hiding, Abu Bakr was worried that they would be caught, while the Prophet responded don't worry, Allah is with us.

This trust in God is a tremendous source of peace, so be courageous, do your best and don't be scared.


Well-Known Member
Don't Be Greedy

Greed in worldly possessions is a source of unhappiness


Because a greedy person is never satisfied with the wealth he or she has.

This person if he has a million wants ten million, and if he has 100 million he wants a billion. He always wants more, and greed has no limit and no end.

Don't be that person...

If you are really searching for peace, be content, thank God for what you have and do your best to work and earn a good living, and praise God for all the bounties you have.

This world does not last, and you won't take your wealth to the Hereafter.



Well-Known Member
Ask God in Times of Ease

It's part of human nature to ask God for help when going through a difficulty or hardship.

They say you won't find an atheist on a sinking ship.

But after the hardship is over, and good times of ease are back, most people forget and think they no longer need God.

Don't be that person.

All the blessings you have are from God, and to Him one day we will return. So thank Him and ask Him to give you baraka in the many good things you have in life.

If you are searching for peace, ask God in times of ease and don't forget to thank Him for His blessings.



Well-Known Member
Keep Away from Debt

Debt is a burden and a worry for many people.

It takes away our peace of mind, as we worry how will we repay our debts, and what if we can't repay them when they are due?

We have enough reasons to worry about the future without having to add another big reason.

Personal debt takes away part of people's freedom
, as they become "enslaved" to repay these debts.

Do you want to be free and have a good life with inner peace and less worries?

Then get out of debt now. Don't buy what you don't really need, and be content with what you have.

Use a debit card instead of a credit card, and do your best without needing to buy the very latest car.

If you are really searching for peace, don't get into debt.



Well-Known Member
Review and Renew Your Intentions

Sometimes we forget what our intention is before we start something new.

And after we start a good deed, we also often forget to renew our intentions.

For a good deed to be accepted by God, its trigger must be the right intention to please God.

There is no point in doing a "good" deed if it is simply for show-off.
In fact a believer may get the opposite result if the good deed is for ego or status reasons, and not for the sake of God.

So don't be that person.

And don't expect thanks from any person who benefits from your good deed. You are doing it for the sake of God, not for being praised.

If you are really searching for peace, always check your intentions, and do your best to do some good deeds without people seeing you.


Well-Known Member
Never Think You Are Better Than Others

God loves those who are humble, and He does not like arrogance.

False pride and arrogance prevent a believer from finding peace.


Because this is a serious disease of the heart.

A pure heart is one which recognizes that only God is the All-Mighty, and only He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

He is The First and He is The Last, only He is Eternal.

All His creation are weak, and all living beings perish sooner or later, so how can anyone be arrogant?

This was the sin of Satan which made him cursed by God. He was so proud of his worship, and he thought he was better than Adam. So when God commanded him to prostrate to Adam he refused.

This is what happens when arrogance and false pride fill the heart, so don't be like Satan.

Don't think you are "special" because you pray or you pay charity to the poor. Thank God for having made it easy for you to perform good deeds, but never be arrogant.

If you are really searching for peace, never look down at others, they may be better than you.