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Heuristic Expanse



  1. I Omnist is the beginning of the circulation of an ideal that encompasses the respect of all beliefs. A way of looking more deeply into who it is we are and how it is possible to start working together as a race of humans to strive towards an idea so far fetched, that most think it is impossible; that idea is world peace.

  2. Omnism is something that exists within us, for us; it always has and always will. Many concepts are brushed upon and it is the hope that it will inspire people to think about one another and prescribe themselves to the dedication to hope, rather than submit to defeat.

  3. It is the idea of the time that we spend here in this world is the veil that separates beginning from end. As opposed to us actually taking form and substance in the physical reality that we entertain and the concept of being something more than what we are.

  4. That there is an expanse within us that we have yet to allow our minds to have the capacity to understand.

  5. Expanse through this book is hoping to spread out the words within the words and the numbers within the numbers. To break apart the things that we perceive as something that we can reach out and touch as actually being there. And expand on the idea that we would not be here without the need of that expanse having for us to reach out and touch it.

  6. It is the void between our perception of what reality is and how it is we have already allowed our reality to bring form from our imaginations.

  7. The barrier that exists in between that psyche and looking past the words and numbers that give definition to the physical attributes making up our surroundings; about negating what it is that we are told to think and to think about the things we feel, and understand how complex a simple thought is.

  8. About getting into a deeper meaning and spreading out each space in between each letter that makes up each word. So that we can examine all aspects of one another's thoughts.

  9. About the web we weave for one another and about the concept of neither large nor small existing within it, rather existing of it.

  10. About how meaning becomes meaningless and back again and the fractions of thought that happen within the thoughts.

  11. For the expanse of the percentage of our minds and what goes on with the percentage of it that we have yet to comprehend and to go as deeply as we will allow ourselves to go. Keeping in mind not to harm ourselves or others in the process, but take the deeper journey into our minds so that those who live 100’s of years from now (that we may never see) begin to have a better understanding of who we once were.

  12. Omnists are laying the groundwork for us to be the ancestors that started to change things in this world for the better, rather than being the ancestors that are looked back on that continued entertaining the actions, that make things worse.

  1. Omnism is indeed a lot of soul searching through trial and error, but so is being human, is it not? There are many people out there that will not accept the ideal of believing in all gods and the good teachings from all religions, without committing to one religion in particular.

  2. Learning about how upset this possibility makes certain individuals, should not upset an Omnist. Nor is the calling of names for anything other than a jest encouraged. (though it does happen)

  3. Understand that the label of Omnist means that there may be a large amount of animosity sent out towards you. Other people do not want their faiths and beliefs questioned, (which an Omnist is not doing) so, through years of trial and error by them, they may automatically jump to the conclusion that you, as an Omnist, are questioning how they feel. When in fact you are probably more inclined to listen to what it is they are trying to teach you and learning more about who they/you are inside and how it is their idea of god, enlightenment, heaven, hell, or the non-belief of the previously mentioned subjects is going to effect you.

  4. It is not ones fault for understanding that a god of perfection or any god would demand servitude, or demand currency, or feel the need to let you know that you are not doing right by them. For it is not any gods word that you are disobeying, it is the interpretation of the words that humans have used from any such god, not the god itself.

  5. Every person knows through time when they have done something wrong, they don’t need to be reminded, they just need to acknowledge that they have committed an act of negativity towards another. This is how we learn what not to do, by doing. Most wrong-doings are easily forgivable by other people so long as they truly care about you. If you continue to do things wrong though, you may be taking advantage of the good graces of the other people around you.

  6. This idea is not implying they no longer care for you, it means that you have not learned from the mistakes you have made and are unwilling to find the way to move forward in life for the better of yourself and the ones you care for.

  7. You may indeed care deeply for the ones around you and yet, you can’t find your own means to care properly for yourself. Your shame should be more of an inclination towards re-paring your inner self for it is not there to hurt you, it is there to remind you that you are important to the people around you, they care more for you than you care for yourself, but you get to a point where you have over stayed your welcome and it is time they must cut loose the part of their life that is dragging them down.

  8. You then, are the one that is poisoning another’s life with the decisions that you make. It is not easy to let go of something that you love, it is a method of tough love that many people cannot prescribe to. Thus, allowing the negativity to enter into their lives and accepting miserable situations without reaching out for something better.

  9. There are negative people out there and they are vital to the idea of what good things are. They are there to hurt and they always have been, because they have not learned about the feelings that have led them to the point where they choose to act in a manner of inflicting pain; instilling and teaching methods of negativity on the people that are seeking a better standard of living.

  10. The sins cause this to happen. The sins inflicted upon the negative persons that they have not taken in and adapted to how they affect others around them. If another Living has hurt you, why then would you choose to reciprocate that feeling on those that would not deserve it?

  11. Negative peoples have not learned the concept of feeling better about themselves so that they do not commit these actions. It is up to the positive people to take in these negative standards and learn from them.

  12. The negative people are on their own fools quest for the world, literally but neglecting to understand the mistakes of previous fools that have attempted to rule the literal world. It is an allure to power that will not be obtained. The literal world is not meant to be ruled, it makes its own decision and is a living thing all its own.

  13. The people that stand against this negativity are typically the ones that try to instill the methods of peace and love. The ones that feel so deeply and have had empathy for that of others. These are the people that have lost their lives for this ideal of peace, becoming martyrs for an ideal of all of us to live together in peace and harmony. Greed is the largest proponent in assassinating these individuals.

  14. The individuals that have wanted for nothing other than to live a life in peace and simply enjoy the sun rising day to day.

  15. A person that wants for nothing is the most dangerous of people to the negative people. For they cannot be bought nor can they cannot be swayed away from the things inside of them that drive them towards trying to give the appeal of love and peace towards others. These purveyors of peace tend to be eliminated because there is no materialistic value in peace.

  16. It is difficult for people to understand why they choose to live a life that would be seemingly destitute to most, yet, they are the ones that are most fulfilled within. Not being able to purchase a person makes that person very dangerous to those who are in a position to manipulate greed.

  17. People with nothing other than the comforts of who they are defining themselves is easy for many to understand, because they do not want to give up the things that they feel defines them. This tends to be the majority of people and there is nothing wrong with this standard of living, so long as it as earned justly.

  18. There is no implication being made here that you should not enjoy the things that you work for, the implication is the idea that being happy with yourself is the utmost important thing for your soul/garden and should be valued above material things. That if you can fully indulge who you are as a good person in this world, then you can fully enjoy the things that you have earned.

  19. Understand that when you find the thing you love the most then you truly understand what is most valuable. That thing may be your closest lover, a child or the puppy you just took in it may even be yourself and the feelings that you are sending out to others.

  20. The point is that when you find yourself, try to find others that share this. Steer clear of those that seek to eliminate this feeling and attempt to tell you that what you feel inside is not the right method for you. From them though, learn through trial and error about what not to take into your garden. This is not saying that the person is wrong in their view, but the actions taken in trying to convince another of something other than what they feel, is wrong.

  21. Listen to the passion of what it is they feel so strongly about, but not so much the poison that may be spilling out of them. They do indeed have a right to say what it is they feel and as an Omnist it is up to you to defend more the right and the sharing of passion, rather than to defend the actual words coming out of them.

  22. In a debate between a believer and a non-believer an on-looking Omnist should continue to walk the middle road, for they see each side of the debate, but the words may come to a point of gibberish in the Omnists ears. They have learned how not to take sides about something that is more important for both debaters to have the need to understand the conflict, more than the words of the conflict. There is hardly ever a kind resolve because there are issues about a debate that have not been fully understood by the debaters involved.

  23. They are trying to press upon each others garden. Each debater is making proclamations about how wrong the other debater is, instead of working together in order to understand how each aspect of the debate has valid points.

  24. It is not about one debater being right and proving the other debater wrong, it is about accepting what is right from each perspective and knowing that there are aspects of both arguments that may be wrong.

  1. This book is going to hopefully be considered a bible of sorts for those who might take interest in being an Omnist. It will be broken into several parts and cover a broad metaphorical scope of the make-up of a deeper consciousness of what a god or God is and how one can perceive this through they eyes of an Omnist. It is a book of questionable fiction that is meant to wrap itself around a number of truths that we all share in our lives.

  2. There is a journey that we all may be able to connect with in some aspect and many of us will be on a portion of this journey that we may be able to relate to with others in some way.

  3. There will be a part about negatives that we experience and, for the most part, what one may feel that most Omnists would shy away from, but hold onto the notion of these aspects of life being essential lessons in what not to do.

  4. It is not meant to put these negative ideas and concepts into motion, rather, it is meant more for the idea of understanding the importance of negative things in our lives to better understand the positive ideas that are generated from the mistakes of our ancestors.

  5. And, there will be a part of positives. The simplest of things to many of us that we all share some joy and that it is more important to hold onto these simple things in order for them to grow larger. Much like we now view the negatives in this world as the larger aspect, maybe someday, it will instead be these positives that will be the larger aspect of what rules us as a united people.

  6. There is connectivity in all of if. This book is meant to be the first part of something larger and something that will continue to grow and be worked on and have no real beginning nor end. Omnism has started and been around long before the term was even coined back in the mid 1800’s by Philip J. Baily in his poem Festus.

  7. It will be a tearing apart of the negatives in our lives in order to put into motion how we see things and how we are told that there is a sound reason to hold onto only one hope, and still maintain that there is hope in all aspects of life.

  8. Once this is done, there will hopefully be some kind of a sense of re-birth for us, so that we do understand how these negative ideas and concepts are important and that we opt for the direction of hope, instead of continuing our trek along the path of destruction. To be able to steer ourselves away from greed and allowing it to be the only concept to continue to rule the world. After changing directions hopefully we will all be able to move together towards an ideal of compassion for the lives of all living things and seeing the value of their individual souls/gardens/faiths or whatever you choose to name it.

  9. Thus, working together at the idea of being greedy for the value of one another, instead of being greedy for the value of things that will not nourish our gardens.

  1. Omnism is paradoxical, so the understanding of how to be an Omnist is that of a perplexing nature; yet, it keeps its existence at the outskirts of our faiths.
  1. Many of our tendencies bring us into direct correlations of all of the ways we are told and taught to live, rather than how to live. Indeed, there is a great deal of complexities built within us that we are yet aware of.

  2. The inner conflict that we all have is a built in life-guide into understanding who it is that we are…yet, this core principal, through all the things that we can take in and comprehend, eludes us, why: let it be the conflict from within that we endure for ourselves, that we may one day be able to share with one another.

  3. The manner in which this book is written is unlike that of a normal book. There are quirky little nuances within all the words that will hopefully be fun to find. Each word from beginning to end is meant to be a representation for each letter, word, verse, chapter/book and so on. Each little aspect is meant to be interpreted and applied to another’s way of reading this book so that there will be something to discuss when it comes to opinions of certain areas and fun little things to converse about.

  4. With a heart full of hope, the intentions are that you enjoy this book as a little bathroom read, or perhaps take aspects of it as to how fun life truly is and to maybe give some introspection towards your own life, so that you may decide to move forward into a positive light for the generations down the road; to understand that the value of life is far more important than the value of the size of what a monthly statement says.



  1. We are Omnist and we set ourselves aside; we are not lost, we have found our place and we respect your feelings towards whatever deity (or lack there of) you choose to worship, or not worship. We will not press upon you and we kindly hope that you do not press upon us.

  2. Being Omnist allows us to walk the line in between the metaphorical battles that are waged on one another’s feelings, beliefs and the actual things that guide our moral compasses.

  3. For all intents and purposes this book is more of a guide through the collection of thoughts that we may all some day be able to share. A collection of ideals, that hopefully, many will be capable of finding some part of who they are within these words.

  4. To some the words may not make sense. To some the words may make sense. To some this book, taken as a whole, may be a guide to familiarize themselves with and create a path to something that they have been in search of. To some it may be viewed as an introspective way of thinking, rather than a way of living.

  5. At least it’s proof that even the most meager of things can be related to in some sense of words.

  6. Not everything in here is fact yet, it is imagination spinning itself into a reality that is happening in the minds of many. An ever expanding ideal of breaking through the barriers that confine us to the socialized “norm”.

  7. The grammar and punctuation may be determined as mediocre and it will be far from perfect; that is an emphasis on the flaws that we carry with us through our lives.

  8. This book holds the idea that the truth lies within the fiction that we deny ourselves, and it is only a compilation of thoughts on Omnism and how one Omnist thinks of Omnism and what it means.

  9. Perfection is best assumed for all of us to be a part of a fundamental whole, of truth, without striving for the absolute perfection. We tend to think there is no hope out there for us to carry on and that there is an absolute truth that stays situated in wherever it decides to be and that being is perfect. Without it, how would we determine what perfection is to be modeled after?

  10. At the very best, most of what this writing is about is just how certain Living may feel about beliefs that may have added more to confusion rather than to answers. Perhaps too, that the answers are what is not important, but rather the questions that we ask to obtain knowledge of what we do not know is one of the most fundamental parts of our existence.

  11. Again, Omnism is something that is not to be pressed upon anyone. We are not zealots nor are we dogmatic. We remain open minded to many opinions of what truth is. But, we will find the truth for ourselves as we see fit as well. Thus, contributing to something more than a stand-alone sense of existence and to give back twice as much as we have been given, whole heartedly and with honesty and integrity.

  12. Omnism is a feeling of being, a state of awareness that we all are a part of something greater than ourselves; that we are a fabrication of our own imaginations and that there is a meaning of truth that can be thought of that has yet to be created, at the same time though, it already exists.

  13. A sense that we are all, in some part, a piece of the perfection that none of us understand and are unknowingly a contribution to perfections existence. But, have no choice other than to make our individual contributions towards the loneliness of being perfect. All the while enduring our own liberating freedom in attaining something that is unattainable.

  14. This book is meant to bring us all together by acknowledging our likenesses by understanding our differences.

  15. It is dream of peace in entirety and keeping humble in knowing that there will always be a need for conflict. If not for conflict there couldn’t be any wonderful need or desire of peace. If we did manage to obtain peace, then a new conflict will be sure to arise.

  16. Omnism promotes the ideas of freedom and liberation as one. As the whole unit being one and with that sense of oneself, being an individual part of the whole.

  17. It is the same thing the progenitors of peace and love of long ago once wanted to pass upon their students.

  18. The idea has seemed to get convoluted and taken advantage of though, through too many abuses of power, emphasis on social inequality that has plagued our existence throughout time and disputing over the need for material gains that will not sustain us when push comes to shove.
  1. The Union of Four was in the beginning and it consists of the Source, Everything, Nothing and Living.

  2. The Source is tied to all living things in the universe as understanding was both there and not. Darkness and light both knew existence outside the boundaries of one another their flow is always happening, as well as not happening.

  3. Everything consists of all things perceived and reasoned to be. Love, hate, good and evil, happy and sad, living and dead, infinite and finite. In Everything consists past, present and future; of all the ideas of all the gods and demons, of all the bearers of light and darkness. Of all the things that go bump in the night and all the things that protect from said bumps. Everything consumes and exudes, creates and destroys; contributes to the idea that it both exists and does not exist. Everything brings life and takes it away; Everything is a part of the Union of Four that keeps balance in wholeness. Everything consists of the numbers used to make physical limitations possible and in physical limitations, Everything is both possible and impossible. Both big and small, theory and fact; right, wrong and the doubt that lay between. In the numbers that Everything creates, Everything uses the same application of numbers to destroy equally. In the numbers we have yet to unlock, Everything is still playing its part. The equations to measure things such as anti-matter may only be measured with anti-numbers.

  4. Nothing must exist and Nothing is oblivion. Nothing is the emptiness of non-existence and cannot be conceptualized without Everything being there. Nothing is where the Source draws itself in and out of in an eternal vibration of constant power.

  5. The Source, is both Nothing and Everything and Everything and Nothing. The Source is both the existence and non-existence. Without Living, the Source would not exist; there would be no point and purpose. Without point and purpose there would be no reason for living life to move onto the Source. Living life is a constant source of energy for the Source, and the Source is a constant form of energy for Living. Both sustain balance in Everything and Nothing and dissolve themselves constantly, just as equally as they grow.

  6. Every one of these things always was, always will be and cannot be one without the other. If our own concept of Living is abolished, then another will likely take its place.

  7. This is the Union of Four.
  1. Our current physical limitations will not allow what is needed to calculate this. Numbers are non-existent and useless to such power and knowledge. All knowledge is retained in the whole of the Living. Without Living the Source would become unstable and incapable of accepting Everything and Nothing, and without Everything and Nothing the Source would not process Living.

  2. Without Living. The Source, Everything and Nothing would cease to exist.

  3. These things exist outside of the limitations of consciousness and there is no form of mathematics (that we yet have knowledge of) with the capabilities to comprehend both an unlimited and limited amount of power existing at the same time. This all exists within imaginations and will eventually become possible, for all things are possible in time, it is just a matter of when it is going to happen.

  4. Without the prospect of Everything finding Living, the Source would have no reason to exist. Without the reason of the Source to exist there would be no reason for Everything and Nothing. As there has been before and yet nothing before this, there is always something to be done and something to be left undone.

  5. This is a mere fraction of the whole that is of Everything and Nothing. Omnism is a part of Everything, but Omnism, is not the Source merely a part of it.

  6. For without all, Omnism is not whole. And without the whole, Omnism is not one. Hence, the perplexing nature of being an Omnist and hoping upon hope, that all will eventually see that the path follows itself eternally. All are in unison during their path towards the Source. Thus, maintaining balance for Everything and Nothing.
  1. Before the past worlds have been wiped clean they to wrote about their existence.

  2. They explained their beginning and fore-told of their demise. This end may be near for us and it may also not be near. What can be done other than to hope upon hope, for some, that it is all true. Of course, that has been hoped upon for thousands of years that there is an end to all of this, but then what happens to the questions that we have yet to answer?

  3. As the end does draw upon us Nothing draws closer still (despite Nothing not being there) to sweep itself through the metaphorical sands of our existences. With it’s ever selective comb it sifts through our time spent here and makes life beautiful.

  4. It draws through and redoes its own lack of existence, in order to maintain balance and re-set the random things that allow us to question over and over again. Making sense of the plight and uselessness that is ever present but also, it holds no value. The much needed existence that is Nothing.

  5. The value of life that is within Everything and still so lost in Nothing. Living cannot go forward without death. So Living must be destroyed in order to maintain balance for death. Why do we not grasp our own meager existence in the tidings of such, unpleasantness and take into ourselves the things that we know to be true: the Source is a part of the whole, and destruction is both, imminent, undesirable and necessary.

  6. As much as it is a necessity for the endlessness that has been a part of the Union of Four and a part of that Union of Four, is Nothing.
  1. As awful as it sounds there is no stopping the things that have been predetermined, if predetermination even exists at all.

  2. There is also little truth in predetermined things, for we cannot calculate what is unknown. But, things can always change, whether we are aware they were supposed to happen to begin with is an act of chance. (or however we decide to justify it as to wrap our minds around it, does it really matter once it's been done?)

  3. There is certainly following forward in understanding one as a whole and a whole as a one. Once that has been accomplished there is nothing to do but move forward.

  4. Is that accomplishment going to be justified from the Source, if the Source is both all and one and one and all and all say for one as one says for all? Does it matter?

  5. Lest you are cast into oblivion, where the most viscous have been judged to be a part of Nothing. Fear not the oblivion of Nothing, for it is reserved for those that have committed horrible acts; reserved for the most evil that once resided in Everything. Judgment upon them is regulated by the Living, and delegated out by the Everything to serve for eternity in Nothing as an eternal part of the Union of Four.

  6. The Living are the manner of judgment for the evil that lives and finally passes on. Living can become resolved over eternity as it passes through the Source, the most evil acts do not get chanced again, however.

  7. With all as one and with one as all.
  1. Living is the breathing moving fundamental portion of the black, white and gray areas that we all experience. It is the element of Everything that moves thought and feeling so that we exist. Each Living has a Garden and that is another name for our soul and it resides within all Living. Giving to all Living a sense of consciousness that would otherwise be pointless without something to touch, without something else having their own sense of consciousness.

  2. We are the carriers of this existence/disease (choose your own term) that we call life and as carriers we supply our own cure. The carriers of this internal and wonderful place that is constantly under fire from other gardens that may be trying to destroy it, or turn it into something that it may care not to be.

  3. Be mindful of whose gardens you take unto your own. Their gardens may have poisons that might infect your own garden.

  4. That does not make their garden bad, it may make their garden bad for your garden or yours bad for theirs.

  5. This does not support a reason enough to accost another Living and lay proclamations towards what they feel is wrong.

  6. However, the pressing of one garden onto another without the acceptance of another garden is wrong.

  7. Make use of the tools that your garden offers and try not to change the garden’s of others.

  8. For cure to another’s garden from ones own garden may, in fact, be the poison to their garden, to them their garden may need no cure.

  9. Do not take from others gardens unless the wonders are something that you choose to take into your own garden; be wary of those selling their gardens for they are tired and cannot endure healing without the sake of a saving grace.

  10. If their god is that of this one existence, then they be committed to the Source through a same whole and their garden is set on that path, as all of our paths are.

  11. Even the paths of those we choose to give energy to have their own garden, all Living supplies the Source, as the Source supplies our garden, and our garden is the Source, Everything and Nothing
  1. An Omnist has no need to worship; Omnists seek to understand the complexities of feeling god or gods and seeing them as one in the same despite the convictions passed down to control. But, they also know it is going to be impossible to understand everything on their own.

  2. They need not fear the outcome of the time spent after death. Fear is a warning for danger and danger is what causes us harm. There are more important matters to attend to in feeling everything around them.

  3. An Omnist may choose worship, but it would be for the sake of the worship of the lord that they choose; or, the centers of absolution that they see fit to nourish their own gardens.

  4. Omnism offers absolutions of we absolutely have to eat and drink, we absolutely need to feel and care, we absolutely consider the forces outside of our own being that are a part of us and we are in turn a part of.

  5. Each supplying one another in order to have a sense of being, a sense of existence and knowing of that existence.

  6. If an Omnist is culturally bound, then it is important to be a part of that culture. But to try to remember that there are difficult cultures out there as well.

  7. The Omnist knows full well that they are free to worship whichever god they are willing to commit to so long as no harm is brought upon another's garden. In Omnism It is also acceptable to not worship so long as no harm is brought upon another's garden. The worship that may be needed goes to whatever god the Omnist chooses. The Source needs not be worshiped, it does not know of it's own existence and at the same time the Source is all of us and we are all of it.

  8. The Source is not a god, nor any gods, it is us and we are it. All in compliance and understanding. We as Living are the ones that strive for the existence of any Source. Worship is meant for those that need to worship, not for the Source, the Omnist knows this and feels this.

  9. An Omnist is just a part of the Living, the Living are a part of Everything, Nothing and the Source.

  10. An Omnist takes its role in the Living as one who cannot fully understand the entirety of Everything but knows that if Everything were together all would be understood.

  11. The Omnist is the outer rim of the torus that makes up the ever moving Union of Four.

  12. The Omnist is also just as much a part of the torus as they are fractions that make up the whole.

  13. We are all just a part of the torus, small pieces of this grand cosmic puzzle.

  14. Everything, Nothing, the Source and Living all work together in unison.

  15. The Omnist is in pursuit to find the truer, deeper meanings for meanings. To dive into the deepest parts of each meaning and ascertain the truth of each to complete the wheel as a whole.

  16. The Omnist’s journey could be a difficult one, riddled with inconsistencies and doubts, doubts brought on by others gardens that were not meant to be a part of their own garden and Inconsistencies with anything as a whole and finding the deeper meanings to them, only to have their own self counter examined through Omnistic perception.

  17. Omnism is new, but it has been around forever. The Omnist is the wanderer, the fully aware Living that feels a deeper purpose in life. The Omnist is relating to that of the smaller fractions of any larger working machine and they are the ones that are mostly forgotten.

  18. Shame, disgust, belittlement, any negative feelings the Omnist will take on and endure are all ways of understanding life and it allows and Omnist to know and feel more deeply than those who have reserved themselves, for one eternally will be able to.

  19. The Omnist feels the Union of Four and the Omnist will always endure.

  20. Each Omnist may write a book of their own, if they choose. Keeping, in clear mind, that words are powerful. So long as they can understand and explain the meanings of their form of Omnism to others, then it is advisable to do so for the ideal of Omnism to grow.
  1. Omnism will hopefully bring to Living a combination of ideas, sayings and thoughts that have been heard and read and seen from different cultures, races, religions, spiritualities; as well as ones own intuition and thoughts.

  2. Very much of this can be taken as tiny bits of a whole to perhaps contribute to your own whole. There would be no sense, which we can measure, for one thing to exist without the other.

  3. Omnism is not meant to conflict, it is meant to bring together through differences and find a better understanding through our similarities allying with our differences and complimenting the conflict that is needed to allow those similarities to exist, all as a harmonious unit.


  1. It is exactly that, Everything; this book happens to be a small part of Everything and a small description of what it is to be an Omnist.

  2. Everything takes into consideration the fact that it does not exist on its own.

  3. It is not full or even available to the Union of Four if the other three aspects of the torus do not exist.

  4. There's no keeping up with Everything there is just being a part of it. A part of something that is constantly moving the Living forward. Taking the Living on the journey that it will always be on. Recycling it through the Source and sending the unnecessary into the oblivion of Nothing.

  5. All ideas, myths, legends, gods, saviors, saints, magic, make pretend and actual things that we can hold. All gardens and everything involved in Living are just as much a part of Everything. They are vital to the Source that is unaware of it’s own perfect existence.

  6. What good is worship to something that wouldn’t acknowledge it anyway? What good is trying to measure out the idea of imagination, with numbers and sciences that would not apply to it? What sense does it make to proclaim senselessness and chaos as a way to first pave the road to understanding each other through differences?

  7. Those questions are just flowing aspects of Everything.

  8. Everything carries-on forward and away into an idea of being; through others the ideas of Everything this book implies are re-interpreted and evolve into something else.

  9. This is the mind that is throwing the thoughts out there; all minds are vast, and endless. They are immeasurable and eventually can be hardened to be unbreakable.

  10. Numbers and math can only count Everything that we as Living see in front of us at the current path that we are on. There are aspects of Everything that we have yet to measure, that we have yet to imagine, that we have yet to experience.

  11. There are equations and numbers that have yet to be discovered. The numbers (or anti-numbers) that exists in the areas of our imaginations that still remain to be tapped into.
  1. Look around you, see that thing? that is a small part of Everything.

  2. Look up, see that? Yeah, that too is a small part of Everything.

  3. Look at yourself, you are a Living part of Everything.

  4. Look at the tiniest bug you can find, that too, is a Living part of Everything.

  5. That bug, that tree, that four legged furry friend that is all a part of Living, which is a part of Everything.

  6. That idea that you just plucked from Nothing, that is now a part of Everything. It is not yet a part of Living, but it does now have involvement with Everything. Cater to it, let it thrive, or just forget about it...someone, something, somewhere will make a use of it...just because now that idea is a part of Everything.

  7. Thanks to you, be whatever you follow to get to heaven or hell, or to the brackish waters of the great waterfall that is filled with unicorn fish and flying, laser shooting, apple pies. That thought is now involved in Everything, having been plucked from Nothing; not yet Living.
  1. Everything gets bored and is constantly working together with the Living to pluck new ideas from Nothing.

  2. Everything used the Living imagination to create; to come up with the idea of creating, to be the creator and the created.

  3. Everything plucked the idea of Living, from Nothing. That is the way it always has been, and it is a constant in and for the existence of Everything.

  4. Simple, honest, constant boredom. What troubles us as Living, is the trouble we find ourselves getting into and creating when we get bored.

  5. Could this not be a lesson in itself from Everything?

  6. Could it not be that there is a large enough amount of Nothing, that Everything gets to use the Living with?

  7. There is no reason to worship Everything. It already is, with or without your acceptance of it.

  8. Without you, imagine if you can something else having an outside sense of consciousness also implementing itself to Everything. That idea, too, is plucked from Nothing.

  9. You see, the power of imagination is the formula for Everything to exist.

  10. It is in the areas of our minds that we utilize our imaginations to hold the existence of Everything together, to hold reality as we see fit to be substance.

  11. We, as Living, are used by Everything and we take upon ourselves, as Living, to use Everything to bring about this reality from imagination.
  1. The pain and deceit, the happy and the sad, the efforts and the lazy attempts to make an effort. Love, hate, worry, trust, fear, design, arrangement, math, writing, puzzles, games, vehicles, buildings, roads, paths, earth, air, fire, water, rage, docility, comparisons, understanding, worth, value, rotten things, health, sickness, alive, dead, sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. All of these things are a composite of Everything. They are non-existent without the other.

  2. No knowledge of life, than no knowledge of death.

  3. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound: a rather profound question that excites the imagination.

  4. The statement itself is a part of Everything, as well as the feelings that we draw from our gardens to try to interpret and come up with our own reasonable answer to the question.

  5. The feelings in between thought and the thought in between feelings are all giving themselves to a part of Everything. Just because you cannot see the thought or the feeling, does not mean it is not there.

  6. That fleeting thought is perhaps immeasurable by the things that we rely on when it comes to science and numbers.

  7. How quickly it was there and is now seemingly gone.

  8. Not back into Nothing, but perhaps somewhere else into some other Livings mind that is having the same thought at the next moment in time, in a conversation about the question of the reverberating silence that has, or has not, been created by the theoretical tree that has become so profound over time.

  1. A part of the whole, Nothing is, well, it is what it is (to turn a phrase) so what can be said about what isn’t there?

  2. Does and Omnist feel it: an Omnist knows it. An Omnist knows that it is not important to go around and be fearful of Nothing.

  3. An Omnist already has Everything at their disposal, Nothing is just as equally wonderful in the sense that; it is of vital importance to the Union of Four.

  4. Without Nothing, we could not imagine, we could not bring about new ideas and be where we are in our existence now.

  5. If there were no Nothing there would be no substance to Everything, making it non-existent, and making Living things unable to supply the Source.

  6. Nothing, as well, needs not to be worshiped.
  1. Imagine Nothing, if you can. It is emptiness that no Living can see or comprehend, simply because it isn’t there.

  2. The thought of Nothing has boggled minds for centuries.

  3. It only exists because that is the term that a Living can place on it.

  4. Nothing knows nothing, it is nothing it is the absence of Everything, there is quite literally nothing there.

  5. Nothing but Nothing anyway.

  6. So it is gone and it is constantly gone, but it could not be gone, because in order for something to be gone, there would have had to be something there.

  7. But there is Nothing there. You see how difficult it is to describe Nothing: the moment something is said about it, it moves farther and farther away, creating a black hole effect in the mind, but even a black hole is something.

  8. Nothing is the space outside of existence that isn’t even there.

  9. See, just like that, Nothing is gone again. Off into its endless nothingness looking for an Omnist fool to go and find Nothing.

  10. What does the Omnist find when they get there?…you guessed it…nothing.

  11. How can Nothing be measured? Not sure there is a way to measure it, at least none that we have found yet, the moment you start to try it is back to Nothing and gone.

  12. How can it be written about? That is perplexing in itself as the attempt right now is seemingly getting futile and repetitive.

  13. Describing Nothing is an endless journey, a wild goose chase, but it’s there.

  14. Just at the edge of Everything, there is Nothing, skirting around the outlying boundaries of existence.

  1. Can you see it: suppose not, it is Nothing. It’s not even a devourer or a destroyer, it is Nothing.

  2. Even to say that it is empty would put emphasis on the fact that there is something that makes it up. But, it is Nothing there is no make-up.

  3. But it is there, just the same. There, not existing, waiting for the imagination to turn it into something; then, it still remains Nothing.

  4. Even the name Nothing implies that Nothing has a form and substance.

  5. But Nothing is the best name to put on it, but it wouldn’t even have a name, it is nameless in a sense, because it is Nothing.

  6. It is a part of a Union of Four in the sense that it is the unknown meaning for balance.

  7. The opposite of Everything obviously, is Nothing.

  8. It is from Nothing that ideas are contrived; using imagination and knowledge they can be made real.

  9. Thus, creating something from Nothing.

  10. Is that a form of evolution: in some ways the agreement would favor the answer of yes.

  11. Nothing, Nothing, Nothing.

  12. Even the name gives this a sense of something.

  13. What a piece that does not exist

  14. It’s perplexing lack of composition, is hard to resist.

  1. The Source knows nothing of itself, nor does the Source know of Everything, Nothing and the Living. It has no awareness at all.

  2. The Source is a removal expert (of sorts) in the respect that ideas are constantly moving and that there are ways for Living to make things better or worse.

  3. The Source knows nothing of these things. The Source cares as much as it does not care, if it even could care to do either.

  4. The Source keeps its ways to itself, but is constantly releasing itself in the manner in which we see fit, the Source is not aware of any of this process.

  5. The Source is not all there is. The Source is a portion of the Union of Four.

  6. It will not bring great joy or happiness to anyone or anything.

  7. It is merely a joining point for Everything and Nothing and Living to meet druring the recycling process.

  8. It is always happening and is a constant pit of our judgments that all Living contributes to. All partaking of recycling happens in the Source, but the Source is not a thing of consciousness. It is both simple and complex in its own and came from the theories of both existence and non-existence.

  9. No one belief has all the answers, but collectively they contribute to a power that is entirely unaware of itself.

  10. This power is the Source; it is not a god, nor a purveyor of truth, justice and matter of fact, though it could be viewed that way if one chooses to do so. The Source is the peak, the beginning and the end so to speak and Living is the veil that separates.

  11. Everything is bound to the Source in order to recycle the Living to carry on what is meant to be upheld as all. An Omnist is not going to be able to hold truths that are constantly being bickered about.

  12. It is not worth it to fight over truth when the truth is the various roads that we find ourselves in conflict about. There is no top nor bottom of a circle, it just keeps going and the paths lead out from the center, over a degree then back to the center and so on and so forth, on and on and on.

  13. We as Omnists are intending to be keepers of peace and balance. For now, we walk the middle ground in hopes of making possible the idea of peace among all the things that we once fought over, we choose to understand the necessity of conflict and an arrangement of good intentions.

  14. Good intentions for some gardens are not good intentions for another’s gardens. An Omnist should be more prone to not force their garden onto another’s garden but take in the idea that walking the middle road is going to carry out a deeper meaning on the road to peace.

  1. The Source happens to be one of those things than can only be found if we look within ourselves. It is the feeling that we have that unites us with some, and keeps us away from others. It is within us, and at the same time is open and free to the vastness of the universe.

  2. The Source has no idea of its wanderings through the universes or through our internal universe.

  3. You see, the Source is perfection any one can use to fertilize their gardens with and it is a tool, a perfect tool; perfection, anything that is perfect, could not be aware of its own existence and would have no need for anything or anyone, it is perfect with or without the knowledge of itself...it would not need to invent, write or utilize math...it is perfect.

  4. Thus, having no need for any of these things or for any of the things that made these things up.

  5. It would not matter to the Source if the Union of Four is there or not.

  6. Without it, there would be no reason for the other three things to continue flowing.

  7. But then, the Living aspect of the Union of Four would have no need to come up with the ideas of the Source, had it not been for the feeling of it that they have within.
  1. Within, within, within and then bursting outward without even knowing it.

  2. The jubilant feelings that we all have. Not to mention the anger and rage that can be felt and sent out as well. This is all an aspect of the Source that resides within us.

  3. From our gardens, that is nourished by each of our own Sources comes the feelings that we choose to share, keep held deep inside for none to know or decide to tuck away for another day to share with the ones that we see fit.

  4. These are all contributing factors to what makes the Source what it is.

  5. The Nothing and Everything that it is all tied to.

  6. The Living that supplies it with its existence.

  7. The power that it truly has, yet, has no need to even recognize it.

  8. The Source has no need to even accept its own perfection it has no need to get first place or seek shelter, it holds all the answers it will ever need, yet it would never need the answers because they were already there to begin with.

  9. The answers rest deep within the confines of the Source and they make their way out in time, all in due time. All ready and willing, yet no need for any of it.

  10. How boring if you look to be as perfect as the Source, the beauty Living shares resides in its flawed nature. The crookedness of a tree adds to its perfect imperfection. The idea that sets upon the wonders of what made it grow so twisted and mangled is the idea that first brings perfection into effect.

  11. To one, it may be ugly, but to another Living that views it may find it perfect.

  12. What is it within your own garden, your own Source that makes you identify ugly: first see the beauty in your own flaws, understand that there is more power in the thoughts of Living than one can even begin to fully comprehend.
  1. It is an Omnist’s view that Living is of the utmost importance in life and the Living in the Union of Four is what determines the existence of the other three factors.

  2. Living is unto itself, whether Living is that of the largest organism in whatever world there is down to the smallest organism on that world. They are all a part of the whole, without them there would be no Living.

  3. All is one and one is all and Living is a part of it, just a small part but a large part all the same from a small place that exists within all Living is a link in the chain to the next part of our existence.

  4. The Omnist feels this and is also a part of this. The Omnist is no better or worse for being an Omnist, they can practice whatever they choose so long as their practices do not inflict on another’s garden that is practicing peace.

  5. Living is what is done, and what is needed for things to exist, everywhere.

  6. If there is no Living than there would be no Everything, Nothing and the Source.

  7. Living exemplifies the need to be something, to be a part of something that is far greater a whole rather than an individualistic lonesome thing, we need one another.

  8. Living is capable of anything and Living is the moving factor that pushes Everything and Nothing around the torus.

  9. Living drives the desires, the needs and the wants. Living drives the love and the hate; it is all the physical mechanics that allow Everything to be.

  10. Living is the feelings within the thoughts and the endless supply of energy.

  11. Living feels the water, fire, earth and air.

  12. Living feels the god and the gods, the angels and the demons.

  13. Living is the mythological creatures that inhabit a world that only exists in the minds.

  14. Living is the boundlessness of the impossibility of dreams and the complexities of figuring out all the things that do not exist yet.

  15. Living is the wars and the peace, the dynamic dances of good versus evil.

  16. Living is the unspoken/unwritten words and the mathematics that have yet to be found.

  17. Living exists to ultimately not exist, these are the written words of an Omnist who believes in Living. These are just some of the factors that determine the Living. These are the things that affect the Living. An Omnist is aware that without the Living, they could not exist as an individual nor attempt to be a part of the whole.
  1. Be good to your garden, give your internal land a chance to grow. Cater to it and be happy with the happiness of other Living. Learn and grow together so that the cultivation of your garden affects how others cultivate their own. Inspire one another so that we can carry on for an eternity.

  2. Living is a thing of beauty, not just because you are alive, but because you have been chosen to be a part of Living. Everyone knows the idea of Living exists eternally and without limits. It allows for the idea that anything is possible. It warrants the need for overactive imaginations and unlimited freedom.

  3. Living warrants the need to kill or to die. Living gives back all that had been seemingly lost as a small gesture of being a part of the Union of Four.

  4. It is never-ending and there is Living everywhere, even in the blankness of what seems to be empty. Everyone has that same blankness inside of themselves, that blankness exists in all that is Living.

  5. Living is the only aspect of the Union of Four that is self aware and gives sense to the existence of the other three aspects of the torus.

  6. It strives to keep the Union of Four together as a whole. It is the power behind what makes it all work.

  7. Living gives meaning to push forward through the things that are not yet known.

  8. It is the striving to look beyond fear and leave it to a place where it will serve a better purpose in Nothing.

  9. Living is divided and within all Living are the thoughts and the ideas and feelings of existence.

  10. Living itself is the only thing necessary for the satisfaction of moving forward through the Source as one. It is the self aware piece of the puzzle.

  11. The ideas and feelings that are being brought to us are from everywhere and Living exists to sort those things out. Living exists with and without these things to always tend to making life whole.

  12. An Omnist knows and feels that all are one and one is all, even during times of conflict and confusion. There is nothing more to life, than Living.

  13. There is no servitude in being an Omnist.

  14. There is no higher ground of being, there is wonder and enjoyment in Living and there is no reason to not be happy with Living.

  15. Other gardens may force themselves on an Omnist, but several things that really matter are living without servitude, keeping the peace on the middle ground and being a part of the whole.
  1. All living things fear something and there are no two ways about it, but fear exists in the mind as to give us clarity towards danger.

  2. Fear to an Omnist is part of Living, which means that fear both exists and does not exist.

  3. It is yet another conflicting issue for an Omnist, but it gives to the idea of living in fear of something is not living a just life towards happiness.

  4. Living cannot exist without fear. Living needs to feel fear to be aware of dangers in its garden. Fear cannot hurt you unless you allow fear to overpower your life.

  5. Fear is felt inside and is created and instilled over years of rigorous what to do and what not to do. So, the basis of fear is to keep you safe from danger. However, do not live in fear.

  6. An Omnist might have taught oneself to look at fear as a means of survival for Living and being here.

  7. There is not top nor bottom so there is nothing to fall out of or fall into, simply because, it just is.

  8. Through Living and gaining understanding from listening and interpreting, an Omnist may find no fear that is going to hurt them unless they find ways to scare themselves.

  9. The reasoning behind fear is to keep Living away from danger in order to be Living even after flesh is gone, there is a degree of Living that is applied to the Union of Four.

  10. Living for ones life may not be the sole purpose of every Livings' life.

  11. An Omnist will know that Living is as much separate as it is a part something larger.

  12. Knowing only so much will allow you to be ahead of situations and it is a part of what has filled your garden and other Living may take a part of that garden as they see fit to indulge themselves in and as you see willing to give.

  13. If they fear your garden of Living, then they do not understand fear.

  14. The rationale for Living is to incorporate fear with knowledge of what to do and what not to do. There are small things inside of us that keep us away from that.

  15. There is no escaping your own inner fear unless you can think into the blackness of the Nothing inside of you, that is where the fear of Living exists for most.

  16. An Omnist walks this line of middle ground to try to give knowledge of how not to fear and to accept Living as a life that does not know all of it but, as a Living part of the whole, will know Everything and Nothing.


  1. Listen for the sound of silence.

  2. The Omnist can listen so intently on silence that they begin to get lost in it.

  3. It is oblivion that is a part of Nothing, a part of the blankness that resides in each garden.

  4. The Omnist appreciates this as they appreciate all sounds.

  5. Without the silence there could be no sound of our own Living.

  6. Without the endlessness of silence there could be no sound, so it is appreciated by the Omnist.

  7. Not for the Omnist to be faithful, unless the Omnist chooses a faith to pray or meditate to; for the Omnist to understand hopefulness in a well balanced world.

  8. The cacophony of noises around us reminds us that there is conflict.

  9. If the conflict did not exist then there could be no hope for peace.

  10. The tumultuous times that are lived in are experienced by all. So through sound we are one in the sense that we can relate to hearing the cacophony of it all.

  11. One noise amplifying itself off of the things around them and then mixing in with the sound of other noises around them.

  12. Would the noises be there if it wasn’t for the capabilities of the Living to hear them?

  13. Again, the age old question, if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

  14. Some Living hear things differently, at times you could find yourself listening so intently to another Living speak, yet, the words may not even get through to you in the way that you should have understood them.

  15. You still heard them, but they disappear, perhaps you are to acknowledge them later and give yourself an “oh, that is what they said” remark.

  16. It is an internal conflict of your own sense of sound.

  17. As if you wanted to listen, but deep down in the distances within you there was something else that you were actually listening to.

  18. We all do it as Living, it happens, is it a flaw: that answer would depend on another Livings point of view.

  19. That does not make them right, you yourself know that you wanted to take the words in, but there was something else telling you that there was possibly something more going on around you at the time that was seemingly more important than the words coming out of the other Livings mouth.
  1. The sense of sound works with our other senses in a manner of unification.

  2. What we hear and take in is processed so quickly, that sometimes our instincts kick in and tell us to cover our heads when we hear a harmful noise. Or, to duck and cover when another Living yells “watch out!”

  3. Certain sounds please us in many ways.

  4. To some it is the beautiful music composed by our favorite band and the singer and their voice that touches our gardens so deeply inside. Perhaps the singer is attractive and that ignites our other senses after we are drawn in by the sound of the voice.

  5. Some are drawn to the sound of electricity vibrating overhead as they pass underneath high powered electrical lines.

  6. Perhaps they feel the currents in ways that others can’t.

  7. But the other Living walking with them may feel something else outside of the current.

  8. The wildlife in the quiet area may be deterred by the sound of the electrical current buzzing above and/or the sound may act as some sort of a barrier that they can actually see and understand as something that gives them boundaries.

  9. There are numerous ways to understand sound and there are numerous undiscovered ways that sound still has yet to give use to.

  10. Some may see sound. It's not impossible just ask those that do, they see sound waves in color and witness it's motions as it vibrates in waves across their minds.
  1. Some Living hear things that others can’t perhaps it is voices in their minds or the sound of a cymbal crashing in their heads. Certain animals hear things in ways that only few of us humans can even begin to accept as true while a small fraction of us actually can see it and have no way to prove it other than our word.

  2. The voices of long gone friends and lovers that rattle on in their memories and fading away across the expanse of vibration that draws a line through ones own mind.

  3. Other Living may be unable to hear these things; yet, when it is described, the one claiming to hear such things is given some kind of a label.

  4. Thus, scaring them into a place where no more understanding can be learned about how they are hearing such noises.

  5. It is merely kept to them and lost to the rest of the world.

  6. The understanding that majority presses onto this is that there is something that needs to be fixed about this Living. Rather than allowing that Living to embrace what it is deep within their minds that brings about these (matters of fact to them) noises that are impossible for another Living to hear.

  1. To those who cannot hear, it is difficult for those of us who can hear to relate to you. The same rules apply to the loss of other senses, as well.

  2. The world experienced by those with a loss of senses is a mysterious one indeed; those that live that life stand as a shining example of Living, to remind other Living that things are not always as bad as one thinks they could be.

  3. The obstacles that are to be overcome by such a loss of sense should be viewed as nothing short of astounding.

  4. It points to the indomitable will to survive, live and be a part of life in general and is just one amazing aspect and is something that we should try to remember and apply to a great deal of other aspects of life, in relative terms.

  5. The loss of things such as senses the loss of the ability to hear, to take in something that others take for granted, the gift of sound, and to keep going despite the troubles.

  1. Think to yourself of the stimulating pleasures that sight grants you.

  2. The view of a beautiful horizon, the sight of open fields, the kind of open fields in which their beauty may only make sense, to you.

  3. The sight of a magnanimous animal that, upon seeing it, takes your breath away and makes you think twice about being what it is you are.

  4. The sight of upheaval in the things around you and the sight of atrocities being committed. Your sight alone is not the only power to be able to take it down.

  5. One of the senses that are innate to most, sight is the benefit of being able to see the things directly around you.

  6. It is something that the majority of Living have in common in this world.

  7. There are numerous different types of sight to be analyzed, and most of them are attainable through technology. Although, some sight is derived from within.

  8. Internal sight, about who you are as a Living and what it is you are capable of.

  9. Once you see who it is you are then you are capable of relating to those who have looked deep within the confines of their own minds.

  10. You see the tree dance on the air in ways that others do not, and they see it in such a way that you are unable to comprehend.

  11. You feel the same air that is moving the tree and if you hold on long enough you can feel something much more as the air passes in between the branches and makes the tree dance.

  12. Sight is a feeling as much as it is a sense; combined with the other senses it gives a more powerful meaning to being a part of Living and these things are obvious, more often than not though, are taken very much for granted.
  1. Sight is a sense for us to use to identify with our surroundings, to visualize things that are abstract and also for seeing inside of another Living. Seeing into the garden of another Living, seeing into another's garden and witness as it meshes with your own.

  2. Seeing beyond the internal confines of ones outer vision and looking internal into one's own mind when they sit down and focus deeply.

  3. Focusing or seeing into the questions from our outside world and to be able to grasp the answers we hold deep within us, so that we may be able to identify with the things that come from our surroundings.

  4. We all have them, inside worlds, though many are afraid to discuss them for fear of sounding as though they might be characterized as insane.

  5. Perhaps it is time to move past locking that vision away and to stop passing judgments because it is something that much of society has yet to accept. That if it cannot be measured than it should not exist and is not true is a mentality that keeps us blinded by a rationale of thought that may be critical and over-bearing. That being TOLD what to do by those who may not fully see the same way as others is a vision of the past and it is time for us to look into the future.

  6. So long as ones own garden is not poisoned, then perhaps it is best to leave another to tend to their's after knowing that there is nothing there for you to fertilize your garden with.

  7. Is it worth it then, to lop off another’s head in the name of: it is better to just move on for the sake of your garden.

  8. Is it worth it to destroy or alter the history of our world because it defies the power that those think they have that are now running rampant through all of our cultures: it is better to allow history to be recognized for what it is and keep a line of what it is in tact rather than alter or destroy it for the benefit of those that think they rule.

  9. Is it worth it to throw out something that one may find beautiful, because to another it is merely temptation: what is good for one garden, may not be good for another's but this does not make one garden bad and the other good.

  10. Many of the mistakes of our past have been due to the lack of accepting the inner sight that we all possess. Is that not worth understanding and keeping in mind that “those who do not remember their pasts will be doomed to repeat it” that is a good saying that applies very well to a great number of things.

  11. But not all of what we see should be taken in as reality. If you only see it that way then by all means, continue to argue scripture with scripture, just keep it to yourselves and argue at whatever place of worship is best for you, because those trying to reach out for something better do not care to see such things.

  12. Some Living out there just happen to see beyond that, only to be labeled as something that make them feel awful by those who only want to see the past as our only future and carry on outdated ways of treating people.

  13. Not to say there is not a god, but perhaps it is not your god that defines one truth, or any one god that defines truth, for that matter. A god that if we claim to be able to see, then we are touched by whatever great evil has kept that religion in business. That’s what the fear of maleficent practices has taught us to see instead of learning to see for ourselves.

  1. Satisfaction, that is the word that comes to mind when taste is fulfilled.

  2. The little buds on your tongue have had the craving of that taste that your mind so desperately wanted fulfilled.

  3. Be it sweet, salty, vinegar, bitter, alcohol or water.

  4. Something to satisfy the taste buds...to satisfy the minds cravings...tobacco, strawberries, fresh meat or something that has been stored away in the cold for six months.

  5. Gluten, pink slime, trans and saturated fats.

  6. Natural peanut butter or s’mores while sitting around a campfire.

  7. Good taste is a relative term, some have a “sweet tooth” while others prefer wriggling and raw.
  1. Taste can go beyond the mouth and into the areas of our lives where we find ourselves in a tasteful position that others may agree with.

  2. Is this book written in good taste? Are there flavors in another’s mind that this book has hopefully been able to satisfy? Was that a tasteful thing to say to the Living that just walked passed you? The behavior of some intoxicated Living that was at the event last night, was any of their actions done in good taste?

  3. Who and what decides that? Societal norm? Common sense? A combination of both of those things?

  4. The realistic things of what to do and what not to do all in favor of having good taste.

  5. Is it a combination of what touches our mouth to satisfy our minds that could bring us to our own personal level of what good taste is in our own minds?

  6. What we do sitting alone in the confines of our own room may be good taste for us and what we do alone defines our character. But if witnessed by another Living, that may bring about a conflict or a feeling of disgust or, even an agreement on how good of a taste the particular Living feels we have.

  7. Is it only opinion based around chance and the statutes of majority rules being the “normal” that defines good taste?

  8. But, due to an over-bearing societal norm for us to express feelings and emotions many of us have opted to suppress these natural feelings because we have been led to believe they are a factor that makes us weak.

  9. Some of those who have good tastes are afraid to share them.

  10. Has this not been commonplace practice throughout history? Does good taste dictate the majority rules of society? Does that not resonate throughout culture?

  11. Without taste, would we not know what satisfies our minds in the smallest of portions? Why is it then good taste is related to that which is trendy?

  12. Perhaps we just mush our minds away from what truly is tasteful for us by buying into the diction of societies rules. Thus, allowing us to be controlled one taste bud at a time.
  1. Things that could define sweetness too, is also derived from the nostrils.

  2. A sweet smell is something that may put a smile on our faces, or something that may be pungent and make us cringe.

  3. What may smell alluring to some, may not be the same enticing aroma to others;

  4. It may be the smell of a skunk in the distance that one is drawn towards and is adored to the noxious scent.

  5. While another may be inclined to hold their nose in disgust and travel far away until the smell is quelled by distance. The sweet perfume that one may wear may be comparable to some to the smell of fuel being pumped. Or the cooking of garlic may, to those who like it, smell as sweet as a rose to another.

  6. Smell can draw us in, or steer us away.

  7. The smell of rotting flesh is something that can lure in animals that wish to feast on the carrion. It can tell you where a Living has just recently frequented, if they have been in a place of flowers, or in a less desirable situation.

  8. Waste and refuse deter us and it may cause us to wear masks due to the things that may be floating around in the toxic air at the site.

  9. Does smell allows us to remember things by lessons: meaning that we have learned many of the things we like and dislike through smell. We can associate so much with just the simple smell of something in the distance; that it allows us to conjure up a reflection of the past. Something along the lines of “smells like what mom used to make.” Or that the smell of smoke may alert us, so that we act in order to not end up like crispy carrion.
  1. Do we think we as humans: or, are we the only ones on this planet with the capacity to understand that and know that smell warns us and draws us in; and it brings about reminiscent thoughts to the mind.

  2. Is their nothing Living can't do: when they are finally together and look at what their imagination has made, a part of Living and other Living that sees and identifies this will begin to create a well.

  3. There are many things that go beyond our understanding, the smells that we are unable to smell underwater, isn’t that something that we have yet to accomplish, is to smell underwater?

  4. So what capacity is it, that we've made-up that we have not sorted out yet and that we have yet to understand?

  5. Is it just a physical make-up?

  6. Is there a human Living out there at the moment actually practicing the concept of smelling underwater?

  7. If there is not, is that just an idea that was plucked out of Nothing?

  8. A human, a mammal, a rat, a dog, a cat, a bee, a tree, a leaf or even a bat.

  9. Any one of those things coming up with the idea to smell underwater.

  10. Just one random thought, supposedly.

  11. What can you come up with about smell?

  1. Here’s a big one, touch, to be able to touch of everything.

  2. To be touched by the ones we love and that love us. Touching us physically, mentally, emotionally, deeply. Touching us all over, us touching them. Skin to skin, heart to heart.

  3. Seeing inside one another and having the ability to connect with that-one other Living in the confines of our minds that hold currently hold us captive.

  4. Perhaps we are the one Living that feels as though that there is not another out there for us.

  5. Singling ourselves out to live inside our own microcosms inside our minds that only we get to touch, see, taste, hear and smell.

  6. Imagine the fact that there are others out there with that same ability to create a microcosm. There world may have something in it that your world desires.

  7. Imagine one day actually getting to touch that world.

  8. Two minds/worlds (mirlds??) coming together through the senses to make another kind of sense.

  9. Is it not a touching thought: to know that there is more out there, more outside of the world that you have built.

  10. Another Living that may be craving the things that you have once thought of as distasteful even in your own mind.

  11. To think that another may not ever get to experience it. The colors and the way the purple mist may run down into the electric blue caverns. Deep into the richest confines of your own mind. The things and ideas that you may have yet to pluck out of Nothing and allow it to become a part of Everything.
  1. One of the five senses that we all relate to, touch lets us know that we as Living are engaging something that is physical, something that is of us and a part of something larger than just the physical alone.

  2. It can be a benefit to us in letting us know that something is causing us pain and that we feel the spray of water refreshing our bodies and the cool breeze on a hot day as it gently blows by us.

  3. That is touch, Living has this and it is another innate thing that we can all relate to on a base level.

  4. We are all born human before we are born anything else and as humans touch ignites us, when our lips touch another’s, it brings about even more emotions from within; that may cause excitement leading to even more touching.

  5. It brings alive the imagination when our eyes are closed. We may not know what it is we are touching, but we can imagine something/someone that causes us a generalized touch in either physical or emotional ways. That is a power of the mind using the sense of touch, combining it with other factors of who we are as Living.
  1. How touching it is, to touch and be touched.

  2. To understand that in good taste and the way that the pleasant scent touches the memories of some long ago time in the kitchen, at the movies, in the woods or off to sea.

  3. How touching and fitting the idea of understanding an unlimited kind of touch.

  4. That the taken for granted idea of touch of just reaching our limbs out and being touched outside as well as touching and being touched on the inside.

  5. To forget in those moments in the culmination of our senses, the word becomes meaningless, and how touching an array of emotions gets swept over us in the moments that our wonderful indulgences come out to play. That is all of our senses being touched and working together to touch others.


  1. Well, it is an element, is it not?

  2. Much like its sibling elements fire, air and water it is a basic thing that simply always was.

  3. Living walks/crawls on it, burrows into it, grows out from it, decays, and gets consumed by the things that dwell within it.

  4. We grow our food in gardens in much the same way as we tend to our own gardens.

  5. These gardens too, can be poisoned; they can be poisoned by another Livings ideas of what to put into another's garden and that is not fair.

  6. Unknowingly they may end up suggesting something that would actually be no good for the garden. Thus, killing the fruit and vegetables and the herbs and flowers that you may be trying to grow.

  7. How delicate a balance a garden needs in order to sustain, changing that balance could result in devastation to your garden; but, that does not mean that it will be gone forever, balance can be re-established though it may not be the same as it once was.
  1. Earth, as it has proven time and time again can be very powerful, and naturally, should be respected like its sibling elements.

  2. It moves, it crumbles, and it caters to the needs of Living.

  3. It can also destroy Living; it has no need to be worshiped.

  4. With or without Living, the idea of earth will probably still be there.

  5. But, without calculations, how is it that that, could even be proved: is that not much like if a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it...does it make a sound…how is it that the element of earth, like the other elements, would even exist without Living?

  6. Is it better to assume that it just would: because without Living, it wouldn’t matter anyway; Now would it…?
  1. Much like the senses that we have just gone through, the elements work the same way in correspondence with the senses. There is no specific order to the elements. Although, we are astrologically inclined towards some more than others. Oddly enough, earth is one of those elements, and astrology does not hold all the answers.

  2. There are many little nuances involved among each individual Living to bring together all of the answers.

  3. But, we are all connected in the elements, and we all have a birthday, even Jesus was an Aquarius. If an alien comes down from another planet (assuming they exist), they may have their own birth-date on their own planet. But here, it could be calculated as to what sign they would be on this planet when their birthday rolls around. Thus, linking us in some way, shape or form; and inviting the alien into a form of Living that many of the people on this planet adhere too.

  4. Of course, many don’t adhere to it, that doesn’t make either one thing nor the other wrong. That just means that each has their own garden to tend to and knows what's good for it.

  5. Earth, is a fixed element, it is not going anywhere anytime soon.

  6. It was here long before us and will likely be here long after us.

  7. But where were we then and where are we bound to go?

  8. Some say above earth, some say below earth.

  9. Who is to say: the earth could probably care less either way, and the element of earth alone probably really has little say or concern about it.

  10. Unless of course you are essential for it to be here. Perhaps the element only exists in your imagination then or even because we are here.

  11. The thoughts could get astronomical and have to be dis-proven, if calculations of random thoughts exist. Not sure but they can be written down at a pretty good speed.

  12. At least we know we are all connected by the element of earth.

  1. One of the necessary elements in order for us to live, survive, generate power and many other aspects of just one of the natural elements on this planet that we have yet to fully harness.

  2. It is the smooth breeze that cools us off.

  3. It is a part of our natural consumption in order to sustain us makes us whole.

  4. Air is just one important aspect that all of us have in common.

  5. Yet, beyond the fact that we all need air to live, we cannot be happy with that simple fact that it is vital to all of us.

  6. It is free for now, no doubt though, (unless we can find a way to see beyond it) those that serve the notion of greed will find a way to convince us that we need to be charged for air as well.

  7. Air is just another thing that we can (and should) find common ground with. Something as simple as what it is that keeps us alive, it is something that we share with the animals yet we can’t even appreciate that among one another and soon enough someone greedy will come along and feel as though they have the power to charge us for the air we breathe.

  8. Shouldn’t we all be able to appreciate the air: without it, we couldn’t do anything. There would be no fire to keep us warm. There wouldn’t be a need to appreciate being cooled off on a hot day by a simple gust of wind.
  1. As an element it is a double edged sword. It has power that could topple great structures. It’s co-relation with temperature could cause us great pain in the climates that are situated in the cold.

  2. It has great power and we recognize this power. Yet, we forget that this is a vital linking point in how we all must live.

  3. It can carry sounds across a field sending messages to something that we cannot see and hoping that our message reaches its destination.

  4. It carries smells, though sometimes, they may not be nice smells (giggle) it is still something that is, in itself, interesting.

  5. It could be a smell from some far off distance, or the smell of approaching rain.

  6. It gives us a hint of what is to come, or something that we may or may not come across.

  7. Acknowledging that should be something that we can all at least sing and dance about.

  8. It is not complex, it is there and has been there, it is an invisible part of us; but we know even though we cannot see it, we still need it.

  9. Without it Living suffocates and dies. If it goes, is that perhaps because we willed it to go: and what Living would be around long enough to even answer that question once the air is gone?

  10. Perhaps the Living that learned to smell underwater could answer.
  1. As an Omnist, there is no need for worship of the air, nor any of the elements for that matter.

  2. Just one more way to look at how we should all be linked together.

  3. It is something that is taken for granted. The air is something so taken for granted, that we only remember the negative aspects of it when they happen.

  4. There is study of it, no doubt, but the most understood thing about air is that it is vital for Living to live.

  5. It can be used as common ground.

  6. Beyond all we know and think of ourselves and hold onto how smart or powerful we are with whatever it may be that fuels our own internal engine.

  7. We would relinquish all of that, if we were to lose the air we breathe.

  8. That too, should be a sense of common ground for us to find within one another.

  9. That we are able to understand and appreciate the air we breathe.

  10. There are some that would prefer to not breathe. Sadly, that is still vital to the appreciation that we have it to breathe.

  11. That we have it to utilize and combine with other elements to keep us warm; to appreciate the refreshing breeze that blows right when we need it most.
  1. At one point in time it would have been thought impossible that something that cannot be seen can hold weight on its invisible spine.

  2. But, it was found out, through imagination, then science.

  3. At one point in time it was said, “We cannot fly like the birds.” Not sure who exactly gets the credit for that phrase, but kudos anyway! Without you, it wouldn't have prompted us to try.

  4. But, we can now, the math was there before, but the concept of it was nothing more than that of fantasy and diluted ideas of those that were considered, aloof.

  5. Yet, just one more thing that can bring us together with air.

  6. The marvels in the sky are something that may be thought to be some kind of abomination by some.

  7. By others it is a miracle, but it is something that is, like the air, taken for granted.

  8. It is forgotten about and taken advantage of.

  9. But at least us flying is no longer non-sense.

  10. It is a truth that we have harnessed the power of the things that keep us Living.

  11. Sometimes we forget the initial importance to us though; air is just one of those things that is set aside and not given much thought about. Until it is taken away from us. Then, it becomes the most important thing in our world.
  1. Oh yes it will burn.

  2. It will cook, singe, and make Living feel warm.

  3. It will make Living feel pain, give them light, a source of energy to run machines.

  4. It will give us something to look into, and get lost in.

  5. It will also give us something to fear.

  6. It is an element, yet one that would not exist without the other elements.

  7. They are essential for balance towards one another, and fire holds no power over anything if it wasn’t for the power of the other elements working in harmony to keep its structure the formless nature that it is.

  8. If there were no elements of earth and air, there would be no fuel for the fire.

  9. If there were no water to put it out, the fire would consume the earth and the air.

  10. It is essential to survival for Living that this powerful element is in our grasp.

  11. That we can harness it, and utilize it in harmony with the other elements.

  12. But to think we control it is just ignorant as well as arrogant.

  13. Living is at fires whim, not the other way around.

  14. Living needs fire, but fire will do just as well without Living.

  15. It will be, as the other elements would be, for they themselves are an existence all their own.

  16. We as Living, do not control fire, nor do we control any of the elements. We are at their will. They can do much more damage to Living, than Living can do to them.
  1. Say for instance there was a way to measure the “alive” aspect of fire.

  2. If the fire could talk, what would it say?

  3. Has this not once been recorded in history, was that fact shaping history, or fiction shaping history: the answer all depends on your level of faith in imagination, one would suppose.

  4. Perhaps we should all go out and look for a burning bush.

  5. But it’s not as if we cannot create it through props and things of the ilk.

  6. Of course it is only a hypothetical and theatrics, at least for the moment.

  7. One day perhaps the imaginations of all Living things will come to life, in some way, shape or form.

  8. Just think of how many evil spirits and ideas that run rampant through our minds now, many of which are related to fire.

  9. Even though one could sit down at a campfire at night and be mesmerized for quite some time just by staring into the dance of the fire.

  10. The ambient noise that it creates from the wood popping and releasing air.

  11. The company that is shared around the glow and the warmth that draws them all close enough to have a sense of unison.

  12. Unison that could only exist if the elements are working together and our senses are taking us elsewhere to feel the touch of the Living sitting next to us.

  13. Amazing what fire is capable of doing, even when it is contained.

  14. Surrounded by a group, all of whom are engaged with one another through the fire, as the fire encompasses them.

  1. Very likely one of the most powerful of the elements. Life, as we know it, cannot exist without water.

  2. It can transform itself into a solid, a gas, and then re-form back into a liquid.

  3. Without it there would be no Living.

  4. No reason for the other elements to be what they are.

  5. No reasonable use for fire, because without water, why would there be a need for fire: if it had nothing to put it out, it would ultimately run rampant and then consume itself.

  6. It is the nourishing element for all Living.

  7. Creatures of the sea, lakes and rivers live within it.

  8. Plants grow because they need it, allowing air to fill the lungs of Living creatures, cycling oxygen as fuel for other living creatures.

  9. It can have things added to it.

  10. It can flow and destroy, if pressed upon by acts that whatever you blame it on desires.

  11. We can live on the water, we can live next to the water but we have yet to figure out how to live in the water.

  12. It can be consumed to hydrate us as it hydrates the plants and it can be used to help disinfect if brought to the right temperatures.

  13. The rain washes many things clean, and some of us like to dance in it as it cools our faces and cleanses our spirits.

  14. Snow and ice are frozen aspects of water. It can be something fun that Living can indulge in if they have not forgotten how to live like a child; and how to embrace the laughter when a snowball unexpectedly hits them and is followed by the laughter of the child that had thrown it.

  15. We can enjoy recreation in it as we take a dip on a hot day to escape the heat.

  16. We have much exploration that needs to be done in the depths of the oceans.

  17. We know more about the surface of neighboring celestial bodies than we know of what lies deep within our oceans.

  18. That is the depth of water, it goes further still as one cannot figure this all out alone; there is also the idea that the deepest secrets lay hidden deep in our oceans.

  19. If this allows complacency then please indulge that for ones-self and use it to educate and give ideas to others gardens, but do not press it upon another.
  1. Sometimes the water can get or become fouled.

  2. Much like anything else in our world it is corruptible.

  3. It may happen Inadvertently, or on purpose.

  4. Sad to say it can be done in the quiet times when some Living feels the need to do something very rotten.

  5. How sad to use such a wonderful element to give no choice but to drink whatever poison it has been infused with.

  6. These rotten ways need to have an agreed upon end to them.

  7. But, alas, there will end up being other forms of horrible acts, as we as Living, progress together through life.

  8. There will always be something that acts as the tormentor of water.

  9. Of the fluid that brings us life and allows us to be Living.

  10. As an enormous part of our world.

  11. As an enormous part of our own genetic make-up. How is that such an easily forgotten thing?

  12. Is it now only because that an overabundance of something allows us to think that we will not run out?

  13. What will happen if we do?

  14. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen and we remember how important all the natural elements pull together along with our senses to make something complete.

  15. Without any of them it would be difficult to recognize one from the other.

  16. The senses and the elements bring us all together and tie us to one another.

  17. What is it that has created so much distance between us all?

  18. What driving force has created a wedge so deep within us that we find reasons to hate one-another for our differences instead of acknowledging the things that allow us all to have so much in common?

  19. Many have said it perhaps we should all (all Living) pull together and realize what it is that brings us together and be as fluid as the water.

  20. Be scorching like the fire to anything that would drive a wedge between the things that, from birth, unify us as the same.

  21. Be supportive, like earth, through each others endeavors to succeed in something that would bring a further approach to common ground as we walk on her supportive lands.

  22. Breathe in together, the air, that fills us with vibrant life and gives us the necessary oxygen that much Living on this planet needs to sustain itself.

  23. Use all of our senses in unison to touch the differences and look past them into the inner parts of ourselves that we cannot see with our bare eyes.

  24. It is a metaphorical burning that can be smelled and tasted. So let it be done in good taste as we strive for something that is seemingly impossible.

  25. Let the final element be a part of us and us a part of it.

  26. Let us be the humans that utilize our minds and hearts but not forget that we are also the animal element as well.

  1. It is important for us to understand that no living thing is beneath us nor is it above us; but, always with us.

  2. Animals are just as much a part of Living as we are; they are breathing, communicating and understanding.

  3. Their languages are different from ours, we try to communicate and they seem to understand us far better than we understand them.

  4. That is essential; it allows us to fill our gardens with the peace necessary to sustain our balance.

  5. An Omnist finds specific beauties in the flaws of nature and its animals, forever adding to the perfection of our inner blankness.

  6. We are one of the whole as are the animals.

  7. There is no emptiness to them other than the hole in us that they have grown to see. The emptiness that our gardens grow from and what our gardens have grown into.

  8. An Omnist may feel as though they see us as darkness, not entirely in fear, but as something they do not know.

  9. They do not have much understanding of mathematics or writing, as we recognize them.

  10. Be grateful to say their disposition of peace is far greater than our understanding.

  11. They are more powerful than us in the sense that they have no limits to freedom, save for the limits they give unto themselves.

  12. There is fluid mastery in their movements which we as a self proclaimed “higher species” have adapted unto ourselves.

  13. There are deities created from the likenesses of animals.

  14. That by now is considered not profound enough for them to be honored as an endless part of our whole.

  15. They provide happily to sustain balance for first themselves, then for us, as we take more and more as a deal of unfairness towards them.

  16. We are to live, but the time honored tradition of regarding the elements should not be forgotten.

  17. We are not dominant of them; however, without them, there would be no sense of mastery.

  18. What good then is master of something over another species?

  19. What control would we know had it not been for animals: it would be a whirlwind of confusion had there been no animals to learn from.

  20. The animals taught us our place and some of us have forgotten their power, no need for worship from an Omnist, unless the Omnist chooses to do so, as any Omnist could choose to worship as they see fit. That is their decision to make for their garden.

  21. But a feeling of justification should always be sent to the creatures that have been beside us throughout time.

  22. The creatures that we are still learning from and witnessing, from the lives of animals past we learn of our evolution as beings and the evolution of God and gods, whether it all exists, or not.
  1. The Living that share this planet with us are revered by some as guides and deities, mostly though as wild and some as pets.

  2. A metaphorical guide, a spirit guide, a warrior guide and so on and so forth.

  3. To some that practice is considered wrong and to others it is a small part of their internal feelings.

  4. Many hold high the animals that they own and cherish them as pets, others abuse the trusting nature or think it is right to abuse our animal counterparts.

  5. While others are still in search of finding the most dangerous of game.

  6. Fishing, hunting, trapping for food and the usage of the entire animal is a practice that each hunter should consider learning. It is something that our ancestors have done in order to survive and build a better world for their families and future generations.

  7. Hunting for sport is just a simple way to prove that there is always going to be cruel Living out there. Cruel Living that care little for the feelings of the animals that are also a part of who the hunters are on this world.

  8. A part of Living and a part of Everything animals are a very close link to the things that we don’t fully understand.

  9. They have souls, they have feelings and they have emotions, we share these things with them.

  10. They understand better the laws of the wild then most of us do.

  11. The laws that our gardens once thrived on, and still happen to be a part of who we are.

  12. Though, that part of our survival instincts appears as though it is fading away and being replaced by a behavior that could be compared to as lazy.

  13. We still have the basic need to survive.

  14. We can revert back and learn what it is to survive if we have to.

  15. Throw away the niceties that one finds so wonderful these days.

  16. The safety and security of the society that they have confined themselves to and are now having spoon-fed to them, causing them not to see for themselves what it is that humans have begun doing to this world.

  17. There is safety in numbers, of course.

  18. But, some numbers look at other numbers as lesser numbers.

  19. Do we not live exactly as the animals in the wild: only now we refer to it as civilized.
  1. What is domination over something?

  2. Is it just a false interpretation of power and the conceit that comes along with it?

  3. Who truly rules the things that should not be ruled?

  4. What god of gods is it that can stake their claim to the providers?

  5. Do the animals not share the same senses as us if not already having certain senses more developed?

  6. Do they not walk, swim, breathe and thrive among the same elements and share the same needs as us?

  7. How then is equality taken away from them, other than the fact we have grown to have certain capabilities that we say they do not have, things like government and “advanced” social structures?

  8. There are things that are undiscovered about them, as much as there are things undiscovered about us. Isn’t that a level of understanding to allow us the capacity to draw a parallel with them during our lives? Shouldn’t that allow many of us to share the same parallel with one another? Have we grown so ignorant and blind to not see such a relation?

  9. Do we not have the ability to understand each other on a deeper level, with hope for all of us, that we all share. Taught to us by the animals that we travel through life with.

  10. There will come a time when wastefulness will be intolerable and hopefully become a thing of the past.

  11. To take away from something that is thought to be weaker, leads to the lack of understanding the strengths that the weak have. Advantageous strength used to overpower is lack of understanding and an abuse of power; that in itself is a travesty.

  12. It happens to all Living and it is an issue that should have attention brought to it, so that we may further our existence with the things that have meaning and share this world with us, as we share it with them.

  13. Living of evil power are consumed by it, so let it come to pass that they are seen as something that is not good, let them see it for themselves. For they are the ones that are to blame, they alone are just plain [insert preferential derogatory name here].

  14. That though, is essential for their gardens. If not for the unsympathetic, how would there been empathy for another Living’s life?

  15. When all the animals are gone, when all the crops are harvested and when all the fish are caught, it will be then that humans realize they cannot eat finances.

  16. So perhaps, it is best assumed, that the animals are the meek and that they are the ones to inherit the earth. For they have been known to guide our spirits and for us to guide them and bring compassion, love and to care for one another. Without the animals, without our spirit, without their knowledge of the wild, we would not have come as far as we have.
  1. In a variety of ways we are animals and animals are an element, we happen to fill the aspect of humanity in the animal element.

  2. Our emotions and personalities can be compared to that of the other elements, we can take on and have a fiery ambition or temper, we can sometimes be air-headed or move fluidly like water in certain undertakings physical and mentally. We can be as stubborn and unmoving as a mountain comprised of so much earth that nothing will shake us from our position.

  3. It’s all tied in and we are all together here; our senses tied into the elements as we are essentially the element that is needed in order for the others to exist. Without us, without us thinking of these things, they would probably not exist nor have any reason for being.

  4. That is the power of the animal element that we are, our consciousness existing for the existence of others. How is it we overlook the most simplest of things and continue to come to the conclusion that everything is so much more complicated than it actually has to be. When we go beyond our capacity to understand those that have once cared for us, it is time for us to understand evolution and gods as the same thing.


  1. It is a manner of existence for all Living, the fundamental plane where all applications of life take place.

  2. It is conscious awareness for dreams and imagination to take form and eventually come true.

  3. It is the physical limitations set on what can be done and what is said cannot be done.

  4. It is the fibers of being that allow the senses to be indulged.

  5. It is an unquestioned standstill that exists due to oppose our imaginations; without reality, there would be no imagination and without imagination, reality would not be what it is today.

  6. Reality is comprised of the matter of fact that fiction cannot seemingly penetrate.

  7. From fiction comes to life the fears, hopes and dreams that drive realities for many of us.

  8. It is for the currently unrivaled laws of math and the level of our physical senses that allows reality to be more than just a concept.

  9. We can calculate reality and break down what we take in through sight, sound, smell, taste and touch, combined with the elements, this shapes our reality. These combinations measure, weigh and give substance to Living.

  10. We are bound to a reality that the Living awakens to.

  11. The sun rises and sets, thus, making way for the moon to run its course.

  12. Day after day and night after night.

  13. The reality of long ago was that these celestial objects were given names and faces; stories from long gone civilizations that worshiped them each as a god of their own, or something of the ilk.

  14. Now though that is no longer considered the reality of it. Over time those things have been dismantled and torn away by those who felt so strongly about something else.

  15. Had what we now know been considered then, the normal majority now may have been considered heretics of some kind and sacrificed or buried alive or fed to the lions.

  16. That then, was the reality. The truth from then is currently considered fiction in the confines of what we now consider a reality, making those long lost beliefs fantasies to most of the current cultural norm.

  17. The Omnist will take as much of those beliefs into a deep consideration as something that has forged a way to create the bulk of what is now present day reality. Combining their senses with the elements and look deep within their own minds to forge a new reality from their own imagination.

  18. Taking into consideration what may not be good for another’s garden. The Omnist is on a teeter tottering path amongst those who fear and those who fight, amongst those who choose to force their gardens onto others in a ludicrous idea of peace that was derived from strife and agony.

  19. How so now is the current reality that has been forged that of something that the minds of others can be so suppressed in?

  20. What power are those truly consumed and held down by, that they feel it is right to press themselves and their beliefs of what truth in this reality is?

  21. Have we not found ways to break through the barrier that is reality?

  22. Do we not make things up: the most imaginative of minds can bring to reality things that most of us would not even consider dreaming of. The clout of materialistic needs has dulled the imagination and is shaping reality into what we say we fear most, yet most of us assume the position of doing nothing about.

  23. Reality now is that we cannot breathe under water without the proper apparatus. Perhaps someday, if a large enough amount of Living feel so compelled to, we might.

  24. Thus, altering reality, at least the reality that we presently enorse. In some other reality, mermaids would find it ludicrous that their form of Living would ever live outside of the confines of the vast ocean.

  25. Is it not though, something that the Living must still come back to, or be deemed some kind of a crack-pot (by loose definition) by those that set a watch to the unquestioned level of reality: when reality is constantly being re-shaped by our current technologies regardless.

  26. Rules and laws get based around the reality, giving to it more power and pulling more tightly on the chains that keep many dreamers held down. The dreamers that are re-shaping reality regardless of said chains.

  27. The laws and rules give strength to whatever is held true, as a form of absolution to those who fear to roam outside the safe quarters of their confined reality.

  28. Many realities differ, vary and hold their own weight on groups; doesn’t that hold true for all other groups?

  29. Do we not each hold tight to our own efforts of what we see and present it to other gardens as something new, thus, expanding ourselves and enriching the soil that makes our own garden plentiful.

  30. If not for someone else’s grasp on their reality, would it be possible to come up with ones own reality?

  31. Would we not be able to venture off and find a feeling of inner peace had it not been for the soil of another’s garden, that the matters of fact to that gardens reality is not our own reality, but a reality that many of us just deem as best suited to live in?

  32. Some Living should hold tight to a safety net for broken thoughts of what reality is.

  33. Reality keeps the Living safe and gives berth to the weary travels of our gardens imagination.

  34. Without others holding true to their realities there would be no danger or fear, thus, offsetting balance and carry with it no reason or logic for imagination to present itself.

  35. There would be no hope for times of rest; times that, for the reality of some, is long overdue.

  36. For others’ reality is at hand.

  37. There is no tipping of the scales of balance, but the agreement that would make us closer to being one, should be that of; not forcing our gardens onto one another but, feeling content to help those that we see as our enemy and being comfortable in keeping our own alliances with one another in tact.

  38. As redundancies begin to take their effect on you, this will come back and let you know that there is something involved and influencing you outside of those that deem you, unworthy.
  1. Sitting and seeing things (as are distinguished by reality) the things around you perceive you as you.

  2. Though, in the confines of reality a Living can drift into their own imagination.

  3. Does one exist in the other or for the other: for some, their imaginations are their realities.

  4. It becomes something else other than an escape into their minds.

  5. They can make up and build their own worlds.

  6. Their own made up devices, their own machines, their own animals.

  7. Their own sense of Living that can be related to on the paths that their feet carry them through.

  8. Day-dreaming is just a part of this reality. Without that level of imagination supported by reality, there would not be the great thinkers of our time, of past times and for future times.

  9. Imagine this reality in the future.

  10. Most imaginations at this time probably support the idea of the end of our world, through our own devices or by the corruption that some gardens feel content forcing onto other gardens. This is mental genocide on a large scale.

  11. Genocide of feelings, genocide of how Living perceives this reality now.

  12. Some time from our current reality may not exist and will probably succumb to the imagination of some corrupted garden that has built itself up to be an ultimate power.

  13. That is where fear plays its part in this reality.

  14. That is what fear of death and pain does to a Living.

  15. These things are control devices that those whose gardens have been corrupted use to their advantage.

  16. As they sit, and spill out their poison, this is every Livings reality. What a horrible thing to do, to hold fear over the heads of those that depend on you.

  17. Not all are like that, though; there are many out there that strive for something better, for a reality that only a dreamer can see.

  18. This (Omnism) is perhaps, the beginning of that reality.

  19. There will always be conflict of some kind to contend with.

  20. Once peace has been established no doubt there will be a race of supernatural beings from a far off galaxy to bring about some other kind of conflict to keep balance.

  21. Perhaps not, who is to say? At the moment, that is not an acceptable idea for this reality because it defies the laws that make up our current reality.

  22. But killing each other “in the name of” or misinterpreting important teachings just to re-create something that we have already learned, is wrong. It is more or less us imagining ourselves living in the realities of antiquated pasts where savagery and barbarism were the mainstream of what defined societal norm; those in charge utilize this tactic to divide nations. Attaching ourselves to a time in our history that we are too afraid to let go of, despite the mistakes that our ancestors have made.

  23. That too, is fear. Fear of letting go of power, power that corrupts no matter which way that the confined pendulum swings.

  24. Power of currency, power of force, power of taking because you are the bigger bully raising turmoil on the school-yard.

  25. Is that not the reality, on a relative scale, that all of us have bore witness to or experienced in some way, shape or form during the course of our lives?

  26. Does the bully not get bigger with each passing decade as we grow?

  27. Did that bully that you once knew on the school-yard grow into something else? Not the same person, but comparatively to something or someone that is doing nothing more than taking.

  28. Taking something from others and telling them what to do, because they can.

  29. No matter what walk of life you come from, this is a feeling that we can all relate to. That we have all experienced.

  30. That is the reality that we all know exists as a societal norm.

  31. What can be done to stop such bullying?

  1. The ability to fabricate from the mind is one of the most important abilities that any Living possesses.

  2. To imagine world peace, a fairy god-mother or something lurking in the dark.

  3. It is there, but at the same time it only exists in the mind.

  4. Even the animal gets startled with it’s thoughts of something approaching. That gives the notion of the animal’s capability to imagine.

  5. Even a Living born with no senses still has thoughts; still has the ability to imagine what it is that their surroundings are and what they are composed of.

  6. Something that has never bore witness to a physical object will still take form and shape of some kind inside their mind in order to give substance to their existence.

  7. Just because they are unable to see, touch, feel, smell or taste, it does not make their own thought of what they are non-existent.

  8. This idea delves into the mind and carries with it the thought that there can be something from Nothing, applying that to Everything, making its contribution to the Source, through the Living.

  9. One form of imagination is the creation of something that does not yet exist.

  10. It is the thought process that brings light and fruition to all gardens without knowledge what a garden is.

  11. Had there been the want to grow something before the knowledge of growth then there would be the imagining of a garden.

  12. Imagination, applied to knowledge, further emphasizes how powerful a mind can potentially be.

  13. Have we not already witnessed this power first hand?

  14. Destruction is the first thing that comes to mind.

  15. But the attack of imagination, by any means necessary, is something that an Omnist might give up their peace treaty for.

  16. Large scale numbers being lost with and through the manipulation of imagination is one thing, that this Omnist in particular, would not stand for.

  17. Nor should any Living under any circumstance commit an atrocity for such an order to be made. It should be good reason and sound judgment that are practices of an Omnist as well as a practice of good Living, good faiths and regards towards one another's gardens.
  1. Dreams are a part of our minds subconscious to par-take in imagination nearly uninterrupted.

  2. Dreams allow us to fall deeply into a state of unwillingness to conjure the things of non-existence.

  3. If one cannot dream, then the non-dreaming part of their life is perhaps wildly fascinated with the imagination and the non-dreamer may be at a stand-still within themselves as to the existence of the things they cannot see.

  4. In their waking life though, their contribution to imagination is more thought provoking than one may realize.

  5. The non-dreamer wants to know what it is to dream, they become an instructor of reality.

  6. The unknowing instructor will probably offer advice from a matter of fact point of view which at time may seem abrasive, but just keep in mind that no one wants to be wrong.

  7. In turn, they themselves can imagine better in waking life what it is to to have dreams.

  8. Be steady not to force your garden onto others, non-dreaming instructor.

  9. It is very easy to overstep your boundaries and forget to apologize.

  10. That may take an Omnist off course and causing them to have a loathsome opinion towards the skeptic, making them skeptical towards skepticism.

  11. The Omnist is strongest if you are strong for yourself. Thus, making you stronger for them and them for you.

  12. No matter who you are or what you feel you may be, there is reason for you to be strong, and to be strong in your mind and heart so that others may be strong as well.

  13. Despite the lack of dreams, at times the insight of the non-dreamer is as important for all, just as much as the dreamers ideas of things that do not yet exist.

  14. The dreamer needs the non-dreamer as much as the non-dreamer needs the dreamer. Much like the yin needs its yang and the yang needs its yin, these two opposites appreciate one another for what lies on the surface of one and what lies below for the other.
  1. Make something up, make up the six-legged frog that can breathe fire and wears a crown.

  2. Make up the missing link.

  3. Make up the three-eyed dog that never stops chasing its tail, that three-eyed dog that is constantly running circles in your mind.

  4. Propelling ones mind deeper and deeper into conscious levels of ones own imagination.

  5. Eventually these things are going to have an opposite to represent what it is they are, and what they define.

  6. The frog may be a king or a queen of some distant land that is under assault by the giant wasps of Glygore forest or something just as equally absurd.

  7. That makes all things that were once a part of imagination absurd. At one time there was no gods or God, just the same as there was no science, or even another interesting idea of they were all existing in unison at the same time, but something happened.

  8. On the relative level of things there are Living out there that use their imaginations for far worse things...as well as...far better things. There just happens to be no money in peace that can line the pockets of those that can exploit our fears.

  9. Why is the nature now the nature that the things that are far worse exceeds the imaginations of things that are far better for Living. The good guy has to win every time, the bad guy only has to win once. But, how often does the bad guy even know they are bad?

  10. Perhaps one Living is excited to blow something up, or set it on fire. Thus, inspiring the imaginations of other Living to be the one to put out the fire, or stop the weapon that blows something up.

  11. Is this not a form of balance? Is that balance now what is completely taken advantage of because that is all we know and witness in reality?

  12. Is lowering ones own moral standards on a large scale more important that seeing the beauty of our imaginations take place for the sweet things that we so rarely indulge in?

  13. Then, the animals we live with, they are imagining too. All they may be imagining is you.
  1. It is difficult to measure imagination.

  2. The imagination alone can look beyond that of numbers and words.

  3. Making something up and then having it come to fruition from ones mind or many collective minds is a great accomplishment.

  4. Why then do we imagine inflicting pain: we know it is wrong and that it could seriously damage another’s garden.

  5. It could steer them down a path that they may not care to go.

  6. But that path would then be chosen due to the power of another’s imagination.

  7. That is tempting for some, to find themselves in an over-indulgence of inflicting pain and cruelty onto another Living, sadly, that Living does exist.

  8. One can imagine something that is needed to understand what it is that truly matters to many of the good Living out there.

  9. Mother Nature invokes her own imagination through the acts of natural disasters.

  10. Because, all-in-all, Mother Nature is a Living as well, the world we live in is a living, breathing thing.

  11. Without Living to imagine the blue skies and the deepest of nights, would it even matter if it was here or not? Would the earth really care one way or the other?

  12. The world has shown us time and time again, that any of our achievements will be brought down in the wake of a small fraction of power that the world puts out when it gets tired of our parasitic nature.

  13. What then are we to do: perhaps it is time to imagine new ideas of the things that govern us and dictate our lives. The advancements that we have achieved in life all started out as someones imagination.

  14. Instead of currency maybe value of work should be placed on the time put in and we all pay it towards one another, rather than being put in a rat-race that does nothing but divide us with numbers. Perhaps we should protect the things that are more important for our survival as a whole, instead of chopping off each others heads off “in the name of” and bashing one another due to the attraction towards genitalia. A Living loves, who they love; it is as simple as that.

  15. If out-dated teachings cause one to prescribe to a nature of hate, then we are doing nothing more than moving backwards by claiming that love brings wrath and fury down upon a group of Living.

  16. 'Tis the largest affliction brought down by certain gardens onto another group of gardens and forcing ones views of what life and love is onto another group.

  17. Let’s imagine that there is something more out there for us, more beyond the wretched fear of going to whatever hell after death one prescribes to. That there is something more valuable than servitude towards something in order to be granted access into whatever heaven there may or may not be.

  18. That there is more to life than just the aspirations of there being absolutes that must be followed in order to get somewhere that is, in large parts, doubted by many and truly believed by few.

  19. Even by the many people that stake claim to their devoutness, certain acts by Living are just simply unforgivable “in the name of” so, it can be understood as lunacy when one subjects themselves to kneel down in blind faith and do as commanded.

  20. Sounds all but something that can be thought and felt passed, once you look deeply into what fear truly is and its existence is to steer one away from danger, not further into fear; to steer us away from wrong-doings in order to get somewhere that many Living do not even consider possible.

  21. Imagine a new creator, or a new deity. Imagine the roles are reversed and the greatest words that have been written are nothing more than the bad seeds and the largest trick ever pulled.

  22. Imagine, if you hold true that there is nothing more than this life, that there are other Living out there that need more than that to go on.

  23. Is the basis of both of these thoughts not a connection to one another in itself?

  24. Abolish the zealot behavior and the compulsion to defend each idea as a whole and understand that both are very good means and ways of thinking that were, at one point, the imagination of some great thinker/teacher. One perhaps that utilized the capacity to carry a written word before many could understand what it was. Writing about servitude in order to break away from slavery...out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  25. Through imagination though, through the minds of Living used initially, for hope, love and the idea of freedom and peace by demanding a feeling of faith and rigorous levels of servitude. Good for some sure, but not good for all.

  26. Others rely on themselves in deep meditation to experience inner peace.

  27. Others need to have a name placed on each of their gods.

  28. All of which are trying to make their way to the same places.

  29. None is complete without the other.

  30. So let’s imagine them together.

  31. They are there whether one likes it or not. Hence, how we are mostly all Omnists without even realizing it.

  32. So, as it was once said, imagination is much more important than knowledge and the brilliant words of one of the most influential songs of our time, still carries a message of peace to the world.

  33. If only we can imagine ourselves in between the words and see deeper into the meanings that carry the true nature of peace, maybe one day we will all just get along.


  1. Let other Living prove their worth to you.

  2. Your worth will be reciprocated to them in kind.

  3. There are simple equations and complex equations in mathematics.

  4. There are rules and guidelines that have to be adhered to in order to create a structure of finites.

  5. Infinity is incalculable because the lack of proper math that we have yet to discover.

  6. There will eventually be a breaking away from guidelines and the immeasurable will become measurable.

  7. The rules of mathematics that we are governed by are not absolutes. We do not know all the mathematics, just look at the things that we still have left to discover in space; along with the ideologies that we have staked claim to putting so much of our efforts into knowing something for certain when certainty itself for future occurrences cannot be calculated. No doubt the acceptance of this will go through rigorous evaluation and many condemnations.

  8. Think of how much we have accomplished through math. Using something that had to be brought about in time by great thinkers that wanted to go beyond the confines of our world.

  9. Some Living had to figure all that out, they had to discover for themselves how to use math, in order to discover that it existed, they had to first imagine that it was there. Thus, pulling the concept of math from Nothing and bringing it out of the imagination and into reality.

  10. Again, a simple explanation of how evolution truly happens in the mind. Then applied with knowledge, creating something from nothing.

  11. If enough of the Living believes in something so much, does that not make the things that cannot be seen and held a possibility: for many, those ideas and beliefs are true. But, are they stand-alone truths: for the ones that feel so whole-heartedly, they are.

  12. That is their garden and those are the tools necessary for allowing it to flourish.

  13. Their faith cannot be calculated because it rests inside of them. It is what they feel and there are no numbers to represent that, but that does not mean it is not there. At one point in time numbers did not exist.

  14. Sure, it could be placed on a scale from one to ten, but that is merely a judgment call based on speaking to the person and seeing how passionate they are about what it is they feel.

  15. So long as they are not forcing their garden on another person, the feeling that they do share can be reciprocated to others that feel the same.

  16. The feeling the Living is giving away is what is important for others that do not share the same belief, those people too have their feelings to share.

  17. The conflict is in the manner in which each Living has gotten to that feeling. Does that truly matter: having that resistance towards one another rather than sharing the destination that we all will ultimately succumb to in the end.

  18. The resistance is necessary in order for further discovery to be achieved and there is more than one way to get there; it seems as though we are more focused on having what we believe to get there first, so we allow greed to consume us, thus, pride and wrath shortly follow so that we may fulfill our own selfish needs, at that point, we have lost focus of the true destination.
  1. Time can be calculated, measured, and used in various ways.

  2. It can be manipulated if you are one practiced in efficiency.

  3. One of the worst things is to waste time.

  4. Sitting around and poking holes in one’s own belly-button.

  5. Wasting the day away, not exercising one’s mind.

  6. Every Living has opinions of wasting time.

  7. Some opinions are different from others. Is it not the same feeling that each Living has that the connection can be made?

  8. Two Livings can debate about wasting time; both views and opinions may be different, but in the end, time has been wasted and they can agree that they both have a concept of wasting time.

  9. How is it that they are unable to work from that point on, to strive towards something more than arguing over who's idea of wasting time is better? Couldn’t the argument, in and of itself, be considered a waste of time?

  10. How peculiar, that one would waste time watching two Livings argue their views on how to not waste time. Unless they are witnessing this argument to learn something from it, in which case would that mean learning something such as this is wasting time?

  11. All the Living on the planet has a way of dealing with their time.

  12. The animals may be working all day and resting at night.

  13. Some may be in a constant form of motion.

  14. Some just kind of lounge around the home and come and go as they please.

  15. Some may look like they are doing nothing, but they may be standing still and waiting and there is a big difference between doing nothing and standing still.

  16. The animal standing still may be playing a vital role in something that said animal understands as much larger than itself.
  1. Math has very important values that most don’t recognize. In everyday life the most complex of equations are happening around us and through us.

  2. Yet, more often than not we remain take these minute things completely for granted because there is no need to calculate how dynamically our simple functions operate, each function having its own separate equation, all coming together from separate areas of our existence to give us the perception of our own awareness. There are those out there that do work and take the time to decipher the smallest of calculations that allow our bodies to operate.

  3. These calculations run their course naturally without us even giving a second thought to the fractions of each operation happening under its own accord.

  4. Our minds may be directed at what it is we are going to put on the table for supper, or perhaps, if we are even going to have anything for supper.

  5. This, for instance, is something that may be calculated, but where does the thought go once it has been established?

  6. Is it stored in some huge locker that we have arranged for ourselves inside of our brain?

  7. If so, what are the numbers and calculations that we need to discover in order to find out where that locker is and what it looks like? Do we each have our own concept of the storage locker in our own mind?

  8. How then, could a locker of thoughts be brought out into a physical being so that we may have evidence of something that exists of mind: despite it not being seen by the Living standing next to you, the locker is still there none-the-less. This concept could be relative to a number of thoughts and things in our mind.

  9. We all share some sort of locker of thoughts, it is just one more of the dynamic similarities that we as humans have with one another.

  10. One for memories, one for tomorrow, one for the current matter at hand, all zipping through our minds at some ridiculously quick pace that, very likely, there is a calculation for, perhaps it is all moving in slow motion, and only the perception of what we know of our own minds is viewed as a fast pace, because it has learned on its own to slow itself down. It has learned inside of the depths of our mind that we have yet to unlock and has come out with a slower vibration that calculates faster than that of the most sophisticated calculator that we have.

  11. We have internal discovery and are told that only external tools and values are the proof between what is real and what is not. What can be identified as reality is said to be true, think deeply though within the darkness of your undiscovered mind, think hard enough so that it touches deeply into the soul/garden and comes out with the answers to the questions you have yet to come up with, or be approached with. This is mind calculation, taking in what you know of the happenings around you and tying them in with your own experiences to calculate the best possible outcome based on mistakes of the past. Not only your mistakes, but the mistakes others have made and you yourself have bore witness too.

  12. How is it, that one can go on a deep journey inside their mind and come back all the wiser? Is there a calculation for that? Or does the person speaking of their adventure become deemed as a stark raving lunatic: instead of listened to as someone that can be an advisor and contribute to those seeking the proper answers of soul.

  13. That may be a rather unfair judgment call by those who are not listening intently to what that mind traveler is actually saying or what they have discovered.

  14. It is said that those who dance are considered crazy by those who can’t hear the music.

  15. Suffice to say, as a metaphor, there are many out there that dance (with their thoughts, with their faiths, with their feelings), those dancers may view the ones that cannot hear the music just equally as crazy as they are perceived to be.

  16. Out of curiosity, aren’t these two lines of thought the same: the thoughts are different, yes. The conflict is there, too. But, they are parallel lines of thought, just in opposite directions in search of the same outcome.

  17. To deem one crazy is not the end all be all to that persons sanity, it is just a judgment based on fear of something that is not fully understood by either party involved.

  18. The line of thought for each, however, should be means enough to start searching for peace through the conflict and passed the name calling and finger pointing.

  1. Words are powerful.

  2. Written words can give the notion of existence to something that may have been otherwise forgotten.

  3. As thoughts pass through ones mind some will be lost in the oblivion of Nothing existing in the mind.

  4. Some thoughts, for good reason, are not written down nor said. Some thoughts will be lost for some time but they eventually make their way out into written form of some kind.

  5. All minds share that loss and gain with one another making all minds connected in such a way as to what it means to be an Omnist.

  6. In the base ideals of religions, politics and sciences the written word is the proof of the existence of said ideals. An old thought written down can be expanded upon by another’s thoughts or ideas; then, have more written down on top of its fundamental principles.

  7. It is the basis of their hearts and souls.

  8. It is the word, or the proof that something happened or existed.

  9. It is the cornerstone of many faiths, their “fact” that they know that there is something out there greater than them.

  10. Without writing the root principles that many nations base their foundations on would have no structure to base their control off of. The written word is their guide on what matters deeply to them when they gave birth to their country, it is their core and it is their validity as something that stakes its claim and without it their power would be moot.

  11. With sciences it is the endless pursuit to know, to expand on knowledge and know how from the past discoveries that laid the groundwork for each and every standalone science linking them together or negating what it is they attempted.

  12. That basis alone is something that brings sciences closer together, much like on a relative scale on what brings us closer together.

  13. We utilize the written words of others to hold onto something that we feel inside. To nourish our garden, and add more and more enrichment so that it may grow; contributing to the idea that there is something more, and we experience such things through the written words of others.
  1. Words of fiction or words of fact walk a thin line with one another.

  2. Neither would have any sense of existence without acknowledging the other.

  3. Would fiction find fact impossible if fiction was indeed the majority of thought?

  4. Could that alone be an excellent way to say that there is a form of evolution inside the minds of Living: that we do have the power to work as a collective unit to create something from nothing.

  5. The vast nothingness of our minds is waiting to be filled with a wealth of knowledge from things written long ago; to be filled with new ideas written by those that are still undiscovered. The Living with the fleeting ideas of bringing us together and moving forward, but lacking the gumption and the absurdity of their minds to make the connection between each feeling. To move beyond what others think of them and begin thinking for themselves and sharing their feelings without fear of criticism from societal norm.

  6. To not be swayed by those who rely on god, gods or sciences to gain a feeling of enlightenment. Rather, to share the journey with them, on their own course and to acknowledge respectful natures that each and every one resonates and to tie the metaphorical knot of union between the lines that separates.

  7. To have a book of shadows or rely on mystical powers to gain access to something deeper then themselves. To cater to the needs of oneself for the further development of all of us coming together in time. To keep hope alive and understand one another’s plights, without judgment towards whose situation is worse or better. One of the strongest capabilities that we possess is our ability to write.
  1. How long does it take for something to grow: how powerful was it thousands of years ago to have the ability to write knowing that it would last long after the one who has written it.

  2. No doubt that few people from long ago whom had written the great books were aware of the power that they possessed.

  3. It may have been utilized to break away from slavery, to be free of the ruling thumb that their known world was being oppressed by. To fight back against persecution and being held hostage by a tyrants.

  4. They wanted more and they wanted answers on how to get more based on morals that we are born knowing, the basic morals are easily adhered to for most Living, although were many out there that had no moral compass, so they needed a God to guide them. They needed guidance and they have a need to want to be told how to live and what they have to live that way for, so someone took it upon themselves to write all this down.

  5. They were given the answers from the brilliance of those who knew how to write.

  6. Those who cared enough to share their feelings with others, those who wanted something more, something better, something great.

  7. Knowing full well that they will live forever in the words that have been written.

  8. To this day the Pagan gods that made it through time still exist because someone took the time to write about them, to share their knowledge with the world and to bring something that did not exist, into existence.

  9. Christ exists for a great number of people because the teachings were written down and passed on from generation to generation. Whether or not he was a real person is debated, but what difference does it make so long as the belief guides people to a better place of living for others. So long as gardens are not pressed upon.

  10. Miracles occur and are documented, we can see beyond our own galaxy in search of something greater than us, for something much like our own world out there and these discoveries are documented in great detail using our senses, math and writing. All these Living do great work (and have done great work), for the greater good and yet, they still have not figured out how to come to terms with one another.

  11. Where then is the catalyst to unite these ideals? Why is there a need for separation amidst discovery? Who wrote down at one point in time that the works of evil reside in unison and understanding?

  12. It is certainly not the fault of God, god, gods or the lack of faith. It is those that feel they have found something greater and choose to force their gardens on another’s garden. Without taking into consideration that what works for them, may be best incorporated for peace alongside what has worked for another’s garden. Thus, each garden having its scriptures laid out in comparison, without the fear of absolution is a better way to bring us together than coming to the brick wall of our own human condition.

  13. The doctrines that claim truth by perfection, the doctrines and written words of Living that have seen beyond themselves and of those that want to come back as something they desired in this life to be.

  14. Were not those ideas once based on something that did not exist before: at some point those ideas did not exist, the ideas being a part of Nothing only to be plucked from its place of non-existence, thus, being created.

  15. Who/what then is the creator of the one that created Living? Were the notions always there or was it a little bit of Everything doing what it has always done?Had it not been written down the ideas would be there, but it would not have been given solid form until writing was established.

  16. Those who knew how to bring together the written words, have thus given power to a great many of their kind. One seeking absolution, one seeking nirvana, one hoping to one day become a part of the earth or any of the thousands of notions out there that explain who and what we are.

  17. Or, the Omnist, understanding in each one their own way that there is something greater than themselves, through all these collective ideals not in one entirely. Being given the good feelings that are resonated from each holder of these wonderful concepts, respecting each one for who and what they are and guided by a moral compass understanding that they will make mistakes and also persevering beyond the negativities to feed their garden with a prescription of good natured feelings that come from within them. Not being told what to think, but empowering themselves with the deeper meanings of the thoughts they know and coming to conclusions from their own thoughts and allowing sensible reasoning from all forms of knowledge to confirm their feelings and their thoughts.

  18. There is no full truth in one teaching just as one teaching could not have a reason without the conflict that it creates. Omnism exists because all of these feelings exist without form thus, keeping Omnism fluid.
  1. As an Omnist writer (or any writer for that matter), it is very difficult to keep up with the thoughts that pass.

  2. There are so many thoughts throughout the day, that it is not too far off to state that everything Living has shared the same thoughts throughout a lifetime.

  3. Doesn’t that too, connect us all?

  4. Connect us with the past, present and future?

  5. Connect us in ways that even a non-writer can come to draw a parallel with the writer, the way a non-conformist can accept the rationale that non-conforming is still conforming to non-conforming.

  6. In some distant way, yes, it does connect us. How to close that gap is a question within a question and deserves a great deal of understanding from each party involved.

  7. If you feel upset that you cannot write down the things that you find most important to say then please do not, for there are far more important things that are necessary from within one-self. We are all equally intelligent in our passions towards what we study and take in. Writing is only one contribution to a greater collective whole and having intelligence is to know how to think, not having all the answers.

  8. But, not all may want to hear what it is that one may have to say and those times are best for listening and learning. But at least you know what you thought and it may simply best be saved for another time to one that needs the words and can understand the feelings that had initially brought them to fruition.

  9. Fear not the laughter that you may receive for your poetry or lyrics. For the words may be funny to some and/or enlightening to others; or a farce that one would recognize and bring about the idea of debate. What matters most is that it came from deep within, be it through oration, math or any manner in which one chooses to express them-selves. Some may see it through dance and song or the good feelings that fill one up; through watching another par-take in an activity that is bringing joy of some kind to others. Thus, sharing their gardens with those who care to take in from another’s form of sharing.
  1. The idea of a Flying Spaghetti Monster [FSM] could be considered as absurd as the idea of each and every one of us being a part of some divine plan that we have no way of escaping, neither of which can be proven. Just as much as there is a Union of Four that can’t be proven.

  2. For they are all only a portion of the whole and an Omnist simply skirts around them. An Omnist will not look at the flaws of them as being negative, rather they will observe the good teachings of each one and apply that to a code of morals and use them as a grand life’s lesson of what not to do.

  3. But it is the Omnist portion of the whole that is willing to accept all things as a portion of truth but, also accepting the aspects of convincing lies to “kill in the name of” (knowing full well that this is not a good thing and NEITHER IS MURDER!!), or to bow down to servitude out of fear.

  4. Hopefully, this writing will reach fellow Omnists (and anyone reading for that matter) and they may add their own ideas and thoughts to all of this based upon their own interpretations.

  5. We are so few and far between that reaching one another at the moment can be quite difficult and many Omnists have nothing to hold in their hand other than the writings of yore that they subscribe little to. No writings other than what information can be attained through the web and not a thing to hold in hand other than what they are taught.

  6. Hence this book, this birth of fledgling ideals to bring things together, expecting the worst and always hoping for the best.

  7. To meet one, so that they may add to another Omnist their own ideas, the ideas that have been so far missed. Omnism, will always remain incomplete, because it is a boundless feeling based around many truths derived from fiction and things that stretch beyond our minds and our hearts; within the Source that resides in all of us all.

  8. This writing will hopefully give a large number of people a reason to connect. The writing can be scrutinized, built upon and laughed at; that will at least connect Living as well. It can be taken seriously and certain things can be pondered, be it through one book or one verse, or all of them together, that will connect people too.

  9. There-in, lies the power of writing to connect through interpretation, to connect the ones that take it seriously, the ones that laugh and those who follow/seek common ground.

  10. Through the known flaws, missed punctuation and horrid grammar--no-one alone is perfect—together though, there can be a better, magnificent ideal of what a heaven truly is, of what Nirvana means, of being in the presence of Hercules or Jesus and to work together to pull ourselves away from the injustices that we all feel overwhelm us at times.

  1. So think about how you would approach the ones laughing and learn to laugh with them and see what it is they see. That is vital to the connection that we all have with one another. If it is not found humorous then let them see why and there is another connection. One meaning to you may not mean the same to them and there is nothing wrong with feeling one way or the other and no one is harmed.

  2. It is no easy task to write (just ask any writer) and this is not for just one Omnist, it is one Omnist's take.

  3. Omnism is for all of us and it is for the Pagan to talk to the Christian so that forgiveness may be understood without fear of being told they are going to a Christian hell and for the Christian to understand that the Pagan has their own feelings and is far more than a non-believer. For the Catholics to talk to the Jews. For the FSM believers to talk to the Wicca and for the Muslims to talk to the Buddhists...and so on and so on and so forth...until peace is established and that we are all one.

  4. Let it be a guide to a connective essence that lay within us all and to help to break away from the negative nature and move forward into a positive for one another. Let Omnism be a guide to know how much more important it is to walk away when we have yet learned how to agree to dis-agree instead of taking another Living away from its garden or poisoning said garden; let us be a part of the animals, for they cannot understand reading and writing but, they can understand us, far better than we can understand them.
  1. To those reading the writing in this book understand that Omnism can be found everywhere and it is a grouping of ideas that are (and meant) to bring about thought, respect and stimulation for the mind of those that care. There is no order to it, nor is there any substance so feel free to read this book in a non-linear fashion.

  2. It is meant to give the thought of lunacy or utter madness, not being what it is that we have been told throughout history. This is the writing of a fool that is still on the journey of making it to their world and understanding it through writing, the writing of others and one mind and heart connecting with all.

  3. This Omnist fool, on this day, at this moment, is tired of the things that are seen.

  4. Not to provoke change through violent actions but, to promote thought to those that encourage change and to put important decisions in the hands of the honest and pure-of-heart; stripping it away from those that are corrupt.

  5. The corrupt that fear the written words and keep truth locked away for fear of losing something that is valuable to them, when the value of them lay deeper inside their hearts and minds than it does inside any vault that they may keep the truth tucked away. The truth, that so many Living have devoted something too, the truth that they can feel and that cannot be measured. When even they themselves have to just not truly care about upholding the truth they are taught but, upholding the truth that they feel deep within themselves.

  6. It is just us, who it is we are and who it is we choose to be among a history of fact vs. fiction and no one denomination of anything has ever been able to resolve.

  7. Writing, for this Omnist fool, is truth that one is trying to share and it is a journey that has given substance and extra meaning towards life. This journey thus far has been thoroughly enjoyed and it has opened a world of discovery, imagination and broadened life's horizons.

  8. What’s your journey?


  1. Myth is indeed, a great deal of fiction. Fiction, in great deal, is where truth resides.

  2. It is the bending of the facts of the past, present and unknown future.

  3. There are uncountable valuable lessons to be learned from myths. Lessons from great teachers of what to do and what not to do of both right and wrong.

  4. Mistakes made by those to bring about an outcome that none, or some may see coming.

  5. Indulging in myth allows us to break away (for some time) from the confined mindset that make up our realities.

  6. Myth supplies the mind with a ceaselessness that opens ourselves up to possibilities that we may have once thought of as impossible, or just stories that hold no weight to this day. Doesn't Hollywood do that for us now?

  7. At one point in time (or perhaps not) aspects of our being were unknown. Had it not been for the inspiration from myths, as well as, an imagination that is combined with the drive to make the impossible, possible.

  8. Things brought about by our imaginations may still be impossible or considered myth based on lies. Had it not been a successful endeavor to harness a small portion of the whole to make impossibility, possible.

  9. It is more important, in fiction, to understand first how to fail; over and over again. Only to reach a point of success due to the drive within us is carrying us forwards.

  10. Success affects us all and failure affects the believer in myth. Thus, the feeling of the success is heightened in the garden of another that lives outside of the way one may view reality.

  11. The drive could not exist without the conflicts of being told that it cannot be done.

  12. Once success has been attained the successor has now begun to ascend out of the land of myth and make-believe. Stories of fact through fiction begin to emerge.

  13. The building and swelling of a new ego being. Bringing about larger ideas of reality and combining it with other gardens’ imaginations forging reality forward.
  1. Is this not another feeling that we all carry within?

  2. For some, yes, for others, perhaps not, for more still, denial.

  3. If denial is the case, then standards for absolution are probably best set rules that should be adhered to in order to live.

  4. Are those rules not based on something that could not exist without myth?

  5. Are not the progenitors of good based on myths and stories that to this day many still think are impossible acts?

  6. If so, then is it not a sound fact that the myth of the absolute caters to the needs of conflict: so then, why the need for overblown myth and fantasy to humiliate the acts of evil?

  7. Would absolutes exist without the notion of futility: the conflict that is pursued is still a common ground that exists within each contrast of Living.

  8. Thus, find peace in knowing that the feelings from each side are identifiable and it is more likely that the teachers may be different, but the message is the same.

  9. A unique blend of conflict and peace that derives itself from the feelings that we share and walks a thin line of righteous acts of good and the heinous deeds of bad.

  10. As an Omnist it is important to be a part of these feelings. Setting markers on the middle road and knowing that where to find what is right from both sides and ultimately deciding for yourself what to follow. That the groundwork for evil may have been laid with good intentions, finding the root of it works both ways. Sowing these acts together will create the concept of a web, where all deeds are interconnected and based around the acts of one another.

  11. The Omnist would likely embrace the idea of combining unimaginable myth and fiction with absolution and fact; understanding that all are one in the same.

  12. It is a necessary need to have conflict but, through conflict peace should be supplemented and the agreement of disagreements should be made.

  13. No more fruitless efforts to justify the careful ease of that delicate balance of sensitivity and cruelty, of the level of integrity, of the way to feel to make strong words and stand by them; not to over-power or take down but, to create and have understanding linked to others' powerful words and dispose of the non-sense.

  14. And to justify them the differences are needed, the physical battle is what should be quelled. Let the battle exist inside of us to allow another’s garden to do battle with us and for us. Not to poison the gardens, but to further the future of who we are as a myth and who we may be viewed as if and when we are gone.

  15. Let the myths of their gardens trouble not the idea of absolution that is within our garden. Likewise, let the absolution in our garden trouble not the myth of another’s; if each so chooses to allow the other in.

  16. Not to take away, but to add and to help to nourish and not be insulted if it begins to poison another at the point of poisoning a garden that has willingly let you in, it is best to concede, not be insulted because we are all different despite being built the same way. We are a soul with a body, not the other way around.
  1. Omnism is more inclined to agree to disagree than it is to press its ideas upon either myth or absolution.

  2. It is more prone to see both as one thing, but from different manners of teaching.

  3. An Omnist is looking for sound resolve and the strength in unity to grow.

  4. Rather than encouraging any rivalries between any deities, if the gods want war let them wage it on one another, we are not the war zone, nor are we the collateral damage for the gardens that have been given to us, by us and for us.

  5. Nor should Satan or Brahman be subjected by the differences between light and dark.

  6. It is the in between that is far less understood; that is where the Omnist dwells, not in darkness, but in harmony between the idea of light and dark. In the areas that have yet to be unlocked and understood within our own minds. We seek reality that exists in the imaginations and that is drawn from our dreams to understand what it means to have our senses indulging in the elements.

  7. To utilize all aspects of the things that we have and not to negate a feeling that another Living has but, to be at peace to know that something someone cannot perceive is at least being indulged by another, so long as no Living is harmed.

  1. It is built in the essence of Living to not do certain things.

  2. If an Omnist doesn’t do something, it is not out of fear of something, it is because they either do not want to do it or they just happen to know it is wrong to do.

  3. There are very simple rules to live by.

  4. Many different moral codes and laws have been passed down by great teachers. Such as the ten commandments and do as you want, but harm none, the golden rule is another.

  5. An Omnist should at least try to follow (very easily) two main commandments

  6. Always be honest and faithful and don't murder. Not justifying killing by any stretch of the imagination yet, there are those out there that one must defend themselves against. The laws of the wild apply, kill or be killed. That only is rather contrary, but one should not let another kill. Nor should one go out of their way to kill for their own stimulation.

  7. These things should be really easy to adhere to, if you follow these, everything else should just fall into place.

  8. These rules are pretty simple for everyone to follow if you put some great thought into it. Or even if you put little thought into it at all.

  9. Say you were just born; the first thought would not likely be that of murdering someone. It would probably be more along the lines of a question...what...?

  10. Probably that, just as any idea is formed there are always going to be questions about what belies behind it.

  11. “Where did you get this idea from?”

  12. Any idea was always there to begin with, it just hasn’t been brought to ones attention prior to the question being asked.

  13. Much like every Living is born with all the knowledge that they are ever going to have throughout their entire life. It is just a matter of time that the knowledge is revealed to each one of them. Be it through instruction, or just epiphanies that one has throughout their life; through schooling or educating one-self through another’s sense of good moral guidelines, laying down groundwork for something good to take into consideration.

  14. There is no absolution to lack of knowing. Everyone together knows everything. Whether they can come to terms with agreeing to disagree is another qualm altogether. Understanding that neither side is as entirely wrong as much as each the other side is just as equally right.

  15. Again, no one person knows it all. An Omnist will recognize this, yet, will probably be unable to get most to feel this way, it would be pressing ones garden onto another’s.

  16. It is up to one-self to dictate ones own sense of righteousness without being oppressive and to gain access to the feelings of the teachings that another Living as dedicated their life towards. But keep in mind, that no one Living is in a better place for their teachings, another’s teachings may be just as valuable to that person; just as valuable on a relative scale when both sets of morals are gauged on the lives led by those of the past.
  1. An Omnist cannot take away the fears of Living.

  2. An Omnist cannot teach a Living anything.

  3. An Omnist should know that all they can do is shed light onto details a little bit at a time.

  4. The Omnist is not a pacifist (but they can be if they so choose) but, they should hold a closer allegiance to the side that leans towards peace.

  5. An Omnist is a Living thing that is no better or worse than any other Living they share the planet with.

  6. As much conflict as there is, Omnism applies no forcing of thought onto another’s garden and no brutish nature should be taken upon another, save only as a means of defense if physically accosted and to defend ones-self for the sake of understanding forgiveness once the battle is finished. To learn of the nature of force, only to rise above it and become one with the alliance of unification through conflict. There is more necessity to be taken from the understanding of the aftermath of a conflict and to be known as lessons in life for what not to do.

  7. Wear what you like...in good taste, of course...there are Living that choose to wear no clothing. Simply abide by the laws and guidelines of your nation to wear what you like, in good taste, of course.

  8. Some Living, do not require clothing (or nothing more than animal hide) to live their lives. Native indigenous tribes in the corners of the world that prescribe to the animal that now clothes them at the moment, let them have that simply for the fact that it is unlikely that they would even blink at the notion of Omnism, they have their lives and as such should be allowed to keep such a life without influence of “civilized” cultures. If one finds there is something wrong with that sort of behavior, then one should consider looking into their garden and asking themselves who is truly happier: the native that knows themselves, or the “civilized” person mocking them.

  9. Most Living prefer clothing (at appropriate times) it is sometimes all they can afford. This does not constitute their ranks in society as a moral person only a person living by the means that they have available to them. Or all that they have been offered. There is no set design to what an Omnist needs or has to wear, nothing is stopping an Omnist from plaid shorts and suspenders with a corduroy t-shirt and a flannel wrapped around their waste. Matching boots too, just to complete the look why don’t we.

  10. Same concept goes for facial hair and hair on ones head, all in good taste. If a Living wants it, lets them have it. If baby-faced is your preference, smooth as can be, let it be for thee.

  11. An Omnist can either care or not care what they look like, all in good taste as can be provided through circumstance. They should just accept who they are by not lying to themselves.

  12. Just so long as doing your best without the intentions to harm another Living, or poison their gardens, then cater to the good morals as a base of operations for your daily life.

  13. Have fun with life, as well as other Living may have fun with theirs. The only barriers that should confine a Living are the ones that we put restraints for ourselves on. Respect the Living that walk beside you, keep them just as much a part of your garden, as they would keep you to theirs.

  14. Do not poison their garden. If asked about who you are as an Omnist, or what Omnism is then go carefully into explaining how Omnism is a guide to whatever belief nourishes your garden. Only respond because the other Living asked and wants to know, that is not forcing your garden unto another’s. If you are asked to stop, then stop. Being an Omnist is a very interesting thing and can be perplexing to some, at first.

  15. You can worship any God or gods if you like or none at all you may self-worship, worship Satan, Norse gods even revert back to the Egyptian days and worship Ra, if that is the thing that best suits your garden. But, do not force that some one else's garden.

  16. If the sacrifice of animals is your thing, then go for it, but rest assured that there are going to be many other people very dissatisfied with these practices. If your God/gods need this, then as an Omnist it would be encouraged to reconcile with your god and go the Christian route of saying that it was meant for a long time ago and it is completely re-interpreted now, so they don't have to do it. If they can do it, why can't everyone else? Burnt offer this!...Haha!
  1. One would suggest though, bear fully in mind the culture that we currently live in. Because there are already laws set in place for us as Living to follow. For the most part, they are very good, meant to keep us safe from harm, from harming others and to give us guidelines to follow and to live by to be a well to do, upstanding member of our communities.

  2. They are different everywhere you go. Some are ridiculous, but they are still laws that have been put there for one reason or another. Some are simply laws of nature that will allow us to cope if we decide to live in the wild.

  3. Many of them are all very good laws and help us along on our journey to be reminders as to how to give respect towards fellow Living and their properties.

  4. Allowing us freedoms that are supported by structure granting us the fundamental basis of treating one another with the respect that we each deserve.

  5. It is when these laws become convoluted and oppressive in nature that our lives become unbearable. That is when establishments should begin to retract from certain things, take a step back and say “Hey, there is something seriously wrong here, because Living is becoming increasingly unhappy.”

  6. Steering away from the powers that these Living have is difficult, because power is seductive, it is alluring and it is corruptible.

  7. Be one with the Living; understand that there are going to be times, as history has proven, that things need to change. That then, may thrust our civilization into a world of lawlessness and we forget about how to treat one another because there is no punishment for despicable actions.

  8. Perhaps it is time to look past the boundaries of there being that one way or the other way of doing things. Perhaps it is time for something new, a new unison, a new way of living for the Living, not through war and fighting and breaking of laws, but for a better understanding of one another, through one another.

  9. To not abide by the things oppressing us, but to abide by the majority of the good Living in this world and be a collective, unified one.

  10. Abolish greed, abolish the need for anything more than what we are what then can any one evil Living take from another if there is no need for more?

  11. Then, a new set of standards is pressed upon the individual parties involved. Bringing about a rally point for the Living to co-ordinate and operate under and establish a new manner of being derived not under one God, but of respect towards all gardens and a manifestation of peace through understanding despite colloquial differences.
  1. Very good teachers from the past have brought us many different things.

  2. Many of these teachers are gone, however, many of their teachings still exist influencing us in a great deal in the course of our daily lives.

  3. There is power in those words given to us long ago.

  4. A large number of these teachings become convoluted by the corrupt, to control and make us feel insecure.

  5. An Omnist would likely be wary of those things, reading between the lines and walking the outskirts of what is going on. Questioning and wondering how such conflicting ideals can make sense.

  6. But, it is not an Omnists job to try to argue how another Living should feel only respect the fact that the Living does feel and to not have that feeling poison the Omnists, or any of the other Livings' garden.

  7. When one argues over who's god is the correct one and what is the truth, it is best to notice that what carries validity is the energy that is being expressed and the convictions that carry the notion of god.
  1. Had it not been for the need to know a creator and creation there would be no need for any Source. Gods, god, deities, higher powers, technologies, sciences, Ideas, superheroes/villains, demons/angels, positives/negatives all play their part for balance among the Living.

  2. All are fractals of the whole and all exist in the feelings of Living.

  3. All necessity of being correlates around the idea of the need to be wanted, to know what it is to want, to have that feeling of love fulfilled.

  4. Prayers, wishes, hopes, love, hate, good, bad, happy, sad can all be attributed to the need to send the feelings we cannot fully endure to the higher powers that are believed to be able to handle more. It is within us to hope for something larger than what we are to come and rescue us from current tumultuous times, in each of our lives.

  5. The higher powers are a part of Everything, their existence is through the Living, the Living that powers it all.

  6. There are so many higher powers to name. Those who worship know the names of their god, savior, gods, superheros or deities. There is no difference in worship once it has been stripped down to its bare-boned structure.

  7. The foundation of control lays the groundwork for higher powers to make Living better. An Omnist sees the foundation and finds and feels no need for worship to be an Omnist. The Omnist is their own church, mosque, pentacle, pentagram altar, idol and it is all the Omnist knows to need, with regard to appreciation towards other Living and their desires to worship.

  8. There is no guarantee on a heaven, hell or reincarnation for an Omnist. For Omnism offers little absolution, to be an Omnist means breaking away from certain structured rules and regulations of servitude. Once that fear is recognized, it can be broken down into something better for one’s spirit, for one’s freedom, for one’s own individual role in the lives of other Living.

  9. The absolutions that are endured by Omnists, are that of a simple nature of having to eat and drink and sleep.

  10. Of a conflict of having to succumb to the bitter sting of “I absolutely do not…or I absolutely have to” and convincing themselves that the barrier is only there to keep them from drifting too far off into their own imaginations. To combine the metaphysical areas of their mind they have drifted into with that of the reality that they are physically tied to. This correlates to impossibility for some, thus, creating the conundrum of knowing nothing is impossible without having the ability to make the impossible possible; that all things are possible within the impossible boundaries that we are possibly applied to; that is an absolute that goes beyond absolution. The absolute that all things can be done, but cannot be done entirely by one Omnist acting alone.

  11. It takes more than one to make the impossible, possible.

  12. The constant moving forward and finding a route that does not exist is the dissolving of absolution, this first, must be an impossibility. Without the aspect and aspiration towards reaching a significant, unobtainable goal, there would be no reason to press forward. So, we ask the supernatural for help in finding such things that will allow us access to what it is we seek in order to succeed in the things that we aspire towards.
  1. Evolution is another form of god to those who guarantee themselves to it.

  2. Would we not entertain the idea that evolution could have possibly been created by a god: and without us coming up with the idea of god there would be no design of evolution so that one may thwart the other.

  3. If there is an all knowing entity, then it certainly would have come up and known of the existence of evolution long before the idea could ever be contemplated by man. It just always was, just as all the gods and God, always have been.

  4. Evolution is what happens in the mind. The mind is constantly re-creating, re-adapting and evolving to the senses and the elements far faster than we are able to calculate or even see.

  5. Each of these conflicting ideas is a garden unto itself, and when they collide, they may be poisonous to one another but, the poison is vital for the existence of all. We apply our imagination and fictitious concepts and then mold it to fit our reality.

  6. Being an Omnist means that there is a constant evolution that happens within to understand as much as we can. Omnism will adapt to any idea and is going to be able to justify any form of evolution.

  7. An Omnist feels it happening all the time. Omnism, like the mind evolving rapidly, is ever growing, because everything is ever growing. Because knowledge is forever attainable, renewable, and when combined with imagination, nearly unstoppable.

  8. An Omnist is it's only true absolute, because in Omnism you see beyond the god, through the gods and beyond the god above gods.

  9. An Omnist is their own deity, but this does not allow them to be above anything. Nor should it grant control over another’s garden or another Living. For without that garden it may be impossible for them to exist. An Omnist does not force their garden onto another’s garden.

  10. If the garden reaches out naturally to the Omnist, the Omnist should be obliged to cater to the needs of the garden, to the best of their ability.
  1. An Omnist is flawed, as is Omnism and as are all beliefs that claim to stand-alone.

  2. But, without the flaws there would be no search for beauty.

  3. Perfection is not the goal, nor should it be a goal for any. The attaining of perfection is to bring about criticism on oneself.

  4. Perfection is what lies in the blankness of the Living.

  5. Searching for perfection is a futile attempt to be unknowing of one's own existence. If it is granted to us, then we should understand that we are now becoming a part of the Source.

  6. The Source is the perfection, yet it knows not of its own existence.

  7. So to be perfect, would undoubtedly, be boring.

  8. There is only perfection found in Living as long as Living views it as a whole.

  9. If there is that much balance as a whole, only then, will we be a near to perfect whole.

  10. History has taught us though that our notion of perfection is in the eye of the beholder and is not a lasting thing.

  11. There will always be the constant of negativity.

  12. At the very least an Omnist hopes to understand and utilize negativity as it is meant.

  13. As a keeper of peace, an Omnist should use the negativity to apply balance to whatever the current tribulation is. How much pressure needs to be applied to put things back into balance and, if at all, take them out of the current situation if they are the factor that is throwing it out of balance. Thus, allowing the Omnist to take a step back and understand that there are flaws within them and to encourage themselves to see beyond their own flaws; then become a much better part of the whole, for the whole, keeping themselves humble.

  14. Remember the lessons taught and move forward in life, to carry out the next course of action to benefit theirs and possibly another’s garden.
  1. What a ridiculous assumption to think that any god would need funds to survive.

  2. It is not the god or gods that requires funds. It is the greed of wherever the masses congregate to worship, not all, but many. What a sleight of hand these places use in thinking that it is a good idea to take funds to any gods abounding grace and endless love and mercy.

  3. Fear not the tithing of whatever lord may need, for what: isn’t it a safer bet to conduct worship in the comfort and confines of your own inner-selves?

  4. To find peace with whichever god of your choosing has set upon you.

  5. To first find the peace from within oneself, then to allow for that feeling to flow from within in an outward motion, touching others just through the inner peace one has found.

  6. How silly it is to assume that funds are always low, that many a gods’ temple finds itself thriving on the backs of the meager. On the wages of the Living that have toiled so hard to support both fanatical ideas and put food in the bellies of those they show care for.

  7. Down with the weekly allowances paid to the houses of self proclaimed holy that would use the allowances to annihilate a god of lesser renown.

  8. Shame on that and shame on the falsehood of mercy through funds.

  9. Shame on the false prophets that do not conduct themselves from within the hearts of all Living. But instead thrive through the pockets of those that are seeking love and abundance.

  10. Thriving on the feelings of those that would much more entertain the notion of a warm sun on their face and worship there, instead of, worshiping under the hot lights that cost numerous weeks wages.

  11. What funds would any true god or gods need to rely on?

  12. With greed there can be no sense of full fledged peace.

  13. For-shame on forcing guilt of greed onto those who fall to their knees.

  14. This is not the works of god or gods, but the works of those that are greedy and use fear as a tool to feed their power.

  15. And greedy be the Living that requires their “place of worship” to live on the funds of those that cannot afford it.



  1. We all are partaking in the journey together. By fool, absurdity, idiocy or anything negative is not to be taken into mind.

  2. By fool it is meant that we are all innocent Living. Contributing ourselves (either willingly and/or knowingly) as a portion of the whole.

  3. By fool, it is meant and open to interpretation that every living organism is a portion of the whole.

  4. By fool, it is meant that we all have our journey to take and on that journey we all meet the things in our lives that present us with the idea of what Living is.

  5. The Omnist fool, just as each and every one of us is a fool in some way, is meant to both listen and eventually teach.

  6. Being an Omnist, it is an incredibly great feeling to be able to understand how things work together as a whole.

  7. There are stories in the world both fictitious and factual, all told through the senses, feelings and characters that some Living has imagined somewhere.

  8. This is a journey open to interpretation, from and to every Living.

  9. We each have our own paths and many of us share very similar paths, how we go about them is up to us.

  10. The outcomes of the decisions that we have made, good or bad, determine how the world affects us and those around us.

  11. How we grow from an innocent fool, into something that we aspire to be that we have met (and learned from) during our journey.

  12. By fool, it should be taken in as a beginning, as someone that is just starting.

  13. By fool, it is meant that there is much to learn until we are finally fulfilled in our lives. That fulfillment may only come to some of us as we lay on our deathbeds. That may be full circle, in this life to some; for others, there may be a heaven to look forward to. To others they may attain the spiritual level that they are seeking. To more still it may be blackness, that this one life is it and this is all that they cared to have.

  14. However our journey through this life ends what has been learned here may be taken in, so let us make the best of it for ourselves and for one another. For the animals that we cater to and that cater to us. For the ones that depend on us and the ones that value their surroundings and know the dangers and atrocities that we have made against them.

  15. They too, are fools on their own journey. Living animal fools that are all the wiser for staying away from us by, throughout time, having witnessed our transgressions towards them.

  16. Not by all, but by the greedy, the power hungry and the few that have made a bad name for us all towards our fellow Living that may now shun us.
  1. Fellow Omnist fools on their own journeys through life, be humbled by the fact that you are still in a limber sense of innocence.

  2. To be called an Omnist fool in this fashion should be taken in and worn as a badge of honor, if you will.

  3. Please look passed the negativity of the word. It is a representation of innocence and a desire to fulfill a journey in seek of knowledge so that we may share what we have learned for other fools on their journey.

  4. Change the word in your mind and look beyond the insults of a word and begin to understand from prior books that we are all united in a great number of many ways.

  5. All of us have started off the same way.

  6. From the womb we have come.

  7. Before that, there was constant reconciliation between all Living in the universe, as small as it is large, as there as it is not there, as much as our reality can comprehend its massiveness, but how reality has not yet sought the imagination to fully understand how small it is as well.

  8. That understanding lies within the confines of the parts of our minds that we have yet to gain access to.

  9. The percentage where the Source exists. Where Nothing is constantly escaping into. Where Everything needs to be in order to continue pushing us along our course to the Source.

  10. Then back for others, for our misgivings, for ourselves, for something that is there, but for something that is not there to others. To those others, they are there for us, for us to imagine something greater than Nothing, for us to imagine it all and to see it all. To see it all within us, within you, within the past, fleeting present and hopeful future.
  1. Fools become the apprentice of understanding.

  2. The journey offers many roads, roads that all Living may find relate-ability on.

  3. Throughout the journey it is often times, unclear on how to dissolve our own needs to find something unifying.

  4. We do not want to give up the knowledge we have obtained.

  5. It may be only deemed evil by those who fight for what, they may feel, is good.

  6. Are we not all fools on our own quest for good?

  7. Haven’t we come far enough to have at least started to up-root the idea of singularity through separation, then back to all as a whole: rather than believing in one thing, or many, to make us whole again. Aren’t all things involved: without one there could not be another.

  8. They are all truths, truths that could not exist and flourish without one another; all truths in companionship with the one another, not a single stand-alone truth.
  1. The quest we par-take in as a fool could be compared to the magician in and of itself.

  2. The ideas, the struggles, unexpected twists, turns, mistakes, and lessons now learned in what not to do. All come together to make up areas of knowledge in our minds that we extend to one another.

  3. Overblown stories of monsters, great warriors and evil enemies. All having their own value of what they are doing as good. All have taken on the same quest in a common understanding of seeking “the truth.”

  4. Of understanding a “living word” or a journey filled with acts of righteousness that may be frowned upon by another’s idea if righteous; magicians are drawn to it and compelled to defend their understanding. Imagine the things lost throughout time that may have shed light on what it is we are now beginning to question, destroyed by another magician that believed their imaginations were truth all by themselves, thus, obliterating something that may have been truth to another magician.

  5. They represent the quest as a figure that has par-taken in their own, and nearly completed their quest.

  6. Though, it is a quest that adds to the fools desire to be their own magician and to have their own to contribution to the whole.

  7. As the magician lays out what they understand and have understood. They too, have not yet ended their quest as the fool.
  1. Neither enemy, nor ally, just an experienced fool who’s quest is coming to an end dabbling in the treasures that their own journey has granted them.

  2. A fool themselves, the magicians bear the marks the fresh fool has yet to experience by sharing with the fool previously unrevealed levels of imbuing that can be felt from either the kind, or the loathsome magician.
  1. By merely witnessing the magician the fool can take with them a number of stories. Only to not realize they may one day have their own telling marks and find themselves witnessed by a fool as a magician.
  1. To not forget the dos and do nots to being a Living and a telling factor for the whole. To par-take in what is deemed the good, as well as the evil.

  2. To be a shining example of whatever righteousness is needed for the aspiring magician’s course.

  3. Neither one realizing the unification of their own feeling of similarity with their drifting levelheadedness. The fool is the uniting factor between conflicting magicians; it is only at the end of the quest that the conflict exists and the resolve is forgotten.

  4. Be the magician that remembers the middle road of conflict and walking the middle road of many beliefs and ideas of Living and remain the arbiter of peace in the twisted, winding middle road.

  5. The Omnist fool plays the role of unification residing within conflict. Not of peace, but for peace, and a carrier of burdens of conflict and a purveyor of balance between the absolution and the retribution.

  6. The distributing magician does not hold all the power alone, but sees within all, that all power resides.

  7. Knowing when tricks are taking place and knowing the dangers that all magicians are capable of. Steering towards their own levels and capabilities that one may possess and the other vows never to be a part of.

  8. Why the gap between such wonders and why the sense of balance through fighting one another: when each magician, in their own right, may stake a claim to be good and forsake the alluring draw to elements that we hold no true power over thus, allowing us to enter into the realm of imagination that exists because of reality, so these powers cease to be separate.

  9. But, within the imagination is where the power of every magician lies.

  10. Telling fictions and fables from all ends of the faithful universes; sharing disclosed teachings to move forward with and ponder.

  11. Those teachings of fiction uphold the facts that are fulfilling many individuals. All of whom have a choice to choose the feeling, for and within themselves, giving nourishment to their own personal garden due to the delight that a magician has served them.

  12. Though, it may be poison to another’s garden, what may be good for one, may not be good for another. What is good for many may not good for all.

  13. But it still remains that knowledge does fill us, whether we know it is happening or not. No insult is meant to those who serve faithfully and fervently to whichever deity satisfies their intense love, and demands their devotion. For some though, it may not be what nourishes their garden.

  14. So long as there is a desire to be, there will always be a want to need to be, there will always be a need to want to be more, know more, a will to seek out the truth, to search out the deity and to be at one comfortably in their loving arms.

  15. So, indulge, but do not harm another and do not force your garden unto another, for shame to those who cause pain in such a way.

  16. Let the magicians carry out their own obscure journey and may the fools be on their way.
  1. Surrogates, stand-ins, ones to fill the shoes of those who bore us.

  2. Givers and caretakers of knowledge that may only be fully understood, by and large, by you as the priestess.

  3. Makers of siblings that, we as fools, entangle ourselves with during our journey.

  4. Any priestess has taken the path of good for higher understanding to pass down to the fools for further consideration and interpretation.

  5. Your understanding is incomplete as a stand-alone thought. But, with participation from other former fools that have taken their own course, you can teach peace through their understanding coupled with your own.

  6. You are the one that cares fully about something that is not of you; your compassion allows you to take in others and build a solid foundation for growth and further the fools adjustment to break away from mind (at times) and use heart to understand.

  7. It is not your actions that are to be followed, entirely. But, the act of your willingness for acceptance that should be learned from.

  8. How is it you can give so much with such a minor feeling of compassion and hand down knowledge from the sources that you have bore witness to: making a wonderful addition to the fools library of life skills.

  9. Your feminist qualities teach any fool that there is more to believe in that stretches beyond the words of any fools mother. You are one of many surrogates and you are part of an alliance that aspires to propel love.

  10. With the fool beside you and learning from you on it's journey, you are unified, and your knowledge passed down has become a portion of a whole to teach the fool different ways to approach love and peace.
  1. Your journey as a fool has given you the seat and name of whatever kind of priestess you are. From you is learned that we do not choose a life, we live one.

  2. You may have hoped for other positions in life but this spot saw you and you saw it and rightly so, none could match the ideas that you see fit to pass along to another fool on their journey.

  3. You see in their essence a journey that may grant them the world; their world may not be that of the seat that you have so gracefully filled. Take care though, to look passed your own understanding and give peace to the fool that has little to currently offer to the whole.

  4. Give your understanding in doses, so that the fool may understand lessons of the same kind in harder form and conditions under which you have surpassed.

  5. Send out your insight and so that the fool’s lack of understanding is overcome with a solaced compromise.

  6. Hope that the fool in front of you learns to cater to the needs of others with the same base act of love that your firm, quiet compassion can convey unto the fool.

  7. Be it the knowledge you pass on that the fool utilizes to go farther on their passage to becoming a welcome part of the whole.

  8. Your presence to the fool that is unaware, may not be that of a Living. It may be the words of one that was once a Living that has touched the fool, it could be many different teachers through the eyes of the fool that grant access to the knowledge of more than one priestess.

  9. The fool’s journey requires looking up to all of the teachings if the fool is to be successful on their journey.

  10. It is from all the priestesses that the collection of ideas may be put together for completeness; it is the view of the fool and the outcome of the fool’s journey that the words of wisdom and feeling of love may be convoluted on the fool’s path to perceive perfection, whatever that may be.
  1. The greatest of loves for the fool, before love for an equal is found.

  2. Held high, praised and adored. You as an empress give hope to your fools.

  3. Your garden is fertile and protected by others with your impact on how power should be upheld.

  4. Your delighted grace shines down on those who adore your presence.

  5. For the fool you once were be it a lowly derelict, or born into privilege, your will for betterment is looked up to as much as your high standing position is viewed by those full of wishful thinking.

  6. Without your subjective fools you would have no purpose or place. Your position of high respect would be of no need and an equal to Nothing you would become.

  7. Your daily indulgences are that of many things.

  8. Whether you truly indulge in pleasures of sleeping in a bed of roses, or bathing with your favorite pet.

  9. All fantasies lay true in the minds of the fools whether they are, or are not happening.

  10. Your beauty is idolized by those who adore you and a given curse by those who frown upon you. Even the most sought after positions are meant to be taken down a peg.

  11. The majority loves you and upholds the moral standards that you resonate out towards them.

  12. You empress, whatever you may be above, are more of a reflection of the beauty and grace that you carry within. To shine out in an everlasting impact on those who follow, love and look up to you.
  1. The practices and studies that you adhere to on your trek will be focused on by those who care more to learn your level of comprehension, as opposed to the matter in which you take in.

  2. It is what comes from within you that you present to a fool that is taken into the fool as a meaning of what beauty is.

  3. You are not meant to be touched by the fools, only to be adored as a representation of the meaning of love.

  4. There is no greater understanding that is meant to be granted than the knowledge you possess of what it is that should make us whole.

  5. Give unto the fool your woes so that you may press further into expressing whatever meaning it is that you are seeking.

  6. Give unto the fool your meanings that you have found, so that knowledge may make us equals; that understanding of the path may be of a comparison to unite those that have little with those that have much.

  7. You are a have, and as a have, you lay the groundwork for desire and through that desire, the derelict wish and dream. To be like you, with you, or to conquer you.

  8. Stand boldly and courageously in the face of those that seek to conquer.

  9. You have a following of the fools that you must teach through your actions.

  10. You are not alone against treachery and pain and we stand side by side and follow you and your unfathomable shine.

  11. Whatever your rule, you are one empress of many, in a long line of learned responsibilities that are upheld and meant to bring together.

  12. Be it through conflict, or peace.

  13. Adhere to the latter and find the unifying structure in the former, to attain the unison for (and with) all other empresses, so the fools on their journey can teach likewise the lessons of virtue that you brought to the table of Living.
  1. If you fall, take care not to let those you love fall with you. For they do love you and you are irreplaceable to them.

  2. You are the word of god in the hearts and on the lips of your children. Be your methods and ideals considered right or wrong, it is important that you understand your own depths and give truth in the end, when the time comes.

  3. Lay waste to your own pride and cater to the needs of love. Of love that you opted to teach and share, of true love of truth that lay deep within so that on your way down, the fools that held you so high will be there when you are ready to make your ascent back up from the hole where you hid your fears and denials.

  4. Honesty suits best and it is a lesson to teach to those that love you and hold you in the highest regard.
  1. To come across one, is to not see them all. The burdens of strife are forever upon you and your subjects...heavy indeed is the head that wears the crown….

  2. Be one derived through humbleness, there is another to have their power to be corrupted.

  3. One king sees another king as a lesser rather than an equal. They offer war disguised as an offering of peace and proclaim that their power is the one that is correct; disrupting the flow and catering to the values offered by disparity “in the name of.”

  4. Powerful Living dies the hero, before living long enough to develop into the villain. One of power should bear in mind those who gave that power.

  5. It is far more important to utilize the goodness of the words of fools, than to knock down a collective knowledge with a flurry of corrupted words.

  6. “My fellow [insert denizens here]” are the words of a person that is saying they are a part of something larger than themselves, what follows should not be of anything more than what that person wants to be a part of. In many cases this phrase is kept in places of like-minded individuals. Outside of the walls where this is spoken there may be a crowd that is ready to remind you that they are not your fellow whatever.

  7. Unison for all would probably work better if we reminded ourselves that we were once innocent and we are still currently on our journey as that fool. Distribution among fools of said words should be applied to the need for you to reciprocate the understanding of a larger amount of a whole, rather then to break apart any fool’s garden.

  8. Thus, allowing the many fools to feel the meaning behind the words you are saying. This is not meant to imply that what is said is not important, it means that there are those out there that ascribe more to the passion rather than the words being said.

  9. Such tactics used to move forward in a negative manner by a negative person should immediately bring the person into question as to how suitable their intent to rule is and what notions they have to bring about peace. They are positioned from a stand-point that is meant to enthrall by use of their energy, but not of sound heart and mind. One can be passionate about something, but one also has to feel the words with full meaning, rather than use the words to a propagandize and further their rule.
  1. Just words to some will be unjust to others.

  2. Your journey is far from over in the need to possess power dear emperor.

  3. It is best to constantly remind yourself that you are in the thought process of subjective fools. So that one’s own empirical mind does not seek to destroy the people that they themselves once were. So that in your rule you do not run rampant as so many emperors of long ago have done and proven their selfish needs and the plunge they made into greed.

  4. The good dispute the bad. What defines the difference is the whole beneath your throne to give you the power to make the decision. There is no power without those to give it to you.

  5. The mighty position of emperor should know that the peak is nothing to strive for if the foundation cares not to hold the structures precipice.

  6. It is easy to appear strong when what you are promoting is held hostage by the corrupt that may represent you.

  7. There is no will greater than that of a united will, a collective will that can take down the corrupt leaders and sing in unison as their own collective wisdom grows.

  8. It has been said that there is nothing new under the sun the one thing that would be new would be world peace. But that which does not yet exist may not be as obvious to all. Thus, giving the inexperienced emperor something new to strive for.

  9. Grow from good values that may shape you into something other that what you are, so that you may serve the whole in a just manner. Bearing in mind the bad decisions that you have made and to serve as your own personal reminder of what not to do...a northern star for your own moral compass...so that we may follow you into an uncertain future that promotes peace.

  10. Do not succumb to fear while sitting in a seat you may not properly deserve. Remind yourself constantly (much like the empress) that you are no better than the fools you serve.

  11. You are for your people, because of your people.

  12. Not one to hide behind rules and regulations that were laid down by others, but to observe them and uphold the meaning and the value that each one means to the individual.

  13. Not to be corrupted by the need for power (whatever that may be) and to be at the position of emperor because you want to be there, not because someone paid for you to be there.
  1. The fool notes the priests and appreciates their value.

  2. The fool can understand and eventually hope to relate to a lifetime devoted to a belief.

  3. A quest for knowledge is what any priest claims to be in pursuit of but, the Omnist values more the tie that binds one priest to another.

  4. The notion of peace that they are consumed with through their standard of faith is a constant dispute between themselves and the separation that they feel from another set of beliefs, and that fear and submission are the only ways to salviation.

  5. The principles that they are bound to is based on scriptures that they believe as divine truth. It is better to understand that the truth that we are seeking is something that is far beyond the comprehension of our minds current capacity. If it is ever found it is very unlikely that the truth is going to be that of science and not that of a God that we have created. The best word for it is eternity, but that does not mean it is an eternity from one set of beliefs.

  6. Swaying their belief onto another creates nothing more than division through misinterpretation and unneeded controversies. Many priests must first pass logic by their god’s will, taking them farther and farther into their own imagination; many denying imagination through a neglect of an idea that we are the creator of a creator.

  7. That for some a stand-alone absolution is best for all and is done so by seeking it in a rigorous proclamation of a righteous manner. [and lots of money too]

  8. Thus, separating us more, through the idea of differences.

  9. Instead of surmising that another priest’s interpretations, from another set of god or gods, leads to the same level of absolution.

  10. The hierophant brings together gardens in clusters and each cluster of gardens declares things that are far from a representation of peace.

  11. Power corrupts the emperor just as much as it corrupts a cluster of gardens being tended to by a priest. A priest that has become corrupted by a set of standards of their absolution, unknowingly spreading a poison onto a garden that had no need for the absolutions to begin with.

  12. It breaks down, and unhinges society by telling them to relinquish their faults and doling out a set of rules many of which state “do this, or else.”

  13. This is what the priests of any religion or decree of absolution towards their god or gods or sciences view as righteousness in the name of?

  14. The Omnist deviates from the path of priests after reaching a certain point to steer clear of corruption and acknowledges their wrong doings. Not for the sake of reaching absolution, but because they have surpassed it and they knew they were wrong.

  15. Forgiveness is then more appreciated from a full on contribution from the whole.

  16. If a punishment comes down upon an Omnist it is more circumstance examining the wrong doing, derived from the whole towards the accosted Omnist and the Omnist then learns to forgive themselves, so that they may continue on their own fool's journey.
  1. It is the level of discipline the priest has reached in obtaining knowledge that the fool learns from the priest.

  2. It is not the words, but the feeling that the Omnist fool adheres to more.

  3. The granting of knowledge and the core level of a priests own love that the Omnist fool can relate to.

  4. There will be no swaying of a priest’s convictions. That kind of power does give necessity to hope.

  5. But, the Omnist will work against the forcing of ideals upon those that would not care to have it forced upon them.

  6. Pressing of false righteousness does not bode well for the evolution of the mind to adapt to the construct of a new whole and it certainly hinders the absolution of any god.

  7. It is though a thing that seems unavoidable. The more you can attribute yourself to keeping peace. The farther away you may come from the good teachings of any true priest simply because of those who forced too much upon your garden.

  8. Thus, pushing you into fear and causing you to make a decision. The best choice to be made is that of what nourishes the garden.
  1. Take with you, young fool, the good feelings of the hierophants make-up.

  2. Carry them with you on your journey.

  3. That is where the strength from hierophants lay. From within who and what they wish to be an obtain once they are gone, more so than who and what they say they are.
  1. There is strength within lovers.

  2. The true devotion they have for one another is something that transcends most things that can be though about.

  3. Love exists long after the lovers are gone.

  4. A single lover is always on the path of finding their true love. That alone, is a quest in itself.

  5. Be there love in another, for some to be found.

  6. Some find love in objects and ideas; some become lovers of nature; some become lovers of their own inner passion; some love to hate; some love the darker forces that weigh in upon them; some love the light and freedom it grants them; some love the dark and the freedom it grants them; some love their vices that ignite their flames from within; some love to be the wedge that comes between a bond of others in love; some love simply the journey for love; some still love to love the ones they have lost forever.
  1. The feeling of love, regardless, is made for all dispositions.

  2. Religions need love from their followers.

  3. Followers need to feel loved from what they believe in.

  4. Love is not held hostage by convictions.

  5. It spreads far beyond any walls and the feeling finds all Living in some way.

  6. Love comes to those who still hope after disappointment and to those who still believe after betrayal and who still love after they’ve been hurt.

  7. The broken may be mended by one that likely shares and understands their pain.

  8. The lovers will carry within them differences that act as an area of common ground.

  9. They are different but, through their differences an unimagined level of understanding is developed.

  10. Inner feelings are then radiated outward and held onto by those that the light of the combined lovers touch.

  11. Wounds from past lovers give the knowledge of what it is that is vital for one heart to stay away from. The wounds may be re-opened and healed again and again.

  12. That alone should be a teacher to the fool that love is essential in playing a vital role in their lives.

  13. Many of these things love teaches to the observant Omnist fool, contributing to the lessons of boundlessness.

  14. Be it through love of a god, or gods, or love of the devil, love of plants and animals, be it the love for another and the unison of two gardens to further their developments; for the love of anything.
  1. The lovers carry a burden, a blessing, and an unconquerable feeling that resides within them.

  2. They resist the things that may threaten to tear them apart.

  3. Their bond strengthens and weakens over time.

  4. The outside threats that are wrought upon the lovers could be the feelings that there may be a separation from temptation due to internal interferences.

  5. Feelings that the lovers may find no way to discuss with one another.

  6. Creating a wedge that will drive the lovers apart or give them something to overcome together.

  7. The lovers become whole through one another and they find themselves deep within the confines of their significant other.

  8. They feel one another and feel for one another.

  9. They support the dreams that they are each trying to accomplish and they give strength to one another in times of need.

  10. They look passed the flaws that each one the other carries and identifies them as a part of their beautiful lover, taking unto them the true beauty that lay within the one they share their deep connection with. As such, the flaws become a part of them being the better part of their reflections and they convey a sense of harmony when they are happy.

  11. Also, in their rages against one another, a sense of quick biting arguments that if they are strong for one another will work through and bring about something of more value than holding onto a grudge.

  12. Thus, teaching each other how to work through their problems, making them stronger for their union, and being a shining example for those who long for love.

  13. When it comes to your lover, once you have found them don’t ever let go of them throughout whatever frame of time you care to recognize in life.

  14. Be honest, up front, and open. If there is someone you share feelings for tell them. They may not feel the same, but understand that there is no shame in sharing love. The worst that will happen is they tell you no.

  15. Do not force yourself upon them, be open to them, for that is what allows love to blossom. One doesn’t know what is around the corner but rest assured something is, and those things you shared openly with another will impact them for the rest of their lives. For they too are their own fool on their own journey, just be glad that you got to be a part of it, as they got to be a part of yours.


  1. It is what brings us to the many crossroads of life in order to be given the option to make a decision that will keep us going, or cause us to stop.

  2. It carries the fool once enough knowledge has been attained on how to control their chariot. Be your chariot a physical mode of transportation, or one that you rely on inside your mind and heart. It is the driving factors that push us through our physical lives.

  3. It is the carrier of whatever it is that is brought to the idea of a whole.

  4. The chariots themselves are a reflection of who we are as Living in some way.

  5. They carry us as Living and within Living is carried our imaginations, feelings and all the other little idiosyncrasies that make up our current perception of reality.

  6. There may be more than one chariot in a fool’s life. In some way, all of them work together through the Living.

  7. They carry us as fools through the lives and experiences of other fools that we pass along the way.

  8. Whether we take the time to slow our chariots down and pay attention to those that are passing by so that we may share experiences in life is entirely up to the individual fool.

  9. There are things in life that are going to test who we are, no matter what we believe or don't believe. How we carry ourselves represents the chariot and the more we grow, the more the ride becomes a part of who we are.

  10. Allowing us to make the decisions to choose the path that will lead us to our inevitable outcome. We give them names and care about them, these inanimate objects that do much of the work.

  11. The work to bring us to our destinations, following safe routes laid out by other fools before us, or blazing a trail for other fools to follow.

  12. We grow with it and become one with our spiritual chariot, our metaphorical vehicle. The carrier of what lies within us drives it forward bringing what is important to us into the Source. So that we may share the experiences of good for the future that we are entirely uncertain of.

  13. After we are gone and we are driven into the Source, we may catch a glimpse of what is to come if we so desire to look into the Source. So long as we have been guided by our moral compass and have shown compassion and empathy, if we have made the right choices and understand that our own self judgment is a vital role to how we comprehend the collective level of other fools that have passed through the Source.

  14. Others in the Source judge our actions as well.

  15. Giving us the chance to choose another ride on our chariots, become something more or be cast off into Nothing. Our actions in this life allow us to judge ourselves as well as others once we have come to the Source.
  1. May it come swiftly, fairly, and remain blind in its stare.

  2. At times the blind nature of justice throws itself onto the fool. So long as it is justice well deserved the fool should understand that it is fair.

  3. So long as the fool remains steady on their course before them and chooses the correct moral choices, all will serve better in the journey for the world. In times where justice is used to overpower and consume and in times where it is used in the proper sense by those that have learned its true meaning, then time will bring proper justice.

  4. Thus, upholding the power from either end of the stick.

  5. Justice systems wax and wane depending upon who is holding the scales and who can be bought and sold. The tipping of the scales is only temporary and the scales always reset themselves to uphold true, matter of fact, justice.

  6. Be it in favor of the good or the wicked it is a balancing act that is a necessary evil.

  7. The wolves eat the deer.

  8. The wolves eat too many deer.

  9. The deer die and there becomes too few.

  10. The wolves begin to die of starvation.

  11. The deer replenish their numbers.

  12. The wolves replenish their numbers.

  13. Basic animal justice in the wild.

  14. The obviousness and relative nature of this formula is apparently past the comprehension of the greedy. And how it affects those whose shoulders carry the greedy fools that become blinded and use their wicked tactics to manipulate a false justice in order to defend their need for more.

  15. There will come a time when the thing valued most will not be able to be consumed. Thus, allowing the deer to flourish once again...and so on and so forth...as nature will again provide.
  1. It is served to us all. If we have been willing and generous in our actions, proper justice will come to us in due time.

  2. We all get what we deserve in the long run. It is calculated through our own determination of how we feel.

  3. If we have wronged another Living, we will eventually feel guilty, unless you happen to be one with no conscience, those without should be pitied; odds are their negative aspects will be sent into the Nothing, to be Nothing.

  4. Remorse, vindication and negative feelings that plague the wrong-doers will cause the garden to grow dark. The hurt that is inflicted onto others will go full circle within the giver of pain.

  5. Guilt, anxiety, fear, all to be wrought onto the giver of such agonies. It is best to apologize for inflicting pain and understand how it is you wronged another Living, so that you may find find moral directions once again and gain the capacity to forgive yourself.

  6. Forgiveness of wrong doings upon another is out of the inflicter's control, it is only up to the one who has had wrong done to them to forgive and understand their own sense of justice. If no forgiveness is given, there may be an empty feeling of callousness of something that may never heal in one’s garden. But, moving forward is essential for both parties to grow in some way, shape or form.
  1. The fool comes across one Living that is alone and far-off in the wilderness, on the open ocean or in any secluded area reserved for concentration and respite of the mind. This Living is full of mystery and knowledge and has seen into the deeper meaning of their own minds. The fool notices that a hermit is one that has taken meanings from imagination and infused them with the reality that they have no real choice but to succumb to, then, understood that further still.

  2. Full of wisdom and know how. Full of silence and complacency and a peaceful, yet seemingly dark nature towards the things that they come into contact with.

  3. Even after meeting any hermit, there is probably going to be a time of inner reflection for the fool. So that the hermit may take a journey into their mind about this new fool that has just crossed their path. This fool that the hermit may have once been, prior to their escape away from the world and down the road that has led them down the path of solitude.

  4. Nature may take some.

  5. Perhaps it is the garden you know that prefers the company of the gardens of cats and dogs over the company of another garden. Those animals are Living, just as there is Living residing within that solitude. A level of understanding that the hermit has taken with them. To continue on their own secluded venture towards an ever growing insightful nature attempting to attain the knowledge that they prefer to keep hidden within themselves, until the right fool is revealed.

  6. Hidden from the world, perhaps that solitude is only scary to most because there is a lack of understanding towards it. Because it is frowned upon in our current society to be anti-social. Because it may be something that some Living long for, but are never able to come close to the amount of quiet reserve one must have within themselves to simply break away from a societal norm.

  7. Perhaps because they have seen enough to know they have seen too much.

  8. Perhaps they were wronged in some way and they themselves are scared.

  9. Or maybe they just happen to be a natural loner.
  1. The hermit represents that wise part within us all.

  2. Not all of us are capable of being alone. Many of us need the constant stimulation of others to null the growing feeling of emptiness that we think is consuming us.

  3. The hermit chooses to better understand that emptiness. If not for Living such as the hermit, would we not have a better understanding of our minds: what we read to attain knowledge on any subject, many of the writers and mathematicians that have inspired us may have been rather reclusive. If not for the inner walks of their own mind, if not for the reclusive lifestyle, they may have never been able to succeed in the discovery of what they were seeking.

  4. These pioneers seek to further improve our lives, without any concern of recognition. [At least none that they would admit]

  5. They gain knowledge through the study of other hermits of long ago. Inspired by those pioneers who have either succeeded, or fallen short of their quest’s conclusion and the new hermit picks up and carries on.

  6. Had it not been for the proper writing of the previous hermit’s, there would be no gain for the quest as a whole. Thus, turning two separate hermits idea's into one ideal, linking their separation to all of us and to better us in order to move forward and evolve. To stand in whatever kingdom they so choose once all is said and done.

  7. To contribute those ideals to the Source and be granted further access to the god of gods, beyond the god. To discover alone the long lost progenitor of the deepest feelings that reside within us all.

  8. The feelings of faith and spirituality combined with discovery and knowledge that guide each of us through our tumultuous times.

  9. To take us to the next plane of existence or to guide us back through this life again and again until we discover our true calling.

  10. Alone, the hermits press on; the habits that the hermit has belong to them and them alone and sharing these habits will contribute to the discovery that the worthy fool of their choosing carries further down the road of their own journey.

  11. Even after meeting the right fool, there is still more knowledge to be gained.

  12. Is it a life wasted in solitude to find the necessary discovery that resides within us all, or is it of a deeper meaning to one that has gained understanding for us all?

  13. That decision is up to the hermit once the fool has made their way through, moving forward and carrying the knowledge away on their spiritual chariot. Out into what the hermit may view as their own oblivion in reality.

  14. A world that the hermit has left behind, in order to gain knowledge for a deeper truth that resides within and beyond us all.
  1. The fool takes one look at the desires placed before them on the wheel of fortune.

  2. The temptation of things and the risk that is to be taken if it lands on something less desirable than what was hoped for.

  3. It is the risk we all run, a roll of the dice, a chance to once again, dance with our devils.

  4. Or, make something better through the gifts that we have been given.

  5. To put our gardens in the hands of something that is out of our control, that is larger than us in our metaphysical world. Something that resides within us all, linking us together.

  6. Perhaps some other fools garden is something that we are resting our hopes and dreams on.

  7. That garden then, becomes the wheel that we choose to spin to give the fates a chance.

  8. At a spin of the wheel it is now in fates hands.

  9. The chances that we take in spinning the wheel, resting something out of the fools control onto the shoulders of the other said fool, all in one fell swoop.

  10. Relying on the wheel to land on something that may be considered desirable at the time.

  11. Or to land on something that will send the fool plummeting. Into a pit of whatever it is they fear the most or catching hold of what they hoped to gain with their wager. Who is to say for certain other than what truly lies within the soul of the fool.

  12. The risk is taken and the fault is on none other than the one who spun the wheel. The fool that decided to take the risk and gamble the knowledge that they have attained so far on their journey.

  13. Whether they take the spin on some kind of life altering temptation to be the anomaly that may, or may not change the way things are viewed.

  14. It is a risk, a gamble, in the end however, the house always wins.
  1. To varying degrees we are all, as Living, full of strength.

  2. Be it physical strength, mental strength, emotional strength.

  3. Strength that we dig deep to find in order to accomplish something that needs to be done at the end of a long day.

  4. Strength that we rely so heavily on to make us some sort of dynamic figure that we want others to look up to.

  5. Strength that we don’t want to lose, for fear of becoming something less of what it is than we are with it.

  6. Strength, to carry us through the mistakes of losing to the wheel. Of accepting our mistakes and moving passed them, becoming all the wiser for other fools that may follow in our path.

  7. Strength, to be able to accept the consequences of our actions and to learn from our mistakes. Applying to our garden, that life is a series of lessons in what not to do.

  8. Accepting the fact that there are different types of strengths that we may not have, but others do. That our strengths may be strong for others weaknesses and that others strengths may be strong for out own weaknesses.

  9. That we don’t succumb to oppressive natures from other’s strengths and that we do not become oppressive with our own strengths. But, acknowledge our weaknesses for our strengths and understand that others know our weaknesses but, look up to us, for our strength.

  10. Strength that leads to a pride that we, at times, may be unwilling to let go of, thus, leading us down a road of fear.
  1. Ever so subtly our strength fades in many different ways.

  2. The strength that we once relied on is now gone, have we neglected another kind of strength that we did not want to submit to?

  3. Our muscles grow weak as we age, but our wisdom is what suffers if we continue to hold onto something that we know we are ultimately going to lose anyway.

  4. Turning a blind eye to the strength that our minds have attained.

  5. Our emotional strength to attach to another through heart and mind and body. The small jolts that connect us inside ourselves as we meet other Living that share the same jolts. That’s an immeasurable strength. One that grows in numbers as time takes its strides through our lives.

  6. A bond that does not physically move things. But can do so, nonetheless, if we believe strongly enough.

  7. As romantically as we would like to believe the truth that is told to us about that.

  8. Reality will find a way to measure the physical aspect of it. Our imaginations will find a way to make that measurement un-reality.

  9. Using numbers and diagrams and math and charts and all sorts of wires and attachments and assessments and studies and all the things that will take a Living’s strength to a grinding halt once it has reached its limits.

  10. Are there truly limits to strength, though?

  11. How is it that there is always something stronger and stronger as time moves on?

  12. The impossible always becomes possible through our strength and perseverance.

  13. Is that only because we set ourselves up with the limitations of being told that it can’t be done?

  14. Would it not be strong to believe that if it is possible for an omnipotent, all powerful being to breathe life into dirt, then, wouldn’t it be just as possible to have strength in the possibility that we did evolve from some ape like being?

  15. With the idea of said omnipotent being already having the idea before we could have even conjured it in the first place.

  16. Or, that there are multiple universes and that there are numbers and equations out there that we have yet to recognize.

  17. Is there a set law out there somewhere that is meant to defy what we know about physics that we have yet to discover?

  18. Or, because the 14% of our minds reality says it is impossible, what does the other 86% of our mind do while we are not using it?

  19. There is strength that we have yet to attain, strength beyond our material possessions and the glimmers that catch our eye.

  20. The strength to see past what will only make us happy for a short period of time. To have the faith in something more that is within the oblivion of our minds that we have yet to be revealed to us.

  21. Is there something more powerful than all of this that relies solely on us as Living to believe it?

  22. And if so, how strong would it be? What is it the hermits have discovered and passed onto us that we have overlooked?

  23. The words within the words, perhaps.
  1. How desperate is the need for knowledge, that many would discipline themselves for the sake of it?

  2. Then what, they find themselves at the end of some kind of metaphorical rope?

  3. Not to end themselves, rather to take up the practice of concentration and focus.

  4. Meditating in the position that they find best to look deep within themselves.

  5. To gain understanding through ones own inner reflection.

  6. To first understand that their concentration will not be broken, that they are making themselves something of a display piece.

  7. Each Living will have their methods of this. Be it by walking down a road, engaging in a game that requires great use of the mind. Listening to deafening music to tune out reality for a matter of time. Indulge in substances without going beyond the limits of said substances to break their minds.

  8. Par-taking in activities that, those with lesser physical strengths, may not qualify to engage in.

  9. Those with lesser strengths may take the time to engage in opening up their minds to the strengths that they have yet to find for their own meditation, for their own insight.

  10. Some can hang in that state for long periods of time, coming out of their inner selves with a much greater understanding of their own garden, along with, a new point of view for those around them.

  11. If we ask ourselves a question, then, take the time to look at all the possible outcomes that we can, then that is not a waste of time.

  12. The ability to scrutinize and break down the question with numerous answers will bring us to the proper conclusion.

  13. After learning this process with one question, the next question that we ask ourselves will be easier and take less of a toll on our concentration, and so on and so on and so on.

  14. Thus, allowing ourselves to guide our minds to the best possible outcome that, to some, may be so out of reach, but in the long run, if the small steps are followed, then the answer can be attained and applied.

  15. With each obstacle from question to answer arises new twists and turns on the journey through the question;

  16. The more we recognize and understand each obstacle, the better the outcome will be for us in the long run and the more at rest our mind will be to venture into the 86% of uncharted territory within itself.
  1. We are born with one question.

  2. What?

  3. Throughout our lives here, we are and have been, on a constant fool’s journey to answer that question.

  4. Each aspect of our lives is an obstacle. Each question on our journey is pointing to the question that we are first born into.

  5. Our lives as Living, is a fabrication of our collective imaginations. Turning one another into the reality that we all share before us.

  6. Our journey has been unlike that of any other, thus far and we are far from finished.

  7. We know who we are; what are we? We are our own collective thought; we are the deeper meaning for one another that each and every one of us is searching for. [at least up to this point]

  8. We are the Living that can generate these thoughts. But, there is an acknowledgement of other Living among us that we do not take into consideration. That Living too, has a collective imagination as well.

  9. Living is Living, the trees, the animals, the birds and the bees, the ants and the maggots, the snakes and the fleas.

  10. All a collective unit that make up a part of this never ending rope. Some bring about fears while others bring about hope.

  11. We all inspire one another in some way shape or form; to perhaps, aspire to become something that is outside of the norm.

  12. To focus our minds on our own walls and boundaries; to look deeply within, into our own soul’s foundry.

  13. Without one, we could not be ourselves; without ourselves, there could not be another.

  14. To share in space and time, the first question of “what” that echoes deep in our minds.

  15. To gain a final answer, or kneel to- a li-ving truth. To be the hermit deep in thought, or to live ‘neath, a humble roof.

  16. We hold high, the thoughts of yesterday; follow suit to the strengths of yore.

  17. With what we’re born with-in-this re,.al-ty, to search for meanings beyond the lore.
  1. Death, by and large, is not the ultimate end to all things, only the end of our perception towards another Living.

  2. It is an opinion, sure.

  3. But death, when the fool sees it, is something to be learned from as well.

  4. How death is established can be brought about in many different ways. Not to say it is an accomplishment. Though it may certainly be a fulfillment for us to finally move on. That is, by no means, giving a reason to be in a rush to get there; understand though, that some Living feel the need to do so.

  5. But it is still a driving force in the idea that Living is that much more important.

  6. It is fear of the unknown that keeps most Living from being in a rush to shake hands with death.

  7. The fear of pain involved before death, assuming that it is a tragic accident. The fear of what lies beyond this world. The fear just before when we know it is over and we succumb to the ultimate climax that grants us the answer to the question that we were born with.

  8. Inevitably, it will be an experience that we all must endure.

  9. What then? What does an Omnist believe happens after death?

  10. It depends on the faith that one Living caters to the notion of.

  11. It depends on the faith that an atheist chooses to experience the idea of Nothing.

  12. Omnism encapsulates the end of things, supposing to the ideas of each and every individual.

  13. What ones garden feels happens after death is what nourishes that ones garden in life, thrusting forward the ideals that they believe into the next generation of passing fools.

  14. Giving them hope beyond hope of something more that a tumultuous life full of hardships and heartaches. Believe and you will. In Omnism, that is what happens after you die… “Believe and you will”

  15. Omnism revolves around life and death. It caters to the needs of both, sooner accepting the fact that we are going to die, will nurture the need for one to cater to living a much happier life.

  16. The futility of knowing that our lives are going to come to an end will bring about a deeper meaning of knowing and feeling what it means to be here.

  17. What means is there in between? The means are what are in between. We consider death as a veil to hide what lay beyond it’s dark grip, instead of understanding that the path we are walking now is the veil in between beginning and end.

  18. While we share this veil it is important to acknowledge the means to be a morally good Living among Living. To give oneself the capacity to believe, to hope beyond death, to take in the feelings of others around you and still be who you are without any internal denial. To break away and be free from nihilism.

  19. Without death, the fool would not be able to make their journey. To learn how to mourn and care for those that are grieving. To become close and united through loss of something that was so loved to someone.

  20. To not have any relationship with the recently departed, but still understand the feelings of loss and to share the pain of others that did know the newly departed.

  21. To shed tears at the loss of something so close to the fool that stands next to us, as we stand next to them.

  22. Shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm. Feeling one another’s wounded garden; allowing time and the empathy of others caring nature and their own experiences to shed light on the darkness we feel when death has taken something so close.

  23. To be in unison with others at a time of loss and to know that the sun will rise tomorrow. That this will get better, that this too, shall come to pass. That the deep wounds we share with others during great loss will be scars that remind us of the better times that once existed in our lives, when this Living was around.

  24. And to understand that it will be more important for us, to rise from the ashes and bask in the sunlight while we are here. So that others will mourn us, as we have mourned for others.

  25. To not have fear of being a part of the veil that separates beginning from end. Allowing us to guide others during this transition to something of deeper meaning and further our concepts of who we truly are.

  26. Opening ourselves up to take in what lies beyond this shaded area of our consciousness and to relinquish the things that do not matter and hold onto the things that do.


  1. This has to be a problem of make pretend amongst us as fools.

  2. For shame on all fools and all fools that think themselves beyond this point.

  3. For fools to think themselves anything other than Living.

  4. For fools to think themselves anything more than what they are.

  5. Allow pride to take hold and justify the idea of temperance.

  6. Temperance for whom?? As well as who??

  7. Temperance towards the things that may break the Living down.

  8. An idea that there are things out there that the Living could take unto themselves and cause pain to themselves.

  9. Then, take said devices through lack of temperance and use it to press upon another’s garden.

  10. Once the fool has gone past the limits of indulgence, the fool forgets about temperance. Having no guide left other than misery to over-indulge with.

  11. Thus, further poisoning their garden.

  12. Temperance teaches the fool lessons.

  13. Lessons in what not to do, in order to reach the climax that this quest is granting them access too.

  14. For some, this may be as far as they get and their journey concludes at this point.

  15. Thus, making the lack of temperance their world, their garden gets filled to the brim with over-indulgence of whatever it is they may have been attracted to. Then, that route is taken towards the opposing factors of their journey towards the world, bringing about the conflicts that are so necessary for the balance of other fools on their own journey for their world.

  16. Seeing those that have failed at temperance, teaches them what not to do.

  17. Seeing those locked up, still yearning to find their world, but, still do no realize that they are in their world.

  18. The fool now considers that temperance is not a world, not a figure to strive to be, but a feeling and a meaning that needs to be applied to their garden.

  19. So that they may carry out and fulfill their journey.
  1. Overindulgence outside of the boundaries of ones body and garden may result in less than satisfactory results.

  2. One may grow tired and weary if they care to not listen to the lessons of their own past and the pasts of others.

  3. Of witnessing others that did not indulge in temperance.

  4. Others that did not restrict themselves from “going off the deep end” and did not tie a rope to the top to climb back up.

  5. Temperance in oneself allows one to endure and carry further on their journey to obtain the world.

  6. Not the world so that we may be one ruler. Rather, the things that matter most to us, so that we may care better for others.

  7. So that we may progress in degrees to a greater understanding of what it means to stand together and united (differences and all) instead of disputing one another over something that will lead us all to a surprise in the end.

  8. Temperance in understanding and knowing deep inside that there is Nothing; that from Nothing is where the idea of our need for something greater comes from.

  9. Through temperance we give understanding to the next set of fools that are following their own path.

  10. That once we have gotten past our own temptations and have found stability in our moral compasses, we can contribute as a guide to the next level of lessons to be taught.

  11. That there is more involved than our own selfish indulgences and need for things that will not last. That we learn sooner, through temperance, what is truly important.

  12. For ourselves, for our mothers, fathers and our children, for our neighbors, for our friends and for our faiths, from our faiths, minds, and hearts.

  13. For our leaders and for our followers. For the ones that carve their own paths.

  14. For the animals that teach us so much about a world that we have yet to fully understand, but claim for ourselves.

  15. For the things that we have yet to endure outside of our world and for the things that lay deep within ourselves that we have yet to discover.

  16. Temperance will teach us to endure the aspect of ourselves that allows us to be our own worst enemy.

  17. And it will carry beyond that, because it is the resistance in temptation that guides our moral compasses, our morals that tell us when enough, is enough.

  18. Whether we take the course of learning the hard way, or absorbing the wisdom of those who have gone their course and see us as the current passing fool that they care to share their wisdom with. That might be something a hermit could teach you.
  1. Ah, the ark of evil, the darkness that either consumes us all, or is out to enslave and eradicate us.

  2. Depending upon what it is that your garden dictates as what a devil is.

  3. To some, it is a color of another’s physical appearance.

  4. To others, it is the opposing force that their scriptures lay down onto them.

  5. To many a devil could be a drug that has them coming back for more no matter what the consequence.

  6. To some it is a disease.

  7. Perhaps it is a horned winged creature that bounces around playing tricks.

  8. At one point in time it was a giant monster with one hundred snakes for hands, and only the mighty Zeus could defeat him.

  9. They are demons, to some, that are capable of possession.

  10. Everything evil revolves around these tricky critters.

  11. Or this one tricky, rebellious fellah.

  12. The fools that encounter the devil on their journey get frightened, no doubt.

  13. The Omnist fool now knows that it is pointless to be frightened of the devil.

  14. Much like it is pointless for the Omnist fool to worship either any of the gods, or the devil itself.

  15. It is not good for the gardens, through temperance we have learned to steer away from the things that poison the gardens.

  16. These things could take the name of the devil.

  17. But a rose by any other name, would still smell just as sweet, as we have been led to believe.

  18. Perhaps another devil to the Omnist fool is a religious sect that preaches peace through indentured servitude with the promise of a salvation.

  19. That too, could be far worse a promise than allowing the devil to tend to your garden.

  20. The fool learns to tend to their own garden.

  21. Each garden is not for the devil nor the gods, but ‘tis the Omnist fools own to tend to.
  1. To some, they need the idea of worshiping devils.

  2. Of thriving on the pain that they bring.

  3. Perhaps this imagination is only depicted as backwards throughout history.

  4. Is not history corruptible?

  5. Through history we learn the course of Living. A set of ideals of how to live within the confines of “good vs. evil”

  6. But have we not seen how the books can be manipulated and re-written?

  7. Does not history also prove that the manipulation through eradication has happened as well?

  8. Placing a word like devil on something is to assume that it is evil. What is funny about that is that the devil spelled backwards is lived.

  9. Perhaps we have been taught wrong.

  10. Not to say go out and find the neighbors cat (or any animal to sacrifice) but, if you did, the only thing telling you it is the devil’s will, is what exactly?

  11. Is it not your own imagination that comes up with the jolly idea of thriving in the darker side of things? Or, is it the reality that you have been subscribed to that gives of the moral compass to innately know not to find said cat?

  12. So long as no other Living is hurt in the process of the jumping through hoops procedures' of worship.

  13. How can it be considered bad?

  14. How is it that some ideas and concepts of love can be considered best for everyone when they are only allowing for one concept of love to enter themselves?

  15. Then, they need something to blame all the ill be-gotten happenings on. Is this not an aspect of math?

  16. Let’s use the devil for this one, too.

  17. Only the Omnist fool will call the devil Loch Loa. There, how is that for ultimate evil?

  18. Now, Omnism has its devil, Loch Loa, how’s that roll off the tongue?

  19. In another language it may be something so beautiful to another’s garden somewhere else in the world.

  20. Thus, so long as no harm or poison is put into another’s garden. Loch Loa may be nourishing another Living thing. Be it a good devil or a bad devil, it is all a matter of interpretation. As such, it is all open for discussion.

  21. Plucked from imagination, Loch Loa is now a part of Everything, albeit a small part. There you have it once again, evolution happening in the mind.

  22. All that is needed now is for a fellow Omnist to perhaps draw a picture, furthering the evolution and growth of Loch Loa.

  23. Could be anything, could be just a blank piece of paper justifying the idea of Nothing.

  24. Others can interpret what is on the paper in their own minds whatever they want Loch Loa to look like.

  25. Ain’t art wonderful? [Ain’t: aren’t not]
  1. The point is, the fools encounter with the devil is simply an idea that puts meaning to something that is evil.

  2. The devil is just the name, for the devil finds Jesus or Buddha or Brahma evil, wouldn’t one think?

  3. Has the ultimate evil not been the biggest benefactor for any saintly practice? If not for the devils, there would be no business in harvesting the gold of our souls/gardens. [bank accounts]

  4. Say the majority of the Living was on a different course, and a Christian Satan was the one being worshiped.

  5. Would not the holy bible be something of blasphemy?

  6. Or would the ideals of Satan be much longer than they are now.

  7. Luciferianism brings this role reversal into play very nicely. Research it if given the opportunity. Is it right? Omnism states: not entirely.

  8. Thus, bringing to relative terms that we, as the higher Living here are the ones that coin the phrases; that we are the ones that give substance and can point blame on the things that are wrong to us as Living.

  9. Does that not make us both good and evil and attributing to the connotation that we are capable of all things?

  10. Is the temptation to do wrong avoided because, morally, we know it is wrong? (although sometimes devilishly fun, lol)

  11. Aren’t we born knowing not to kill our parents?

  12. Is that not innately put into us, as we know without them we are less likely to survive and pass on the things that brought meaning to our lives.

  13. Doesn’t the symbolic devil mean more to us towards a striving of what good natured is?

  14. Just as much as having to lay down our lives and kneel before something that is going to save us from temptation of said beings.

  15. Physical devils are the things that will poison any fools garden.

  16. What’s good for one and inspiring to one, helps one believe and have faith; filling to the brim a cup of internal serenity in whatever belief system gets you there. Where there consists beliefs in ones own imagination and resides the devils of our realities.

  17. But neither garden should press upon the other.

  18. Without the existence of both garden tenders, there would be no need for them to decide reasoning between good and evil.

  19. Or place a name of the devil on something that is bad.

  20. Though, that same feeling may not apply to another. There is nothing wrong with that, as well. Who are we to cast aspersions and point fingers? That alone will make us more the devil, despite what great inspiration has been given to you.

  21. So, Loch Loa, thank you for your participation in this.
  1. When it all comes crashing down.

  2. When we have overstepped the line of our own temperance and our strength leaves us.

  3. When our lover has turned their back on us and we no longer have the will to carry on.

  4. When the darkness of our innermost devils comes out in a flash dance of self-destruction and we accept the fall from the top of our tower.

  5. When we break away from our steely resolve and positive actions and throw ourselves and everything that we cherish into the fires of our own depressions.

  6. Tis not the fall, but the sudden stop at the end.

  7. This is not a reference to physical suicide. This is not a time for us to meet and greet death.

  8. This is the time when we take a dose of our humble pie and notice ourselves for what we are inside, instead of defining ourselves by the material things that once made us feel as though we were at the top of our own tower.

  9. The tower that has filled our pride and filled it with something that has no value to our moral compasses.

  10. Indeed, these reflections of us may be fun, but what is the true value?

  11. What is the full gain from them that we can take with us when it is all said and done?

  12. Is it not better to understand how we get back up from this fall?

  13. Is it not better to be able to look up at the things that we once cherished?

  14. To look up and realize how we have made ourselves captive to these possessions; then, look forward into a vast open world that we would have never been able to touch and experience had it not been for the tumultuous times that we have endured.

  15. Once we have brushed ourselves off and understood what humble is. We will then be ready to traverse the things within that truly matter; to be rid of the shackles that once held us captive to the greed that filled us.

  16. At this point, will ye abandon all hope? Or will ye gather new strength, to take down those devils and carry on the true value of what it means to be a part of Living?
  1. There are endless possibilities out there for us, as one and as one together.

  2. We need to take off the blinders that shroud our vision; shrug off the weights that drag us down and hinder the progress through our minds.

  3. The climb to the top, the figurative end we all think that we have reached at some point in our time here with one another, brushing the shoulders of the fool that is standing next to us, that fool too is on a journey, one that we may touch only a fraction of.

  4. Maybe, we as well, are at the top of that fools tower, only to witness it come to its cataclysmic end.

  5. Witnessing the feelings of another fool’s hopelessness after the dismissal of their tower; we too will find our own false promises in life and our own tower to fall from the peaks of.

  6. Making friends and enemies. Losing them both. Being with another Living, that promises us the world.

  7. For some fools, this is but one type of tower that we come across in our lives.

  8. Is that not enough of a connection between us all: to have loved and lost, rather than to never love at all.

  9. Be it a part of our own internal understanding of oneself that the top of another’s actual world may only be a tower of falseness for another individual fool.

  10. How difficult it may be to accept that right now, the lowest of the low that any Living feels can be turned around if they just have the faith within themselves to carry on for those that they happen to be blazing a trail for.

  11. Or for those that have a set path before them, to follow through and carry a newly lit torch, for the previous tower to once again be set ablaze. As a beacon of hope or a sign of something more to promise other weary travelers that there is a light at the end of a seemingly dark journey.

  12. All of us as Living succumb to some sort of darkness in our lives.

  13. But let that not be the darkness that consumes you and puts out your eternal light.

  14. Instead, learn to rise above your previous fallen towers and make a-new the idea that is within a union.

  15. An idea, which may never come to fruition, but would consume us all if the climb to the top to build a new tower based on hope and on peace were never sought after.
  1. Count them all, if you think you can. An unimaginable number, much like the grains of sand on our own world.

  2. How puzzling for something to be characterized as so large and at the same time, by some, as so small.

  3. Yet, we look up in awe (well, some of us do) and can’t help but wonder if they are nothing more than some small lenses in the sky.

  4. That some overseer has placed cameras in them in order to see what each and every one of us is doing at any given moment during the course of our lives.

  5. There are perhaps more stars out there than there are objects on our own world. It’s incomprehensible (with our current knowledge of math) to measure how large and at the same time small, all these stars truly are.

  6. Is the blackness of space really that far out of reach: are the stars there night after night for anything other than a nice view?

  7. So bright...so bright...so very far away yet, so close.

  8. There is understanding of the stars being there, they are a part of Everything as well.

  9. Is the Source out there among the stars somewhere? Are the stars an access to the Source? Are they a reflection of who we truly are inside, of energy that is free of size and composition? Perhaps.

  10. How is it a sense of imagination, that this can be proven: or, rather, disproved?

  11. Each fool looks up and is guided by the stars. They give aid and hope during the darkest of nights.

  12. Such a wonderful thing to have, sight.

  13. In the woods where there is little light pollution, out on the open seas or anywhere where artificial light has not invaded allowing us to gaze upon the stars. Seeing the stars at night is pretty in a city, too.

  14. It is a fantasy out there amongst the stars. Dreamers dream of being a part of them. Moving in and out, unaffected by their great mass and power.

  15. Learning from them the times of forgotten pasts on the worlds that they once provided fuel for.
  1. So many burning so brightly above all of the time.

  2. What worlds do they power in their constant illumination of our own night sky?

  3. Suns, stars, the fool looks at one during the day and many at night. Though, they are much smaller and a great distance away.

  4. The fool only needs to imagine what could be near and dear to each source of energy.

  5. They could not be suns at all inside the imaginations of many fools.

  6. They could be little lanterns, set up in the night sky.

  7. The largest one that is perceived, is clearly the closest.

  8. How perplexing to think that without this one giant source of power no imaginations could be fueled and reality may not exist.

  9. There would be no reason to bring about a fools quest yet, here is all the Living around us. Fueled by the sun, the sun that asks nothing from any Living.

  10. It is constantly providing a light to guide us, warmth for our faces, and fuel for the crops that we consume to make our lives healthy.

  11. Fuel and vitamins that are absorbed without even the tiniest of effort by us.

  12. The closest star to us is the sun and it gives and gives and gives.

  13. No questioned authority. No reason for being. It is power that we cannot even begin to comprehend.

  14. We can use the energy from it, to power the things that we rely so heavily on to provide for a much more comfortable sense of Living.

  15. Still, asking nothing in return of us.

  16. Only that we bask in this wonderful light in the sky.

  17. Witness it rise and set and give an array of colors to inspire us poetically, romantically, mathematically. Inspiration for the painter, giving them a palate of colors to choose from. From the first brush stroke that begins the next glorious work of art. To the waking eyes of all the Living children in the world that are gazed upon and adored by their mothers and fathers.

  18. To the hopeless prisoner it may provide hope for them for a free tomorrow if past transgressions have been forgiven by law.

  19. Some yearn to be out in the sun. Some hold tight to the one passing moment, day to day, as they are locked in their holes and look up as it arches on by.

  20. Just to glimpse the sun, to strive to sit up on a star.
  1. The closest celestial neighbor to our world. Such a magnificent sight, sometimes it is highly visible, other times it is draped in darkness.

  2. It has its phases; it has its set course. Night after night, over and over again.

  3. It carries itself around the world, with no feelings of remorse.

  4. Those feelings are sometimes set into the moon.

  5. When we look up and are at times sad.

  6. Putting the somber feelings of sadness into the night sky on the suns fellow sleeping friend.

  7. Many stories are told, some for worship and some for fun as we look up at this nighttime sun. A brother to light: a lurker of darkness and caster of shadows.

  8. Is there really fear that needs to be taken in when this celestial body makes its round: or, is that mostly stories of imagination about things that go bump in the night.

  9. What is to be feared when the moon comes out? Other than our nighttime senses that most of us have had little chance to hone.

  10. Our reasoning goes out the window when left alone under the moon.

  11. Sleep outside: that is for the bugs and the wild beasts that may eat us. Yet, for some Living, there is a stupendous draw towards wanting to be out in the night. So long as we have our comfortable, home-made night light.

  12. Not for all Living, but for some it is just there. Creatures of the night, they aren’t so scary if you happen to be one of them. If you happen to understand the influence of those around you.

  13. What kind of creature of the night are you: perhaps you envision yourself as a werewolf or vampire. Or the mummy (preferably a fast one) or even a zombie.

  14. Perhaps batman or one of the nighttime superheroes that many aspire to be like, or adore the idea of.
  1. The moon brings out both good and bad, there just happens to be less during the night, than walking about during the day.

  2. The thoughts are still there, when we are sleeping comfortably in our cozy warm beds. The thoughts that others are out there. Some keeping the peace at night from the horrible realities that we see on the news.

  3. The news that keeps the fear going, the thoughts of “thank god it wasn’t us” or “those poor innocent lives” it is a shame, it is a horrible way to press ones garden upon another. To instill fear in such a way to make Living feel as though it has to do something that it wouldn’t otherwise do.

  4. Some call it lawlessness, the ones doing it know it is wrong, but without that idea, how would there even be an idea of knowing that it is wrong?

  5. Now that we know, is it not vital to move past that?

  6. What brought them out in the first place: for it is not the fault of the moon, it is the fault of the negative Living that does wrong.

  7. Advantageousness, where did the idea first originate? For what true gain is there to be gotten from someone other than fulfillment of greed?

  8. The fulfillment of greed, the compulsion to take a part of another person that perhaps, the creature of the night has lost themselves.

  9. To press a feeling of fear onto another Living, by doing the exact thing that took their innocence away?

  10. Hogwash, time to get past that idea of hurting, time to get past the idea of wanting more and more meaningless garbage to fill our emptiness with.

  11. Go find your god at night instead of finding a Living to hurt. Go and seek the things that are meaningful to you under the moon without inflicting pain on another’s garden so that perhaps, maybe, it will lead you to joining others in a loving grace under the sun.

  12. Go indulge in the small things, the things that you have to carry nothing home with you other than the feelings of warmth and love that you brought with you.

  13. GO! Go and move on from the lifestyle of hurt, there is no reason to be unhappy other than the things that you hold onto, the wants and the greed and the needs and the feeling of failure and hopelessness. Let that go and find your deeper faith, for yourself and then let the feeling radiate from you without saying a word.

  14. None of which can be blamed on the moon. Leave the actions of the vile to the vile so that their numbers may dwindle to the point of it being nothing more than an idea to remember what not to do, rather than an action.

  15. So just simply stop, help put an end to your pain, and instill a good act, be a hero, and not an empty victim.

  16. Take your chariot down the right moral path and be the fool to teach good deeds that have been taught to you.


  1. It cometh and that right soon. For some, it is written and it shall be done. The obviousness of the evil deeds that are done by some will justify themselves.

  2. We are fools walking a line. There is a definition of good and bad that defines the lines we walk.

  3. For those that will not aspire to something more than what they are, understand, that we are just as ignorant as our small minds allow us to be.

  4. Contrasting and reflecting our own interpretations of how smart our ego allows us to be. Aspersions will be cast by others who are equally as smart on subjects that are not touched upon by our own minds.

  5. Happy are the dumb that have a better understanding of simple life. For they are the meek, and as such, it is up to the wise to protect them, to allow them to remain in seclusion in their ignorance. For they have the answers that are taken for granted.

  6. Life and Living is about being happy not forcing yourself on others for your own greedy gain. Enjoy the simple ignorance of those that repulse you; ignore the pointing of fingers, because we all have much to learn from one another. Ideas that can be brought about, once again, by the imaginations of those that we judge as weak minded. For they carry strength without knowledge, they possess a deeper understanding of the heart, of the soul, of their own garden.

  7. Others may find this quite a far fetched idea of what is yet to come, allowing their own ignorance to be absolute truth. They too are on their own fools trek.

  8. Be it through one religion or the other, or no religion at all, it is only assumed and hoped for that a final judgment will be rested upon the gardens of many of its followers.

  9. Perhaps it will come, but not soon enough for the ones that press their gardens onto another’s gardens. Opinions vary and are not always right, in some cases though….the sooner, the better.

  10. The killing and the torture, the acts of slavery that are pressed onto others.

  11. The feeling of falseness required for the need to serve, then the pretending of being something that is not seen by others.

  12. May one fool look upon all this and wonder just what is going on with the fellow fools that are companioning themselves with the Omnist fool on this journey.
  1. This journey to what?

  2. To heaven?

  3. To hell?

  4. To another shot at this life to live a better way?

  5. For more ritual, routine and more and more of the same thing?

  6. To whatever the ultimate outcome may be; aren’t all Living just aspiring to get to the same place in the end?

  7. All having different ways of getting there.

  8. All finding their own methods of judgment to press upon something that may not be right to them.

  9. No faith is wrong for the garden, if that is what nourishes what lay inside of the individual then that faith alone is what is important. The teachings that guide ones moral compass are what will grant good deeds. The absolution is the unkindly manner that is far from good.

  10. Servitude allows one to continue to fulfill the deeds of the master, even after the master’s deeds are long fulfilled.

  11. The feeling that radiates from hope and an ideal of peace is something to take in to oneself. Methods learned through a sense of remaining humble and life lessons in what not to do.

  12. But that does not mean it is not poison for another’s garden. We all nourish our own gardens with the perseverance of others that have made their fools journey prior to us. Give Ecclesiastes a read and hear the words say there is nothing new under the sun.

  13. What’s new is what is unknown, under the sun there is much to learn and open up within our minds; beyond the sun is the unknown imagination of what may be out there that would not exist without us first giving semblance with our own speculation and curiosity.

  14. That too, would be a part of the Living.

  15. In time we may grow to understand the rituals that another prescribes to. Perhaps the secret of unlocking more of our minds lay in understanding of another’s feelings, instead of understanding the numbers that assign feelings.

  16. Hoping that judgment will come to us and that right soon.

  17. Hoping to live hand in hand and singing the sing song of the song sung by the singers.

  18. A constant recycling of things to be passed down again and again.

  19. Expanding, contracting, exploding and re-doing itself. Having the understanding that we are a part of the Living aspect of the Union of Four. That we are just an aspiration to the make-up of whatever Source we choose to commit our gardens to.

  20. That there is something larger than the small percentage of our minds that we use, that we have yet no capacity to understand.

  21. Where the numbers are different and the stories there are just as far fetched as the ideas that our imaginations allow us to comprehend within the reality that we accept.

  22. How conceit and ignorance can impact our structure as Living in this current structure of living. How greed has nearly taken full control over love and disillusioned how it is that we can truly be at one with one another. Something beyond the color of our skin or the desires of our flesh. Something greater involving itself with the things that make us feel and make us be.

  23. Our judgment towards one another resides in those feelings of being connected to something greater than ourselves.

  24. Be that through God, gods or through the spirit that resides in the nature of the world that we rely so heavily on in order to entertain our notion of existence.

  25. Be that through the elements or the idols that we situate before us and bow down to.

  26. To the east, west or any direction we sit and hope and pray and worship and decide how it is that we gain satisfaction through the absolutions that dissolve our own inner meaning. When meaning itself is beyond our own knowledge and that there are things that reside within our own minds that are still yet unknown.

  27. The difficulty in our own imaginations that shape reality and give form to a number and the ideal that god is light and the devil is dark.

  28. Awaiting judgment before we get our hands on the things that we most desire.

  29. Even in that. These complications may have names beyond the names that we have given them.

  30. What a cruel injustice, to want something so much, for the best of intentions.

  31. Only to have what nourishes our garden flattened and judged before there can even be a chance to reciprocate the “tending of” in kind.
  1. What is within our gardens: only the tender of their own garden truly knows what resides within.

  2. We can express our feelings, only to have them mulled over and risk being judged by some other Living that warrants their message with a piece of paper.

  3. By some that proclaim how much better they are because of their knowledge of one thing. What are they but hypocritical; not understanding their own paths, yet trying to consume others with their own gardens insecurities?

  4. When called out on it. How quickly they rescind what they said into queer acts of humbleness. For-shame on the fakers, they know who they are.

  5. Knowing this, certain Omnist fools will see through and begin practice within the confines of their own homes. Giving an outward respect to the feelings that others are fulfilled with; learning together and gaining wisdom on their journeys; through the journeys of others.

  6. Perhaps even par-take in some practices, only to find nothing but emptiness within.

  7. That feeling can always be full-filled, it is ones own course to decide and look beyond the judgment of others.

  8. It is the course that one takes on with personal judgment towards ones own moral compass. It is that judgment that matters most. If one is not pleased with the decisions that they make, if they would not share their journey with one that asks. Then, perhaps, it is time to steer the chariot in a different direction and seek the methods of those that have traversed the trail prior and gain knowledge from the wisdom that they have attained. Looking within and then deciding a new course for their lives to take.

  9. A new way to live among the Living. As something better, for more than just oneself. To be something for others and not so much for the desire of their own internal satisfaction; to relinquish the false satisfaction that has previously left them barren inside.

  10. To judge themselves, before they be judged by others.
  1. Now, set your new course for your own judgment, the world is just around the corner, as it always is. There is no stopping the course until we have finally seen what lies beyond the god of the gods of God.

  2. If one set course is meaning enough for truth for one garden, for a Living, then let love guide that.

  3. When fear takes hold and forces a Living to press them upon another Living that is where the direction goes awry.

  4. That is where small acts of violence get their ideas from.

  5. That takes its toll on us as a whole, on us as being something better than what we are now.

  6. Certain judgments for some, cannot come soon enough.

  7. Letting some carry on to goddesses is beyond certain comprehension to some.

  8. Letting others carry on a trip to enlightenment is not wrong for some gardens.

  9. Hoping upon hope that your savior will descend and bring an end to the vile wicked nature of Living is not wrong for some gardens.

  10. The blackness and the void for others that don’t believe, that too, is not wrong.

  11. For many, they feel that this is all we have, then let that be, for that journey is putting us on a course too. Whether or not they agree is an aside to gardens, however, we are all a part of one another.

  12. That is the science of what it is their numbers are hoping to find.

  13. Others that press their own judgment onto others should consult the higher being that they feel has granted them that misgiving.

  14. Blessed be those who find the pearly gated city, for that too is a great imagination; quite possibly the greatest story ever told. ;)
  1. The fool’s journey has come to an end.

  2. The pinnacle of the quest, the world that was sought and now the world is found.

  3. In the center of the fool is now a heightened sense of knowledge for whatever path each one of us as a Living fool has par-taken in.

  4. Be your journey through that of Atheism, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism or Pink Unicornianism.

  5. Be there no words to express the full amount of jubilee from each one of us that has started out a fool and is now at the point of choosing which part of the world it is that they have found for them on their journey.

  6. Each individual Living has something to strive for in some way, shape or form.

  7. To be the best at something. To do something for others.

  8. To hold hostage a civilization of other Living (albeit, not the best of actions, this is not recommended) or to change the world and bring about peace.

  9. To spread knowledge through love.

  10. To hold a wonderful significant other in their gardens, and to share each others garden with one another for a lifetime of living together. Or for eternity, in the eyes of a true romantic.

  11. For the lost sense of oblivion that Nothing is a part of.

  12. For the second we think or see something new and for the bindings of not being unable to neither un-see nor un-think that something.

  13. To be a part of something, to be at the top of something, or to be at the bottom of something. All Living is searching for something.

  14. All Living is on a fools quest, a fool as an innocent and a fool as a deviant, each fool contributing itself to be a part of the balance and at the same time not fully knowing the course that they follow. Not knowing the twists and turns without first gaining the knowledge of the maze of life that they trek through.

  15. Once the world is attained for the fool, they are innocent fools no more.

  16. The things that the fool has encountered on the quest for the world is now something that the fool can give a namesake too.

  17. They can attribute themselves to being a part of something that will help to guide another fool on their quest.

  18. Each aspect of the fool’s quest is to gain knowledge, and be a part of something much larger than themselves.

  19. Thus, being a small part of the make-up for the world that the next fool desires.
  1. Carry out your world, let it shine and let those that are drawn to it find their own course to it.

  2. Let you be yourself, break past the confines that hold you hostage, past the things inside that keep you from the world that reside in the palms of all of our hands.

  3. Share with those who wish to have the knowledge of the things that you have learned on your own fools journey.

  4. Understand though, that your world may not be for everyone.

  5. Be not insulted, for it is still your world now and you are the only one that can keep it in tact or be held accountable for its cataclysmic demise.

  6. It may hurt so badly but understand that the knowledge of why it fell will help the next fool on their travels.

  7. On their journey they may find your ruins and thus, utilize the remains of your world and make their world better for them.

  8. You see, your world in tact, can only be fouled by you.

  9. It is inside you, as much as it is capable of exuding itself over into the worlds that you touch.

  10. The earth beneath your feet, the air blowing past and filling your lungs, the fire to keep you warm burns just as much inside you driving you forward; the cool refreshing water that can quell you when things get out of hand. Then there is your spirit, the crucial element that is surrounded by so much scrutiny and speculation.

  11. Who you are, what you are, and what it means to be a Living.

  12. Perhaps the idea can be plucked from the words of this journey, or even in the ideas expressed before the fool underwent their quest for the world.

  13. Perhaps in the next book the element of spirit will be a task to delve into.

  14. Perhaps, but that is set aside for another journey.



  1. Something that Omnist’s should try to steer away from being and doing.

  2. Zealots, by and large, are pressers of gardens. It’s not to say that all zealots are bad or even negative Living. However, their methods are that of overbearing and could be viewed as doing more hurt than healing.

  3. If devoting your life to an ideal means that you have to force that ideal onto other Living, then it is probably not a good ideal and it is more a method of control than actually guiding your garden to something of a higher fashion.

  4. Your belief is a good one if it brings positive ideas to your garden, although, it may not be good for some and at the base level may be an ideal to start war rather than holding onto an array of spreading peace through force and fear.

  5. Fear is likely what drives these individuals to take action on forcing their beliefs onto another Living. Through fear they understand that it is more important to “educate” in a manner that what they believe is right and that there is no other correct answer outside of the boundaries that their absolutes confine them too. So, they hope to force you into the same area of fear that their garden has been steered towards. To further steer that fear like it is something of a valuable way to live among other people. They are rabble-rousers and have nothing better to do then give a false proclamation of peace and then go to war over the fact that someone out there disagrees.

  6. A spiritual war that they see fit to justify by utilizing their imaginations to change your reality so that you may fit in theirs. They are speaking from their heart but it is a heart that has been offset, and they now feel they have been given some sort of right to instill their beliefs onto other fellow Living.

  7. Omnism is meant to work on its own. Giving the idea to the fact that this ideal was always around, just not fully accepted because most Living can’t grasp the ideal that it all does exist, but there would be no substance to existence without us being here to give it a sense.

  8. We walk, talk, run, drive, play and perform all these other actions until a zealot of some kind comes around and tries to get us to think that no matter what we do, we are always doing something wrong.

  9. How unfair of an idea that is. How is it that we can accept the thought of someone telling us that we can’t do something that is not harming another Living, all because they have been touched by some spiritual intellect that can’t be comprehended?

  10. Forcing this feeling onto someone that is not willing is a method of torture. If you willingly take the idea into your garden, then fine, there is nothing wrong with that. If you go out and start trying to force this idea into another’s garden, that, is where the line should be drawn.

  11. It is a bit of a mistake to be a zealot; it is something that is chosen rather than commanded. These Living spread levels of propaganda that is potentially dangerous. The words they use are giving life to their interpretation of powerful words that have been known to cause fights. Entertaining now the deeper feeling that the zealot has to indulge. Now that the fight has begun, the zealot can feel the underlying purpose that caused them to feel so strongly towards a belief. They are held hostage by the need to create conflict, instead of purveying the ideals that the words that guided them can contribute to a peaceful existence.
  1. The zealots will drive wedges in between the beliefs that they are trying to convey and the non-believer that they are throwing the indiscretions towards.

  2. It is a counter-productive method in trying to ignite something that should be used to give better guidance to ones moral compass. An attempt to confuse the directions that we are going. Zealot like behavior is a large contributor and the first steps towards causing catastrophic things to our gardens.

  3. It is the one yelling with a megaphone on a street corner, or strapping explosives to their chests in the name of. It is the judgmental finger pointing and the need to be heard without being listened to. They need attention, so they make up a reason to receive the attention that they so desperately crave. Thus, allowing negative attention to attract negative attention and to some Living, any attention is better than no attention.

  4. It is a lack of respect towards another Living that an Omnist simply shouldn’t adhere to. These Living do exist and they should be viewed as a lesson in what not to do. If they want their absolution, then by all means, let them have it. They should understand that keeping it to them is more important to whatever it is they are trying to spread, than what the beliefs they are spewing out is trying to teach.

  5. What the zealots seem to think they are doing is spreading a better way of life for everyone by forcing their feelings onto others. When, in actuality, they are doing nothing more than causing controversies and creating a ripple effect for those that have no care to be bothered with forceful methods on changing another Living.

  6. There are better ways to go about teaching the kind words of the religions of the world and there are other ways to pass these messages on. There are zealots out there that feel more strongly towards certain other issues as well. Forcing bad ideas into an otherwise good set of ideals. These Living tend to think that they are justified in their attempts to corrupt an otherwise “OK” manner of living ones life.

  7. It is not the route of Omnism, nor should zealot-like behavior be the actions that an Omnist takes. Omnism is for everyone so that it may lead them down the path that best serves them to be kind.

  8. Be your route that of Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism or any of the ilk. Be the mustard seed from within, without igniting the fires that others have held so deeply within towards these, or any practices.
  1. As a part of Living and the understanding aspect of being a part of Everything that contributes itself to the Source, are we as humans the only species that wages total war on one another? Or, have we lost sight of what war actually is?

  2. Do we define it with the words that we have created so that we have some way to fathom how it is that the most heinous of acts are committed through such horrible times of controversy? Or, has the word been created to blind us from pushing past the boundaries? Is war more of an idea to keep us from coming together?

  3. Propaganda is fed by greed, fueled by it; it is from that the worst kind of zealots push this idea of war to come to fruition. When both sides are killing each other, how is it any god would approve: lest it was by their own absolute integrity.

  4. Is the thought of us breaking away from the human aspect of what we know more terrifying than it is for us to actually accept the easiest of answers, to accept us as individuals for one another: why do we come up with more reasons to hurt, kill, plunder, maim, torture and simply press upon one another’s gardens rather than indulging in the idea of holding our lover close to us?

  5. Why is it that any nation under the rule of its emperor cannot see past the negative connotations of themselves? Why is it that they are fueled by the idea that they are in the right: that things are so quickly forgotten under dissolution. And the meaningless, material things they have, aren’t going to make any true impact on what it is that is most valuable in their lives.

  6. Once all the material gains are harvested, is there any reason to not look at what is truly important? When things start fading away into Nothing once more, what then is there to hold onto most in this world? Again, blessed are the meager, the ones that have little that understand what value means, instead of striving for meaningless value.

  7. The lesser value holds the most importance for their understanding of what it is to be subjected to the negative connotations that their lives have been exposed to. They are indeed the ones that rule the world. Omnists, let them not waste this knowledge, it’s best to understand their values. The corrupted are helpless, nameless and looking for what’s owed to them. Look more deeply into those that value Living, even if they don’t understand. Though you see it, it is not up to you to share that knowledge, lest they seek said knowledge.

  8. Knowledge is power, power is corruptible and there are those out there that seek knowledge to corrupt. Be the Omnist that is not corruptible and believe not the fear that is pressed down on you for what you know. Hold tight to the knowledge you possess for it is of value. Hold tight to the understanding that intelligence is not rewarding you all the answers, but allowing you to think. Hold tight to the fact that you may be one of the few that gives way and understands these thoughts, only to have another speak these thoughts on a street corner in obscurity.

  9. Carry words such as this for peace, for love, for your definition of love, without disgracing or forcing yourself upon another’s garden.
  1. There are Livings out there that may hurt you for nothing more than a thought that crossed the mind.

  2. These thoughts build within one another. Leading to a point where war cannot be avoided. It is a growing of thoughts, just like that. The thoughts of hate and anger and vile acts grow within all of us. We feel it amongst one another and we then begin to feel them towards one another; then, we begin to act them upon one another.

  3. These things build up for a large number of reasons. Something someone said that we didn’t like or something someone may have done that we bore witness to from across the street. We may not even have known the person, but their acts were seen and they affected us in a manner where the negativities began to build.

  4. That feeling then grows even though the action is only a memory. Now, that feeling is resonated from within us towards another Living that we may not know and they see us do something, and they don’t like it. Thus, a constant cycle of negativity. Eventually leading to the most horrible of things, and that would be war.

  5. Why is it that it is easier for many to accept the bad things as what is true instead of the good things? Imagine more viewing the good things in this world and hoping that people recognize that, instead of the bad action. If that feeling resonated throughout us, wouldn’t it be easy to surmise that we would have peace? That we would be able to get along with one another and “coexist”?

  6. Technically we are coexisting, but we are killing the world we coexist on in the process. The only thing that should be able to dole out killing is the world itself, we cannot and should not stop it, that would be our entire coexistence pressing its garden on the main garden.

  7. It is the world that we live on/in, for, and with, where we wage war against one another. The world is, all in all, a living breathing thing. It is a lot of things that we have yet to discover. All it is doing is sitting in space and watching us destroy one another.

  8. It was here long before us and odds are it will be here long after us, assuming there is something out there that can imagine it.
  1. This day and age, the year of your lord 2015 the human inhabitants of this world seem to not be able to get beyond the capacity to need to inflict pain on one another through despicable methods.

  2. Whatever the reason may be, it seems as though the use of gods name gets brought into this method quite a lot, as we have all seen happen throughout history.

  3. Time and time again tactics are used to hurt any innocent bystanders because the assumption is that they do not have the proper understanding of god.

  4. Leave Gods name out of it, leave all the gods’ names out of it and for Purple Christ’s sake can we move beyond these acts of what we think god wants us to do and start doing what god actually would prefer us to do.

  5. To whatever undesirable place that you think you may be going to with your ideas of implementing terror. Murder, rape and horrible acts of decapitation and torture are just criminal methods of instilling fear; so you are dubbed a terrorist, if majority does rule in something, it’s basically that you are killing in the name of and not caring that seems to be the biggest aspect of your crime.

  6. There are not very good people in all walks of life. They do and say mean things to hurt feelings, each side whether they find themselves good or bad, has their rotten eggs.

  7. But, there is a line drawn when it goes off into killing large numbers of people for whatever reason, much less killing them for a thing that may bring joy and peace to their lives.

  8. Indeed, can’t we all just get along? But, more-so, when will we all just get along?
  1. What many zealots may eventually conform to (It is not intended here for that statement to be speaking of any religion in particular, it is meant to be expressed that this has been an evolution throughout time of how too much power of any kind mostly does result into actions of terror, terror by means of abusing another Living; physically, mentally, emotionally and spreading fear into all aspects of another Livings garden) and It is indeed a horrible thing, but there is also the terror that you may have when you wake up and notice the things that go bump in the night as well. There are varying degrees of terror as there are varying degrees of fear.

  2. Omnists should not forget to look into the negatives of any structured religion that they feel suits them and realize what it is amidst the negatives that gets trumped by the positive, lest they end up on some list somewhere. Omnism will have no prescription towards terror other than it is something that should not be condoned. The times that we live in now, are indeed, rather precarious. But, they will end, and with that end comes a new beginning for something better to work towards for the future of all of us.

  3. For us to not forget that these cruel acts of injustice have taken place and that they should not be repeated. That terror alone should be a fiber of our being as methods that we should not concede to because we have seen how they have affected the lives of those around us.

  4. It is a part of who we are to destroy, but it is also within us to be able to grasp the concept that we have the power to destroy the destroyer.

  5. Is that not more important? It has been mentioned in prior books, no doubt. But here, it is an important asset to the mind to understand that there are always going to be horrible things and atrocious negative Living out there. As an Omnist, it is something that should be fought against when the time comes. To take up arms and lead with the notion that this is an act of violence that will only be subdued through ignorance of life; through the acts of retorting with the same devious tactics and bloodthirsty response that it is seeking so desperately to be squelched by.

  6. It is large amounts of zealots bragging about their sociopath tendencies to be the victims; all the while causing more and more conflict that should be better left as a bad idea, rather than taken into acts of a physical nature.

  7. Currently, these physical acts do exist, odds are, they always will in some way, shape or form. But, fear is the greatest contributor to the acts of terror. How is it that you defeat terror? You become more terrifying than the terrorist. Forget that you have fear and defeat them by their own brutal tactics. Do not forget to install a metaphorical off switch, however. For there will be a time when those that had become such monsters, demons or whatever it is that has been created, may forget about what reason they were defeating terror to begin with.

  8. These are important things to bear in mind. For those that are sent out to defeat the terror, will be terror themselves. They should be looked after and taken care of and viewed as heroes, in the sense that they did risk all they had in this life to defend those that could not defend themselves.

  9. That they have done the unspeakable and would wish to retire with no concerns of unjust treatment by cruel rulers and those that are consumed by greed and whose power has been corrupted.

  10. Emperors and Empresses both should take into consideration that those that saved what is important to you, should be treated as saviors and be allowed to retire...for those that they protected...are your foundation for what you uphold. For there may come a time when you, without realizing it, become the terror; as such you should and will eventually get what comes to you.
  1. Every action has a reaction. So, the whole do unto otherssaying, really applies when it comes to spiteful actions.

  2. There are personal preferences in accordance with offering up ones own spiteful actions. Many of these actions, are nothing more than a retaliation to a previous action of spite taken upon you.

  3. In many holy scriptures it teaches to love your enemy, as well as, an eye for an eye. So, which aspect of this is one to live by? Which direction should one go when someone does something ill-natured towards them? Should there be an act of retaliation, or should they be let to get away with whatever act they committed?

  4. Justice is always served in one form or another. Be it through some divine action that a god was displeased with said horrible acts. Or, if they are taken in by the law and brought to justice by the state. In both cases perhaps it is just people getting what they eventually deserve...(that is not to say that the punishment always fits the crime)….

  5. If the action of spite is taken towards someone that has committed an unspeakable act towards you, then think first as to how you are going to feel about your own action of spite once all the dust has settled.

  6. Are you then going to fall into a pattern of maliciousness just to keep the anxiety of the spiteful act suppressed? Will you feel guilty about what you did? Constantly reflecting on the action and hoping that the person that you reacted against will eventually forgive you, even though they drew first blood?

  7. Or, is there the capacity to understand the actions before reacting physically? Is there a way to get inside of the evil-doers minds so that you may not follow the path of evil deeds: perhaps. It’s not to say that you will ever even become close enough to become friends, but there is a matter of understanding that can be incorporated to ones own mind. Taking in the substances of spiteful knowledge and breaking them apart, looking at each possible outcome by using the methods of tracing thought.
  1. Tracing thought is a method of thinking that allows one to go back to a moment in life that taught them a valuable lesson.

  2. Many situations occur that we witness or experience first hand, and are thus subjected to learning what not to do. That we can go back to those moments and remember the outcome based on the decisions made.

  3. If we can harness that capacity of thought and look into our own personal journal of life, we can come up with the best possible outcome.

  4. We can make a brilliant effort to understand one another and not resort to spiteful methods of unhinging another person. Taking them off their course that we may have learned something valuable from.

  5. If only we don’t give into our own need for spiteful acts, than one day me may be beyond these things. One day we may be able to look past what our own personal views are and go beyond our pride, letting go of it, and advancing together to look passed spite, as to not ignite another’s rage and expose ourselves to having to retaliate; and instead, move forward together.

  1. Is it anything more than a technique to invoke rage: an emotion we all have in some way, shape or form. But, the capability to en-rage, causing an action of spite to ignite the rage within another’s garden.

  2. How dangerous of an emotion rage actually is. All by itself it is something that can be easily and quickly deduced, due to the fact that there is little thought involved when in a blind rage.

  3. When combined with other emotions such as spite, it is easy to take control of those that become so quickly enraged. Encouraging with words of fire that have no meaning other than an end of a vivid speech that has no sense.

  4. To take control of those with large quantities of rage is to have the capability to control the rage and begin to instill fear in those around the ones with mindless rage.

  5. To have no compassion, only to have their mass amount of rage encouraged and given the right to utilize this emotion with wrong-doing and ill concern towards those that need the feathering hand of solace and compassion.

  6. Those controlling the ones with rage keep little concern for the ones that are living in fear, for those are the ones that are paying the bills, those are the ones that bear the load of the structure that is being set up to cripple and then allow for the greedy too continue to grow until they realize that it is a futile attempt to eat finances, thus, consuming themselves.

  7. Unable to feed the rage, the rage grows out of control, and then demolishes some of the ones that are kept in fear, until the rage is quelled by those that they are destroying, because the masters of the rage have left them to do their own bidding, and blind rage ceases without fuel. Only to be left alone and without a sense of purpose, thus, giving way to a spiteful feeling against those masters that have left.
  1. Most passives have probably experienced rage (and are probably passive because of it), only to find and understand that once the rage is done and over with, there is nothing left to look back on other than the destruction that they have caused.

  2. Be it metaphorically or physically, there is pain left to know, pain that will probably go ignored unless one can handle the waves of anxiety that pulse within each beat of the heart.

  3. That what was an intense amount of power would serve much better once one is able to sit down and understand how much good can come from just thinking a problem through rather than throwing it across the room. That it is much wiser a method to control your temper, lest it controls you.

  4. So, if you fully enjoy having nice things to enjoy through-out your lifetime and they help you to reminisce about the things that you have so enjoyed, don’t allow your rage to become something of a decision maker, because in the long run you will find that you are surrounded with things that barely work or don’t work at all, along with the sensation of wishing that you had handled a situation differently.

  1. Now, having to suppress the monster that you have unleashed. There is a matter of fact when it comes to creating a monster, and that is to remember to add an off switch.

  2. If the monster cannot be suppressed, then perhaps it would be best to find another method of resolve for whatever situation needed a monster to begin with.

  3. Quelling by methods of suppression typically have been the way things are handled in many various situations. Perhaps, instead of understanding the methods in that manner, that there is a way that we can look into a situation where large groups of Living can understand how they can come together with their similarities, and swallow their prides to come to a collective understanding and work together from there, instead of forcing their opinions to how a situation should work out.

  4. To suppress, to annihilate through suppression, be it during debates or through physical force, seems to be the ongoing method of those that dictate how they want us to live our lives. There is no more reason for those that are better off to press their matters of living greedily on the backs of those that cannot support it.

  5. It is time to look beyond these methods and obliterate the old regime of how things are done in order to restructure the way that we live together in this world. We are all a part of this world, and that alone is something to have in common with the Living that walk together and experience the same senses and elements.

  6. We are not all the same. But, we are all born with the same emotions, how we experience life may cause a Living to go about their lives in cruel manners, more often than not, because power can be easily corrupted by greed; these cruel methods are slowly adopted, quelled and then brought back to the surface in ways that they are obscured with pretty words into convincing the Living that these methods are something that they are not.

  7. It is done in advantageous ways taken by those greedy that are in power, by those that want, and want...and gain through taking without suffering the consequences of their own methods of gain....

  8. There is little empathy from these Living, for they are the ones that express no concern for their gain other than to hide and never use it to the advantages for others that may need it. There is no utilizing these gains for a better common goal, be it through making a better economy or giving to those that truly need it. Those that are not going to take advantage of these hand outs, those that give to those that would be willing to give back twice as much as they have been given.
  1. When suppression of a feeling is put upon an individual (when the Living is quelled) there is a re-action that is to be expected. Someone feels so deeply about what they feel and are forced to not feel that way, what else could be expected other than an act of spite?

  2. That is not to say either side is right, that is to say that when an individual is no longer allowed to feel like an individual, they will practice the acts of defiance if they are strong in their feelings.

  3. No amount of bombs, fire-arms or brandishing of fear will suppress how any one individual feels, how they choose to look or how they choose to live their lives.

  4. Using discriminatory efforts to quell the feelings of another’s outward appearance will only ignite rage within the individual, thus, giving them reason to pursue the efforts of what it is that took their happiness of individuality away.

  5. How then is one to feel comfortable with the larger groups that quell and oppress? How then is the small supposed to survive outside of adaptation towards a feeling that they do not feel?

  6. Over generations of such quelling, there will be a response after time, and there will be a small number to quell the large number. There will be an uprising against any establishment that caters to the quelling of minority.

  7. That is also, not to say that either side is right, it just so happens that that is the route that history has brought us to.

  8. That the meager are left to fend for themselves under an establishment that regulates every movement from the time they wake up, to the time they fall asleep. The only freedom left is that which resides within the dreams of being that of a good denizen to the corrupt. What good is left then? How then is one required and made to survive other than being the herded fool for the empirical tyrannical fool?

  9. Quell this all you corrupt fools, all you fools that opted to sustain themselves on the backs of those who share no greed with you.

  10. Quell this all you foolish of greedy and spiteful zealot fools, all those who ascribe themselves to their own false practices and rigid ways of control. Quell you then you false-smiled liars of liars, slaves to money and slaves to having nothing, slaves to Nothing that brings no imagination to reality. Keep your money, keep your lies about fear and keep your ruthless establishments that makes the rest of us Nothing, your lies are crumbling and the foundation that they are built on is coming to an end and being excavated from the dirt. You will have nothing left but to have your bones gnawed on by the pets of those you once thought you controlled.

  11. Omnism, Omnists and Omnistocraticism will not be quelled, for peace is not to be quelled. Peace is possible, conflict is unavoidable and disasters will happen, but billions of minds coming together are far more unstoppable than that of any propaganda feeding dictatorial rule and capitalistic ways of making an individual feel like nothing more than a wasted piece of scrap.